Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Chloe woke up the next morning with an alarm. She stretched her arms and checked the clock. She was relieved that it was still five in the morning, so she had enough time to prepare separate breakfast for Mackie and Vernon.      

She went to the bathroom and stared at the mirror. She looked a little tired, but that was understandable since yesterday was a long day.     

She also noticed that the long wound on her cheek inflicted by Chelsea had dried out and become scabs. So it was safe to peel off the band-aids.     

Chloe took off the band-aids slowly, and she was quite satisfied with the recovery speed, "Okay, now I can use make-up to conceal the scab… is that even possible though?"     

She already saw herself as ugly, so she wanted to look presentable despite her shortcomings.      

"Maybe I should use a mask today, that should be easier than applying make-up."     

Chloe went upstairs to start cooking in Vernon's kitchen.      

"Oh, he ate everything— and took the condoms. Great!" Chloe smiled in satisfaction. She put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher before she started cooking.     

"Ah, good thing I can use the dishwasher here," Chloe murmured as she started preparing the ingredients from the kitchen.     

She couldn't use the dishwasher in Vincent's mansion. The maids could use it, but when she was using it, Vincent would say that she was a stupid woman who didn't know how to save money and wasted a lot of water and electric bills.     

So she was forced to manually wash the dishes in the kitchen sink as a punishment for being a stupid wife.      

Chloe scoffed as she chopped the vegetables, "He is a literal billionaire. I know that he is doing that just to bully me…"     

Chloe didn't know what Vincent was thinking and why he had to bully her so badly. She was never close to any man because she wasn't allowed to go and hang out with her old friends, let alone with a man.      

She had never cheated because she believed in commitment.     

So, she didn't understand what she did wrong to make him treat her like trash.      


"The answer is because I'm not good enough," Chloe suddenly answered her own question. "He keeps telling me that I'm born poor as shit, so I don't deserve a husband like him…."     

"In a sense, that's true. I don't deserve to be treated like shit by a husband like him—"     

Chloe grew irritated as she kept thinking about Vincent. She was mostly scared of him, but behind the fear lies anger as she felt wronged for the past ten years by that bastard.     

She started venting her anger by lifting the knife like a guillotine when cutting the vegetables and meat ruthlessly. She also made a loud noise when she used a spatula to stir-fry the food in the pan.      

She stopped for a second, afraid that Vernon might have woken up when she was busy venting her anger.      

But then, she realized that Vernon's room was basically soundproof, and he slept like a log most of the time. So there was no need to worry.     

Thus, she kept venting her anger by making loud noises while cooking. It was her only way to vent a little because in Vincent's mansion, she couldn't even make the slightest noise without being called a noisy bitch by Vincent.      

Little did she know, Vernon was already awake about fifteen minutes ago.     

He was a little thirsty and wanted to go to the kitchen for water.     

But when he opened his door slightly, he saw the petite back of Chloe preparing breakfast in the kitchen. He halted his step and hid behind the door while watching Chloe's back.     

She was busy cooking, as always. But the aura around her told Vernon that she was feeling irritated for an unknown reason.      

She started cutting the veggies as if she was giving them a death sentence, making lots of noises with the kitchen utensils.     

She was venting her anger, and Vernon couldn't lie that he was a bit intimidated by her.     

'Holy shit, did I do something wrong? Why is she angry this early in the morning? I doubt it's about Mackie, she's so gentle to that feisty little devil, it's not even fair for me,' Vernon thought.      

He couldn't see her face as she was facing her back the whole time, but in Vernon's imagination, Chloe must've looked vicious while cursing someone who made her mad.     

Verno had never seen Chloe being mad after ten years. But he knew how scary Big sis Chloe could be when she was mad. Because Vernon had been reprimanded, scolded, or even punished by Chloe many times when he was a kid.     

Though, all the scolding and punishment were justified because Vernon also acknowledged how much of a troublemaker he was, especially since he couldn't control his urge to destroy things for entertainment and the shock factor of the people around him.      

After so much scolding and punishment as a kid, Vernon slowly developed respect based on fear towards his Big sis Chloe. She was the only one he was scared of offending, and he would stop doing whatever prank he pulled when Big sis Chloe yelled at him to stop.      

'Wait, it's not me, right? I'm not the one who makes her angry, right, RIGHT?' Vernon started panicking. He got nervous and scared that he might be scolded by his Big sis Chloe.      

He tried to remember if he had done anything wrong, but he couldn't find any reason. Other than yelling and bullying her a few times, he didn't do anything vicious. At least, that was what he wanted to believe.     

Vernon gulped as he kept observing Chloe's back.     

Chloe finally turned around and walked to the dining table with two plates of food for his breakfast.     


Vernon's eyes widened instantly when he saw long scabs covering her cheek, the wounds seemed to be a wound inflicted by a sharp nail, and stretched from the edge of her lips to her earlobe.      

"WHAT THE—!?"     

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