Being The Destroyer In A Profound Sect

C37 The Blood in His Heart

C37 The Blood in His Heart

"Can you save my son?" Chung's mother found it hard to believe.    


Even the nurse said that he could only be sent to a big hospital and there was no guarantee that he could be saved.    


What could this young lady in front of her do?    


"Chung Zheng's current problem, from a medical point of view, is indeed poisoning. But poison is only on the surface. At the bottom of it all, it is because his three soul and seven soul are incomplete that led to his death." Lu Qi's expression was indifferent.    


Chung's mother was somewhat confused when she heard it.    


"Three... Three Souls and Seven Souls Incomplete?"    


"Yes. The reason why a person is born after ten months of pregnancy is because the fetus will grow one soul or one soul every month. Ten months is just enough for all three souls and seven souls to be fully grown. Those who were less than ten months old were born with incomplete souls, so they would most likely die during the year when they were eighteen years old. After that, they would be safe for the rest of their lives. If they don't make it through, they will die on the spot."    


Lu Qi's figure was very thin, and she even looked a little weak to the point of not being able to withstand the wind.    


However, when it came to metaphysics, the firm aura on her body was so strong that it could not be blocked.    


Mo Shihan narrowed his eyes and quietly listened to the conversation between Chung's mother and her.    


"Then the reason why I always dream of a little boy covered in blood is also because..."    


Lu Qi nodded slightly.    


"That's right. The little boy you saw in your dream was actually your son. Or rather, it was the soul that your son lost. It attached itself to your body, wanting to remind you, but because it was too weak, it can only appear in your dreams."    


Hearing this, Chung's mother came to a realization.    


She had been troubled by that dream for many years. She did not expect that the reason would actually be like this.    


It sounded a little mysterious.    


But she somehow believed Lu Qi's words.    


"Then what can I do now?" Chung's mother went straight to the point.    


Lu Qi did not answer directly. Instead, she crossed her arms and walked in front of the nurse.    


"Is Chung Zheng still in the infirmary?"    


The young nurse did not understand. "He... He is still there, but later..."    


"Let's go to the infirmary." Before the young nurse could finish, Lu Qi made a decision.    


Chung's mother quickly followed.    


However, just as she walked to the office door, she saw Lu Qi turn her head and look at Mo Shihan, who was drinking tea, with her bright eyes.    


"Aren't you coming over?"    


Mo Yi said, Miss, there is a problem with your tone.    


Who do you think we are? Are you the one who can call us over and ask us to leave?    




Mo Shihan raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Qi indifferently. Then, his tall and big body stood up.    


"I'll go with you."    


Mo Yi was speechless."    


Master Han, where's the cold we agreed on?    


The group of people went to the infirmary.    


Chung Zheng was still lying unconscious on the hospital bed.    


Chung's mother was heartbroken.    


"Zheng... Zheng..."    


However, the number on the medical instrument continued to decrease.    


It was as if there was no hope left.    


"Miss, I beg you, I beg you, please save my Zheng. He is the only one in our Chung family!" Chung's mother held Lu Qi's hand and begged bitterly.    


However, Lu Qi's expression was still cold.    


"You really want to save him?"    


"Of course."    


"[Then I need to take a drop of your heart's blood]"    


"Heart's blood?" Chung's mother did not understand.    


Treating the illness, then treating the illness. What was the purpose of extracting the heart blood?    


"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Cultivation Technique has a saying," Mo Shihan said faintly. "The heart is the ruler, and the god is the one who gives birth. The translation was that the heart was the soul of the human body. So, what Miss Lu meant was that the missing soul of your son has been residing in your heart all this time. Only by taking this drop of heart blood and using the corresponding method. Talent Let your son's soul completely fuse together. "    


Lu Qi heard him and could not help but turn her head to look at him. There was a trace of praise in her deep eyes.    


"You know metaphysics?"    


Mo Shihan was calm and composed. "I like to know myself and know my enemy."    


Obviously, he had done his homework.    


Lu Qi curled her lips and did not say anything.    


"Little girl, can you really cure Zheng by taking my heart's blood?" Chung's mother seemed to be a little worried.    


Lu Qi looked at Chung Zheng, who was lying on the bed, with a firm and confident expression.    




"Alright, come and get it!"    


Chung's mother was also decisive and very quickly got people to bring various types of silver needles.    


Lu Qi chose one of them.    


Her movements were very fast.    


Before Chung's mother could react, she had already inserted it into Chung's mother's chest and took out a drop of dark red blood.    


"This... It is done just like that?" Chung's mother was incomparably surprised.    


She actually did not feel any pain at all.    


"En, it's done."    


Lu Qi replied faintly and dripped the drop of blood from her heart into the cup.    


Following which, she took out a yellow Soul Guiding Talisman from her schoolbag.    


After chanting the incantation and lighting it up, it mixed with the heart blood. He fed it to Chung Zheng.    


"He will wake up in half an hour. At that time, we will follow Western medicine's method. We will get an intravenous drip or something, and everything will be fine."    


Chung Zheng's problem was too small. She was too lazy to waste any more time.    


After giving a few simple instructions, she carried her schoolbag out of the door.    


"Miss Lu is really capable." Mo Shihan put one hand in his pocket and looked deeply at the girl's slender back.    


Lu Qi stopped.    


She narrowed her eyes and looked at him.    


"Chung Zheng hasn't woken up yet, but you already know that I am very capable?"    


Mo Shihan raised his lips. "Miss Lu's senior brother is the famous Master 7. That Miss Lu shouldn't be too far off. So, I have no reason not to believe Miss Lu."    


An impeccable excuse.    


However, Lu Qi did not believe it at all.    


She knew that he already knew her true identity.    


However, he did not want to expose her.    


"Thank you for the compliment."    


Lu Qi raised her eyebrows and turned to leave.    


But suddenly her heart palpitated. Her eyes wiped the black and she directly lost consciousness.    




On the other side, in the infirmary.    


Chung's mother stayed by the hospital bed for a while and gradually lost her patience.    


"I don't know if that girl is reliable or not. If Zheng delayed treatment because of her, I will not forgive her!"    


"Water... I want to drink water..." A weak voice came.    


Chung's mother was stunned. She looked down and saw that the unconscious Chung Zheng had actually opened his eyes.    


Not only was his face much better, even the numbers on the medical instruments had returned to normal.    


Chung's mother cried tears of joy.    


"Zheng, you are awake? Looks like that girl is really capable!"    


Chung Zheng frowned. "That girl?"    


"Zheng, you don't know how powerful that girl called Lu Qi in your class is." Chung's mother swept away her previous doubts.    


"Lu Qi?"    


"That's right! If it wasn't for her today, you probably wouldn't have survived!"    


In Chung Zheng's mind, Lu Qi's stunning face subconsciously appeared.    


"Where is she?"    


"She just left not long ago."    


Chung Zheng heard her and immediately got off the bed. He supported himself against the wall and walked out of the infirmary.    


Unexpectedly, just as he walked to the door, he saw Lu Qi, who was standing in the corridor, faint in the arms of a tall man.    


An inexplicable feeling arose in his heart.    


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