The Romantic Soldier King



Murders had occurred in the village, and the local police officers were like ants on a hot pan, with no direction to go.    


After a few cups of white wine, the owner of the inn became excited. When he opened his mouth, it was as if a funnel could not close it.    


He learned from the boss that the village had no police in the first place and that the villagers had spontaneously organized an investigation team to handle this matter. From the boss's perspective, the village had no police in the first place and the villagers had spontaneously organized an investigation team to deal with this matter.    


The culprit was still not found. The village chief reacted to the situation many times before proudly approving the establishment of the legal system. However, these policemen were not regular soldiers, but rather elites selected by the investigation team.    


These policemen had never handled a major case before, so naturally, they were in a dilemma now. If they were to report it, the village's honorable title of civilization building would be gone, but if they were to report it, they would be powerless to handle the case. The corpses were still in the station day after day.    


Tian Yuan listened to the inn owner's complaints, and the meaning behind his words was clear. Looking at the other side, Ye Cheng was already in contact with the policemen, he nodded his head towards Ah San and said: "We did not intend to travel to this point, to actually meet such fate. My two disciples, before entering the Dao, have experience in this aspect, if you do not mind, I can ask them to help you guys."    


"When the Village Chief heard this, his eyes lit up." I don't mind, I don't mind. As long as we can find some clues, we won't be able to be grateful in time.    


Dao Friend Tian Yuan smiled, this matter was settled just like that.    


After eating and drinking until they were full, Tian Yuan and her husband were recommended by the village head to the policemen. They all stayed in the village, although they were suspicious, but the village elder promised them that they would listen to him, and that night they brought the three of them to the police station.    


Tian Yuan meditated by the side. Ye Cheng took off his robe and arranged it neatly to the side.    


On the surface, it did not look like there were any injuries, but on that night, Ye Cheng and his partner did indeed ask about the strong smell of blood.    


"We've checked with the doctor in the village. These three people are not injured, and there are no signs of poison." A policeman said from the side.    


"Where are we going to store the old craftsman's corpse?"    


"We've already sent it to the crematorium. Although the weather is still short, the corpse can't be kept for too long."    


Ye Cheng put down the dead man's hand and asked Ah San to roll over the three corpses. He used a military knife to cut open the clothes on their backs and revealed their skin, from the outside, there did not seem to be any signs of fatal injuries, but he was sure that he had killed them.    


The assassin's technique was quite strange!    


"What do you think?" "Ye Cheng asked Ah San, if he was really a hitman, it would not be difficult for him to find the identity of the other party, I am afraid it isn't so. "Do you have any impression of him?"    


After Ah San saw the three corpses, he asked for a lamp to remove the outer shell and used the lamp to slowly move closer to the surface of the corpses.    


A series of chemical reactions occurred after the hypothermia met the stiff skin.    


His originally flat back began to bubble due to the temperature emitted by the light bulb, as if something was jumping under his skin, wanting to rush out from the inside. Once the light bulb was removed, these things had regained their calmness.    


"Oh my god, what the hell is this thing?"    


When the policemen saw such a magical scene, they came forward one after another. They were so curious that they wanted to try it themselves.    


"Don't come near me!" Ah San's expression became serious as he placed the light bulb on the ground. He placed his palm on the back of the corpse, the temperature of the body was not as strong as the light bulb, but the warmth allowed the skin under his palm to show its true form.    


When Ye Cheng saw it, he opened his eyes wide.    


"Everyone, please leave."    


When Ye Cheng said this, some people were displeased. The Superintendent was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was unwilling to let outsiders solve a case, but he was a police officer after all. If he couldn't solve a case, then at most, the case would be complicated.    


"Wait a minute!" The Superintendent stood up and walked to the front of Ye Cheng and Ah San. Are the three of you really Taoists? I think the method you two use is to travel together! "    


The Superintendent's words were immediately acknowledged by his subordinates. From the alliance to their enmity, it only took a second for Ye Cheng and the other two to become suspects.    


The Superintendent walked around the three of them, touched his chin and said again: "Our village doesn't have any training halls, how did the three of you come here? What's even weirder is that a murder was committed the moment you arrived, and this little Taoist knows the cause of death very well, if the three of you still don't tell the truth, then don't blame us ?"    


"What can I blame you for?" Ye Cheng squinted his eyes and stood in front of Tian Yuan. "Does that mean we are the murderer?"    


"Is that so? We need to investigate, but I think you and his identities are a bit suspicious." The director imitated Ye Cheng and laughed twice. He pointed to Dao leader Tian Yuan and asked: "Dao leader, if you have anything difficult to say, say it now. Are the two of them holding you down?"    


OMG! Ye Cheng really wanted to praise this director. This imagination of his was like watching too many TV dramas!    


"No!" "These two people are my disciples that I've taken in along the way. As I said earlier, they did similar jobs before they entered the Dao. If you guys don't believe us, we can leave. We definitely won't interfere with your work."    


Seeing how determined Daoist Tian Yuan was, the director was embarrassed. Just as he wanted to force his way in, the village chief who was silent walked up and gave the director a slap on the back of the head.    


The village chief, who was cursing at the top of his lungs, glared at his son as if he was his father teaching his son a lesson. As for the director, he just stood there and did not fight back.    


Ye Cheng laughed twice, then called out to Clan Head Tian Yuan and Ah San to leave, he was not going to take care of this matter anymore.    


The inn owner hurriedly caught up to them. He tried his best to persuade them, but failed. The place was now in a state of chaos. He looked around and rushed back into the building. His father-in-law was inside, but he was still performing.    


Walking on the streets, Ye Cheng was not as relaxed as he was a moment ago. Looking at Ah San's methods, the other party was also a ruthless character.    


When the three of them reached the coffin shop, Ah San was very interested in the locomotive at the entrance. He was the one who got the most information on the culprit, so he raised his hand to stop the two people behind him from approaching.    


He turned on the flashlight and slowly approached the locomotive. The locomotive looked old, but the engine was well-polished. There were two bags on the rear wheel and a helmet on the front.    


Ah San laid on the ground as he shone the light of the flashlight to the north of the locomotive. There seemed to be something moving under the black oil.    


"Boss, give me a knife."    


The saber struggled, but there was nothing it could do about what lay beneath the grease.    


After poking around a few times, he finally peeled off a large piece of oily dirt. The white worms crawled around in the oily dust, and looked like they could puke out all the food they ate the day before yesterday.    


Ye Cheng wanted to use his life to cure these disgusting worms. Ah San said, "These worms are not ordinary worms, although fire can burn them to death, it can't burn their eggs."    


Ah San dug wet mud and covered it with oil before using his clothes to wrap the small river that was flowing towards the back of the village. Wrap the mud and oil layer by layer in a bag so that a large stone can be tied behind it and sink to the bottom.    


"One day later, these eggs will dry up from lack of oxygen, and then they will be taken out and set on fire."    


"So you know the murderer?"    


Ah San nodded. I've heard of him, but he shouldn't be here. "    


Ah San, who had once served Leng Yue, had relied on his own abilities to recruit many experts. He was the most favored candidate to be the next successor, and among these experts, there was one person who acted in an extremely strange and formless manner.    


Ah San suspected that the murder case was actually what he was referring to.    


He had indeed heard of killing with bugs, but this was the first time he had seen such a thing.    


"Why would Leng Yue's people be here?"    


Ah San also did not understand, he shook his head. Could it be that the Soul House had allied with the people here? "Destroy the bridge after crossing the river!"    


Ye Cheng waved his hand. No matter what, I'd like to clarify the case here. "    


The three of them returned to the house with the lights on. The owner of the inn and the head of the village were already there waiting for them.    


The Superintendent looked unwilling to do so, but still apologized under the authority of the Village Head.    


If his sincerity wasn't enough, he wouldn't have enough face, so what happened just now wouldn't be enough. However, in a case like this, the rules had to be clarified so that similar situations wouldn't occur again in the future.    


The village chief was anxious to settle this issue, so Ye Cheng agreed to anything he said. However, it was related to the case, he really could not make the decision.    


In the end, the agreement between the two sides ended with the Chief being responsible for solving the case, and the process of solving the case had to be supported and supported by Ye Cheng and the others. As for the other matters, he did not care about them.    


Who wouldn't want to take advantage of the situation? The Superintendent had a shrewd plan.    


Taking what they needed, they agreed to meet up at the coffin shop the next day.    


The heavens were kind. After an entire night of rain, a smile finally appeared on his face. Although there was no sun, the clouds in the sky were much higher. It should be clear by noon.    


There was still a lot of blood remaining in the coffin shop. Ah San told Ye Cheng that there must be worms that drank enough blood here to be careful.    


After the three entered, the Superintendent had his men close the door and wait outside with his men.    


Walking in the shop during the day, he still had a cold and gloomy feeling. On one side of the wall, there was wood, and on the other side, there were several shelves filled with wild vegetables. There was an old well in the courtyard, which reminded Ye Cheng of the medicine shop in Hong Kong Island.    


The ground was paved with cement, making it fairly flat. From the outside, the coffin shop could not be seen, but after entering, the two tiled buildings looked different. From afar, it looked like a whistle coffin.    


"This old craftsman is really not an ordinary person. He even made a coffin out of a house. It would be weird if he doesn't die in a coffin." Ah San said happily.    


"Don't spout nonsense. The heavens and the earth have great deities. Don't speak ill of the dead. Be careful of the ghosts that have come knocking on your door." Dao Elder Tian Yuan frowned and shouted softly.    


Ah San curled his lips.    


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