The Romantic Soldier King



Fine! This thing had already exceeded Ye Cheng's understanding, he couldn't treat it as a human being, so there was no need to use humanitarian methods to deal with it. He had to kill this thing on behalf of the moon, the only reason he wanted to benefit innocent humans was to kill it.    


Facing a monster that could only grind its teeth and make cracking sounds, Ye Cheng's declaration was a little funny. But behind this ridiculous head, he felt a bit of sadness, the green eyes seemed to be able to understand what he was saying, and only at a close distance could he clearly see that this body that looked like a piece of flesh was truly flesh.    




Compared to the seven sons of night evil, Ye Cheng felt more sympathy for these so-called newbies. It was just as Min Xiu had said, no one wanted to become a test subject, facing this man who could no longer be considered a human, Ye Cheng's heart was filled with anger. Whether it was the night evil or those people who tried to use the stoste to create special abilities, they all deserved to die.    


The green eyes did not know what Ye Cheng was thinking, it only knew that this was its prey and food. It grinded its sharp teeth and pounced towards Ye Cheng, even in the face of the raging flames, its green eyes would only charge forward.    


The green eyes were burnt to ashes under the Gold Sun Divine Flame. The steel teeth that fell to the ground and the two gradually dimmed green eyes, Ye Cheng's heart had an indescribable feeling.    


If it's not you dying, then it's me living. Talking to a man who no longer has any human qualities makes you unable to save your own life. This is a strange killing machine, even worse than ghosts.    


Ye Cheng picked up the metal that had yet to melt on the ground and threw it into the mouse hole, which could be considered as finding the final resting place for Green Eye. He pressed his palm on the ground in front of the mouse, and the soil quickly mixed together under the high temperature.    


A sharp scream sounded out, and Ye Cheng fled out of the cave. He discovered that the cave entrance was below the sink, and the big bed had been restored to its original position. The entire space created by the gauze mantle was like a gigantic mechanism.    


On the bed laid a corpse with no upper body. The black blood leaked out from the wound, giving off a terrible stench.    


Ye Cheng found the upper half of the corpse on the other side. The corpse's face was only left with a skeleton, and black blood s were growing inside the dark hole.    


Ye Cheng stepped on the skull, and followed the direction of the woman's screams. It was already 10: 45 PM, and he had already been in the village for four hours now.    


Ye Cheng was surrounded by layers of black mist, and the thin air also emitted the smell of a rotting corpse. Following his footsteps, the black mist suddenly grew closer and closer as it maintained a distance of ten centimeters from him. Faintly, a human form could be seen beneath the black mist as it shrank back into the mist the instant Ye Cheng turned around.    


There was nothing out of the ordinary. Not even a corpse.    


The atmosphere was a bit weird. Ye Cheng stood in his original position, but the woman's cry came from all directions, an ear-piercing laughter that sounded like crying, just like the sound of a Midnight Cat meowing in the spring.    


It was easy to get rid of the green eyes, but this fellow who was crying and laughing seemed to be a little difficult to deal with. When the black mist heard the woman's cry, it immediately swept towards all directions.    


Her red lips rose 45 degrees to form a smiling face. Her tearful eyes made people think that she was crying. The lady slowly approached Ye Cheng, her hair raised, reaching towards Ye Cheng's neck like tentacles.    


When he turned around, he cried out Ouch, and took a step back in fear. No matter how strange his face became, it was still Lin Sisi's, but the last time they met in the apartment, it was slightly different.    


Lin Sisi moved closer to Ye Cheng, her ice-cold fingers caressing his face, so cold that a layer of his skin was about to fall off. You're looking for Wang Haolin, he's mine. "    


"If I don't find him, I will die."    


Lin Sisi began to giggle. Even if he's dead, he has to be with me. You can't separate us. "    


"You are dead, he is still alive."    


"Just turn him into a dead man."    


"This idea is very simple and direct, but does the person involved agree?" Every night, you would go to Qingshan. You should know that he was drugged like Yu Mingxi and became the experimental subject of night evil. Do you want them to be the same as you? "    


Lin Sisi stopped floating and stood in the air facing Ye Cheng. She tilted her head and examined him. He will be the second Chen Luoxue. "    


Ye Cheng pursed his lips and laughed heartily at Lin Sisi's words. "If I were you, I wouldn't still have any hope for the living. Since ancient times, when Yin and Yang are separated, those who dare to go against the will of the heavens will only be bound by their own cocoon."    


"Heh heh, Ye Cheng, you are truly pitiful. You are even more pitiful than those who go about with the name of justice and do whatever it takes to get it done!" Lin Sisi turned and flew off into the distance. On behalf of Chen Luoxue, I helped you today, but you better remember what I said. Wang Haolin is mine, no one is allowed to interfere. "    


"I'm not interested in him, but I need him ?"    


"You actually believe in Wang Yezheng's words? You just want to know who the mastermind behind the ghost girl case was four years ago, and you feel injustice for your brother, but that's all you need to do, if you continue to investigate, you won't be able to bear the consequences. "    


"Wait a minute!"    


Ye Cheng closed his eyes, and after a short period of adaptation, he looked around him. His entire land of warmth was in tatters, and the floor was a mess. In a corner, a few small black rooms were circling the ground, and as he walked forward, he discovered the unconscious Scorpion.    


There was a five centimeter long gash on each of his hands and feet, and he could see the bones. The broken veins outside looked like twisted earthworms.    


Ye Cheng walked in front of the scorpion and tried to taste her breath. With one last breath, he tore off the clothes at its chest and shook his head, even if he was still alive, he would still become a cripple. There was a black palm imprint on his white skin and the palm imprint deeply engraved on his flesh.    


It was a pity that a woman that looked like a flower had appeared. Carrying the scorpion on his shoulder, Ye Cheng walked out of the room.    


"I'm here to pick up my woman!"    


"I didn't expect that the young master Ye would join hands with ghosts. It's really out of my expectations."    


"NO!" NO! NO! These words are flabbergasted, it's not that I want to join hands with others, it's that I have a good relationship with others, but that I was bullied, so I came to help! " Ye Cheng laughed shamelessly. But Boss Wei, you are too evil, you brought so many people who are neither human nor ghosts to deal with this young master, it does not fit in at all with the image of a beautiful man like me. "    


"This humble one remembers. In the future, I will help young master Ye find more beauties. Can you return her to me now?"    


"No way! If I return the scorpion to you, what will happen to my brother-in-law? Why don't you come over and bring An Gaohan over to me? I'll return your woman to you. "    


Wei Dong's face sank. With his left back behind him, he took a step forward and spread open his right palm towards Ye Cheng. I did not catch An Gaohan! "    


"That's not what you said in the haunted house!"    


"Believe it or not!"    


"I only saw the truth. You and Scorpion were both in the ghost house, but An Gaohan went missing. Do you want me to believe that it wasn't you, that I was a fool?"    


Wei Dong threw out the phrase "foolishly", stepped forward and smashed his right palm into the tiger's heart.    


Ye Cheng raised his left hand, retreating half a step, and directly struck at Wei Dong's right palm. After a few bangs, the two of them moved half a step, and only created a small opening in the ground between them.    


"You're not my opponent."    


Ye Cheng squinted his eyes, this was the truth.    


Wei Dong looked at Ye Cheng coldly while carrying the poisonous scorpion, and then turned around and walked out of the gentle world.    


The door opened and closed. Outside, it was already the morning of the second day, but Ye Cheng stood in the distance, staring at the crack on the ground while deep in thought.    


The phone continued to vibrate as An Ningxuan's anxious voice came from the other side. Ye Cheng listened quietly and suddenly shouted loudly. What? Your brother-in-law went back? "    


Was God joking with him? Ye Cheng sat in the living room, waiting on An Ningxuan like a lord. He slammed the door hard, walked up to him and grabbed An Gaohan, then pulled him up from the sofa.    


An Ningxuan blocked at the side, she scolded Ye Cheng for being rude, but shouted at her, causing her to stay where she was.    


"Let me ask you, was the disappearance planned by you long ago?"    


"Ye Cheng, what nonsense are you spouting?" Hearing Ye Cheng's question, she started to speak on An Gaohan's behalf. My brother just came back, do you want to do this? If he had a plan, why would he return it? What good would it do us to have a plan? "    


"Shut up! "Don't interrupt him on a man's matter. He should be clear about whether there are benefits or not." Ye Cheng shouted at An Ningxuan to return, and pointed at An Gaohan and asked again: "The disappearance, has anything to do with you!"    


"It seems like you've really gone to the Gentle Village."    


An Ningxuan was startled, and turned to An Gaohan. What do you mean by that? "    


"So you admit it? Was it fun to make Anthea worried? Or is your family born to enjoy the pain of others? An Gaohan, I can endure how you play with me, but I can't do it in peace. "    




"Don't speak, enter the room. I'm going to take action!"    


An Ningxuan bit her lips. Only now did she realize that Ye Cheng's anger was actually because of her. "Hmm, I'll go into the room. Stop slapping my face. It's a pity if it breaks."    


"That's the face you want to slap."    


His fist landed right on An Gaohan's abdomen, dodging An Gaohan's handsome face. Before I lose my temper, I'd better tell you the truth. "    


"The kidnapping is real, but the treatment after the kidnapping is still pretty good. Since you made me win a lot of money, I'll treat you guys to a big meal."    




"Nope, I'll save some money then."    


Ye Cheng stared at An Gaohan, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. If Anthea forgives you, I'll forgive you. "    


"She just found out!"    


"You two are lying to me?" Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, following him was the easiest to deceive.    


An Gaohan laughed slyly, and then turned and sat on the sofa. He crossed his legs and stared at Ye Cheng as he spat out two words.    


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