Heaven-defying Phoenix



Scenes of his past life appeared in his mind, as memories of his past life intertwined in his mind.    


Feng Li, Qin Huaiye, Qin Zheng's face appeared in front of his eyes. The gods looked at him sinisterly as their own spiritual energy began to disappear bit by bit …    


The happy days he spent with Feng Li and Qin Huaiye made him smile a little, but the happy but painful memories he had of Qin Zheng made him struggle to escape …    


Deity's Lake, fantasy world, Star of Fire …    


All of their encounters and experiences appeared before her eyes one by one. Jiu Muli's face became more and more pale as fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.    


Jiu Muli was trapped in his own heart demon and couldn't come out.    


Jiu Muli was almost unable to differentiate her past and present lives, not knowing why she wanted to live, not knowing whether the change she wanted existed, and even more so, she was beginning to be unsure why she wanted to change everything.    


What was real, what was fake. Whether it was real or fake, it was all fate, right?    


But Jiu Muli didn't know what kind of fate was right for her and why she had to change it.    


If she changed her fate, then there would be a lot of things that she would change, and many people's fates would unknowingly change as well. Thinking about how Feng Li would become the Evil King in the end, her stubbornness and stubbornness would even change the order of the world.    


While Jiu Muli was hesitating, her heart veins clashed against each other.    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei watched worriedly from the side as her pale white turned into orange and then purple and black.    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei looked at Jiu Muli nervously, afraid that she would go berserk in the next second and vomit blood.    


According to Wu Ya Xiao Hei's knowledge, the flames of reincarnation could even make spiritual energy disappear.    


In the past, Wu Ya Xiao Hei did not believe it, but now that he saw Jiu Muli's situation, he started to believe the legends left behind by the Primordial Era.    


Just when Jiu Muli was stuck in his own nightmare and couldn't come out, Wu Ya Xiao Hei raised his head and looked at the Exotic Flame in the sky.    


The Samsara Fire shone with a strange light as it grew larger and larger.    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei's heart was suddenly lifted to her throat. If Jiu Muli continued like this, and she still could not get out, once her entire body's blood started to flow backwards and her blood vessels started to collapse, the Exotic Flame would turn into a raging sea of fire and swallow both of them.    


After that, everything would return to normal.    


It was as if no one had come to the Star of Fire and the Sea of Flames. The flames would burn any trace of life into nothingness.    


"What should we do? "What should we do?" Wu Ya Xiao Hei was right beside Jiu Muli, but he could not help at all. It was so anxious that it was about to cry.    


"Jiu Muli, wake up. What are you here for? You're here to change your fate. You're here to go to the Immortality Star to find Qin Zheng!" Wu Ya Xiao Hei could not help but shout loudly. He thought that he would arouse some of Jiu Muli's consciousness and wake her up, then, suddenly, he spat out a mouthful of blood. However, Wu Ya Xiao Hei shut his mouth and looked at her in fear.    


Jiu Muli, whose blood had started to flow retrograde, was originally trying to gather some of his consciousness to control the blood flow within his body, but as soon as he heard Qin Zheng's name, the joyous and painful memories he had experienced together with Qin Zheng suddenly hit her heart, causing her to lose control of herself, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.    


"We're finished …" When Wu Ya Xiao Hei thought that Jiu Muli was definitely going to die, and that she had no way of escaping, and that the two of them were going to die together in Star of Fire, Jiu Muli suddenly frowned. Behind her back, a bright light appeared, illuminating every corner of the Star of Fire.    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei looked on in disbelief at this scene that could almost be called a miracle, could it be that...    


Could it be that she really could break through the temptation of the reincarnation fire? If it was really like this, then Jiu Muli was really too awesome.    


As Wu Ya Xiao Hei thought this, she looked at Jiu Muli. As expected, Jiu Muli stabilized her mind, and the light behind her became more and more dazzling, while the light from the twelfth Exotic Flame in the sky above the Star of Fire became smaller and smaller, and also became smaller and smaller.    


Jiu Muli really did it! Wu Ya Xiao Hei was so happy that he wanted to hug Jiu Muli right now.    


But now was not the time, and Jiu Muli was still in the midst of the final battle with the twelfth Exotic Flame.    


Just as Wu Ya Xiao Hei was anxiously waiting, a loud "bang" sound came from the sky and the twelfth Exotic Flame suddenly disappeared.    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei saw the flames of reincarnation disappear from the sky, and turned around to see a pure white petal fall down crystal clear, and this petal coincidentally landed in the palm of Jiu Muli, who had just awoken.    


At the moment, Jiu Muli's heart was extremely calm, her face had a look of relief, and she reached out her hands to catch the petal, revealing a pleased smile.    


Seeing that Jiu Muli could actually break through the barrier set up by the Flame of Samsara, Wu Ya Xiao Hei was filled with admiration.    


It quickly kneeled beside Jiu Muli and asked: "How did you do it, tell me."    


The current Jiu Muli was no longer ignoring Wu Ya Xiao Hei like he used to be when he was deep in thought, instead, he had a warm smile on his face: "Didn't you see me vomiting blood just now?"    


"Yes." Wu Ya Xiao Hei said impatiently, "Yeah, because you vomited blood, I thought you were going to die. You didn't even know you scared me to death. "    


Jiu Muli heard and laughed: "It's precisely because of this mouthful of blood that stimulated my desire to live."    


"I also know how terrifying the consequences are when I go berserk. When I vomit blood, I know that I no longer have a way out. This might be my only chance to save myself."    


Jiu Muli raised his head and looked into the distance: "At that time, after I vomited blood, I knew that if I did not control my own heart demon, then I would really die here."    


After saying that, Jiu Muli suddenly became emotional: "At that time, I only had one thought, and that was for me to tell myself that you can't die, you can't just admit defeat like this, you still have a lot of things to do."    


"And it was at this moment that I suddenly thought it through." Jiu Muli smiled in relief, "It wasn't until this moment that I truly understood."    


"Do you remember what you asked me before?" Jiu Muli turned his head and gave Wu Ya Xiao Hei a light smile. That smile was simple but beautiful, it was enough to captivate anyone.    


"Yes." Wu Ya Xiao Hei nodded his head. Until now, it still remembered Jiu Muli's ambiguous words, "Everything has changed, nothing has changed."    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei focused on listening to what Jiu Muli was saying. Jiu Muli lowered his head and looked at the petal in his hand, and then continued: "That was said to be a dream, but it is not."    


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