Heaven-defying Phoenix



After Feng Li left, Jiu Muli then continued his cultivation by himself in the inn.    


As the sun rose and set in the east, Jiu Muli spent countless lonely days and nights.    


But perhaps it was because Jiu Muli didn't have any deep feelings for Feng Li, so even though Feng Li had left her alone, she didn't feel any sadness or loneliness.    


Feng Li's departure instead made her feel freedom, freedom that was brimming with security.    


She did not have to pretend to be sweet and sweet with Feng Li, and she did not have to take Feng Li's feelings into consideration every day.    


As this village was under Jiu Muli's protection, there were no longer any demons that dared to approach it.    


Everyday, after Jiu Muli trained in the tavern, he would admire the flowers, bask in the sunlight, and study the medicinal properties of the herbs.    


Occasionally she would lean on the railing of the inn, looking at the endless stream of people, watching the ordinary happy faces come and go.    


Sometimes, Jiu Muli would sigh deeply about why she had suffered so much, but she had no other choice.    


She was a goddess, and a goddess that lived a different life. She carried hatred and responsibilities. She had no choice but to continue along this path before her.    


After staying in the inn for around three months, Jiu Muli could feel that his spiritual energy had grown a lot stronger.    


In these three quiet and blissful months, Jiu Muli's body and mind relaxed. She was very happy to be able to steal a day's worth of leisure from such a chaotic fate.    


But she knew she couldn't hide in such a place forever. It was time for her to go.    


Jiu Muli settled the bill for the inn on a warm afternoon and left alone.    


Jiu Muli searched for a place to shelter himself along the way.    


During her confrontation with the monster, Jiu Muli had always been unstoppable. Thus, when she was not a demon, she spent the rest of her time either taking care of the surroundings of her residence or playing around.    


Jiu Muli had always had a habit that she liked to stay at places where flowers bloomed.    


Even Jiu Muli himself didn't know why this was happening, she only knew that if her heart was in turmoil or had a strong killing intent, when she tossed and turned, as long as she could smell the light fragrance of the flowers, her mind would be at peace.    


Not only that, but whenever she had nothing to do, she liked to stand in a place where flowers were in bloom. The feeling made her feel that at least there were flowers in her life, and their color was not too dim.    


Two years passed in the blink of an eye.    


In these two years, Jiu Muli was as happy as a fairy in the mountains. She only remembered the Goddess when she tried to kill the Goblin King, and the other times she felt that she was just an insignificant existence in the world. She was just like any other living being, ordinary and ordinary.    


The passage of time had taken away Jiu Muli's memories, diluted her undulating, sorrowful emotions.    


To Jiu Muli, these two years were just the blink of an eye, but it had caused her to forget many things.    


For example, who she had saved, who she had hurt, and what sort of people she had seen were filled with sorrow and joy.    


One day, after Jiu Muli exterminated the Spirit Demon at a place three kilometers away from his residence, he brought the herbs he had picked back along the way back to his residence.    


However, before she reached her residence, she saw a vague black figure standing under the cherry tree in front of her door.    


A thin veil covered her body, and her clothes fluttered in the wind.    


Jiu Muli paused for a moment as he became suspicious in his heart.    


She had lived here alone for two years, and no one had ever disturbed her. Why was there someone standing in front of her door today?    


Jiu Muli did not move for a long time.    


The man stood in the middle of the pink cherry rain, his entire body releasing a different feeling, making Jiu Muli want to get closer.    


Jiu Muli reached out his hands, took a handful of the cherry blossoms, and blew lightly on them as he walked towards the man.    


Jiu Muli's steps were slow and light, but when she was just one step away from the man, he had already noticed her.    


When the man turned around, his face was one of absolute beauty that could cause others to sink into depravity.    


Jiu Muli was stunned for a moment. How familiar was this face? It had once appeared in her dreams countless of times, but now it seemed a little strange.    


The man who stood in front of her was actually Qin Huaiye, the man that she had once hated but couldn't refuse.    


Jiu Muli was extremely shocked. Why did Qin Huaiye appear here?    


Jiu Muli opened his mouth, but no sound came out.    


"You're back?" Qin Huaiye said with a grave and cold expression. His indifferent gaze and low voice somewhat didn't suit him.    


Jiu Muli frowned and asked: "Why are you here?"    


"You saved me?" Qin Huaiye did not answer Jiu Muli's question. Instead, he directly said what he wanted to say.    


Jiu Muli, who was once again disregarded, was a little angry. Just what was wrong with her in this life?    


First it was Feng Li, and now it was Qin Huaiye.    


They just asked what they wanted to ask, said what they wanted to say, and didn't care what she said.    


Jiu Muli did not speak, and looked at Qin Huaiye coldly.    


For some reason, Jiu Muli felt that the Qin Huaiye in this world was a little different from before.    


In her memories, Qin Huaiye had always been a teenager with a brilliant smile on his face.    


It was just that other than that ice-cold face, Jiu Muli saw some other sort of emotion in his eyes.    


Jiu Muli stared into his eyes, as if she wanted to see something.    


But Qin Huaiye seemed to be able to see through her motives. While she was staring at him, he took the initiative to shift his gaze away.    


Jiu Muli did not see what he wanted to know, so all of the emotion in his eyes flashed past them. When he faced her again, his eyes were as cold and distant as a deep pond.    


Jiu Muli frowned, she did not know why Qin Huaiye would suddenly appear at her residence.    


Seeing Jiu Muli staring at him blankly for a long time, Qin Huaiye frowned slightly and repeated in a more serious tone: "You saved me?"    


Was he here to repay the debt of gratitude? Jiu Muli laughed coldly in his heart as the corners of his mouth twitched.    


That day, I only conveniently saved you. If it wasn't for a moment of soft-heartedness, I might have even sent you on a journey.    


Jiu Muli raised his eyebrows, walked towards his own residence and indifferently replied: "Un, why? Are you saying that you want to repay us with your efforts? "    


The big door of the wooden house was pushed open with a "squeak", and Jiu Muli stepped into the house. Qin Huaiye's low and charming voice came from behind.    


"And if I say yes?" Qin Huaiye remained calm and collected, but his tone was firm.    


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