The Romantic Soldier King



Qing Ling was lying in a pool of blood, the bullet had pierced through her chest and directly smashed her heart.    


Jiang Dazhuang was unable to accept this reality. They had only met less than three hours ago, and there wasn't enough time for him to express his apology as he once again lost his daughter. He, who had fallen into extreme grief, was beaten unconscious on the sofa by Ye Cheng in pain.    


No one in the bar doubted that this was a shooting, that a modern fashion show of beauties and beasts was being staged during the murder, that every guest was a character, that the stage was electing the most beautiful person on the night of the election, and that the queen had shot the princess.    


The corpse was carried away, the beast was in agony, and the drama outside continued.    


Ye Cheng asked his men to carry the corpse out of the bar, and the car sped on the road to North Street.    


Cheers came from outside the office, the drama was nearing its end, and at that moment, Lin Xi brought in a woman wearing a black cloak. She nodded at Ye Cheng and then led him to another room.    


Near the closing of the bar, all the actors went on stage to end the curtain, and the theme party came to a perfect end.    


Ye Cheng sat in the car and waited until Lin Xi sent the mysterious woman into the car before he extinguished his cigarette. Not regretting? "    


"The woman took off her hat, revealing a delicate and refined face." Killing Wei Dong is the determination that I have for my entire life. Elder sister is willing to sacrifice everything for me, I will not disappoint your expectations. "    


Ye Cheng looked at the other party in the rearview mirror and started the car.    


"Remember, from today onwards, you are no longer you. Wei Dong is more cunning than you think.    


Ye Cheng said to the woman in the mirror, her old-fashioned and dull image really didn't suit Qing Ling at all. With her meticulous actions and black old uniform, no one would suspect that she was an experienced woman.    


Staring at his own perfect work, Ye Cheng finally got Pan Yue to bring Jiang Dazhuang in. He had just lost a daughter's heart, causing this middle-aged man who looked extremely energetic in the legal world to age by more than ten years.    


"young master Ye, this?"    




Qing Ling's gentle call immediately caused Jiang Dazhuang to cry. He did not dare to tell his eldest daughter about Qing Ling's death. How did you change your appearance? "    


Qing Ling looked at Ye Cheng who was standing behind him.    


"Let's talk outside!" Ye Cheng carried Jiang Dazhuang and walked out.    


Standing on the top floor of the lawyer building, Jiang Dazhuang smoked cigarettes one after another. Ye Cheng told them all about Qing Ling's scheme, but he did not tell them who the woman downstairs was.    


"The Green Mountain Academy is the pillar behind the Celestial Dynasty. Next, I just need to cut off one of his arms and he will be able to force Wei Dong out of the water, so you want my daughter to be my assistant?" Jiang Dazhuang was obviously very excited.    


"Wang Yezheng is not an ordinary person. He was not defeated by even half of the Bai family. Do you think that with your identity as a lawyer, you can pull him into the water?" Ye Cheng did not have the intention to mock Jiang Dazhuang, but what he said was the truth. A very important person would have to use very special methods. Bighead, your daughter knows this better than you do. "    


Jiang Dazhuang nodded silently. After the two of them reached an agreement, Ye Cheng left the lawyer building.    


Qingshan had already been sealed off, and all the patients had been transferred to other hospitals. The medical staff was still under investigation by the police.    


The news about Qingshan, that innocent masses of people doing human experiments, only reported for two days before it quieted down. Maybe the authorities were afraid that the bad mood of the citizens would lead to unnecessary public opinion in the whole of Hong Kong Island, so all related matters concerning Qingshan's investigation were not made public or reported in secret.    


She saw with her own eyes that the Principal died. When they were cleaning the scene, no one found his body, and she recalled the scene when she watched Chen Luoxue leave. When she heard the explosion, she returned to the tunnel to save him.    


It had been less than ten minutes since they had entered. In such a short period of time, it was possible to dispose of the corpse, but who would take the corpse of the dean away? What sort of decisive role could a dead person play?    


Could it be that Chen Luoxue did not kill the Principal from the start, and was only putting on an act?    


An Ningxuan shook her head, forgetting about this possibility. She would rather believe that the Principal was saved by her comrades than believe that Luo Xue was someone from that side.    


There was a knock on the door, An Ningxuan closed the question board before allowing his subordinates to enter. Wang Yezheng who was caught in Green Mountain Academy did not utter a word for the past few days. What was the purpose of suddenly requesting to see him?    


"Has anyone seen him in the days of his imprisonment?"    


"Bai family's butler mentioned before, but because this person is extremely related to Wang Yezheng, he has already been captured by An Gaohan. Other than that, there's also a woman."    


An Ningxuan raised his eyebrows. A woman?    


An Ningxuan followed his subordinate to the monitoring room. Upon calling out the scene from that day, there was indeed a woman with a hot body who appeared before. An Ningxuan recognized her with a glance. After adjusting his vision to the main entrance, he saw that a dark blue Infinity Dart had stopped and revealed itself. He told the technician to put it on the screen as An Ningxuan pointed at the man in the back seat and said, "Celestial Dynasty, Wei Dong! Send people to keep an eye on Wang Yezheng tonight. "    


An Ningxuan's worries were answered in the middle of the night, but the killer did not go for Wang Yezheng. Instead, he was captured by An Gaohan when he was about to make his move at the hospital.    


After the assassin was captured, he bit the poison in his mouth and killed himself on the spot, leaving no trace behind.    


She looked much better than when she was at Green Mountain. However, after many tests, the academy was still unable to come to a constructive conclusion, and all the indicators, including the CT scan of the brain, showed that they were normal, and there were no injuries. In the end, the hospital concluded that it was because of the stimulation.    


The next day, An Ningxuan took the initiative to meet Wang Yezheng. This time, he told her about his relationship with Dean Qingshan with great cooperation. In these three murders, he only admitted to knowing the dean's intentions but did not participate, because he knew the seriousness of it and even revealed the relevant information to his subordinates.    


"Last night, Yu Mingxi was ambushed by assassins. Do you know who they were and why you wanted to kill her?"    


"Assassin?" After seeing the photo of the dead body, he had provided a clue. He hoped that An Ningxuan would let him see his son for the sake of his honesty.    


An Ningxuan mercilessly rejected Wang Yezheng's request. At this time, anyone could become a killer, including his son.    


Although public opinion had been silenced by the pressure of the relevant departments, there were still some independent authorities who would take this as an article, incite the flames in private, and a small group of people would wander around, spreading out the police, detaining innocent people and attempting to subdue them.    


After a few days, the content of the rumors started to increase, and even the police started to spread. The head of the Sham Shui Po Police Department was innocently detained in the special investigation team, and all the ministers from the related departments signed their letters, requesting An Ningxuan to give them a reasonable explanation.    


For the first few days, the authorities ignored the rumors, but the situation changed, and the repressed public opinion returned to life. Newspapers and magazines also began reporting on the inside of the Special Investigation Division's hegemony investigation.    


For a while, it was difficult for the citizens to distinguish truth from falsehood. Following the trend, special investigations were carried out successfully.    


Release him or not?    


An Ningxuan had already made his decision. Although there was no substantial evidence to prove that Wang Yezheng and Dean Qingshan had teamed up, among the patients rescued from the basement, there were five or six prisoners who had been sentenced to death. These prisoners did not have any history of mental illness, and there were no inherited illnesses in their families.    


The investigation had to continue, but time would not allow An Ningxuan to solve all the mysteries within one by one. The relevant authorities had yet to issue any orders for life to the outside world, but due to public opinion, they would begin to force the Special Investigation Unit sooner or later.    


That night, An Ningxuan followed An Gaohan's car and drove him to the military airport. Whether she was mentally ill or not, they needed to conduct further research and the research in the city hospital would not be able to achieve the desired results. An Ningxuan could only send Yu Mingxi to the old man, hoping to solve the riddle as soon as possible.    


"Take good care of yourself in five days."    


An Gaohan nodded and brought Yu Mingxi on the plane.    


Returning to the city, An Ningxuan saw a large amount of newspapers everywhere, reporting about the grievances against Wang Yezheng. If this continued, the special investigation team would be disintegrated, and they wouldn't be able to completely eliminate Wang Yezheng on this case. How would she be able to continue to be in the police force in the future?    


Thinking about this, An Ningxuan changed directions and arrived at the Orchard.    


The bar was actually closed, was there a mistake?!    


An Ningxuan took out his phone, and without thinking, he dialed Ye Cheng's number. It was rare that someone wanted to look for him to work, and they even closed the door, just for fun!    


At that moment, Ye Cheng was seated comfortably on the shore, blowing the sea breeze, and Mei Zi was lying in the car counting stars.    


These days, he had been reading a lot of newspapers and magazines. The news about the attack on the special investigation team was getting more and more explosive. Although there were no names mentioned, anyone with a brain would know who it was.    


It was rare for him to have such a quiet night. If he didn't dare order something, he would be letting down this beautiful morning.    


"Wife, there's a very interesting poem these days. Do you want to hear about it?"    


"The words that come out of your mouth are definitely not good. Don't listen." She looked up into the starry sky. It had been a long time since she had seen such comfort.    


Ye Cheng wasn't as romantic as Mei Zi, his entire mind was filled with action movies right now. He wanted to capture the little girl beside him, and if he couldn't force himself on her, he would at least need to push her a little.    


Thinking about it, a pair of thief hands reached out to the beauty beside him. Ye Cheng could only blame his rapt attention, and was unable to find the right direction.    


Hard states had never had anything to do with women. Was the person lying beside him a man?    


Ah!" Ye Cheng shouted from the bottom of his heart. It couldn't be such a coincidence that ghosts would meet again under the starry sky?    


Mei Zi, who did not know Ye Cheng's mood, curiously stared at Ye Cheng whose expression had completely changed. Could it be that he had been possessed by evil spirits all night?    


Looking at the empty shore, this point was not impossible.    


Without waiting for Ye Cheng to speak, Mei Zi slapped his chest twice. The sudden palm strike had knocked Ye Cheng out of the car, he pointed at Mei Zi and did not say anything for a long time.    


"Elder Brother Ye, what's wrong?" When Mei Zi saw the line of blood on the corner of Ye Cheng's mouth, she suddenly realized that she was being too reckless. After using her two palms just now, she did not feel Ye Cheng's resistance.    


"I'm fine!" Ye Cheng stopped Mei Zi from getting close. He looked at her from head to toe, almost angered to death by himself.    


Pow! A slap flew towards her, causing her to let out an 'Ah' sound.    


"Elder Brother Ye, don't move. I can help you drive away the evil."    


"Who's bewitched? Who's bewitched, do I look bewitched? Even if the entire district gets infected, it still won't be my turn. " Ye Cheng guiltily called out, but unfortunately, no matter how dark it was, it was unable to stop his completely red face.    


Meizi squinted her eyes. No matter how she looked at it, Ye Cheng seemed weird, what was there to blush so late in the night, especially his floating eyes, which were always looking at her chest. Elder Brother Ye, come here! "    


Mei Zi, who was sitting on top of the carriage, crooked her fingers at Ye Cheng, revealing a lotus root like leg that was reflected in the moonlight.    


Ye Cheng held his hands together, acted like he was shy and said: "That's not good, it's so late at night."    


"Didn't you want to talk to me about the recent car crash? "Come on, I'd like to know what it is."    




"Of course, if you want to try, then go with the female ghost here!"    


Beneath the romantic star field, Ye Cheng was so terrified that he cried out in fear, looking around at the air where his aunts were screaming at him, while Mei Zi sat in the front of the car, angrily ignoring his pleas to enjoy the night sky.    


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