The Romantic Soldier King



What arrogant words! To make an enemy out of him, who was he?!    


The nurse secretly thought to herself. But since the nurses' station was full of people from the other side, he would be asking for trouble if he tried. So he nodded and promised to consider it carefully before he slipped away.    


Pan Yue stared at the nurse's back and mysteriously laughed, then walked towards the two people who were still fighting, with one hand holding onto each other's hands and feet, and pulled Ah San and Lin Xi away.    


"If you've beaten enough, then carry him to the car and leave."    


"He left just like that? "Then the matter here..."    


Pan Yue pointed at Ah San, and shook his head helplessly. Someone is taking over! "    


Lin Xi snorted, he entered the nursing station first, and the two people that came with him had already packed everything properly, and each of them carried a box as they walked out. He carried Ye Cheng and got on a car, and pointed at the house: "The Spirit Cultivators are yours!"    


Ah San bit his lip. The distrust he felt from Lin Xi was too obvious, he was unable to refute what he had done.    


"He isn't targeting you. We all know how important Ye Cheng is, and the things here won't be resolved easily. Trust me." Pan Yue consoled Ah San, and indicated for him to use a stretcher to carry Tian Yuan onto the carriage, then left.    


The nurse, who had been hiding behind the bushes, waited until the car was far away before coming out.    


Weird, from the looks of it, that person wasn't waiting for him, so what did he mean by his words?    


The nurse could not figure out what Pan Yue was thinking, so he walked into the nursing station and stared at the marks on the ground, as if he was thinking about something.    


Daybreak! A convoy of three small cars and two large trucks majestically entered the village.    


Only now did the crowing of the chickens recall that the village was still immersed in its sleep. The caravan had already stopped in front of the coffin shop.    


As soon as the orderly was ready to go back to the house, he saw a man in a military uniform get out of the car. He looked at the uniform and saw that there was no one in the uniform, but they were all in black bread.    


It seemed like that person last night did not lie to him, who were these people? The only ones related to the military region were the Baiqi family of the Earth Door, the old craftsman's family, did their death have anything to do with that huge coffin!    


Thinking of this, the nurse withdrew her head and quietly left through the back door. She ran into the woods behind her without even returning home, directly towards the mountains behind her.    


People in military uniforms split up and walked towards the nursing station. They kicked open the door and swept through the house for a moment. After finding no target, they left. One of them dialed the number for a report, while the others walked towards the nurse's residence.    


A group of soldiers came into the village. The village chief and the others were so scared that their faces turned pale. The policemen hid far away and tried to avoid each other when they heard about it.    


The leader of the soldiers ordered some men to search for the Taoist, but there was no one around the entire village. The police officer blinked as he tried to defend himself.    


"Sir, we were waiting outside the coffin shop last night. Really, none of us came out! Then we got really tired and went to sleep, and now we really don't know where they are. "    


The village chief and the branch officer immediately complied with the director's words. The soldier didn't hesitate to look at everyone with a smile as he walked out with large strides.    


The coffin shop was surrounded by soldiers. Several soldiers got on and off the trucks. After the sergeant gave the order, they broke into the coffin shop.    


"How could this be?"    


After the soldier saw the interior of the coffin shop, he angrily shouted. His eyes were extremely frightening as he glared at the coffin shop. Black pupils that were far away from normal occupied his eye sockets. From afar, he seemed like a black shadow.    


In the courtyard of the coffin shop, there were statues that looked neither human nor ghost, with black hair all over, and the ground of the entire courtyard looked as though it had been shoveled over. There were black blood s everywhere on the soil of the courtyard.    


"Adjutant Wang, come take a look."    


"Adjutant Wang walked towards the soldiers who cried out in alarm. Under the walls of the courtyard, dozens of black and red nematodes attempted to crawl out from under a layer of soil that had been flipped up. Don't touch them. "    


Haemonchus nigricans!    


The Adjutant Wang squinted and carried a pair of leather gloves into the tiled room. In the middle of the room, there was a huge black coffin with a large amount of water flowing out from the bottom of the coffin, extending all the way to the door. He beckoned to his men, and two soldiers set up ladders for another soldier to climb. The man only glanced at them, then turned his head and began to throw up.    


"You're hopeless, get down here!" The Assistant Officer Zhang snorted and dragged him down. He personally climbed up the ladder and stared at the Blood Corpse inside the coffin as the corners of his eyes twitched. "Let's do it!"    


After the electricity was switched on, the water pump started to constantly suck out the blood. The entire coffin shop was filled with the smell of blood, the soil outside the yard started to wiggle, and the Haemonchus nigricans hidden in the soil started to stir upon smelling the smell of blood.    


When the guard saw this, one of the braver ones stepped forward to inspect the situation. Just as he was about to step down, a black shadow sprang up and he immediately fell to the ground, screaming miserably.    


Adjutant Wang walked out and killed the man with one shot. "At least dozens of Haemonchus nigricans resided on his face and eyes, and they were in an extremely disgusting and terrifying state when they died. "Burn it!"    


A soldier who was carrying an oil barrel on his back picked up a flamethrower and aimed it at the corpse. The corpse was instantly burnt to a crisp, emitting a terrible stench.    


"The whole yard is filled with these kinds of worms, what should we do?"    


"The Adjutant Wang snorted. "Pass my password, whoever is willing to sign the death contract will receive a compensation of one million and five hundred thousand for each martyr."    


An adjutant didn't need to ask for permission from his superior to decide on his own. This person's identity was extraordinary, and his subordinates seemed to be extremely afraid of him, not daring to use his password.    


Very soon, ten people signed their death seals. They took off their uniforms and put them on the clothes of ordinary citizens. After placing the uniforms neatly in the hands of others, they handed them over to someone else for safekeeping.    


These people knew they were going to die, but they could not see the fear of death in these people's eyes.    


After the incident had been resolved, the water in the coffin had also been sucked out, revealing the body that had sunk into the water. It was a bug with countless tentacles and a huge body.    


It was unknown if it was because they had been in the water for too long that the worms had completely turned transparent. Many densely packed floating objects were moving inside his body. Taking a closer look, it seemed as if those floating objects had sensed something and immediately swarmed over.    


Adjutant Wang tried a few times to make sure that it was because he was getting too close to the bugs that the creatures were getting restless. Once he left the bugs, the hordes of them would retreat.    


"Unload the coffin!"    


Since he could not directly retrieve the worm from the coffin, Adjutant Wang ordered someone to pry the entire coffin's four sides apart before thinking of a way to remove the bug.    


Unloading the coffins was a strenuous task. Seven or eight able-bodied soldiers divided into two groups and began to pry open the coffins on the left and right sides. The heat that accumulated attracted the floating things in the bugs, which were so close that they could almost touch the soldier's fingers. Fortunately, these people were very careful. While avoiding the floating objects, they quickly removed the coffin.    


With a "hualala" sound, the blood in the huge coffin fell to the ground along with the coffin, wetting Adjutant Wang's boots.    


The bug lost its support and rolled to the side, scaring the soldiers into retreating. The gunner immediately stepped forward to make up for the situation. The gun was aimed at the bug, and its corpse was pierced by a nail on the coffin, releasing the floating object inside.    


Everyone held their breath at this moment, staring at the dead bug. It lay there motionlessly. Through the light coming from the outside, one could see the black mass of its body floating below.    


After a long while, after confirming that the worms were unable to harm him, Adjutant Wang finally focused his attention back to the bottom of the coffin. The filling had long disappeared from the coffin and a round object with four legs and two pairs of wings was engraved on the coffin.    


Adjutant Wang frowned deeply. He walked to a corner by himself, dialed his personal number, and waited a few seconds before saying: "I'm sure it's the Haemonchus nigricans."    


The person who answered remained silent for a long time before asking, "Survivors?"    


"We didn't find Ye Cheng and the others, but we did find the tire tracks.    


"Bring the items back. Apart from your trusted aides, kill them all."    


"Yes." Adjutant Wang replied. After closing the line, he went to find his trusted aide. "Clear them all!"    


The first two fell to the ground as soon as they stepped out. Before they could even make a sound, the two people behind him stepped on his back and automatically faced the ground when they stepped on the ground. Their hands protected their chests as they fell down.    


The ten adults were exactly the distance from the tiled stairs to the gate. They had used their bodies to build a path, but that was only the beginning.    


Adjutant Wang raised his spear and aimed at the ten people's vital points and shot them dead, reducing their pain.    


The smell of blood quickly dispersed, attracting the Haemonchus nigricans beneath the soil.    


The black and red bugs quickly crawled onto the corpses, forming a black and red road.    


The gunner opened the fire hydrant and burned the bugs, but more Haemonchus nigricans crawled out from the ground.    


More and more people died, Haemonchus nigricans s became fewer and fewer, and a dark path was burned in the middle of the courtyard.    


There weren't many people left from Adjutant Wang, and out of the remaining people, three of them were his trusted aides. The rest of the people were all people that didn't want to owe a life.    


Seeing his companion's pointless suicide move, even those who had been brainwashed knew that this was a scam and no one was willing to fight with their life on the line.    


When they saw the look in the Adjutant Wang's eyes, some of them even picked up their guns impulsively, as if they had the same idea that as long as they could kill this person, they would be able to survive.    


"You want to rebel?" Adjutant Wang pursed his lips, the foolish actions of these people gave him a good excuse to silence them. Kill! "    


A word came out of his mouth. The three people beside him had taken the initiative. The soldiers had not even had the time to unbolt their guns before they were already dead.    


The Adjutant Wang's trusted aides dragged the corpses and threw them out of the roof, the smell of blood attracting the remaining Haemonchus nigricans s who fearlessly pounced forward. The musketeers waited quietly, they were also afraid of each other, if the dead were not the last, then the next wave would be them, so they did their best to delay, and prayed that the bugs would also reach the end of their strength.    


The corpses were filled with black and red bugs. The remaining people waited for a few minutes. After confirming that there were no more bugs, the gunners opened the fire hydrants and fiercely fired at the corpses. They swept clean the entire yard before stopping.    


"Bring the cage in and bring it over."    


Adjutant Wang walked out of the black lacquer door as he walked on the road that was poured with corpses.    


There were many people standing at the door, looking at the honest looking people, Adjutant Wang got on the carriage. He took off his gloves and said to his trusted aide, "Leave no one alive."    


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