The Romantic Soldier King



The basement of Ouyang family Residence was about the same size as the main building. It was huge, and people who were not familiar with the terrain would easily get lost here.    


Aaron hurried through the playroom, down a long passage, and came to an iron door. No one had a handle, and there was a fingerprint lock on the door.    


After entering this iron door was another dirty world of the house. Here, the most comprehensive torture instruments could allow any kind of prisoner to open his mouth.    


The Ah Long entered the left room and looked at the person inside through the glass. Under the dim yellow light of the lamp, there was a piece of wooden board leaning against the wall, and no one could clearly see what was inside.    


Ah Long asked his subordinates, but did not get any answers, he only said that this board was sent over with someone, and that there was also a phone and a few cigarette butts.    


What the hell is this Ye Cheng doing?    


The interrogation continued. The other party was a waiter of the Immortal Dawn Villa who had been sent here to steal secret documents. After hearing his subordinate's report, Ah Long frowned as he walked into the interrogation room. He signaled his subordinate to continue.    


"The Buddha already knows?"    


"It was the Buddha who told us to take down the plank. The phone and cigarette butt are still with the Buddha."    


"We have to get something out of this person's mouth."    


When Ah Long returned to his study, the Old Buddha was observing something with a magnifying glass. When she heard the door open, she asked: "Did you see that thing?"    


"The Gate of Earth is in chaos, Buddha, this is getting serious."    


The Buddha laughed. Red Star Town's cigarette butts and mobile phones, the coffin shop in the village, are there any connections between the two?    


Ah Long shook his head. He did not understand the meaning behind the previous period of time and after pondering for a long time, he suddenly became enlightened. Buddha means that someone from our side has teamed up with the Earth Gate? "    


"We'll secretly investigate and notify the people there."    


"Buddha, what about Small Fifth Lord?"    


The Old Buddha waved his hand, it was clear that he did not wish for this person to be Ouyang Xiaoxiao. The old man of the Qiao family shall drink tea, and it shall be best if that young miss Sun appears. "    


He took a teacher's cell phone out of a drawer and dialed the number on it. After a few minutes, the phone hung up and he walked to his bedroom with his hands behind his back.    


On the other end of the phone was a dial-up phone that had been ringing for a long time. A crack appeared in the corner of the dark room, then it became hidden again.    


The phone on the table began to make 'ka ka' sounds. Soon, a low and deep sound could be heard.    


After the rain had passed, the morning sunlight carried a hint of coolness. The An clan had already begun working in their courtyard, and they had to eat breakfast before 7 o'clock. This had been an unwritten rule of the An clan for a long time.    


The servants were not allowed to eat with their masters. Before 6: 45, they had to prepare the food and place it on the table, and then they all went to invite their masters down. If anyone missed their meal time, they would have to wait until noon before they could eat.    


He believed that a person must eat their breakfast until they are full in order to have the strength to work. However, this regulation that seemed to be quite good for life, was rather harsh on the current young people.    


However, there was something special today because there was a guest who had come to the An clan. His identity was not overestimated, but the Old Master An had broken down his identity.    


In the study room, Old Master An had the butler bring them tea, and he invited the people of Ouyang family to take a seat and enjoy.    


"Old Buddha, what are your orders for you to be sent over so early in the morning?"    


"Old Master An is too polite, I am just a messenger." After he finished speaking, he handed the old Buddha's letter over. The Buddha asks you to send a message after you have finished reading it. "    


"Old Master An quickly took a look and smiled. I'll send someone to escort you back, and since the Buddha is inviting me, I'll make an appointment on time. "    


After the people from Ouyang family left, An Yuhai pushed open the door to the study room. Brother, why are the Ouyang family's people here? "    


"Invite!" This old thing took the initiative to look for us, what good can it do, he wouldn't visit us unless it was something urgent, he just came straight for An Ningxuan. "    


An Yuhai picked up the invitation letter and read it carefully, then sat beside An Taining. So the rumors from last night are true? "    


"Whether it's true or not, we have to talk about it after meeting that kid!" An Taining squinted his eyes. Tell San Miao to follow, and you don't have to follow. "    


"Big brother, is it too dangerous? North Side is Ye Cheng's territory right now, so I won't be at ease if you go there by yourself!"    


"Humph!" Who said that the North Side was Ye Cheng's territory? If word of this got out, how are you going to survive in the business world? "    


"Yes, about big brother's lesson, but this matter has already been spread outside. We would rather believe it than not, if this matter is fake, why do the people of Ouyang family ?"    


"This North Side, if Ye Cheng really dares to take him down, I would not mind taking him as my son-in-law."    


Time was of the essence, An Taining asked the butler to prepare a gift and set off for North Side.    


Near the northern border, there was a bustling commercial street. This street was a watershed in the Northwest Territories. It was only separated by a single street, but it had a completely different style.    


A few months ago, there was a huge difference between the rich and the poor. On the west side, there was a storefront, and on the north side, it was a complete mess. The buildings were abandoned everywhere, and even the sanitation workers used the yellow lines in the middle as a benchmark to sweep the road without crossing the line.    


But now, although the north side wasn't as luxurious as the west side, the buildings had been cleared, the construction team had entered the site, and the equipment had begun to rumble when the sun rose. The west side of the mountain was lit up by the setting moon, and workers could still watch open-air movies when they rested.    


The North Side was really being developed. As the person closest to the North Side, the An clan had already discovered that this move was already too late for the other two great clans.    


An Taining sat in the car, leaning on his walking stick as he stared at the big and big building, he did not know what to think. In his view, this was just a line of defense in the north. Behind this huge reconstruction, there was the financial center of the North Side, who was the first businessman to invest and succeed?    


If it really was Ye Cheng, then when he was still in Hong Kong Island a few months ago, he had set his gaze on the North Side! This level of boldness was enough to make one cautious!    


The butler that was sent out, returned quickly! This trip was successful, An Ningxuan had promised to meet him alone.    


An Taining gave up the intention of entering the North Side and found a rather secretive teahouse in his own territory.    


The reason the butler could meet An Ningxuan so easily was because Ye Cheng was currently not in the North Side.    


There were no secrets in the capital, the news of the Old Buddha had spread far and wide about the meeting with Ye Cheng in the East Side's wine cellar, and there were even rumors of a group of unknown people attacking Ye Cheng in the East Side. Right now, the North Side had sent out many people to search for his whereabouts, but none of them were successful.    


Could it be a coincidence that the old Buddha sent someone to deliver this invitation?    


While An Taining was drinking his tea, the Old Buddha had already arrived outside the door. Hearing the commotion outside, he stood up, his left foot was injured in an earlier gang fight, and in the later years of his life, he had suffered an old illness and had no choice but to use his walking stick.    






"As soon as the old Buddha entered the room, she smelled the rich aroma of tea." I have long heard that if you wish to drink good tea, you must definitely come to West Side's teahouse. As expected, your reputation is well-deserved.    


"Buddha, you have a good reputation. How can this small teahouse be compared to the backyard in your house? It's far from enough."    


The Old Buddha laughed, and indicated for An Taining to take a seat. When he asked An Ningxuan about it, someone outside reported it, and then pushed the door open, revealing An Ningxuan's cold and aloof beauty.    


The An clan had two great beauties. Each of them was lonely and cold while the other snuggled up to them!    


During the betrothal banquet, the old Buddha secretly admired An Ningxuan the first time he saw him. Compared to Baiqi family's whatever Tian Wei, this woman should be more suitable to be Ouyang Xiaoxiao's match.    


"I didn't know the old Buddha was here too."    


"Although we are not fated to become relatives, we shouldn't become enemies, right? You wouldn't turn your back just because of an old man like me, right?"    


An Ningxuan sat between the two of them on his knees. After withdrawing from the teahouse, he personally helped the two elders to wash the tea, boil the tea, and cook the tea.    


"Looking at her skills, Miss An is from the tea ceremony."    


"Ye Cheng likes to drink tea, so he gave it to her." An Ningxuan didn't hide anything when she mentioned Ye Cheng in front of the old Buddha. She glanced at An Taining's blaming eyes and lowered her head.    


"Old An, it's not that I'm talking about it, but this girl really suits my taste."    


Once these words were said, An Taining immediately sank into an awkward situation.    


"Buddha, please say so. I will go out and see if the snacks are ready. Please wait a moment."    


"Thank you, Brother An, for personally checking."    


An Ningxuan couldn't help but let out a cold snort as he heard the two of them passing by. If the Old Buddha wishes to see me, there is no need to trouble the others. "    


The Buddha took out her pipe, indicating An Ningxuan to light it up for her.    


"I called you over for three things. "Firstly, the attack on Ye Cheng last night had nothing to do with my Ouyang family. Secondly, the things that Ouyang Xiaoxiao did on the day of the funeral were his personal actions and had nothing to do with my Ouyang family. Third ?"    


He stared at An Ningxuan's seemingly meditative state, and started chuckling. The two palms struck each other, and four people barged in from the outside.    


"Buddha, aren't you ashamed of doing this?"    


As if she had expected it, An Ningxuan picked up the teapot on the table that was still cooking, and smashed it towards one of the big sized man. At the same time, she used her fingers to grab the spoon, and pierced it towards the other person's neck, bent down to kick the teapot, and swept it towards the third person.    


All of his movements were done in one go, and he performed a martial arts performance in front of the old Buddha, killing three men in one go.    




An Ningxuan panted slightly as she stared at the Old Buddha, the ladle in her hand.    


"Only one of Ye Cheng's women doesn't know martial arts, it seems like it's not you."    


"Thank you for the Buddha's tea."    


Giving the fourth big sized man a fierce glare, An Ningxuan turned around and walked out of the tea room.    


Entering the room, Steward An brought a person along in a hurry. After asking what had happened, he headed straight to the teahouse. In his eyes, An Ningxuan looked like a servant.    


An Ningxuan paid attention to the people around Steward An and walked out.    


"Please wait a moment, Miss Sun!"    


Hearing another voice shouting from behind, An Ningxuan hesitated to stop her steps. Turning her head, a black shadow flashed past and she did not even have the time to cry out in alarm before fainting on the ground.    


An Taining walked out from the shadows and nodded his head to the man, then instructed the butler to carry the man into the carriage and into the teahouse.    


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