The Romantic Soldier King



Pang Shuai didn't ask anything, he just picked up a stool and smashed it onto the assassin's back. That bloody scene really made Ye Cheng jump out of the house, he didn't know who this person was.    


The Assassin was stunned for a moment before reacting. He was also a ruthless guy, he jumped up from the ground and punched Pang Shuai, and the two of them started fighting inside the house.    


Ye Cheng guarded the outside of the curtain, obstructing the people who came to watch the commotion. After hearing everything that was happening inside, he only said a few words about how the police was handling a case, and then pulled open the curtain and walked in.    


The assassin was lying on the ground and twitching. Looking at the bloodstains, Pang Shuai's attack must have been really powerful.    


"Let's go!"    


Ye Cheng blinked his eyes and followed Pang Shuai out. After passing by Master Teng, he said with a smile: "We've settled that customer, you can stab him without worry. I guarantee that he won't shout out."    


It was as if the tattoo master had gotten used to it, tidied up the room, and listened to Ye Cheng's words, and continued to prick.    


Sitting in the car, Ye Cheng stared at Pang Shuai with interest and said: "Are you always saying, you have been imitating me for a long time?"    


"Looking at your ruthlessness, I should be stronger than you. Truthfully speaking, you are too soft on your enemies."    


"Ugh!" Have I been slapped in the face by you? " Not only did Ye Cheng not feel any unhappiness, on the contrary, he was growing stronger and stronger. Interesting, really f * cking interesting.    


"Pang Shuai lifted the corner of his mouth. The standard thirty-five degrees was exactly the same as Ye Cheng's signature smile. To slap the face, one has to bash it in. That's what you call smacking the face! "    


Ye Cheng nodded his head seriously, he said something that made sense, and then asked: "Do you feel pain?"    


Pang Shuai laughed out loud, while driving, he gave Ye Cheng a thumbs up. "I'm in pain, but you're not in pain."    


"Hmm, that's more like it!"    


Pang Shuai told Ye Cheng that the person just now was called Guo Pi, a errand runner. He did not belong to any kind of family society, but he ran errands for everyone. There were a lot of such people in the Hong Kong Island.    


The dirty work here was not referring to the dirty work, but to find a home for those who had face, with a chance to draw a lottery in the middle, and would sometimes do it themselves, but most of them were small jobs, like killing two ordinary people, or doing a few kidnappings, then finding a society to do the dirty work whenever they met with a big job, so without a good man, they were usually highly sought after in the underground organization.    


Hua Kui was the little leader of this region who didn't have any good people. Pang Shuai didn't say why he wanted to mess with this fellow, but the place that he brought Ye Cheng to revealed its profound mysteries.    


This place belonged to the Chen family. After exiting the Entertainment City, they approached the intersection of Qin Family, Leng family and Sun Yee On two streets west. That was the most dangerous place in the entire Hong Kong Island, and there would often be cases of trouble or murder, but compared to the police station over there, it was the place with the most benefits.    


The two of them entered the game arcade from the back. They saw two rows of pinball machines greeting them like two long dragons. As they passed through the long dragons, they saw all sorts of game consoles, their eyes filled with memories.    


Pang Shuai found his way to the amusement park's office familiarly, with his hands in his pockets, he kicked the door open.    


Ye Cheng was really afraid that he would use violence against others like what he did just now. There were at least twenty or so thugs protecting the scene on the surface, but there were countless of them in the dark.    


"Brat, impulses are devils!"    


Pang Shuai laughed and said: "Don't worry elder brother Ye, I'm not here to fight, I'm here to look for someone."    


Damn it, I believe you!    


Ye Cheng cursed in his heart, but he still followed into the office and locked the door.    


It only took him half a minute to intimidate them by kicking the door. The punches came from all eight directions and the room was filled with sounds of clashing.    


He was not looking for someone, he was clearly here to ruin the situation!    


However, Pang Shuai was indeed able to fight. After following behind him and crossing over each and every one of the people who had been knocked down, he finally saw the main character in a door.    


"The melon rind said it could find this person here."    


The owner of the exhibition hall coughed dryly a few times. He gave his bodyguard a meaningful glance and asked everyone to leave before he took the photo and said, "Regular customer, but I haven't been here for more than a week."    


What followed was the so called police investigation, Ye Cheng could recite the platitudes from behind, but there were no constructive results.    


A man in a certain position is bound to act, and the owner of the fair is a slick man, who is probably being questioned too much and is familiar with the ways of the police. His answer is like a rake on a rock, and has no effect at all.     


"Pang, I've told you many times, I really don't know where this person lives. There are so many people coming in and out of my house every day, I can't possibly ask for their home address, can I?"    


Just as Pang Shuai was about to go berserk, he was pushed to the side.    


He sized up the owner of the entertainment hall from head to toe. He weighed more than 200 pounds and was estimated to be around 178. He sat in a leather chair with the flesh on his belly hanging down to his crotch.    


"You said you don't know!"    


"Officer, I've told you everything I know. If you continue asking, it will make things difficult for me, I can sue you."    


Ye Cheng smirked as he picked up the phone on the table and called Team Leader Chen. Old Chen, this is the XX Entertainment Hall. We found a female corpse here, bring more people here. The address is ? "    


With his fat body, it was difficult for him to get up from the leather chair. He tried several times in a row, but he still could not stand up, but at this time, Ye Cheng had already pushed the phone to the other side of the table, and once again dialed Team Leader Chen's number.    


I'm sorry, Old Chen. Just now when the phone jumped off the line, Pang Shuai and I have already controlled the culprit. Ye Cheng stared at the owner and bellowed: "What are you shouting for, quickly tell me."    


Pang Shuai, who was at the side, covered his mouth, afraid that he would laugh out loud and walk to the side.    


The owner of the game hall was completely stunned by Ye Cheng's bluff. Under a few angry roars, he actually reported his name.    


"Google boy!" Ye Cheng laughed sinisterly as he praised the owner of the exhibition hall. "Then, how did you harm this little girl? Did you get interested in sex?"    


"Officer, I didn't kill anyone. What kind of corpse is there here? Stop messing with me."    


"Damn!" How do you talk to the police? "If you dare to say that I framed you in front of my head, and that the body is outside, do you dare to say that you don't have it? I'll call all the policemen over and check if there are any corpses hidden here!"    


After saying that, Ye Cheng shot a glance at Pang Shuai who was secretly laughing, and said with an extremely respectful tone: "Chief, I'm sure that when I first entered, I saw traces of refurbishment behind the row of marbles on the left. The corpse must have been hidden there."    


"OK!" I will immediately apply for a search warrant. "    


"Pang Zi's magnanimous. I said it, I said it!"    


Ye Cheng put down the phone, patted the owner's face and smiled as he said "good, good". Then, he walked out of the office.    


The owner of the fair was like a deflated ball as he told Pang Shuai the address. The woman in the photo had lost a week ago when she was playing gambling with him and owed him a loan at a high interest. They had checked the address before, no problem, but this woman had never appeared before, so it was unknown whether the address was valid or not.    


The two of them left the amusement park. On the carriage, Pang Shuai wanted to thank Ye Cheng. But before he could open his mouth, he heard the sound of sirens coming from afar. In a short while, Team Leader Chen had led his people and barged into the amusement park. What was going on? You really called Team Leader Chen? "    


"Of course we have to call the police."    


Ye Cheng smiled at Pang Shuai. I didn't say I was joking! "    




A gunshot came from inside the amusement park. Ye Cheng tensed up, and immediately got off the car and rushed into the amusement park. Pang Shuai also felt that something was wrong and rushed in.    


The sound of gunfire came from the entertainment hall's owner's office. Several people rushed in immediately after the gunfire. The owner had already swallowed his gun and committed suicide, falling onto the table.    


"Nobody moves!" Ye Cheng bellowed, he stared at the corpse and squinted his eyes.    


Team Leader Chen ordered his subordinates to control the scene, and at the same time requested for reinforcements.    


Another group of officers had found the woman's body in the wall behind the pinball machine. The body was highly rotted and reeking.    


With the Team Leader Chen in command, Pang Shuai dragged Ye Cheng to the side and asked, "How did you know there was a corpse here?"    


"Ye Cheng laughed, he pointed to the nose, then pointed to the draught above his head, and finally pointed to the owner's drawer. The woman you're looking for has been found. "    




Ye Cheng patted Pang Shuai's shoulder and said calmly: "Everything is possible."    


After they found the Team Leader Chen, their gazes met and they knew if there was anything special about it or not. Without saying anything, Ye Cheng grabbed onto Team Leader Chen's neck and walked out. "Old brat, you've learnt how to scam me!"    


When the Team Leader Chen saw Ye Cheng together with Pang Shuai, he knew that it was impossible for him to escape this calamity. I don't know anything, how could a small fry like me know your side of things.    


"The case here, try to find a way to hand it over to Pang Shuai, the person who died isn't simple."    


The Team Leader Chen hissed. Ye Cheng was worried that there were spies in the police station, so he showed too much caution when it came to this case.    


Following the procedures here, Ye Cheng and Pang Shuai left the amusement park.    


"You're so willing to be kicked out?"    


"Provoking me is useless. Moreover, the culprit isn't inside. Staying here is just a waste of time. Let's go. I've been out for too long, someone will miss me."    


It was merely a few ordinary words, yet Ye Cheng was able to make people think about what he said. He wanted to find some sort of trick from his word, and make things difficult for himself.    


Pang Shuai was one of them. He always felt that Ye Cheng's words from before were interesting, but he was unable to find out where the mystery was.    


As he was thinking hard the whole way back to the Lianzhou Building, Pang Shuai's subordinates came over to welcome him. Zhang Jianmin was anxious to see Ye Cheng.    


"Hehe, I said someone is missing me, right? Pang, it's time to start!"    


Zhang Jianmin appeared very excited in the interrogation room as he talked nonsense about his dream. He felt that if Wei Dong wanted to kill him, he would have been killed several times in the dream.    


Everyone could feel that Zhang Jianmin was spouting nonsense, but Ye Cheng believed that he was not lying.    


Standing on the path, Ye Cheng dialed Min Xiu's number, the gift had been safely delivered. When Wei Dong saw the gift, he did not have any expression, it was extremely calm, and he did not make things difficult for Min Xiu either, but he did not hear him say anything.    


Ye Cheng asked Min Xiu to find out if there was any special ability user among the new humans that was second only to the Nightmare Realm. Min Xiu immediately answered. He was the dreamer, and there were three more new arrivals like this, including Vam, who was one of them. They had not found the whereabouts of the other two, they were from the second group of people who entered the city, and two others who came along with them.    


It seemed that the matter had become somewhat complicated, but it also explained the death of the owner of the entertainment hall.    


The first thing Ye Cheng did was go to Pang Shuai's office. In front of others, he did not say anything, but Zhang Jianmin was currently in a dangerous situation and could lose his life at any time. His dreams were not fake.    


"elder brother Ye, letting someone without an identity certificate enter the Independent Commission Against Corruption is a crime. Your identity is different, someone protects you, but that person cannot."    


"Then we can just wait for Zhang Jianmin to die."    


Pang Shuai rubbed his forehead. How bad of a predicament would it be for an adult to act like a child.    


"How can you prove that Zhang Jianmin is not lying?"    


"No!" So you have to convince your boss, and that's true. We need experts in this area. "    


"Are you joking?"    


Ye Cheng waved his finger at Pang Shuai, and suddenly he revealed a strange smile and hooked his finger at Pang Shuai. Or did we release Zhang Jianmin? "    


Pang Shuai opened his eyes wide, at that moment, he could only look at the person in front of him with his mouth twitching, and could only helplessly smile, as though he did not know how to reject.    


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