The Romantic Soldier King



Ouyang Linghan frowned, the distance from her house to North Side was quite far, but she still had to let the driver take a detour, she knew that Ah Long would definitely follow, and this was an unavoidable meeting.    


After calling Ye Cheng, tried to believe in a man's tolerance towards women. At least, she thought that Ye Cheng was a gentleman.    


The phone rang for a minute. It was a woman!    


Ouyang Linghan could not help but think of the beautiful and seductive appearance his underling had described. He looked at himself, and felt that he had become more old-fashioned.    


Qiao Rubing stared at Ye Cheng, his phone number not signed. Which woman? "    


"Yo, you can guess that it's a woman just by using a string of numbers?" Ye Cheng smiled as he stared at Qiao Rubing. It had been a long time since they had last met, but Qiao Rubing's waist had become even thinner. "If one side supports another side, they won't treat you unfairly."    


"Cut the crap!" Qiao Rubing glared at Ye Cheng and picked up the phone. The other party was indeed a woman, and from the sound of her voice, she seemed to be very calm and experienced, and did not seem to be a little girl that was indulging herself in alcohol. Ouyang Linghan! " After hearing the other party's identity, Qiao Rubing pressed the microphone and asked Ye Cheng about his intentions.    


No one sent anyone to the Ouyang family, they only found a woman. "See you!"    


The other party agreed to the meeting so quickly. Ouyang Linghan was startled, and dialed Ah Long's number, which was at North Side's Immortal Dawn Villa.    


"Old Man Ouyang family knows about your hobbies. He sent a beauty over, then we'll have a good time."    


Hearing the sour words, Ye Cheng laughed. "He took a step forward, pressed his hand against top of Qiao Rubing's head, pinched her chin, and leaned over. Your husband doesn't understand what this' enjoyment 'means. How about your wife demonstrate it so that I can learn from it and not let me return in disappointment. "    


The evil giggling sound made Qiao Rubing stare with round eyes, as grief flashed past her beautiful eyes. "Why don't you go and bully An An An? Are you joking with me? Is it because no one is bullying Mei Zi when she's not here?"    


Aiyo, such a small thing, it really does look like a beauty possessing her body.    


Ye Cheng was still immersed in his little secret joy. He pulled Ye Cheng's clothes and stepped on the back of his feet. "It's a pity that I'm not a beauty or a lamb you can tease, hmph!"    


Ye Cheng screamed, and jumped up while rubbing his feet.    


"You have thick skin and are not afraid of pain. However, if you dare to do that, then it will not be as simple as foot pain. I guarantee that we will treat you gently. We will not be able to get out of bed for the rest of our lives."    


Qiao Rubing snorted, she released Ye Cheng's beautiful eyes and threw an eyebrow at Ye Cheng, then laughed and walked out.    


At eleven o'clock, Ye Cheng arrived at the Immortal Dawn Pavilion's' Boiling Rain Pavilion 'early. After instructing the servants to prepare the banquet today, he even ordered the kitchen to make it lighter, took up the teapot and filled it with porcelain cup s.    


Not only was Aromatic cloud the biggest entertainment center, there were also all kinds of snacks and delicacies. Ye Cheng had chosen this place because he wanted it to be convenient, and also because he wanted this meeting to be open and open so that he could see women in front of his own eyes.    


Sang Huihui stood behind the surveillance camera and stared at Ye Cheng's sneaky face. She had her security turned off, so when she returned to her office, her mind was full of plans. The North Side that Deng Mengxiu had created had more room for growth.    


Ye Cheng did not want to owe him favors, so he used up almost all of his wealth and used Deng Mengxiu to exchange for this North Side. In the eyes of outsiders, it was not enough, but Deng Mengxiu accepted it all.    


Sang Huihui stood at the top of Aromatic cloud and looked down. This time, she couldn't afford to lose!    


"President, he has entered the Rainbow Cloud Sect."    


Sang Huihui replied as she descended from the other side of the elevator and arrived at the Immortal Dawn Villa. As she passed the 'Boiling Rain Pavilion', a woman in professional attire walked in.    


Qiao Rubing walked out from the coffee shop opposite. She saw the woman's front, her looks were slightly inferior, and her temperament was slightly above average.    


Sang Huihui laughed and said, "If Ye Cheng can definitely deal with the Great Demon Girl of the Ouyang family, it would be no loss to us, but having an extra arm."    


"You are becoming more and more like him. You are really going all out for your goals and even daring to use the human heart."    


Ouyang Ling Han raised her chin and walked straight towards Ye Cheng. In her eyes, this man was a bit bad, a bit handsome, and a bit roguish. He was a good lover and definitely not a good husband.     


Sensing the woman's fiery hot gaze, Ye Cheng raised his head, his black eyes flashed with a trace of provocation. Sitting there, until Ouyang Linghan walked up to her, he did not even think about standing up. Sit down! "    


Gentleman, he's no equal to this man, he's just a hoodlum in a suit.    


"I came straight to the point. I came for my grandfather." Ouyang Linghan stopped Ye Cheng from speaking. There is no need for young master Ye to be in such a hurry to refuse. We should first take a look at this, and then we can discuss it. "    


Her fingers that was smeared with red nail polish pushed the file in front of Ye Cheng. The latter only glanced at the annotations on the file and laughed. He caught Ouyang Tian Wei's hand off guard and pulled her over. Sensing the strong resistance from Ouyang Tian Wei, Ye Cheng laughed. The Buddha who knows me! It's just that the door knocking stone is too valuable, Ye Cheng does not dare to accept it. "    


"Ye Cheng, you better think this through. The only person who can help you right now is the Buddha, and with just you alone, you won't be able to fend off Bai Qi."    


Ye Cheng replied. The Fourth Aunt's hands are so beautiful, I don't know how many men are willing to die under these hands, I don't know if I have the honor to personally paint the cardamom for you! Although the red color is gorgeous, it is not as beautiful as the white color and is more suitable for the refined beauty of Fourth Aunt. "    


"Let go!"    


Ye Cheng released his hand without a care in the world, and heard the sound of the dining plate clanging. Ouyang Linghan's hand smashed onto it.    


Fourth Aunt told me to let go, I don't dare not to listen. Let me see if he was injured anywhere. As he spoke, Ye Cheng held onto the pair of soft and boneless hands once again, and began to examine them again and again. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. They must have just scraped the skin off the fork. Someone, come!"    


"No need, just a small injury is not worth mentioning." Ouyang Linghan quietly stared at Ye Cheng's self-acting. This was the first time in his life that a man unrestrainedly caressed his hands like this. He couldn't really feel anything, he could probably only feel a bit of disgust. Can you let go of my hand? "Relax."    


What a woman, whose heart was as still as water. Not a single trace of fear could be seen in Ouyang Linghan's eyes.    


"Fourth Aunt has the title of Great Witch in the business world. Tell me, where do you think I should go with this chess piece?"    


"I am not the young master Ye, I am unable to make a decision for you, intelligent people would cooperate with the Buddha, and fight alone, your chance of winning is zero, in the end you are very capable of betting on the North Side, is it worth it to throw away your entire family?"    


Ye Cheng frowned, this woman was not easy to deal with!    


"The annotation on it is clearly some sort of special name. The Buddha was generous with his words to tell me that he intends to replace some people and invite me, Ye Cheng, as a spear user. No matter what, he should at least show some sincerity."    


"Me! Isn't it sincere enough? "    


Ye Cheng leaned on the back of the chair as he sized up Ouyang Linghan with his black eyes and red fruit. The office uniform was unable to better wrap the woman's chest line. Also, there was that skirt that went past her knees. Ahh, what a failure. At most, she could only see her perfectly round butt, but it wasn't enough to make a man excited.    


"You? Coming to see me in antique clothes was sincerity? "Since the Buddha wants to gift you to me, I should at least wear some to pacify my eyes. I should be more excited just to watch!"    


A cup of water was poured on Ye Cheng's head, causing him to stare with his round eyes wide opened. "Hot day, today I'll forgive your impudence. We'll meet again when you've thought it through."    


Picking up the bill on the table, Ouyang Linghan walked out with his bag.    


After wiping away the water on his face, Ye Cheng stared at the file on the table and narrowed his eyes. "Serve the dishes!"    


Ouyang Linghan immediately left the Aromatic cloud, she should not have come here to be humiliated.    


A car horn sounded. Ouyang Linghan raised his head and looked, seeing Ouyang Xiaoxiao waving at her from the car.    


"What are you doing here?"    


"I was worried that the Fourth Aunt would be bullied, so I came here to protect them."    


Ouyang Linghan took a deep breath and sat in Ouyang Xiaoxiao's car. You'd better not get too close to me. My father is already suspicious. "    


"second grandpa can't bear to do anything to you. You are his trump card, and you are much more useful than your big brother."    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao skillfully drove towards the direction of the Zhiheng Group.    


Staring out of the window, Ouyang Linghan clenched his fists tightly. Since when did she have so much weight in Ouyang family!    


"Fourth Aunt, how is Ye Cheng? "From the looks of it, your face is turning black. It seems that you have suffered greatly. Do you want me to teach him a lesson for you?"    


"Haven't you learned your lesson regarding the funeral? You don't have to worry about me. We're not on the same side. "    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao shrugged his shoulders, if there was a disagreement, he would use his elder's identity to teach others.    


As the delicacies were served, Ye Cheng sat alone on the table. He lit a cigarette, took two breaths, tapped the armrest with his fingers and said: "All the dishes have been prepared, why don't you come out for a round?"    


With that said, Ye Cheng picked up the chopsticks on the table and started to shoot them out.    


Clang! The short chopstick was split in half by the force. Ah Long walked out with a broken chopper in his hand and sat in front of Ye Cheng.    


"This item can be used to trick women, but it's still lacking a bit of seasoning to fool me."    


"young master Ye didn't even look, how do you know it's a lie?"    


"Coffin Shop old craftsman!" Ye Cheng pointed to the folder after he finished speaking. "Bai Qi, is there a relationship between the two? How did the Buddha know?"    


Ye Cheng rested his hand on the table, he stared at the man in front of him and squinted his eyes. There are four spirits in Gate of Heaven, Fire Qilin, Jade Phoenix, Dragon Sea King and Earth Escape Turtle, who are you? Out of the four spirit beasts, the dragon is the leader, so you should be Dragon Sea King, which will then be given to Ouyang Xiaoxiao. It seems like the old Buddha has already decided on the successor to the Ouyang family's Patriarch. "    


"young master Ye wants to know what exactly is inside the coffin shop. Tonight, East Side's wine cellar."    


After Ah Long left, Ye Cheng took a phone call and quickly followed.    


The waiter, who was clearing the table, didn't stop Ye Cheng when he saw the archives on the table. Instead, he hid it under the garbage truck and returned it to the kitchen.    


As night fell, a dark red business car turned the corner and stopped at the border of the Eastern District. A few men in black got off the car and got on a locomotive to disappear into the street.    


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