Heaven-defying Phoenix



Under the attacks of the demons, Jiu Muli was injured. Large wounds were torn open on her body, and large amounts of blood stained her clothes.    


Compared to Jiu Muli's injuries, the Little Milk Dog's injuries were much heavier.    


After finally defeating all the demons, Jiu Muli found out that the little milk dog looked like a wild beast that had gone berserk.    


The little milk dog's snow-white body had already turned blood-red, that dark red color seemed a little strange in this sinister Demon Sealing Pagoda.    


Its legs were injured, and it turned stiff. However, after seeing the monsters that were pushed back, it continued to walk towards Jiu Muli and sat down beside her feet.    


It wasn't until the puppy came to Jiu Muli's side that Jiu Muli could clearly see its current appearance.    


Its tail was broken, and one of its eyes was blind. When Jiu Muli saw the little milk dog acting in such a manner in order to protect him, Jiu Muli was extremely moved.    


The Little Milk Dog's hind leg was injured by the demons and broke into a strange state. Jiu Muli saw that the little milk dog was gasping heavily and knew that the wound was extremely heavy.    


But even so, the little milk dog was still very loyal, and didn't leave Jiu Muli's side.    


It used one of its eyes to stare fiercely at the demons. It seemed to be prepared for the remnants of the demons to pounce at it and fight it once again.    


Seeing the demons who were cowering to the side, Jiu Muli's eyes suddenly burned with passion.    


Jiu Muli's eyes were filled with sparkling and translucent tears. Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and a teardrop fell by her side.    


Seeing Jiu Muli cry, the puppy dog walked to her side as if it was talking to itself. It whimpered, as if it was comforting her.    


Seeing this, Jiu Muli gently picked up the little milk dog, held it in her embrace, and caressed its head. Then, with a certain flash of ruthlessness, she comforted the little milk dog by its ears: "Thank you, rest well.    


It turned out that before she had fought those demons just now, when the Demon Sealing Pagoda was shaking, Jiu Muli had already felt a little difference.    


Jiu Muli felt her own lifeblood weapon, the spirit refining lamp, so she had been trying to connect her own lifeblood weapon with her own will.    


However, before she could connect with the spirit refining lamp, the demons had already charged up.    


Therefore, when Jiu Muli was fighting with these demons, she did not forget to continue contacting her spirit refining lamp with her own thoughts.    


Just as she was about to make contact with the spirit refining lamp with her mind, her battle with the demons was in full swing.    


The battle between the group of demons caused Jiu Muli to be unable to focus his attention and continue to complete the connection between the spirit refining lamp. As a result, when Jiu Muli decided to use all of his willpower to contact the spirit refining lamp, the little milk dog risked its life to block Jiu Muli's fatal strike.    


Right at the moment the little milk dog was torn apart, Jiu Muli successfully contacted his spirit refining lamp and witnessed the little milk dog receiving a fatal blow.    


When he thought about how the little milk dog was suffering for him from the Purgatory, Jiu Muli's heart was moved to the point where he was unable to control himself.    


In her previous life, she had always been exploring the darkness and walking by herself ever since the Demon Sealing Pagoda.    


The man who said that he wanted to protect her did not appear, and Qin Huaiye and Feng Li, who were protecting by his side in this life, had once again left him while the pain was still descending.    


Jiu Muli's heart was filled with mixed emotions. The man that she had once placed her hopes on brought her pain, but now, the little milk dog was here to accompany her through all of this pain and loneliness and the endless darkness of pain.    


Therefore, Jiu Muli swore that she would protect this little puppy, she would cherish it as if it was herself.    


Now that he connected it to his own lifeblood weapon, everything that happened next would be much smoother.    


Relying on the spirit refining lamp, Jiu Muli easily exterminated all the monsters within the Demon Sealing Pagoda that were still alive.    


Seeing these demons die painfully in front of her eyes, Jiu Muli only let out a light sigh of relief, but he did not feel relaxed or happy in his heart.    


Jiu Muli knew that this was only the first step, and the road ahead was still filled with danger and temptation.    


After exterminating all the monsters, Jiu Muli withdrew her spirit refining lamp and hid it away. Then, she knelt down and picked up the little milk dog to examine its wounds.    


Although Jiu Muli had successfully exterminated the demon, she still had not recovered her spiritual energy s.    


Although it was unable to sit on the little milk dog, Jiu Muli still tore off his clothes and bandaged the little milk dog's wounds.    


Just as Jiu Muli was gently comforting the little milk dog and caressing its back, the Demon Sealing Pagoda was suddenly opened.    


A dazzling light shot out, shocking Jiu Muli and the little milk dog.    


Jiu Muli slowly got used to the light that suddenly shot in, she gradually took off the hand that was in front of her.    


Only then did she clearly see the group of people charging towards her. These people were people she was familiar with.    


Jiu Muli would never forget that in his previous life, it was precisely this group of selfish and evil gods that caught her for their own selfish desires, allowing them to absorb spiritual energy s.    


It was this group of people that had caused her pain that she would never forget. It was a hatred that she would never forget.    


Ten years later, the gears on the page of her fate had once again turned.    


She was unable to escape from this fate. The Demon Sealing Pagoda that was opened was like the door to her endless fate.    


Since the door of destiny had been opened, she would not be able to escape this calamity, and would inevitably encounter these detestable gods.    


Jiu Muli did not struggle, because she knew what was going to happen next.    


The current her did not have a spiritual energy, so she was trapped inside it again.    


Of the gods in front of her, no matter which one, even the youngest or most useless one, could easily crush her to death.    


Therefore, she would definitely not take any more risks and impulses. She would obediently surrender, and rely on this group of people to escape from the Demon Sealing Pagoda. Furthermore, she would also have her own useless cowardice and fear to dispel the doubt in the hearts of these gods.    


When Jiu Muli stood dejectedly in the middle of the Demon Sealing Pagoda, these gods revealed their devilish greedy faces and swarmed forward.    


This black mass of feeling made Jiu Muli laugh coldly in his heart.    


These gods were no different than the demons that had attacked Jiu Muli together.    


The Gods crazily surrounded Jiu Muli in the middle, their eyes revealed a greedy light as they sized him up.    


Just as the Gods were immersed in yearning for Jiu Muli's spiritual energy, a god suddenly shouted out in panic.    


"Look!" How is that possible? " Panic and disbelief rose behind the gods. His voice successfully attracted everyone's attention.    


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