The Romantic Soldier King



"Did Young Master An see Ye Cheng last night?" Seeing that the time was right, Song Qihua opened his mouth to ask.    


"I've seen him, and he's even fighting with someone. Why is Director Song looking for him?"    


Song Qihua shook his head. Last night, two cars collided and caused a huge explosion near a high-class residential area. According to the information provided by the eyewitnesses, the result of the photo comparison was that Ye Cheng was also present at the scene of the accident.    


An Gaohan revealed a surprised expression, and said in disbelief: "Impossible, Director Song, you said that we have indeed been to that place, but we left after eating supper, and confirmed that we did not make a mistake with the witnesses?"    


Song Qihua looked outside, and muttered a few words: "We found five corpses at the scene, and two of them were dumped outside the accident car. After that, my men investigated the nearby surveillance, and when it happened, Ye Cheng was just crossing the road, from the looks of it, I suspect that the two cars collided on purpose, and the goal is to kill Ye Cheng."    


An Gaohan's expression was very interesting, he slowly leaned back in his chair, picked up half a cigarette, took a few puffs, and extinguished. I don't believe it either, but the scene did show Ye Cheng being devoured by a fire snake, so I am very regretful, that's why I think it would be better for you to pass this result on to An Ningxuan. Of course, the driver would die on the spot, this case ? "    


"Director Song, first of all, I'm very grateful that you're willing to help us settle down. However, I have a question for you." An Gaohan was momentarily in a daze, he stared at the green tea on the table and asked: "Director Song, do you really hope for something to happen to our An family?"    


Song Qihua's face was extremely awkward, he did not know where An Gaohan's words came from.    


"Look, this is the second time I've come to the Hong Kong Island, the second time I've met you. And every time, you've come to bring about news of your death, can't you think of any other reason other than traffic accidents? Ye Cheng is my sister's boyfriend, he is still alive and well, it's fine if you curse me to die, but why bring other people along. "    


An Gaohan looked at Song Qihua coldly, then picked up the bill and walked out. I hope that we don't see each other too much in the future. I'm really afraid that the next time I see you, I might impulsively smash a few holes in your body. "    


Song Qihua's mouth was agape, he could clearly feel that the An Family's problem was with their heir, compared to the other candidates, this An Gaohan was really the opposite of normal people.    


"Young Master An!" You misunderstood me. "    


An Gaohan turned around and smiled. If it's a business matter, I will look for you in your office tomorrow. If it's a personal matter, it's best if we don't meet each other often. You don't want to be the third one, and take the back path for Xiang Weimin and Wang Yezheng, Director Song! Those who have connections with Ye Cheng, especially those that are officials, don't seem to have it going smoothly in the end. "    


Regardless of whether it was a warning, An Gaohan's words were like a time bomb in Song Qihua's heart, and in fact, the two people he mentioned had all fallen because of Ye Cheng.    


Lighting a cigarette, Song Qihua squinted his eyes and stared at the smoke that came out of his mouth.    


The owner of the wine house walked forward, cleaned up the mess on the table and made a fresh pot of tea for Song Qihua.    


Song Qihua was extremely hesitant about this. He did not ask to change the tea, rather, he was prepared to leave.    


The owner courteously made a "please" gesture and told the customer that the tea was sent to him. Then, he indicated that he could take his time to taste the tea before he pushed out of the partition.    


Song Qihua looked at the time. It was not even 6 in the afternoon yet, and the wine house was already filled up with people, the good business here was closely related to the owner, in addition, the food was delicious and the prices were fair.    


Someone brought him good tea, and the boss's deliberate hint that there was a visitor, Song Qihua started to hesitate. He wanted to see this mysterious guest, if this person was someone he did not want to see, how could he escape after seeing him?    


At this critical juncture, it was best for many people to not see him. It definitely wouldn't be good if they saw him.    


After Song Qihua hesitated for a while, he still stood up, picked up his clothes and hat and prepared to leave.    


Pushing the door open, a grey robed man stood at the door. Wei Dong grinned as he stared at Song Qihua, extended his right hand, and pressed it against his waist at a right angle and said: "I came late, I made you wait."    


Song Qihua let out a difficult sigh from the bottom of his heart, he gazed at the right hand that was held in the air, and calmly grabbed it. I don't know whose prank this was, but I thought it was. "    


Wei Dong took off his shoes and walked into the living room. It was not a completely sealed room, there were two walls made of wooden pillars, and a dark brown muslin cloth was used to cover the walls, blocking many people's line of sight.    


However, the shop owner was very considerate. He only used solid walls on both sides of the lobby wall, so the guests outside could not see the guests in the living room at all. The two walls facing the courtyard were the residence of the shop owner, which was a more private space.    


"I really can't think of anyone in the Hong Kong Island who would be so daring to play a prank on you! If you misunderstand, it must be because I did not manage to reach my post, I hope that Director Song can forgive me. "    


Wei Dong was too courteous, it was unbearable for him! There must be some unspeakable secret or conspiracy behind the sudden kindness of a ruthless person.    


"Boss Wei won't say it directly!"    


Wei Dong poured a cup of tea for Song Qihua. He lowered his eyes and watched the water droplets that accidentally fell onto the table, then asked softly: "Do you understand the car accident that happened last night near the high-end residential complex? I heard some strange rumors, my old rival seemed to be near the accident.    


When Song Qihua saw the live monitor, the first person he suspected was Wei Dong, and now that was sitting across from him, the doubt in his heart started to waver. "Dead!"    




The ladle fell onto the table. Wei Dong raised his hand into the air, as he found this answer extremely unacceptable. His entire face began to twitch, looking extremely agitated, even his voice started to tremble. Director Song, this joke isn't interesting at all. "    


If Boss Wei had seen the video of the accident, then he would not doubt me. The two cars collided behind Ye Cheng, causing a huge explosion on the spot, and the damage was far too great. Other than the four of them, along with Ye Cheng and the innocent pedestrians, at least seven people died and more than ten people were injured, do you think I would joke around?    


Wei Dong sat up straight. This was already a serious traffic accident, as the chief of the traffic police department, Song Qihua did not need to lie. The case has been closed, and Director Song believes that the perpetrator is really dead? "    


"The perpetrator died on the spot, but from experience, it seems that there are a lot of strange things going on in this traffic accident. Did Boss Wei have any suspects?"    


"It's already a case, what's the point if we don't have a suspect!" Wei Dong laughed twice and continued to speak: "Thank you, Director Song, for drinking tea with me, farewell."    


Watching Wei Dong leave, Song Qihua was no longer calm.    


If Wei Dong was not the mastermind, then who could he be?    


Song Qihua dialed a number, and after a few rings, he heard a low voice. Something has happened! "    


The other party replied, and then denied Song Qihua's suspicions.    


"I've just seen Wei Dong, and he denied it. However, An Gaohan claimed that Ye Cheng was still alive, so I thought ? "Okay, yes, I understand."    


Song Qihua's words were cut off, and after a few sounds of agreement, he hung up and left the wine house.    


An Gaohan followed Song Qihua all the way back to his apartment. After he left the wine house, he had been guarding outside the door, and after personally seeing Wei Dong go in and come out, his expression became extremely strange. Furthermore, after Song Qihua saw Wei Dong, his expression became somewhat strange, and it was unknown what the two people said.    


After returning to his apartment, Song Qihua didn't come out again. An hour later, the nanny had left the apartment, An Gaohan drove behind the nanny to a pharmacy, saw her buy some medicine, and went back to Song Qihua's apartment after that, and never left.    


An Gaohan rubbed his chin, why did Song Qihua ask the nanny to buy so much medicine for? Was there someone wounded in the family?    


Song Qihua sat inside the car until dawn, then decided to leave the apartment on the way to the traffic police headquarters at eight o'clock. Not long after, Song Qihua's wife brought the children away, An Gaohan put on the hat and entered the building, knocking on Song Qihua's door.    


After knocking on the door for a long time, the nanny finally opened it. When she saw that it was a stranger, she immediately asked in alarm.    


An Gaohan casually said a name and the nanny continued to find the wrong person as she closed the door. Then she knocked on the door again and the nanny fell silent.    


The smell from the porch was too strong, it was as if perfume was spilled. An Gaohan with his sharp eyes saw that there was red blood on the side of the nanny's apron.    


Song Qihua had a meeting in the morning, and his assistant asked An Gaohan to wait in the small meeting room. After sending over the coffee, An Gaohan called out to her. "Who is in charge of the accident up there the day before yesterday?"    


"Director, the case has already been closed. What are your doubts?"    


"I want to watch the live video!"    


"?" The assistant revealed an awkward expression. All the materials are with the Director, we have no right to ask. "    


An Gaohan was not making things difficult for the assistant, he was inspecting the office and did not find anything, but he did not touch Song Qihua's computer either, and only quietly drank his coffee and waited for someone.    


In the afternoon, Song Qihua entered from the outside happily. He did not say anything as he dragged An Gaohan out for lunch.    


"After I went back last night, I seriously thought about the Director's words. If it's convenient for you, can you give me a copy of the monitoring at the scene of the accident?"    


Song Qihua chuckled twice. This young man was still a young man after all, his acting was a little short! It's alright, but what's the use of Young Master An asking for this monitoring device? Isn't Ye Cheng still alive? "    


The old debt from last night was settled today. Song Qihua watched An Gaohan with a smile, he had genuinely gone to teach this young man a lesson.    


"Director Song, I thought you were a smart person, but it looks like you're not as smart as we thought."    


An Gaohan was deflated in front of Song Qihua, but he was not angry, threw down the question that could only be asked, and walked out of the restaurant in a fluent manner.    


Before the dishes were served, the tea had already turned cold.    


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