The Romantic Soldier King



Under the black mist, black heads emerged out of the ground continuously. They continuously disturbed Ye Cheng as they all rushed forward fearlessly, which was broken by his punches and kicks. Their heads were split open and abandoned in the wilderness.    


The incomplete beauty continued to mutate, the black fog became clearer, more and more beauties appeared, and the level became higher.    


Looking at the distance, at the speed of an incomplete beauty, it would be possible for it to enter the city in less than half an hour. But facing these bountiful banners, it was difficult for Ye Cheng to see both of them.    


The entire mountain was filled with towering tree s, all of them feared of fire, but Ye Cheng could not fight against it with fire. He could control fire, but he could not completely avoid damaging a tree.    


After kicking Ba Ba who flew up and knocked the other party down, Ye Cheng took a step forward and punched it, and then broke its neck with a pair of hands. However, just as he lifted his head, another large wave swarmed forward. In order to buy more time, Ye Cheng avoided the trees in a small area and released Fire Dragons to devour him, then continued to rush forward.    


"Young Lord, over here!"    


Ye Cheng suddenly stopped in his tracks. Looking ahead, he saw that there was a person curled up on a tree trunk five to six meters in front of him, and at this moment, the beautiful action that he had taken was in the direction of Venom Snake. It was a deviation from the mountain road, and Ye Cheng was not only puzzled, what was going on?    


He stood at Ye Cheng's height and looked towards the abandoned factory at the east. He had just hid there to escape this calamity, and found a large amount of oil barrels in the factory, possibly because of the warehouse left behind by the factory.    


When he brought the oil barrels out to save his subordinates, he discovered that they had already died miserably at the hands of the Broken Beauty, so he returned to the warehouse with the two big barrels of oil to burn the enemies. He did not expect that he would meet the berserk mutated Broken Beauty and Ye Cheng halfway down the mountain, therefore, Venom Snake ignited the rosin order to attract the Broken Beauty, intending to lure him to the warehouse and use the machinery there to kill him.    


Ye Cheng took a deep breath, his sharp senses allowing him to feel the strange movements of the air currents, as well as the thick fragrance of pine in the air. Broken Beauty ran towards Venom Snake without a care for anything else. Seeing what was being dragged in Venom Snake's hands, he made a hand gesture to himself, then turned and sped towards the east. Without thinking much, Ye Cheng chased after her.    


The most attractive thing to him was not the snake but the rosin. Although he didn't know why the smell was attracted to it, at least he wouldn't think about going to the town for a while.    


Venom Snake dove into the warehouse, placed the burning rosin in the corner, then climbed onto the wheel of the roller and turned on the switch. The machine rang and stopped. The circuit had failed due to a long delay.    


The old-fashioned warehouse's electrical distribution room was always outside. Venom Snake wasn't sure if it would still be useful. He looked at the window and slid past it. Just as he was about to leave, Broken Beauty crashed into him from outside.    


Scarlet Eye looked around for his target. His eyeballs were rolling in all directions. He caught sight of the Venom Snake. He roared and swung his right arm. A strong wind hit the snake, rolling it up and smashing it to the ground.    


Venom Snake, who was not a match for the crippled beauty, did not have any chance to retaliate at all. He painfully propped up the machine behind him and leaned against it. He touched a sticky barrel and thought of something. "Go to hell!" With Venom Snake's angry roar, half a barrel of lubricant was poured onto the broken beauty's body.    


He waved his arms and grabbed Venom Snake's shoulders, lifting him up from the ground. After throwing him a few times, he crashed into the wall.    


He stared at the wall that was gradually approaching and thought about how he would be crushed into a meat patty and how he was extremely unwilling to die. Thus, when he was about to come into close contact with the wall, he bent his legs and stared at the wall, using the rebound force to push himself away and throwing him towards the ceiling.    


Venom Snake reacted quickly and grabbed the beam of the house. He turned around and climbed up, dodging the attack of the Venom Snake.    


Although he managed to escape the calamity, the three meter tall snake was level with the beam. The snake could not escape the first five days. He was grabbed by the ankle and pulled down from the beam.    


He closed his eyes, waiting for the next heavy blow, but before that moment, he felt something was dragging his back. He opened his eyes and saw Ye Cheng holding his back with one hand and the other hand holding onto air, grabbing onto equipment at the side.    


Venom Snake could not see through Ye Cheng's motives, but he could only hear the sound of metal being crushed. He stared dumbfoundedly at the machine that was being twisted by the energy, making cracking noises, and in the blink of an eye, the machine had turned into a 3 metre long iron bar that was 20 centimetres long. It broke through the roof and revealed a huge hole.    


"Hurry up and run!" With a shake of his arm, Ye Cheng dragged Venom Snake towards the hole in the ceiling.    


Venom Snake gulped. He felt that Ye Cheng was even more terrifying than a broken beauty.    


After sending Venom Snake away, Ye Cheng held the iron bar in his hand and turned to face the beautiful woman. This thing was on par with him right now, it was going to be up to whose luck it was.    


"Don't even think about escaping!"    


The crippled beauty roared as she used her head to smash through the roof.    


"As the stones and tiles fell, Venom Snake, who had already escaped, suddenly collapsed. Sensing the tremor behind him, he turned to the mixer at the side." Young Lord, over there! "    


Ye Cheng immediately understood what Venom Snake meant. He swung the iron rod across her beautiful lower body, and Venom Snake used his arms and legs like a monkey to jump out of the window, breaking through the window and going out. Young Lord, how long can you take? "    


Ye Cheng looked at the circuit of the mixer and said: "Half an hour!"    


This was a little difficult. If the electrical room outside was good, then it could be finished in a few minutes. If it was abandoned, then it would take at least half a year.    


Venom said, "I'll try my best," and left.    


Ye Cheng pouted. He had been looking at this machine for a long time now, and it was hard to say if it could still be used normally after the electricity was switched on. The problem was, who would pay for this at a place they did not use!    


He hoped that Venom Snake didn't want him to get involved. According to the estimation of time, the drug would reach the end of its life soon. It would take at most half an hour for it to return to its original state after the drug was exhausted.    


In fact, the incomplete beauty was not really that scary. The truly terrifying thing was the people who made these things, Ye Cheng deeply remembered this name, Ouyang!    


The incomplete beauty swept through all the obstacles like it was destroying the world. When she arrived in front of Ye Cheng, the skin on her body had already started to crack and her blood vessels were rapidly shrinking and expanding. Not knowing how painful it was, it used one of its arms to block the iron rod in Ye Cheng's hand. It only used its elbow to twist the three-meter long iron rod into a circle.    


Ye Cheng chuckled, he just wanted this kind of effect, if not why would he need such a long piece of scrap iron.    


The curved iron rod was still hooked onto the broken and beautiful arm. It was easy to bend it, but very difficult to struggle free from it.    


Ye Cheng grabbed onto the other end of the pole and leaped up, flying towards the collapsed roof beam.    


It was currently like a frozen pig that was hung in a cold pit, going up and down only able to roar at Ye Cheng who was right above it.    


To Ye Cheng, this was a life and death moment! He had overestimated the intelligence of a crippled beauty. No, it should be said that the forbidden medicine had weakened its intelligence, if it was still that incomplete beauty in the East Ocean, Ye Cheng would not have such confidence. It would definitely be an opponent with fighting spirit, but unfortunately, it lost in self-deception.    


To fall into a trap was like falling into a cycle of death, a cycle of continuous mistakes.    


It could feel its strength disappearing, and it could not even lift its right arm. At this moment, the pain that followed started to spread throughout its body, and an unbearable pain made it twist its body even more arrogantly, its eyes became even redder, and its body that was constantly expanding started to weaken, but it did not shrink like what Ye Cheng had imagined.    


Ye Cheng stood in front of the beautiful woman, and looked at his body that was slowly becoming a ball. His four limbs were like four disharmonious chopsticks, and only then did he remember that the beautiful lady was not a human, but a ghost.    


Venom could not find a way to start the machine. He traveled the entire area but could not find a distribution room. Instead, he found an engine, a generator without a cable.    


Would Ye Cheng and himself really be able to stand up to that monster? Venom Snake was not as confident as Ye Cheng, and because the warehouse was too quiet, he could see that the roof had been broken by metal rods. The other parts of the roof were still intact, it did not look like a scene of a fierce battle at all.    


He did not dare continue thinking about it. Venom Snake started to run, and if he wanted to see someone to die, he wanted to see their corpse. He could not let Ye Cheng do this ?    


"Young Lord! I came late. "    




Balls of sticky stuff sprayed out from the house and hit Venom Snake's face. He couldn't help but bend over and vomit due to the strong stench.    


Pata! A piece of meat fell from his body. The black blood mixed with the vomit gave off an indescribable smell. It was like a hydrogen bomb, enough to kill an adult.    


Venom Snake held the door open, he was no longer able to think about what was going on. If Ye Cheng died, he would not be able to escape the slaughter, so he did not plan to escape.    


"Take a deep breath. Venom Snake tried his best to hold back the pain in his stomach, and he shouted loudly." "Demons, give me your life!"    


Bang bang!    


His vision went dark and his chest felt stuffy. Venom Snake only saw an exploding ball hanging in the room before he was sent flying out into the open space with the sun hanging over his head. He was completely stupefied. Young Lord? "    


In less than half an hour, all of the swelling had already reached its target. He only needed to go open his hand and turn his head to see Venom Snake rushing into the house. Before he had the time to remind him, the interior of the house had already exploded.    


Tsk tsk tsk tsk, what a pitiful child, to be so impulsive at such an age!    


"Do I look like a monster? You want to take your life from me?! "    


Venom Snake blinked. He could not believe his eyes, and jumped up from the ground as he used his hands, which were stained with all kinds of disgusting substances, to caress Ye Cheng's face. You really are a Young Lord, and not his ghost! "    


Ye Cheng started to scream loudly, like a snake and scorpion trying to avoid a scorpion, he dodged the Venom Snake. "This is too disgusting!" I'm warning you, don't come near me, don't, ahhh! "    


No matter how much Ye Cheng tried to struggle free, Venom Snake did not let go. He mumbled under his breath as tears flowed out.    


Ye Cheng sighed, it truly was not easy for this man to survive.    


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