The Romantic Soldier King



Not everyone stood on the roof because they wanted to jump off a building, because some people just liked to stand at a high place and look, as if only then could they show that they were such noble heroes, looking down on everyone else.    


Facing the wind, Wei Dong took a deep breath, and the faint fragrance of the cherry blossoms drifted about under the clear sky. He put his hands behind his back and looked down at the traffic below him. He was holding onto a chain.    


Han Yi obediently lowered her head and squatted on the ground.    


The sound of sirens came from the street and a police car flew by. In the blink of an eye, it stopped in front of Celestial Dynasty's door.    


Wei Dong had his own way of doing things. Before Qingshan met with misfortune, Wang Yezheng had already helped him settle a few obstacles, which gave the Celestial Dynasty the chance to be reborn. That was why he had to rely on luck to survive.    


"What did you do?"    


Wei Dong asked the woman beside him in a soft voice. Even if he were to wash her clean, the smell of blood would not become fainter with each time, it would only become a part of the smell after being superimposed over and over again. " "He killed someone?"    


Han Yi replied. He said he would let me go if I did one thing for him. "    


Wei Dong snorted, he grabbed Han Yi and carried her outside the building. Do you think I will let go? "    


"I am willing to die in your hands."    




Wei Dong roared in anger and threw Han Yi to the side of the water tower. And I'm punishing you with three days of not being able to leave this place. "    


Han Yi kneeled on the ground and gasped for breath, he was still concerned about himself.    


This was not Wang Dazhi's first time entering the Celestial Dynasty, and every time he came here, he would feel that he was out of place. It was probably the sum of his income for the past few years!    


Ye Cheng glanced at Wang Dazhi, who looked like Grandma Liu. In order to prevent this policeman from making a fool out of himself, he kindly hooked him into his embrace. Officer Wang, close your chin and you're about to drool. "    


"It's not that I said it, it's just this place. If the boss doesn't have any problems, then he's in trouble."    


Ye Cheng whispered into Wang Dazhi's ears: "Remember that I spent my entire amount on the last set when I came here. Officer Wang, do you think it's infuriating to compare people?"    


"Five hundred thousand?"    


"One more zero?" "Country bumpkin!" Ye Cheng rolled his eyes, he walked to the front desk and explained his reason for coming here, then the service lady called Wei Dong's office without hesitation.    


After successfully arriving at the eleventh floor, Wang Dazhi didn't even know how to put his hands and feet down anymore.    


"Uh, do you want to wait for me downstairs? It would be very embarrassing to meet a bad person like this! "    


"young master Ye, don't scold me, Celestial Dynasty Wei Dong, that is..."    


"Shh, he has sharp ears. I don't care if you die in Victoria Harbor tomorrow, speaking bad of him from so far away."    


Just to scare Wang Dazhi, Ye Cheng laughed out loud when he saw that the policeman looked like he was about to eat someone. He then pushed open the door to Wei Dong's office.    


He sat behind the desk and looked at the two of them. He was betting with himself about who would sit in front of him, and it was an interesting and boring bet, and he felt that Ye Cheng would make Wang Dazhi sit down for his face. After all, he was a cop, and he was a bandit.    


"The Officer Wang is here, sit!"    


Wang Dazhi stared at the chair in front of him, he glanced at Wei Dong, and stood behind the chair. What was strange was that after Ye Cheng entered the office, he had been standing behind him the entire time, following suit.    


What kind of play was this?    


Wang Dazhi hated the fact that his brain didn't work enough, and the guy behind him was never going to play according to common sense. He was simply unable to figure out what Ye Cheng was thinking. I won't be sitting, everyone is very busy, I will leave after asking a few questions, and won't disturb Boss Wei's office. "    


Forget it, whatever Ye Cheng wants to do, he would do it according to his own game of cards. In any case, both sides would play out their roles, there was no need to be so hypocritical.    


After losing to him, Wei Dong's mood was actually more cheerful! "Looks like Wang Dazhi's guidance of this Wang Dazhi was very interesting. Only when people play other people's cards would it be interesting!" Officer Wang is a straightforward person, if you have anything, just ask. "    


Wang Dazhi took out the drawing, pushed it in front of Wei Dong and said: "Not long ago, Wang Yezheng's lawyer was shot dead in his own study. According to the witnesses, the suspect looks like this."    


Wei Dong picked up the drawing and read it for a long time before saying: "This person is a bit familiar, but as far as I know, she shouldn't have done such a thing, and wouldn't have done such a thing."    


"I can understand why the Boss Wei would want to protect this lady, but we have sufficient evidence to prove that she is the culprit. "So ?"    


"Wait!" Wei Dong interrupted him, staring at Ye Cheng over his shoulder: "Earlier you said that this portrait was drawn based on witnesses. That means there are three people at the scene of the crime, Officer Wang, if you were an assassin, would you have killed Lawyer Li in front of witnesses?"    


Wang Dazhi was stunned, just as he was about to say that the person who gave the portrait was the killer, Ye Cheng placed both of his hands lightly on his shoulders. Boss Wei, I think you misunderstood Officer Wang's intentions. If he really suspected Han Yi was the culprit, he would have immediately handcuffed Wang Yezheng's family.    


Wei Dong was silent for a moment before he started chuckling. So that's how it is, Han Yi is with me, if the two of you want to understand the situation, I can bring you two to see him. "    


"No need! Before Lawyer Li died, he had an argument with Wang Yezheng, and Miss Han had visited Wang Yezheng a few times. We suspect that Wang Yezheng made use of his kindness and did something that he shouldn't have done. "    


Wang Dazhi immediately agreed to Ye Cheng's words and continued, "When Wang Yezheng was in custody, he threatened to take care of Boss Wei. Although I am not sure what he said with his lawyer, and during the argument, Li Yao threatened Wang Yezheng and wanted to make the facts about his crimes public, so Boss Wei can ask our police to protect him at any time."    


"Thank you for coming here to remind me. I will definitely remember your kindness. If I really meet with any mishaps, I will definitely ask the police to protect me."    


Wei Dong escorted Ye Cheng and Wang Dazhi out of the Celestial Dynasty, and just as he was about to get on the carriage, he called out to him alone.    


Wang Dazhi tactfully sat in the carriage, while looking at Wei Dong playfully.    


"young master Ye, what do you want to play this time?"    


"Boss Wei, you're thinking too much. I'm just helping the police solve the case."    


"I know what you're doing, you want to drag Wang Yezheng into the water."    


Wang Yanzheng is a ticking time bomb to everyone. Does Boss Wei like to bury bombs by his side?" Ye Cheng patted off the dust on Wei Dong's shoulder and said with a fake smile, "You have a loyal subordinate, but unfortunately, he's too arrogant. Based on my experience, this kind of person is also a troublemaker.    


With that said, Ye Cheng got into the car and drove off.    


Looking at Wei Dong through the mirror at the entrance of the Celestial Dynasty, Ye Cheng burst into laughter.    


"What are you laughing at? Why did you retreat just now? I bet Han Yi is definitely in Celestial Dynasty."    


"Of course!"    


When Wei Dong returned to the top floor, he found Han Yi hiding in a dark and cool place. When she saw Wei Dong, she pounced on him like a little dog and was kicked by Wei Dong to the ground. Give me a reason not to kill you. "    


Han Yi looked at Wei Dong in fear, she did not expect that the killer was still alive, and was even found by the police. "No."    


For a moment, Wei Dong really wanted to kill this woman, but he gave in in in the end.    


Ye Cheng had come today because he had come to warn him. If he had dared to interfere with Wang Yezheng's matters, then Han Yi was dead for sure. He could choose to keep Han Yi or not one of them.    


Wei Dong took a deep breath and quickly calmed himself down. He had not been able to find any of the experimental subjects due to the massacre at the Green Mountain madhouse, and all the research reports had gone missing along with it. Even until now, the police had not revealed whether he was dead or alive, but from the inside, he knew that this person had already died in the hands of a mysterious man.    


He had no idea how much evidence An Ningxuan had in his possession, but he was able to find out one thing. A few days ago, someone had used a military airport to fly to the capital.    


Afterwards, someone reported that An Gaohan, who was following beside An Ningxuan, had disappeared. Wei Dong suspected that An Ningxuan had ordered someone to escort him out, and other than Wang Haolin, there was only one other person who had received Ye Cheng's attention at the Green Mountain insane asylum, why did An Ningxuan send Yu Mingxi to the capital? Could it be that something had happened in the Ouyang family?    


There was no time to think anymore, the phone in the drawer suddenly rang, the person calling must be very close to Wei Dong, there was no one else in the office, Wei Dong's face was pale, and only after a long while did he pick up the phone. There was no of his usual arrogance on the phone, only agreement.    


Breaking free from the chain around Han Yi's neck, Wei Dong allowed her to sit on his lap. are you really willing to die for me? "    


Han Yi gazed at Wei Dong lovingly, and nodded resolutely. Everything that I have is yours, and I am willing to do anything for you. "    


"As he stroked Han Yi's hair, his grey eyes revealed a rare trace of gentleness. I've got a dress for you in the closet, and you're going to a party with me tonight. "    


Han Yi opened her eyes wide and stared at Wei Dong in disbelief. She covered her mouth with both hands as tears welled up in her eyes. Really? You want to take me? "    


"You are someone from the Han family, how can I leave you here alone?" Wei Dong raised the corner of his mouth. A single phone call had changed everything. Dress beautifully, and don't embarrass me. "    


Han Yi excitedly kissed Wei Dong and suddenly thought of something. She slid down to the ground and said fearfully: "I'm wrong."    


"You are my woman now, it is only right for you to do anything intimate to me. What's wrong with that?"    


Perhaps, it was because happiness came too fast for Han Yi to digest, so she could only let this kind of happiness hide the uncertainty in her heart. This was not the Wei Dong that she knew, but she hoped that it would continue until the day she died for him.    


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