The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng was not just saying these words casually, he snorted and walked out of Ouyang Linghan's office, leaving a confused Ma Liangcun behind, thinking about the meaning behind his words.    


An Ningxuan felt that he looked quite pitiful, so she patted his shoulder and signaled him to leave quickly. On the way, she only asked him a single question, and that caused Ma Liangcun's brain to clear up immediately. "Damn it, no wonder laozi couldn't even run properly. It turns out it's all a f * cking routine!"    


Ye Cheng skilfully turned the wheel, heading straight for South City Division. The next person to die will be him. "    


He didn't want to make a ruckus too bad, but there were some people who simply didn't care about face. So it was no wonder Ye Cheng came knocking on his door today, snow falling from the sky had unwittingly given some people pressure, and it was likely that Ouyang Linghan understood what was at stake, so she had to find a scapegoat.    


"Xiao Yao?"    


"The person who gave you the chance to smoke is him, of course he doesn't have the ability to kill Xiao Zhang. The person who killed him is already dead yesterday, and the plan has already revealed some weak points, so you won't be able to continue investigating. So, Lao Ma, it's time for you to jump Level 3." The car stopped by the side of the road. Ye Cheng continued to talk non-stop, but it was just that Ma Liangcun kept mumbling to himself.    


Not long after work, the chief of the northern police station called Ma Liangcun back, hinting that something good was about to happen.    


Everyone congratulated him when they saw him. As for starting a relationship with him, even the aunt who swept the floor had to say a few words to him. It was for no reason other than to get a little bit more immortal energy from him.    


Ma Liangcun had worked diligently in the police station for 30 years, and finally met someone important. After a murder case was discovered in a short period of time, he was immediately selected by the higher ups and promoted to the northern district police station. He even held a high position in the police station.    


After he had finally been promoted, Ma Liangcun was not happy at all. If not for what Ye Cheng had said in the afternoon, he would have been so happy that he would not have been able to find his way to the north.    


The appointment notice was sent to the police station on the second day, he immediately took his leave, he moved as fast as lightning, Ma Liangcun packed everything up and headed to the northern division grounds with the Superintendent.    


Ma Liangcun never thought that his position would actually be that of a Chief in the Criminal Division. When he looked at his Life Acceptance Book, he realized that there were actually these few big words on it, but he did not find it.    


When he heard that a new Chief had arrived at the sub-bureau, Zhang Wei had long prepared everything. He brought the people from the investigation department and waited outside, wondering how good the person who was favored by the higher ups was.    


After waiting for a while, when no one came, Ma Liangcun came.    


"police chief Ma, report to the bureau chief for work!"    


The Superintendent laughed and nodded, which was considered his answer, as he pushed Ma Liangcun in, and warned softly: "Although you are already promoted to level 3, this place is not a good place to stay!"    


What could Ma Liangcun say? He could only force a smile, but in his heart, he was extremely unwilling.    


His trusted aides noticed that something was amiss, and reminded him from the side. Only then did he react and quickly walked into the building, and upon realizing that Ma Liangcun was headed towards the bureau chief's office, his eyes twitched a few times. After instructing a few underlings, he turned around and left the northern division grounds.    


What kind of person was Ma Liangcun, to actually be on the same level as him, wasn't he purposely making things difficult for him?    


North Side had been doing a lot of things recently. As for the three sides gathering in the bamboo forest pavilion, this kind of scene had not been seen for many years. Bringing the three great families together was definitely a big matter.    


Bamboo Forest Pavilion! The item was like its name ? a unique bamboo grew in the yard. It would move about whenever the wind blew, bringing with it the fragrance of bamboo, a pot of top-grade green tea, and then setting up a chess game.    


Baiqi Yushu was the first one to arrive at the Bamboo Forest Pavilion. When he received An Taining's letter, he hesitated, but then he received the Old Buddha's call.    


North Side's sudden change had broken dozens of years of silence, and had also broken an agreement. Today, the three sides were discussing about this agreement, so whether or not they could maintain it, would all depend on North Side.    


Thinking about it, Baiqi Yushu stroked his beard, he had already retired a long time ago, and should not ask about matters of the world, but fate did not seem to want him to retire too early, and there were more and more rumors about the Gate of Hell in the martial arts world, all of these seemed to have started from the day Ye Cheng came to the capital.    


The waiter invited An Taining into the small pavilion, and thought that he had hooked up with the person who had arrived. Unexpectedly, Baiqi Yushu had already been sitting there for a while, and the two families did not have much contact with each other in the first place.    


An Taining cupped his fist and Baiqi Yushu nodded his head. A waiter came over to serve them tea and the awkward atmosphere became heavier.    


"Has the Buddha arrived yet?" Baiqi Yushu took the initiative to break the awkward silence and asked the staff.    


The waiter said it was going to happen soon, but he did not say it for long.    


Fortunately, not long after, the Old Buddha walked into the pavilion accompanied by the Ah Long. She did not talk much and just directly asked about everyone's thoughts on the North Side.    


Missing pleasantries was like missing a test. No one could determine the answer, so it was rather difficult to come to a conclusion.    


Bai Taining mentioned that there had been a commotion in the port recently, and that the Taipei and Iron Axe Gang had committed many murder in order to fight for the territory. The police had strictly ordered that if both sides could not settle the matter peacefully, the consequences would be dire. Regarding this, he wanted to ask Baiqi Yushu, why was the Taibei Gang being so arrogant?    


The matter regarding the port was no longer with the East Side, he had no right to speak. The two families had been fighting for so many years over the territory of the port, so it was time for this to end.    


"Old An, I've already retired for so many years, I've long since stopped asking about outside matters. What kind of person is this Taibei Gang?" Acting the part of an elder while acting the part of a fool was indeed quite impressive.    


"Brother Bai Qi doesn't know, but your two sons should know!" If it wasn't for the kindness of my father's generation, how could that land have belonged to your Earth Gate? Today, I want to ask Brother Bai Qi to give me a few words, do you want to manage the Taipei Gang's matters or not? "    


Seeing that An Taining's fiery temper was about to flare up, the old Buddha immediately came out and mixed it up. There was a murder case a few days ago. The victim's name was Xiao Zhang, and he was an employee of the port. It was said that he found some improper things and was killed, and the culprit had now been apprehended. At that time, Brother An came to me to discuss it.    


"The Old Buddha asked Ah Long to put the information he found out on the table." This case was not a big deal, but the Xiao Zhang was a spy from the north district, so it was a little troublesome. Do you think that the four statues in the photo are similar to the ghost sect's gods? "    


After listening to the Buddha's reminder, Baiqi Yushu and An Taining picked up the photo separately and looked at it closely. The image was blurry, but the outline did look similar.    


"These photos were taken during the cargo inspection. Unfortunately, the people who were transporting this cargo were all members of the Taipei gang, so Brother An came to find me. Brother Bai Qi, if you don't care about this, someone has to take care of it."    


"Buddha means you don't believe me?" We, the Baiqi family, have served the military for generations. We would never do such a disgraceful thing, it must be a trap. "    


Baiqi Yushu squinted his eyes, fiercely sweeping across An Taining's smiling face and landing on the photo.    


"Of course I believe you. We've been together for so many years, and we're close relatives, how could I suspect you? Brother An came to find me to protect Brother Bai Qi, if this were to happen, the police would have already found us, can you sit here and drink tea and chat with us?"    


"Baiqi family did not do it, but he did not. I truly do not know what kind of person the Taibei Gang is, the Buddha wants to pin us down as Earth Gate, I can't do anything about it." Baiqi Yushu suddenly slapped the table and was about to stand up, when the old Buddha gestured for the Ah Long to press down on his shoulder.    


"You're already a person with one foot in a coffin, and you're still so angry? Sit down."    


Baiqi Yushu heavily harrumphed as he sat down. The Buddha is the head of our three great families, and should not listen to the slanderous. "    


An Taining glared, and the old Buddha waved his hand at him: "Since Brother Bai Qi is sure that this Taibei Gang has nothing to do with you, then this matter will be settled. Let the Iron Axe Gang deal with it, but we cannot let anyone die, as long as we grab Tai Sheng and torture him, we will definitely know who is watching over his back. Brother Bai Qi, what do you think? "    


For a long time, Baiqi Yushu did not say anything.    


"The North Side is being manipulated by an outsider. Are we just going to sit here and wait for death?" Baiqi Yushu suddenly asked. He must have been extremely unhappy about what happened just now, and wanted to fish some money from the North Side.    


"After the Ghost sect was destroyed, we had indeed proposed not to set foot in the North Side, and even today, this agreement has continued. What is the purpose of Brother Bai Qi mentioning this matter all of a sudden?"    


"Buddha cherishes the younger generation. I can finally see it today." If someone was really sincere in developing the North Side, I would not ask that question, but since this person is the hegemon of the East Sea, is the Buddha still going to sit around idly and do nothing? Have you forgotten about Ye Cheng seizing the marriage at the engagement banquet? "    


The old Buddha was stunned for a moment, and then she began to laugh. Do you want this old man to help you with the love between children? I run it too far. The only thing to blame is that Brother An has a good granddaughter. Whoever can win the heart of a beauty will be the winner, and my family's useless technique will not be as good as yours. Thus, I have no choice but to accept it. "    




Baiqi Yushu suddenly stopped talking. For the sake of An Ningxuan, Ouyang Xiaoxiao had forsaken Bai Qi Tianwei and then came to find him.    


"Brother Bai Qi, let this child handle the matter!" However, as the leader of one of the three families, I will not sit by and do nothing about North Side's matters. What's most important right now is to not let the police pay too much attention to the port and what's more important, you should understand. "    


"Alright, with the Buddha's words, I'll wait and see. I hope you can do things fairly. Don't be fooled by a junior at your age and ruin your entire life's reputation."    


"What did you say?" Ah Long roared.    


"The Buddha gave it a slap." "How rude!"    


Baiqi Yushu sneered, and got up to leave.    


The old Buddha took a deep breath and pointed at An Taining.    


"Please calm your anger Buddha, it is I who have not calmed down." An Taining seemed to have realized that he had been reckless in the beginning as he lowered his head.    


"You're also the head of the 'Human' Sect. If you can't even hold back on such a small matter, how can you manage the overall situation in the future?"    


An Taining nodded his head, but was not at all convinced in his heart.    


"Let's go back!" Only by capturing Tai Sheng alive can we get the chance to speak. "    


An Taining left the small pavilion, he turned and looked at the Old Buddha who was drinking tea by himself, he stomped his feet and walked out of the bamboo forest small pavilion.    


After the Ah Long confirmed that there was no one at the side, he then asked worriedly: "Buddha, you asked the Iron Axe Gang to come out, I'm afraid that Jade Phoenix cannot hide it from you."    


"The Old Buddha snorted." You still have someone to plead on her behalf? It would be light if you lost two of your subordinates, but Ye Cheng did not take her life, so it can be considered as giving face to this old man. Regarding the matter of the harbor, let the Fire Qilin keep an eye on them, and catch Tai Sheng in front of the human gate.    


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