The Romantic Soldier King



Ma Liangcun's informant was the dock operator. The Iron Axe Gang's people had worked on the dock for seven or eight years, so they were very familiar with the environment here. Why did a person with a stable income suddenly resign?    


The two of them sneaked into the dark and sneaked into the office area of the warehouse at the pier. There was a row of two story buildings here, and there were also password locks on the glass door. It looked very normal, but Lao Ma told Ye Cheng that the warehouse was built on two docks by itself and it had not been licensed by the relevant authorities to date.    


The rent of the warehouse was several times more than the ordinary warehouse. Because of the environmental advantage there were a lot of consortia that chose to rent the warehouse.    


At the moment, there was no one in the office. Ma Liangcun entered the password provided by the contact, and after being told that he could not find any information on him, Ye Cheng frowned, and dragged the others to the piled up containers.    


Sure enough, in less than a few minutes, a car quickly stopped in front of the office and three people got off.    


Ma Liangcun panted nervously. If not for Ye Cheng's caution, he would have been captured alive. "What's going on?"    


Ye Cheng indicated for Ma Liangcun not to speak. He stared at the three people and spoke after a long while: "They are the security guards here.    


"What?" Is he really dead? "    


Ye Cheng nodded. I'm afraid that's the case. Let's go back today, we can't do the work of a dead person. "    


Returning empty-handed, Ye Cheng carried breakfast and knocked on Leng Bing's room.    


The most important thing to do was to find the corpse of the informant, which would require to trouble Peony to use the technique to look for the spirit. Ye Cheng placed his hopes on the little girl, but peony refused.    


Leng Bing was puzzled. After hearing the reason, the crowd was not surprised at all. So it wasn't just by casting spells that they could find the soul. They still had to first know the approximate location and time, which was difficult.    


Ma Liangcun suddenly thought of something. As an informant, he had a hobby of playing with exciting things, after his wife dies he found a fixed bed mate, maybe that woman knew something.    


So the five of them went their separate ways, with Lao Ma bringing Peony to look for the woman. Ye Cheng and the other two inquired around the pier for information.    


Ma Liangcun drove Ye Cheng to a nearby district, where the residents were all the workers at the pier, and the two streets ahead was doubled, belonging to a high-class district.    


Peony stood in front of a six story building. She did not need Ma Liangcun to lead her to confirm their position as she stood beside Peony.    


"Don't be afraid to knock on the door if you don't do something shameful. You don't have to be afraid. Normal ghosts wouldn't take the initiative to approach humans unless they had a grudge from their past life."    


Being lectured by a little girl, Ma Liangcun could only use coughing to cover his embarrassment. You've never been here, how can you be sure that this is it? "    


"Dead!" Putting away the compass, she stared at Room 403 and said, "There is a female vengeful spirit here. Take this along, and if you hear any strange noises, don't respond. Your soul loves the sun. Do you understand?"    


The corner of Ma Liangcun's mouth twitched, as he pushed open the door and entered the room.    


"The door is open."    


Ma Liangcun clenched his teeth and grabbed onto Peony's shoulder. I'll walk in front. I have a gun. "    


Although he said that, his face was already as white as a piece of paper.    


One room, one hall. It was beautifully decorated and the room still smelled of women's perfume, but when Ma Liangcun entered the room, he could smell the smell of blood.    


The two of them found Guo Guo's body in the bathroom. The woman's head was laughing as it fell outside the shower room. A knife was stuck in her back, and water was still dripping from the knife.    


Ma Liangcun immediately called the police and was stopped by the peony.    


"People have died less than two hours ago. Call the police after I've finished investigating. It's not easy to summon souls in large numbers."    


After explaining everything, Peony asked Ma Liangcun to leave the bathroom. She set down the formation and started her plan.    


Ma Liangcun, who was standing outside the bathroom, noticed the scene inside through the gap of the door. He did not know what the hell was going on inside, and from time to time he would make loud noises as if he was experiencing a battle. However, after listening carefully, there were some people who were crying.    


After an unknown amount of time, the thick and heavy curtains did not reveal any more light. The bathroom door was opened, and Peony walked past Ma Liangcun and sat on the sofa in the living room. Ask her what you want, she's just sitting there. "    


There was nothing on the sofa. Ma Liangcun swallowed his saliva, he could not control the muscles on his face.    


"Only a few minutes. Hurry up."    


Under the cold berating of the peony, the Lao Ma began to interrogate the informant about the Xiao Zhang.    


After a moment of silence, the strange voice of a woman sounded in the living room, it was so flat that it did not seem to be rising or falling at all, it sounded extremely hard to endure, and it took Ma Liangcun awhile to roughly understand what the woman was talking about.    


The woman died innocently. The one who killed her was a man, and she couldn't see his face clearly, but she was sure that he was the one who killed Xiao Zhang.    


The woman did not know how Xiao Zhang died, the last time she saw him was at the bar on the corner of the street. At that time, when she went to work, she saw Xiao Zhang arguing with a man about something.    


At that time, the man was in a hurry to leave, and dropped the things beside the woman. The night watchers knew that the box was good, and thus, they sneakily brought it back, wanting to find an opportunity to buy a good price. However, they did not expect that a few days later, someone found Xiao Zhang's corpse on the sea surface.    


Ma Liangcun still wanted to ask about the appearance of the man in the bar, the woman's spirit had already left.    


They took a long walk around the room and finally found the box in the bottom of the woman's jewelry box. It was an unopened packet of cigarette butts.    


The Xiao Zhang probably knew that she was in danger and went to seek help from the Lao Ma, but it was still too late.    


After finding the things, Ma Liangcun reported the incident anonymously. The two sat in the car and waited for the police to arrive before driving away.    


When they returned to the hotel, Ye Cheng and the rest had not come back yet. Peony had gone to the dock alone, and Xiao Zhang had died on the surface of the sea.    


Ma Liangcun had already went to the pier, so it would be easy for people to recognize her. Peony was a girl, although it was dangerous, but she had high magic skills. As long as she did not cause trouble, the security guards would not do anything to a 14 or 15 year old girl.    


"You have to come back within an hour, or I'll go find you."    


"Half an hour is enough," she said.    


He had just left, and in less than ten minutes, Ye Cheng and the others had rushed back.    


An hour passed quickly, and Ye Cheng, who went out to look for peonies, also did not come back. Leng Bing began to be unable to sit still, she did not care about those revered elders and children, and started choking while pointing at Ma Liangcun.    


Lin Xi could not bear to watch any longer, so he covered Leng Bing's mouth, which was now covered in cold ice.    


Ma Liangcun felt extremely guilty at this moment. If anything really happened to the peony, how would he have the face to go back? I went out to look, and anyway I'm a cop, and they wouldn't dare to do anything to me. "    


"The eldest said that before he comes back, no one is allowed to leave this room. You should all stay here peacefully. He will definitely bring back the peony." Lin Xi believed in Ye Cheng. If he lost another person, it would be troublesome.    


When Ye Cheng found the peonies, she was at the loading area of the port, where no one could enter. She had suddenly appeared as a little girl, it would have been strange if no one had noticed her.    


After being brought into the office, Peony was still dishonest. She walked all over the place, causing the security guards to be extremely angry. However, Peony was just a little girl of 14 or 15 years old, dressed like a country girl.    


Some people were suspicious of where the deaf mute was smuggled. They took out a big pot and slammed it against Paoji's ear, but there was no response from Paoji at all. He was truly deaf, but unfortunately, he had a clean face.    


"The captain of the security guards came in from outside. After hearing the report from his subordinates, he stared at Peony in suspicion." Deaf? What did a deaf man come to the dock for? Bring her down for interrogation. During this period of time, no accidents are allowed to happen. Tomorrow, a ship will come over and we will use her as the counter. We need people there. "    


Peony was dragged out of the office by two security guards. She was taken to the basement of the office building, where the air was damp and there was water on the floor.    


Taking advantage of their lack of attention, Peony dropped two marbles on the floor. The objects melted in the water and gave off two puffs of smoke. One of them slowly floated toward the exit, while the other stuck close to the security guard as he entered the interrogation room.    


Perhaps it was because the peony was too calm, but the two security guards were at a loss. After handing the person over to a man in black in the room, they hurriedly left.    


There were quite a few ghosts in the interrogation room. They gathered in the corner and scattered after seeing the peony.    


The black-clothed man lowered his head as he played with everything. Not long later, he took out a thin whip from the box and whipped it towards Peony.    


She didn't dodge the whip, she was only trying to feel if the whip could injure her. She purposefully fell to the ground and looked at the man in black with fear in her eyes. If he guessed correctly, Xiao Zhang would die here and then abandon his corpse on the ocean surface.    


The black-clothed man's face was concealed within his cloak, making him look like an evil ghost from hell, his entire body emitting a foul stench. Who sent you? "    


Peony shook her head. She continued to stare at him silently.    


"If you don't see the Yellow River, you won't die!" The black clothed man swung his whip at him. This time, the whip would definitely land on his body, lacerating his flesh.    


She could have avoided the whip, but Peony had withstood it. She had not found Xiao Zhang's soul yet.    


The black-clothed man raised his eyebrows as if he didn't expect the girl in front of him to be so tough. He increased his strength and lashed out a few times, causing Peony to fall to the ground. What are you looking for here? "    


Peony still shook her head. She suddenly found that there was a reflection of metal in the corner. She anxiously crawled over. It was a very unique button.    


Clenching it tightly in the palm of her hand, Peony's body shook violently and her eyes widened as she cried out.    


"Like a snake, the thin whip rolled towards Peony and brought her to him. Taking the button from her hand, he placed it under the light to look at it for a long time before chuckling." I remember this thing. Who are you to him? "    


"This ?" The peony pen was drawing on her hands. From her pained expression, the black clothed man realized what had happened. "You came here to look for him. Tsk tsk tsk, too bad he has already died in my hands, and you will also die in my hands."    


With that, the black clothed man wrapped the thin whip around her neck and pulled her up.    


With both hands on the whip, Peony looked down at the man in black and revealed a strange smile.    


"What?" The man in black suddenly shouted and staggered backward. He fell to the ground and started twitching.    


Peony moved its neck a bit. Between its two fingers, there was a ghost talisman stuck to the black clothed person's forehead. It held its hands together as it started to whisper.    


"You ? you are Daoist Mao Shan."    


When he had nowhere to run back to, his entire body was pushed up by a strange force. Without any support, his body floated in the air and stuck to the wall, and in front of him stood a countless number of souls, all of them baring their fangs and pouncing towards him.    




"Ye Cheng rushed into the basement, and seeing the strange scene in front of him, he started to swallow his saliva. He did it? "    


"You don't need to do anything, the hundred ghosts will devour him." "Peony said weakly." Pick up that hole, let's go! "    


Ye Cheng returned to the hotel unhindered. Lin Xi and the rest had already checked out from the hotel and drove them back to North Side.    


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