The Romantic Soldier King



There was a sign outside the Red Candle House that said "the restaurant will be reserved". The guests that came to the restaurant were all dismissed by the people in the restaurant. It was said that the owner of the store was a Cantonese and was a proper craftsman. The dim sum here was delicious and the customer was honest with the materials. Therefore, there was an endless stream of customers coming to the restaurant.    


The weird thing was that even though the restaurant was booked, there were no customers at all. All the waiters in the kitchen were sitting around drinking tea and chatting with each other. Instead, it was the owner who ran to the door worriedly from time to time.    


On the other side of the street from the restaurant, they were listening to a small car. The people inside were staring at the restaurant as they made calls.    


After about half an hour, the car drove away, followed by a group of customers, about seven or eight of them.    


The boss of the Red Candle House wanted to refuse, but since the other party had already revealed his identity, he didn't dare to offend him. Thus, he had someone clean up a table on the first floor and make a call from the kitchen.    


It was already half past nine when An Yuhai came out of the spa. He pondered about Baiqi Haobo's words and after considering his formidable relationship, he instructed the driver to go to the Red Candle House.    


Along the way, he received an anonymous phone call. The other party did not reveal his identity. Instead, they only mentioned the danger of the Red Candle House. Then, he picked up the phone.    


When An Yuhai who was already suspicious approached the Red Candle House, he had the driver stop the car to observe. He also called An Taining to ask about the Old Buddha's movements, but after calling for a few times, he still did not receive any calls.    


From the rearview mirror, the driver saw seven or eight thugs entering the Red Candle House. He warned An Yuhai to be careful since this might be the Hongmen Banquet.    


It didn't make sense!    


It did not make sense for the Baiqi family to be dealing with them now, but it was possible for them to form an alliance. An Yuhai deliberated for a moment, and decided to risk his life to see what this Baiqi Haobo actually wanted to do.    


Walking up the steps of the Red Candle House, An Yuhai stuck one hand into the pocket of his gown, the other hand holding onto two metal balls. The driver followed behind him, with the other hand holding a gun in his pocket, the bullets had already been loaded.    


"Second Master, it seems like the people from Baiqi family are not here yet."    


An Yuhai retracted his right foot that he had stepped on and stood on the last step. From the corner of his eyes, he had already caught a glimpse of the only customer's hand in the hall and a cold smile hung on the corner of his mouth. Take care of yourself, don't hold me back. "    


The driver replied as he quickly walked in front of An Yuhai. After taking off the bullets, he grabbed his dagger and walked in.    


After registering, the waiter brought the two of them to room 3 on the third floor. Delicious food was already laid out on the table. There was a chair, a pair of bowls and chopsticks on the table. He wanted to enjoy it all by himself.    


"What do you mean?"    


The waiter was so scared that he couldn't even speak properly, he grinded his teeth and trembled as he poured An Yuhai a cup of tea. He served him on the side and almost knocked over his chopsticks a few times and was kicked out by An Yuhai.    


"What a great Baiqi Haobo, it doesn't matter if you look down on me, An Yuhai, or not, it's not that easy to use this opportunity to force others to bow their heads." "With three fingers, the glass shattered." You sit down and enjoy it together. "    


After changing the tea set, An Yuhai ate as much as he could, drinking wine with the driver in the private room, not caring about anything happening in the walkway outside.    


At this moment, the inside of the Red Candle House was completely dark. The shop assistants and the owner had abandoned the building and hid far away. In the darkness, there were at least fifteen to twenty people, scattered in several groups, making their way to the third floor.    


Drinking orders came from the third floor. An Yuhai's loud voice was like a broken gong, filled with strength.    


A group of people sneaked to the door of room 3. One of them kicked open the door and charged in.    




The room was empty, only the phone was placed on the table, and An Yuhai's voice continued to resonate in the house.    


The man raised his hand and signaled for his subordinates to retreat.    


Hehe! Did he run away?    


After Baiqi Haobo received the call, he sinisterly smiled, turned around and said while rocking back and said, "The An Family is very cunning, you can't deal with them all by yourself. "Your side is proceeding according to plan. For the time being, don't meet with the Ming Dynasty. Wait for my order."    


"Second Master, he ?"    


Baiqi Haobo raised his hand to stop Zhang Wei. "You still don't know the temper of the Ming Dynasty, but I'll take care of him. You take care of your own affairs, don't come over if you don't have anything important to do, and talk too much with too many people."    


Zhang Wei hesitated for a moment, but before he left the house, he hesitated to ask another question. The new Chief s of the criminal department are always against me, if I don't get rid of Second Master, it will be hard for me to deal with him. "    


Baiqi Haobo raised his eyes, turning the pencil in his hand, and stared at Zhang Wei without saying a word.    


Under the invisible pressure, Zhang Wei apologized and left the house.    




Baiqi Haobo licked the blood beads on his fingers and a cruel smile appeared on his face.    


When An Yuhai was being watched at the Red Candle House, although he did not cause a huge ruckus, the news of him doing so had already spread throughout the entire capital.    


Ah San and Lin Xi met on the pathway, and they came to find Ye Cheng for the same reason.    


Over the past few days, two-thirds of all the large and small powers in the North Side had been seized by the sanguinis in one go. The remaining one third remained to defend the North Side, and it wouldn't be long before all of them perished.    


Ye Cheng rubbed Little Black's cat. It smelled like something that didn't belong to an animal, and kept feeling weird about it. You said that an animal had to use some sort of shampoo, mouthwash, toothpaste and other living items to forcefully make itself into a human. How terrifying would that be?    


But, Ye Cheng had nothing to say, it was just that his women treated Xiao Hei like their ancestors were their servants, it truly made people jealous.    


Thinking up to here, Ye Cheng couldn't help but slap his palm down. Little Black, who had closed its eyes in enjoyment, lifted its claw and grabbed towards Ye Cheng's palm, and the two of them started fighting. This kind of scene played out more than N times every day. The victor or loser was already out of the question, and teasing had become a rare scene in the villa.    


Hearing the meowing coming from inside the hut, Lin Xi and Ah San looked at each other and laughed. The Human-Cat War was about to begin, but Ye Cheng had suffered a lot.    


With a loud shout, pushed open the door and entered. Little Black had already straightened its tail, its golden eyes flickered with a demonic light as it charged towards Ye Cheng.    


"You're courting death!" Ye Cheng bellowed, he turned his body and jumped and kicked out with his long leg, lifting Little Black who was pouncing towards him. Without waiting for the other party to land on the ground, he had already scuttled over with his hands and legs.    


Xiao Hei jumped up and down to dodge the attack, then ran into the bushes while roaring at Ye Cheng.    


"Furthermore, you failed. If you have the ability, don't run away!"    


Other than Ye Cheng, there really wasn't a second adult and a cat who were serious.    


Lin Xi suddenly thought of something. A good man would not fight with a woman, he felt that it was suitable for Ye Cheng and Xiao Hei to use a good cat instead of fighting with a man.    


"Both of you, remember, if you see that guy, just put him in my cage. I won't give you food."    


"This subordinate doesn't dare. I want to mistreat Little Black. Sisters are fiercer than boss."    


Lin Xi fearlessly teased Ye Cheng for the fact that he was a wife in law, and he caught the pillow that was thrown over and hugged Ah San as he sat across from him.    


"The person sent has news."    


Ye Cheng acknowledged and closed the window and door. Putting down the curtain, Ah San adjusted the angle of the projection and a few figures appeared in the image.    


Although two-thirds of the powers in the North Side had pledged allegiance to the sanguinis that Ah San was leading, these people were only people who had submitted and were suppressed by force. They did not submit to him from the bottom of their hearts, as the remaining third had all gathered in the northernmost third of the Tujia stronghold. Due to the complicated terrain, many people had died.    


Ah San was honest, compared to the internal conflict outside, the situation inside North Side was more critical. But it was impossible to be united like the East China Sea.    


Ye Cheng lit up a cigarette. The danger of the North Side was chaotic, the more people held on tightly, the easier it was for it to leak out. These big shots had been hoarding in the North Side for dozens of years, so naturally, they would not be willing to be taken in by outsiders.    


Relying on force to solve a problem was just a suppression. On the surface, it was a common tactic used by people like you to do things behind their backs. Especially since there were spies from the three great families.    


"What kind of place is the Tujia stronghold?" Ye Cheng set his eyes on the northernmost area of the North Side. That place had been mentioned by Deng Mengxiu before, and the place where Ye Chen was currently gathering at was also that place.    


After Lin Xi changed the picture, a huge village appeared on the screen. Rather than calling it a village, it would be better to say that it was a house constructed with many tall buildings.    


Possessing the advantage of geography, making a direct breakthrough was difficult!    


On both sides of the Tujia stronghold were high grounds. It was like a house that was embedded with mountains, protected by mountains. From outside. Outside the village is an endless open area, no matter where you go, the attacks would all be within the Tujia stronghold Tower's field of vision. Without waiting for you to even get close, the cannons would be able to destroy you.    


The only good thing about it was that it was already the twenty-first century. Killing and arson were ways to punish, and the people in the Tujia stronghold would not easily use the weapons on the mountain.    


The current information that can be gathered is that the boss of Tujia stronghold is surnamed Yan, the old master of Hades, Yan. This person's age is ominous, his height is ominous, and his appearance is ominous. There were three great protectors under his command, and he was naturally in charge of the three pavilions in front, middle and back of Tujia stronghold.    


This pattern was somewhat similar to the four sects, four flags, and twelve sects! This thought suddenly flashed through Ye Cheng's mind, but was quickly ignored in Lin Xi's explanation.    


Ah San had interacted with this group of people before, when they were surrounding and annihilating various powers, he brought a group of lackeys from the sanguinis with him and arrived at the Tujia stronghold. Although they did not open fire, they did see the boss of the pavilion in front of them.    


"The Tujia stronghold is not connected to the outside world, why would the hoodlums under you leave unscathed?"    


Ah San recalled the scene at that time and was also puzzled, unable to give an explanation.    


Leave some face so we can meet again in the future!    


Ye Cheng stared at the three masked men and smiled. Prepare a generous gift for me and you can follow me to Tujia stronghold in five days. "    


"Boss, let us brothers go over and investigate. We'll get to the bottom of this." Lin Xi and Ah San shouted at the same time.    


Ye Cheng waved his hand. Back then, Ah San was able to escape unscathed, not because he was capable, but because the other party knew that he was his subordinate. From what Ah San could recall, Ye Cheng noticed a few details.    


Opening the door to accept someone wasn't because the hoodlum was pitiful, but was a provocation, a provocation towards him. Secondly, the previous pavilion master did not take action, but Ah San did not notice. When he returned to the North Side, there were three barbs on his shoulders. At that time, Ye Cheng had thought that he had accidentally broken it during the fight, and now it seemed that it was definitely not like that.    


If you want to stabilize the North Side, you must first reclaim it.    


"Ah San, let Old King's Head pick out seven sanguinis s in the next few days. It would be best if they could have some face and train them. Also, three days later, invite those big bosses to the General's Building and tell them that I, Ye Cheng, want to do business with them. "    


Ah San walked out of the study when he saw Lin Xi. He asked casually: "Boss, what kind of big gift are you going to give to Tujia stronghold?"    


Ye Cheng laughed. You followed me for so long, why are you still spouting so much nonsense? Learn from Ah San, and don't say too much. "    


"Hey, boss, you still haven't said anything. You can't fool me like this."    




Hearing that, Lin Xi's eyes lit up, this meant that he had the chance to go all out, but his face immediately darkened. Boss, it's easy to get a head, but difficult to deal with. This North District's Sub-Bureau treats us like food, they want to cut us apart at all times, do you want me to go and get Zhang Wei's head now? "    


"Idiot!" Did I say I would do it myself? "    


Lin Xi scratched his head. No matter how hard he thought, he couldn't think of what kind of medicine Ye Cheng had buried in the gourd.    


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