The Romantic Soldier King



Wang Yezheng had been holding back, he felt that this breakfast should have lasted for at least a century, but he still endured Han Yi's indifference.    


"Don't put spring onion in the congee from now on." Han Yi finished her breakfast and sat on the sofa. Last night, she was a bit tired and Wei Dong was in a bad mood so he almost did not let her sleep.    


Usually, Wang Yezheng would wait for her to finish her breakfast before leaving, but today, he uncharacteristically sat down by her side. I have something I want to tell you. "    


"I'm not interested in your matters. You can leave now."    


Because of these words, Wang Yezheng went completely berserk, he grabbed Han Yi's wrist and threw her onto the sofa, while a sharp willow leaf throwing knife pressed against his neck.    


"If you don't want to die, then scram from my side."    


"He's satisfied with you, you bitch."    


"Han Yi stared at Wang Yezheng indifferently, and then passed on Wei Dong's words to him. I advise you not to cause trouble for yourself at this time. You aren't as useful as you think you are, and don't treat yourself as a saint either. You and I are only dealing with each other. "    


Wang Yezheng took a deep breath. He could never be compared to Han Yi when it came to quarreling, but he could not ignore the intense feeling of Wei Dong's existence. Since he had already played it, there was no need to worry that he would come knocking, so Han Yi had intentionally provoked him.    


"Tomorrow, prepare to go down to the Sham Shui Po Police Department to report."    


With that, Wang Yezheng stood up and threw the black lace into the trash can. Han Yi definitely had a reason for entering the police station, and it could also be because of Wei Dong's arrangement, that he lost his patience.    


"Now that Charlie Chen is dead, leave the vacancy in the police station to the others! I want to return to Celestial Dynasty. "    


"You, don't go too far."    


"The matter with Xingyue, settle it as soon as possible. If you are unable to do so, I will do it myself."    


Wang Yezheng slapped towards Han Yi. There is a limit to my patience. "    


Han Yi held onto his face and looked at Wang Yezheng coldly. If it was not because he was useful to Wei Dong, this slap would have cost him his life.    


If Wei Dong wanted to make a move on the Han family, it was undoubtedly to find a scapegoat for his crimes. This time, for no reason other than his own thoughts, the investigation team's unrestricted detention had already posed a threat to the forces of different levels in the entire Hong Kong Island.    


The death of the Madame Bai had nothing to do with him, the person who killed him was very straightforward, not leaving the slightest trace of traces. The accident was disguised as an accident, and the police slipped on the mountain road, causing the car accident to end.    


Without the Madame Bai holding him back, it would be easy for Wang Yezheng to come out. He already expected that he would be demoted to the Sham Shui Po police station, and speaking the truth, he had no better advantage than the police station.    


However, after thinking carefully about what Wei Dong had done, he could vaguely sense that had abandoned him. Furthermore, he also regretted choosing him, and that the reason why Han Yi had chosen him was only to appease him.    


looked out the window, his hands clenched into fists, and thought back to the man who had clapped his hands in front of the court that day, his heart was in turmoil. Compared to Wei Dong, he was more worried about that stranger.    


"Director, someone is following us." The driver reminded Wang Yezheng, who was resting with his eyes closed. A silver Buick was following them for around twenty minutes.    


Wang Yezheng looked at the back of the car through his phone, he could not see the person inside, and the plate was very new. "Ignore him and head straight back to the police station. We have a meeting in the afternoon."    


As the car turned into the police station parking lot, the silver Buick passed by the gate. Wang Ye walked directly to the control room and called out the cars in front of the gate. He asked his men to investigate the owner of the car.    


Half an hour later, the identity of the owner of the license plate was placed in front of Wang Yezheng, it was just a normal citizen of Hong Kong Island.    


Wang Yezheng rubbed his forehead. Maybe he was too nervous recently and told his subordinates to go out and do things. He put the email directly into the trash can. After dealing with everything else outside, he was reminded of a new email. The person who signed it caught his attention.    


He found the morning email in the trash can, and after clicking it, a few shocking photos appeared in front of Wang Yezheng. Inside the eleventh floor of Celestial Dynasty, the scene of Wei Dong entering through the french windows, was clear and wild.    


Under the HD photos, even though it was constantly being enlarged, the hairs were still like strands of silk!    


The suppressed fire of jealousy was ignited once again. Wang Yezheng quickly deleted the photo and replied to it using the address. He had been sitting in front of his computer, waiting for the email to reply. The other side had disappeared without a trace due to his disappointment.    


After three to four hours of discussion, Wang Yezheng returned to his office and retrieved the photo from the trash can. From the angle of the photo, he found that his field of view was at the same angle as the eleventh floor of Celestial Dynasty.    


"Could it be there?"    


Wang Yezheng drove towards the Celestial Dynasty and stood on the street looking at the ghost house. If he could take a picture from a horizontal angle, then that would be the best position.    


Ye Cheng crossed his legs, annotated Wang Yezheng who was standing outside while carrying a cup of tea, his fingers quickly tapping on the keyboard.    


Wang Yezheng's phone received an email with a few words written on it. His eyes widened as he walked across the road and into the ghost house.    


The ghost house in the middle of the day was still cold, Wang Yezheng couldn't think of anything else, so he ran all the way to the eleventh floor, passed by the offices and finally stopped at the opposite side of the eleventh floor of the Celestial Dynasty. In the empty office space, he set up a telescope.    


Wang Yezheng panted a few times, he stared at the telescope for a long time, he could not help but bend down, looking at Wei Dong's back through the high definition mirror, he was so clear that he did not let go of his hair.    


Who would take pictures here? Why did they send such photos to him, just to stir up his relationship with Wei Dong? No, the person who took the pictures must be well aware of his relationship with Wei Dong. What is his goal?    


The depths of Wang Yezheng's heart could not calm down for a long time. When he looked at the lens again, Wei Dong's grey eyes widened under the mirror.    




Wang Yezheng exclaimed, he sat on the ground and accidentally kicked the telescope. At such a distance, he couldn't possibly see himself through the glass wall.    


After comforting himself in a low voice, Wang Yezheng stood up and prepared to leave.    


A gray robe, gray hair, and no wind.    


Wei Dong walked past Wang Yezheng and went under the telescope. He held up the frame, looked at his own office through the lens and said: "I didn't know that you had such a bad taste, thank you for taking such a clear picture of us, and remember to ask me about the profits from selling, this is a pretty good industrial chain."    


"I didn't!" Wang Yezheng was startled, and immediately realized that he was not the only one who received the photo. "I ?"    


"Director Wang, to be honest, my place is very open, but I hope that you do not interfere with your business. Han Yi should have already brought my plan to you, how much time do you need to take care of Han Hu and his son? I hope the sooner the better. "    


"I also remember that Boss Wei already gave Han Yi to me."    


Wei Dong clicked his tongue. The Director is quite bold, Han Yi is my woman, you can't be treating her as your own! Shhh! Don't say anything, let me think! " Wei Dong raised a finger and suddenly giggled. It can't be that you got so old-fashioned with your emotions, right? "    


"As long as Boss Wei agrees to not touch Han Yi again, I will agree to any of your requests."    


This suggestion is not bad, but, Han Yi is still from Han family, I cannot change her decision, if I want to keep a woman, it still depends on whether the man has the ability or not. Director Wang, your demands are a little harsh, and I am also a normal man.    


The corner of Wei Dong's eyes twitched as he glanced at Wang Yezheng, his grey eyes flashing with a cold glint.    


If a man didn't even have a guts, what kind of ambition would he have?    


In the face of Wei Dong, Wang Yezheng could only endure. Even if he had the desire to kill Wei Dong, he would still lower his head. Han family will handle this matter as soon as possible. Does Boss Wei have any taboos? "    


"The taboo is a little bit, but it's just a precaution against them pouring dirty water on Celestial Dynasty. Oh, when can the ban be revoked?    


"I am no longer the Prefectural Elder of Sham Shui Po. I fear that I have to wait for the next one ?"    


"So, you have no way of resolving this?" Wei Dong interrupted Wang Yezheng's words and he smirked as he waved his hand. No problem, I'll find someone else to take care of this matter. You can go back first, and don't let anyone see your face when you leave. "    


Hearing the footsteps behind him, Wei Dong raised his binoculars, it was truly a good thing, under Gao Qing's panic, in the office of the eleventh floor of Celestial Dynasty, a person stood in front of the window and waved at Wei Dong who was behind the mirror.    


Ye Cheng!    


Was the other party too stupid or too smart? Ye Cheng walked on the street with his hands in his pockets, it could be said that he had greeted them, he really wanted to personally tell Wei Dong, it was not that he was dishonest, it was that all the people that should be alive were dead, and all the people that should not be alive were still alive.    


The moment Wei Dong entered the office, he heard Han Yi's enchanting shout. His computer had been broken, and there were not only photos or videos, there were probably more.    


Taking a deep breath, Wei Dong dialed Ye Cheng's number.    


As the bell continuously rang, Ye Cheng squatted on the ground with his arms crossed and placed his phone on a chair, staring at it.    


"Big Brother, why aren't you answering the call? Did you quarrel with your girlfriend?" In the garden on the street, a child was playing ball on the beach. Seeing Ye Cheng alone on the ground, squatting down and staring at his phone, he curiously ran over and asked.    


Ye Cheng rubbed the child's head and answered, "En. I had a fight with my boyfriend! "    


The child seemed to understand but still didn't understand. Following that, the mother beside him quickly explained the three words' boyfriend 'and then disdainfully dragged the baby to the side. A boyfriend was a good friend of a man.    


The child exclaimed, he stubbornly got rid of his mother's hand and ran to Ye Cheng's side: "We must settle the dispute immediately." As he spoke, the child pressed the answer button.    


Ye Cheng raised the corner of his mouth. The heavens had given him a chance, and also gave him a condition to negotiate with him.    


Wei Dong bellowed angrily on the phone, Ye Cheng shrugged his shoulders and said to the child: "This uncle has a fiery temper, you can go play on your own!"    


Mom was probably really worried. She went up to pick up the child she didn't want to leave and ran out of the garden.    


Ye Cheng held his phone and said: "The heavens have given you a chance, but the rules require you to reshuffle."    


"Ye Cheng, don't think that I'm really afraid of you."    


"You are not afraid of me, but I have everything you want. LY stoste will not endlessly satisfy your needs, isn't its power decreasing? "    


Wei Dong was stunned, how did he know about this secret!    


"Don't doubt me, I know more than you. Think it over carefully and know where to find me. This time, I want to see your sincerity. I am a hot commodity."    


After hanging up, Ye Cheng propped up his chair and laughed.    


Suddenly, the sun above his head was blocked by the black shadow. Ye Cheng opened his eyes and stared at the wrinkled face. Since we're no longer staying in the capital, why are you here? "    


"If I don't come, will you still be singing?" The old man leaned on his walking stick and sat beside Ye Cheng.    


"It can't be, the old granny is also yours, you won't be on the same boat as my Old ghost, right?" Ye Cheng revealed a look of surprise, this time he really did not plan for it, or it should be said that his plan was wrong.    


The old tutor roared and waved at the Qin Assistant not too far away.    


"You brat, you've played so much here, how can I, the godfather, not come out? If I continue to ignore you, my foster son will be robbed. "    


Ye Cheng rolled his eyes at the old man. Even if you want to argue with a dead person, you should at least know how petty you are!    


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