Heaven-defying Phoenix



After such an incident, Jiu Muli no longer had the mood to continue training in the Trial Battlefield. Those who had been watching the show, followed after Tian Ting Xu and the others left, gradually dispersed. Regarding Jiu Muli's actions, some expressed their agreement, while others expressed that she was too arrogant, and some others remained neutral, not commenting at all.    


Jiu Muli did not care about all these, she would take responsibility for everything she did, even if everyone thought that she did not do well, she would still stand by her own side, and, even if everyone disagreed with her, Qin Zheng would still support her, so she did not need to worry.    


After exiting the Trial Battlefield, Jiu Muli arrived at a place where fighting strength could be exchanged even more. A million fighting strength points could be exchanged for a star stone for the Little Lotus. Thinking about it, Jiu Muli summoned the Little Lotus out. A streak of nine colored light flew out from Jiu Muli's brows, revealing the appearance of a lotus, and finally, a little girl appeared within the lotus. Her facial features were extremely exquisite, and her appearance was also extremely adorable.    


"Little Lotus, I already have a million points of fighting strength. How about it, do you want me to trade with a star stone for you?" Jiu Muli lovingly touched Little Lotus's little head.    


's eyes shone as he looked at Jiu Muli excitedly, "Really, really? You want to exchange stars for me, that's great, Little Lotus is really too happy. "    


laughed, "Of course it's true. When have I ever lied to you? Furthermore, I just happen to have a million points of fighting strength. I'll give you a new star stone to play with."    


Jiu Muli used a million fighting points to exchange for a star stone. In fact, only now did he realise that for people like them, fighting points could be earned very quickly, it was just that he could not reveal his true strength too much.    


As for Little Lotus, who was hugging onto the star stone, his heart was blooming with joy. He almost wanted to kiss the star stone a few times.    


"Look, look, that's Jiu Muli. She actually abolished the sixth young miss of the Heavenly Hearing Family, Tian Ting Xu's profound vein."    


"Didn't she offend the Tianting Family? The people of Tianting Family are so powerful, let's see how long the Principal can protect her. "    


"The principal's little darling has stirred up another huge mess for him. Haha, there's going to be a good show to watch now."    


As Jiu Muli walked along the road, a group of girls walked over to him. While sneakily glancing at her a few times, they were discussing the matter between her and Tian Ting Xu a moment ago. Jiu Muli turned to look at them.    


Just say whatever you want to say. I'm right here, so even if you want to say something, you should lower your voice. In front of the main character of the story, do you think it's appropriate to say something bad to her? Jiu Muli reminded them with a smile. She swore that she would not care about what these people thought of her.    


When the few girls heard Jiu Muli's words, they immediately shut their mouths and looked at Jiu Muli in fear. They were afraid that Jiu Muli would snap them up the moment he got angry from embarrassment.    


"Yes, yes, I'm sorry." After saying their apologies, the few of them quickly ran away.    


Was she that scary? She's kind, isn't she? She was still laughing. Why did she scare him away? What's more, she wasn't angry at all.    


"Sis, you scared her away." Little Lotus muttered. This group of people were truly strange. Her elder sister was clearly so beautiful, had such temperament, and was also very nice to people. Why would she just run away when she saw her elder sister? It was really incomprehensible.    


Jiu Muli laughed and shook his head, "Maybe they felt that they did something wrong, so they can do as they please, and do not mind them." She didn't care at all.    


had only walked a few steps when he saw Tianting Feng. Sigh, it really is a narrow path for enemies to cross. Seeing him, Jiu Muli's hands itched to beat him up.    


Ninth Miss, please wait a moment. I have a few words to say to you." No matter what, what happened just now was something that the heavens would listen to first and cause trouble first. The Nine Dragons Faction retaliating was completely helpless, but as a member of the Heavenly Listening Family, he could only side with the Heavenly Listening Family. As for Nine Dragons, he felt that he should give an explanation.    


Jiu Muli raised his eyebrows, "If you have something to say, just say it directly. I still have a lot of things to do, so I don't have time to waste here with you."    


Jiu Muli's attitude was still as cold as ever, but Tianting Feng felt that it didn't matter.    


"What happened just now was indeed Sixth Sister's wrong. However, Ninth Miss should not have crippled her profound vein. This way, it would be very difficult for me to hear from the elders of Tianting Family." Tianting Feng spoke sincerely because he was thinking about this little beauty.    


Jiu Muli was slightly disdainful, "You can do whatever you want, Second Young Master, you don't have to be worried about anything for me, furthermore, I don't seem to be very familiar with Second Young Master, at most, we can be considered students of the same academy, or perhaps competitors."    


It was really funny, why did he come here to talk about it with her again? It was really weird, a person who he did not like was someone who could not be liked no matter what he did.    


Sixth Sister has always been doted upon by the elders since childhood, so her character is naturally a little spoiled. It's just that since you abolished her profound vein, Tianting Family will naturally not let this matter rest. Furthermore, you don't have any backers on your own, otherwise, how about this? As long as you agree to be together with me, I will have a way to let you escape from this difficult situation. " Tianting Feng felt that this was a good opportunity. Maybe Jiu Muli would compromise and stay with him.    


Was the man delusional? With him? It was fine if he was not as good-looking as Qin Zheng, but his IQ was not even as good as the Little Lotus. It was not that the Little Lotus's IQ was low, it was just that the IQ and EQ in front of him were already so low that they had no standards.    


Let's talk about abilities later. Amongst the ordinary people, he, Tianting Feng, was naturally considered one of the top geniuses, but if he was to be placed next to Qin Zheng, he probably didn't even qualify to pull his sleeves. She wouldn't give up a good quality man for such a small matter. She still wasn't retarded when she was with Tianting Feng.    


"Hehe, Tianting Feng, you seem to be very confident in yourself." Jiu Muli laughed.    


"Ninth Miss praises you." A beauty was a beauty, even her smile was beautiful, but why did he feel that what Jiu Muli said was so strange? Tianting Feng couldn't react for a while.    


Jiu Muli felt that he couldn't communicate with someone whose intelligence wasn't on the same level as his, "Alright then, Third Young Master should just stay here and slowly become confident. I didn't discuss anything about confidence with you, I still have a lot of things to do, see!"    


Jiu Muli was playing with him, and a burst of anger instantly ignited in his heart, "Jiu Muli, I came to kindly remind you, it's fine if you don't appreciate my kindness, but you still want to humiliate me like this?"    


Jiu Muli laughed coldly, "Third Young Master, if you have the time, you should head over to the battlefield and gain more experience. Don't let me overdo it, you will lose your face."    


After he finished speaking, Jiu Muli left without even looking at him, leaving behind a sullen Tianting Feng who seemed to be venting his anger out.    


"Big sister, your mouth is so venomous. Look at that Tianting Feng from before, he's so angry that his face has even turned green." The Little Lotus held her head in her hands as she spoke. That Tianting Feng just now was a big idiot, even her sister did not want to bother with him, but he was still spouting a bunch of nonsense, even letting her stay with him. Heh, just based on his EQ, she, the Little Lotus's friend, suggested that he should return to his mother's womb to change it first.    


"If I don't know him well, can I still give him face? Furthermore, he is the Young Master of the Tianting Family. Can he sincerely come and help me? Wasn't he trying to rob them while they were still alive? But if he makes a move on me, he's bound to be asking for trouble. " Jiu Muli laughed.    


Little Lotus felt that what Jiu Muli said was reasonable. No matter what, that Tianting Feng couldn't compare to him at all.    


Jiu Muli and Little Lotus had originally wanted to look for Qin Zheng at their own residence but they did not expect Qin Zheng to not be around. It seemed that he had not returned yet. But Qin Zheng was not there, so her master had been waiting for her inside the room for a long time.    


Jiu Muli thought that her master would interrogate her about the matter of her messing around in the Trial Battlefield, but who knew that his face was flushed red and he did not look angry at all. After seeing Jiu Muli, he became even more agitated.    


Jiu Muli was speechless. Ordinary people would not feel troubled about things like taking care of the aftermath, and might even get fat and beat up people who caused trouble. But her master seemed to be different, and did not mind the conflict between her and the people from Tianting Family at all.    


"My good disciple, why don't you tell it to me? I came here on purpose to listen to you, don't disappoint me." The Principal was unwilling to let it go, she had to listen to how Jiu Muli beat up Tianting Family.    


Jiu Muli was completely convinced by him, and simply explained the entire situation to the Principal, telling him that Tian Ting Xu had caused trouble for him by making a bet with him, insisting that he cripple her. In the end, even when he had lost, he wouldn't admit it, and even called Tianting Yue and Tianting Feng over, in the end, she had still crippled Tian Ting Xu's profound vein.    


Jiu Muli rubbed his nose and asked with a depressed tone, "Teacher Principal, the people from Tianting Family have said that they will not let me go. They even told me to be careful, how do you think we should settle this?"    


The dean slapped his thigh and said in an extremely magnanimous manner, "How are we going to settle this?" "F * ck your mother, let's use force to deal with this!"    


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