The Romantic Soldier King



The General's Building after the banquet seemed to no longer be so peaceful, the last happy land of this society became the end of a road of no return.    


In the short span of a few days, the General's Building had become a curse of death. No one had escaped from all the big shots that had appeared there, and the only person that came out alive was in the hospital's emergency room. However, according to reliable news, the chances of survival were less than 10%.    


That was, compared to the news of the big shots of the various societies in North Side being suppressed by the new society, the capital was shaken.    


Who was so powerful that they could kill all the bosses in one fell swoop in just a few days? That man had become the enemy of all the bosses in the capital, and even if it was for their own benefit, they couldn't let him live.    


Amidst their shock, another person entered the eyes of these big bosses.    


If all the powers in North Side were to be annihilated, it would also not be true! Other than Tujia stronghold, there was another person whose whereabouts were still unknown. Some people said that he had escaped, and some people said that he was the messenger behind his back, and some people even said that he had killed their partners for his own benefits. There were even many rumors about him that he could write a book about, but in these few days, Old Xu and his subordinates disappeared into the streets of North Side.    


The person that should be the one to come out and fight against the new power, where was he exactly? No one could guess!    


Standing at the highest point of the Aromatic cloud, there was a transfer board, and it turned on its own without any wind.    


What kind of pleasure was it to look from a high vantage point? That depends on the attitude of the admirer at the time.    


Ye Cheng squatted on the transfer array and smoked, his heart was as calm as a mirror, clear and calm.    


For the past few days, the turmoil in the North Side had affected the rise of the new black light, and for this reason, Sang Huihui and Qiao Rubing had come to find him more than once. The subordinates of those big shots, who had been killed, had repeatedly attacked the projects set up in the North Side by the new black light in order to take revenge. If things continued like this, the anti-mafia would not sit back and do nothing. If they continued to do so, no one would benefit from it.    


Sang Huihui's words weren't nice, but they were very true. Even in front of Ye Cheng, she would boycott anything that she shouldn't have done. This time, the rout of the society had seriously threatened the newly risen New Black Light, so she had issued an ultimatum to Ye Cheng.    


Breathing out a mouthful of smoke, Ye Cheng scratched his scalp. This matter was very difficult to deal with. The other party had endured much longer than he had imagined, and he would definitely win in the end. However, this difficult problem presented itself in front of him, leaving him with a dilemma.    


The swivel chair spun and stopped in the north.    


Ye Cheng stared at the high tower in the distance, he raised the corner of his mouth.    


"He's coming!"    


There was no one behind him, not even footsteps, yet Ye Cheng smiled like an idiot. Perhaps because his mood was too good, he wasn't able to stand steadily and fell from his position on the ground.    


"Sorry, I slipped." As he crawled up from the ground, Ye Cheng didn't forget to dub off the dust on his body, as he talked to himself at the only entrance.    


"You are Ye Cheng!"    


"Ye Cheng nodded his head, and wondered if he wanted to print a business card or not. Every single time, he would be asked about this, is it because he looks too young, or is it because he has a lot of face and is easily forgotten?" Ye Cheng, please sit. "    


A tall man appeared out of thin air onto the path of entry. He slowly walked over, and his steps were as silent as a cicada. The most surprising thing was that this person had an Invisibility Spell.    


"Good kung fu!"    


In that moment, Old Xu had already appeared in front of Ye Cheng. "I'm sorry."    


"Old Xu sat down on the swivel chair and narrowed his eyes as he faced the north." This Wind Shadow of mine is merely a small trick in front of young master Ye, what is the purpose of luring me out? "    


"I'll have to trouble you to go to Tujia stronghold."    


"On what basis?"    


"Just by standing here." Ye Cheng stared at Old Xu with a fake smile. I've prepared a present for you. The twelve powers of North Side have a total of eleven lives, I believe the people there will give you a chance to drink some tea. "    


Old Xu froze for a second, then burst out laughing. young master Ye wants to give away twelve lives, what a brilliant move. "    


"Eleven lives is enough, and if you don't want to go, then so be it. The North Branch's anti-mafia unit was on the move half an hour ago. I'll let you choose one of the two. "    


Old Xu was moved. He stared at the too young man in front of him and could not help but feel afraid. The reason they didn't kill me. "    


If you don't listen to the gentle breeze, you are the person I want. If I use you, you will still be a shadow of the wind, and if I don't use you, I will let you go. If you leave the capital, you will never step foot in again.    


"If I don't agree?"    


"I cherish geniuses, but I won't let you hinder me."    


Old Xu stared into the north for a long time before saying, "Give me eleven people at 9 tonight." "My men, you have to make sure that they are unscathed before I return."    


"Your subordinates are my subordinates. They will be staying in Aromatic cloud tonight, I guarantee that they will have fun to eat and sleep well."    


Old Xu left, he had walked the correct path, and Ye Cheng had followed him to look for Ah San and Lin Xi.    


9 PM!    


When Ah San and Lin Xi appeared in front of Old Xu, it was difficult to describe the feelings that existed deep within his heart. When he set off for the Tujia stronghold this time, he was determined to die. However, after seeing the equipment that Ye Cheng had given him, there was hope for him.    


Ah San gave Old Xu the two brocades, which Ye Cheng had written before he left. Since I said I will protect you, I won't let you die in vain in Tujia stronghold.    


After giving orders, the eleven people majestically left North Side for Tujia stronghold.    


"Where do you put yourself?"    


"They won't be able to live without you." Ye Cheng rested his hands on Chen Luoxue's shoulders. Take care of yourself and make sure they get out safely. "    




"Foolish luck, there's me here, and there's Pan Yue here, no problem."    


Chen Luoxue bit her lips and she tiptoed to kiss Ye Cheng's lips. You dare to break your skin, I will bury everyone in North Side with you. "    


"Really? Then wouldn't I have a city of ice and snow?    


"forcefully stomped on the back of his foot, causing Ye Cheng to be forced to mutter in pain, unable to say a single word. Be careful, they are almost there. "    


After sending Chen Luoxue off, Ye Cheng walked towards the Aromatic cloud alone.    


The anti-Black Group led by Zhang Wei majestically arrived at the big gate. They did not come with good intentions.    


Pan Yue had already stood guard at the door, and the moment there was a disagreement, both sides would start fighting.    


Zhang Wei stood behind the anti-Black Captain. As the chief commander of this mission, he had a lot of responsibilities.    


Ye Cheng stood far away, lit up his cigarette, and walked into the house. When he arrived at the top floor, he looked down at the scene below with much clarity and clarity.    


The reason he stayed behind was because he was calm and insidious enough. He believed that Sang Huihui and the others had a plan to deal with him, and if they did not appear now, they might be delaying him.    


Ye Cheng climbed up the water tower and took out a cloth bag from the water tank that was wrapped in oil. He skillfully assembled the gun and returned to the edge of the roof. If necessary, the man must die.    


Pan Yue waved his hands at his subordinates, and had them return to the Aromatic cloud. This is a private territory, may I ask if you have a search warrant? "    


"Someone reported that a serial killer had snuck in here. I hope you cooperate with the police."    


Pan Yue smiled at Zhang Wei, and then opened up a path. It is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the police on a case. However, our Big Boss has said that it is fine to assist them, but if we were to destroy everything here, everyone should be prepared for it. Please come with me! "    


Being too cooperative actually made Zhang Wei feel that something was amiss, especially the part where Pan Yue's eyes were filled with schemes, the word 'please' contained too many traps.    


"Detective Zhang, what's wrong?"    


"The three of you follow me, while the rest of you stay here. No one is allowed to enter or leave." Zhang Wei instructed the three of them to follow him, and followed Pan Yue into the Aromatic cloud.    


Through the lens, Ye Cheng saw the Anti-Black Team Leader's hesitation. Zhang Wei made the wrong decision. His departure would cause the entire mission to fail.    


Seeing how confident Pan Yue was, he should have already prepared everything, waiting for this idiot to fall into their trap.    


A loud roar pierced the sky. Ye Cheng heard it, as did the anti-black group below him.    


Looking towards the direction of the voice, a bright firework exploded in the sky, and under the flickering of sparks, it was annihilated in the air. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared, Ye Cheng pursed his lips and disassembled the gun back into its original position.    


The people from the anti-Black Group also saw the fireworks, and rushed into Aromatic cloud without a care for anything else.    


Walking out of North Side, he heard a black car on the other side of the street. The driver stood perfectly straight against the door, and the moment he saw Ye Cheng coming out, he immediately opened the car door.    


Ye Cheng stood right in front of the car, and from his field of vision, he could clearly see the person inside. He should have gone over, but he walked over to the hanging train very willfully, and pointed at the back of the car, gathering his strength to punch out with his right fist. A few seconds later, the car started to scream miserably, its body first shrinking towards a certain direction, and then with a bang, it exploded outwards, its pieces flying all over the place, blasting the bike into smithereens.    


Ye Cheng clapped his hands, then raised his middle finger and continued walking forward.    


The driver started the car and kept it parallel to Ye Cheng's, causing the people in the car to laugh when they saw what had happened.    


"Lordmaster, if we continue to indulge him, the consequences will be unthinkable."    


The person in the carriage was no other than the old man who had officially raised Ye Cheng one hand.    


"It's been a long time since the capital has been so lively!"    


Qin Assistant turned around and looked at the old man resting with his eyes closed in worry. "That is true, but we can't clean up his mess forever. You will need to get the general election, and if you let the people there take over, then the whole plan will be over."    


The old man suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Qin Assistant without saying a word.    


Realizing that he said the wrong thing, Qin Assistant lowered his head.    


"You've been following me since you were fifteen. His position should have been yours. I don't mind switching now."    


"Lordmaster, your subordinate knows his wrongs."    


The Old Master told the driver to stop by the side and he got off the car to walk around. Qin Assistant immediately said this as he had never seen the Old Master this angry before. This subordinate does not have the qualifications to guide Ye Cheng in his faults, I am only worried for your safety. "    


"Ye Cheng's cleverness lies in him knowing what he wants. He is our only hope, and he will spare no effort to assist him in taking the throne." The Old Gramps suddenly stopped and turned around to face Qin Assistant. His walking stick strongly knocked on the ground and his face was filled with determination.    


Qin Assistant bit her lips, hesitated for a long time, then asked with difficulty: "Aren't you afraid that he will bite you back when he knows the truth? I will absolutely not allow him to do so. Even if it's an order from the Old Master, I will destroy him at all costs. "    


The old tutor patted Qin Assistant's shoulder to show his comfort.    


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