The Romantic Soldier King



Those who knew how to persevere wouldn't end up worse off than they used to be. This was equivalent to paying a price in return, with the exception of emotions.    


The DJs on the radio would usually chat about thought-provoking issues at night, but tonight, they would coincidentally talk about fate and persevere. Pang Shuai felt that he was really bored, to be able to listen to the radio for so long.    


Roughly two hours ago, Song Qihua had already went to the police station to identify the body. To use Team Leader Chen's words, this person could only be described as ruthless.    


Song Qihua only asked the police to find the culprit as soon as possible after he claimed the body. Other than that, there were three others who were silent.    


As long as they missed out on something, no matter how much they hid it, it would still reveal some abnormal details in front of the police. However, with Team Leader Chen's many years of experience in handling cases, in these few seemingly unrelated problems, Song Qihua was actually outside of the question. He did not know how to deduce this Song Qihua, it was just his intuition, he must have been trying to find someone.    


Pang Shuai opened his eyes and woke up from his thoughts. He raised his arm to block and saw the face in front of the wind shield, he was really a little happy.    


"Waiting for you, waiting until you almost lose your confidence." Seeing Ye Cheng, Pang Shuai spoke from the bottom of his heart.    


Ye Cheng pursed his lips, it had nothing to do with whether this man was sincere or not, he had merely sought him out for him for an entire day, he also wanted to hear what he had to say. Since we're both from the same place, let's forget about pleasantries. I still have to catch a plane tomorrow, let's cut to the chase. "    


"When we captured the Mrs. Zhang at Song Qihua's residence, she confessed to the murder of Madam Song. I don't think she is the murderer."    


"Pansy, the case is a police matter. It goes beyond your authority."    


Pang Shuai laughed. I always remember what you said. For my little life, I will do my best, but personally, I don't think it is a wise decision to let you leave the Hong Kong Island. "    


Ye Cheng blinked his eyes. It was not difficult for Pang Shuai to discover the huge cat that was following behind him. He could have reported this secret to the sect, but he had hidden it. I don't have any other intentions, I just want you to know that I am not Zhang Jianmin, and am definitely not Wang Yezheng. I also have my principles, so no one is willing to be a chess piece. "But I'm not you, so I need an alliance."    




"I said I know you better than you think. I'm your worm."    


Ye Cheng laughed. In the next second, his right hand grabbed Pang Shuai's hand that was reaching towards his inside pocket of his clothes. His left hand appeared right beside his ear at an impossible angle.    


"I don't like to hear nonsense. You talk too much." Ye Cheng released his hands, opened the car door and dragged Pang Shuai out, at the same time, he took out a phone from his pocket.    


The pain of having his jaw dislocated was not a very intense pain, but an unbearable pain! Pang Shuai had no choice but to save himself. With Ye Cheng on his back, he lifted his chin and with two 'ka ka' sounds, he recovered. However, it was still a little difficult to talk.    


"If you want to ally with me, you have to watch yourself first."    


Once he said that, with two bangs, two black figures descended from the sky and landed on the hood of Pang Shuai's car.    


When was he followed? Pang Shuai was truly shocked, he was already very careful with his own movements, this time he did not come out with any police equipment, how could he be followed?    


"These people are all Song Qihua's men. I'm guessing that all of you must be exhausted because of Han Feng's whereabouts."    


"Han Feng killed Madam Song, and we found traces of his hair at the scene. He also left a third person skin on the weapon, and as long as we compare the DNA, we can determine the suspect. As for Mrs. Zhang, she has a strange role to play in this case."    


Ye Cheng stroked Xiao Hei's back as he said in a daze, "The most dangerous place is the safest place."    


"You mean?"    


"I didn't say anything!" Ye Cheng laughed, after the time it took to smoke a cigarette, he calmly sat in the car in the distance, the big cat followed him into the car and left.    


Serious Cases Group searched Song Qihua's residence overnight, but Song Qihua still cooperated with the police. This time, there was a memorial hall in the living room, dedicated to the image of Madam Song, which immediately caused the entire atmosphere to become strange. Especially the fact that Madam Song's eyes seemed to be following the movements of the house from head to toe, which made people shudder in fear.    


When he was free, Team Leader Chen took the chance and sat beside Song Qihua. After consoling him with a few words, he asked her in detail about the night Lady Song was killed.    


Song Qihua's answer was rather interesting, he did not avoid the possibility of being in an intimate relationship with the Mrs. Zhang, so using common words to express that he was a soulmate to a woman.    


The night of the murder, Song Qihua was not at his residence. After drinking a few cups with a few friends at the Abdominal Muscle Club, he had gotten a room in the hotel to sleep. The employees on duty that night could all testify for him, because when he entered, there were some small friction.    


When Team Leader Chen asked about his and his relationship with his wife, Song Qihua obviously changed the topic. The only thing that he did not answer was that the bickering between husband and wife was normal and vague. However, when he asked about her son, Song Qihua was somewhat furious. It was obvious that, until now, the children who were studying outside did not know that Madam Song had died.    


After asking a few more questions, he still could not find any answers. Thus, Team Leader Chen shifted the topic towards Madam Song, but according to Madam Song's usual character and character, she did not have many enemies. Thus, the media guessed that it was an unusually high possibility for her to be in love with someone.    


"Mrs. Zhang and I can be considered as good friends, she would not do such a thing, if the police really want to suspect, then suspect me, and recently, my wife is getting divorced from me, for a pretty boy."    


Team Leader Chen opened his mouth, this question was too confusing. "Director Song, are you sure there's someone outside?"    


If you don't believe, Team Leader Chen can go to the neighbors and ask if we have quarreled over this. When I was doing business on business, she even brought back some wild men to spend the night with her. The security guards downstairs can all testify.    


Song Qihua provided a secret that no one knew, and after the Team Leader Chen withdrew their troops, they walked around the vicinity to ask around. In the end, they found the security guard that Song Qihua mentioned, and after verification, Madam Song indeed brought the man home for a night.    


On the way back to Serious Cases Group, Team Leader Chen personally went to the hotel where Song Qihua stayed to investigate. There were no accidents, on the night of the murder, Song Qihua had indeed stayed at the hotel, and the video showed him and the receptionist. He had the time to prove it, so it was definitely not the murderer.    


Team Leader Chen scratched his head and knocked his feet on the table, looking at the DNA comparison. The key point that he placed his fingerprint on the deboning knife had been missed, and the third person on the fingerprint was not Han Feng. Right now, the Technical Search Center was looking for the owner of the fingerprint.    


This case looked even more complicated than Wang Yezheng's case, and the person was also much more cunning.    


The Team Leader Chen lied on his back, he was so exhausted that he wanted to escape. Ever since he had become the leader of the Serious Cases Group, he had not had a single good day, and now that Ye Cheng and his men had already left the Hong Kong Island, the only person who could do as he did was himself. Damn it, how did Song Qihua manage to do it this time.    


Unknowingly, the sky started to darken, the Team Leader Chen's phone started to vibrate non-stop, but it was unable to pull him out from his thoughts. There were too many suspicious points, which was that Song Qihua's lie could not be exposed, and time witnesses were so perfect, causing him to be unable to explain why Mrs. Zhang had to take the blame.    


A shadow flashed outside the window, and quietly went in front of Team Leader Chen.    


The Team Leader Chen that was drifting downwards was still somewhat alert. He suddenly raised the gun at his waist and aimed it at the black shadow in the corner. Who is it? Come out! "Otherwise I'll shoot."    


After a series of tsk-tsk sounds, a face full of playfulness emerged from the shadows.    


"You? Didn't you leave on the morning plane? "    


"There are many flights to and from the Hong Kong Island."    


The first thing Team Leader Chen did was to pull all the curtains and lock the door. He pushed Ye Cheng to a dead end and shouted in a low voice: "Are you crazy?    


Ye Cheng slapped away Team Leader Chen's hand, leaned against the wall, and said indifferently: "What's the result? Captured or killed? Old Chen, I think you have been following that brat for too long, your brain is also funny, would I, Ye Cheng do such a stupid thing? "    


"A leopard exchanging for a crown prince? "Those people are very smart. Your every move is under their noses." Team Leader Chen was truly worried for Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng chuckled, his black eyes flickered with a crafty light. One on the left, one on the right. You are very familiar with them! "    


"Familiar my ass!" Team Leader Chen spat. It's just a coincidence, if you make Wang Dazhi stare at Pang Shuai and find out about it, then that brat is still being held. But the camera is with me, I have thought of a lot of ways, and I can't get him out of there. "If it doesn't work, then I'll get rid of him, so that I won't be unable to hold on and get dirtied."    


Ye Cheng sighed, he had heard of Wang Dazhi's matter, and doing it did not mean that there was no change, it was just that he owed him another favor. "No rush, let's see first."    


"Ye Cheng, Wang Dazhi..."    


"Show me his camera."    


Back then, Ye Cheng sent Wang Dazhi to follow him for no other reason but to find out the person behind him.    


Below the camera, Pang Shuai met with a middle aged man and got on his car to head to the surrounding high-class residential area. This was the last photo he would be taken before being imprisoned.    


"This is the shot in front of you, how did the camera end up in your hands?"    


The Team Leader Chen shook his head. The other party had sent the camera back by express delivery, but it was quite puzzling that he would send it back along with the delivery. Just who exactly is this Pang Shuai standing on? "    


"Are you standing over there again?"    


When these words came out, Team Leader Chen jumped up. He waved his fist at Ye Cheng and shouted in an unresigned tone, "Stinky kid, apologize immediately."    


"With your status, you have waited far too long."    


"Team Leader Chen was surprised for a moment, and then sighed. Five years ago, I returned to Hong Kong Island after completing my mission. Four years ago, in the case of the Cellular ghost, I did not participate in the operation, but I have been paying attention to this case since the beginning, and also paid attention to Yu Mingxi. It was just that the end of the case was not satisfactory. "    


"As he mentioned that year, Team Leader Chen unconsciously clenched his teeth. My intuition tells me that this case is not ordinary, so I used my authority to slowly investigate. I accidentally discovered that there is a huge connection between Yu Mingxi and the murder case, and at the same time, a person appeared. "    


"Guo Chao?"    


"The Team Leader Chen nodded. I remember when I was at the Wolf Fang, we had to take care of people together. The Hong Kong Island's underground industry is very complicated, the Forbidden Medicine is endless, I suspect that someone above has been involved in this, so I have always been hiding at the bottom level to uncover the truth. I have waited for many years, but I know very little. I didn't feel there was any hope until you showed up. "    


Team Leader Chen suddenly pressed down on Ye Cheng's shoulder, and looked at him sincerely. There were many words in his eyes that he wanted to say, but in the end he only patted Ye Cheng's shoulder and shook his head, and continued to sigh.    


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