The Romantic Soldier King



Su Wan was grabbed by the black figure by the shoulders, a big hand covering her mouth, and dragged her into the grass.    


The gold-plated black eyes looked at him angrily, but Su Wan turned his head away. "Dammit, if you want to die, then go die. Don't drag me back."    


"Ye Cheng really wanted to give himself a title, she had godly foresight, saying that this girl wouldn't be so obedient and cooperate. She actually just wanted this opportunity, damn, I almost believed her." I'll warn you one last time, if you dare to mess with me again, I'll light up your Heaven Lamp. "    


"How dare you!"    


"See if I dare." Ye Cheng stared at Su Wan fiercely, if worst comes to worst, he would start to fight, rather than getting dragged to death by this girl, he might as well go all out.    


Su Wan knew she was in the wrong, so she relaxed her grip and was carried back to the Spirit Cliff Cave by Ye Cheng.    


The people who went down to fish had yet to come up. The people who stayed behind in the camp were all familiar faces, they had not found any missing persons yet, but according to the time they were down here, in two hours, the people who went down would be dragged up, and at that time, they would discover the missing person. At the critical moment, he would definitely not let Su Wan disrupt his plans.    


"You can lure them out just by throwing a rock. Either you've gone mad, or I've gone stupid."    


"Make a bet?" If I succeed, you just have to convince Ye Chen to follow me, and if I lose, I will personally go down and fish the thing out.    


didn't dare to guarantee in order to convince him, but she understood one thing in the last two days. This person could bring hope to Ye Chen.    


"What do you want to do?"    


"You don't have to do anything."    


Time passed minute by minute, second by second, the two in the cave fell into an unprecedented silence, maybe because as time passed, Su Wan was showing signs of nervousness. According to Ye Cheng's plan, the other side should have rung the alarm, but the entire mountain was so quiet that there was not even a bird cry.    


Something was not right!    


Su Wan stared at Ye Cheng who was meditating, she hesitated and closed her eyes.    


Three hours had passed, and the mountain was still quiet. There was a feeling that a storm was about to arrive.    


Su Wan could not hold it in anymore as she paced back and forth in the cave. She was about to go crazy from the tranquility.    


"Suddenly, Ye Cheng opened his black eyes. He hung upside down on the ceiling of the cave in an extremely strange posture as he stuck his ear to the wall. After a long while, he made Su Wan extinguish the fire and golden lines flickered in the darkness. It's here! "    


Su Wan sucked in a breath of cold air. Under Ye Cheng's instructions, she climbed up to the ceiling of the cave and pressed her back against the wall as she stared in the direction of the cave.    


Not long after, there were a few sounds coming from the cave entrance. A large number of insects swarmed into the cave, making everyone's scalp tingle.    


Su Wan stared hard at the rock wall with her back, she did not have any energy to think any further. If Ye Cheng had not supported her on the side and lost half of her weight, she would have already fallen down.    




Fortunately, he had already prepared for this. The Treant Faction was of use, he could only bear the weight of the two of them and hung them on the mountain top, he then took a detour when he took down the reptiles that were near the tree vines. Seeing this strange scene, Ye Cheng took a deep breath, he did not expect the tree vines to have this kind of effect.    


The bugs circled the cave once and began to climb up the cliff. They circled around the tree vines and arrived at Su Wan's feet. Some climbed up her long legs following her boots, Su Wan bit her lips, her face ashen.    


"Endure it!" said in a low voice. He could have driven them away with fire, but he wanted to capture the insect exorcist alive.    


When the bugs climbed up to their thighs, they suddenly stopped and began to spin like headless flies. After a while, they all fell to the ground, their limbs twitching in the air as they died.    


What was going on?    


Su Wan asked with eyes filled with confusion.    


The insects swarmed out of the cave like floodwaters. Ye Cheng and Su Wan maintained their original positions and waited for a while, and only returned to the surface after confirming that the insects would not come back.    


"What's going on? Why are there so many bugs? "    


"Half man!"    


Ye Cheng only knew half of the people controlling these bugs, but it could also be someone else. Wait for me here. "    


"Don't even think about leaving me behind!"    


Uh, there was something wrong with her words, but after receiving Su Wan's resolute gaze, Ye Cheng compromised. Leaving her alone in the cave wouldn't be safe, maybe she could still be safe with him. " "Follow closely!"    


On the way, there were traces of bugs crawling everywhere. It was not difficult to find where these bugs were, and when the two chased to the entrance of the enemy camp, they discovered a few insects that were lying on the ground and twitching. Ye Cheng squatted on the ground and used his blade to pick one of them up, discovering that although the bugs were about the same size, their shape was much worse. "Let's go in and take a look!"    


"You're not ?"    


"Wherever the bugs go, no one is spared."    


Entering the camp, Ye Cheng's words came true. There were worms gnawing on the bones everywhere, and a large number of twitching bugs that were crawling all over. Some of the corpses were covered with twitching bugs, and the pieces of flesh that looked like they were gnawed on were all black.    


"Don't touch it, it's poisonous." Ye Cheng shouted and stopped Su Wan, scaring her out of her wits. Have you noticed it? "    


Su Wan shook her head. She had followed Ye Chen for many years, but had never seen such a scene.    


"Come here!" "Ye Cheng stepped on a pair of corpses of the bugs, and used a military knife to pick up a few of them and placed them in front of Su Wan. As I expected, do you think these bugs are similar? "    


Su Wan couldn't see any difference, so he pointed at the worm's mouth and sure enough, he found a suspicious place.    


"In the Hong Kong Island, I have interacted with half of them before, so I know their bugs very well.    


"You mean someone is impersonating him?"    


"I'm not sure, but one thing is certain. This insect repellent came for the same thing. It was just that he encountered an even more powerful expert and was defeated." Ye Cheng gathered a few bugs and put them in a bag, and brought them back to the place where he had found the peony. We are safe now. "    


"On what basis are you so sure? Since you said that there are still people after the bottom of this hole, then perhaps this person just wants to keep dealing with us in the end."    


Ye Cheng laughed out loud. He wanted to poke Su Wan's forehead with his finger, but she dodged. I am not a child anymore. I know you are very bold and cautious, but we are currently in someone else's territory. There are only ten corpses here. "    


"Granny, if you still don't come out and take this person away, calluses will form in my ears!" Ye Cheng shouted towards the natural cave entrance.    


Su Wan walked to the entrance of the cave in disbelief. Looking down from the top, he could not see the end of it, much less the people below.    


Several large ropes hung from the rock walls, each with traces of wear and tear. Ye Cheng tested the pulling force, and found that the rope had a high carrying capacity.    


picked up a stone and threw it at her. " "Follow me, down the hole."    


The old lady was really annoying, Ye Cheng shook the rope and jumped down, he did not have any protective gear on him, and did not even reach as deep as the cave, he was holding onto the rope with one hand, the only thing he could hear was the wind blowing by his ears, the wind piercing his eyes, causing him to be unable to open his eyes, he could only sense his surroundings from the sound of the wind blowing.    


There were signs of life inside the cave. As he went deeper, Ye Cheng felt something strange around him, it was ethereal and had a substance, he wanted to open his eyes, but the strong wind was too strong, the moment he opened his eyes, he felt like he would be pierced.    


Suppressing his curiosity, Ye Cheng increased his speed and reached the bottom. When he felt his feet on the ground, he slowly opened his eyes.    




In front of him was an indescribable beauty. The bottom of the cave was like a paradise, with plants of all colors and creatures clinging to the walls, decorating the entire mountain like a resplendent starry sky.    


When Su Wan reached the bottom of the cave, something that he had stepped on let out a scream. Ye Cheng immediately rushed over, and accidentally found five corpses inside the strange multicolored vegetation, and they were all prostrating with their heads down.    




Ye Cheng nodded his head, from the clothes the dead person was wearing, he could tell that they were in the same group as the people on top, but Ye Cheng realized that these people's faces were facing the same direction. He had the ability to never forget, these people were only wearing the same clothes, but they were not in the same group.    


"At least three days. There were maggots in the wound." Ye Cheng flipped over one of the dead bodies, his chest felt as if it was pierced by some kind of weapon.    


"How cruel."    


Ye Cheng laughed. "It's good that you're cruel." Look around. Be careful.    


The two of them went their separate ways. As Ye Cheng searched for traces of the old granny, he observed the entire cave. After circling around, he returned to his original spot.    


There were strange creatures growing inside the cave. Apart from the five corpses, there were no other exits, nor were there any other strong signs of life. However, he had clearly felt them when he had landed.    


"There is no way out, and there is no trace of Grandma. Are you sure she's here?"    


"I'm not sure, but the death of those bugs must be related to her." Seeing Su Wan's blank face, Ye Cheng began to kindly explain.    


He was looking for a type of tree vine. When he left the camp, the old granny quietly told him that the way to carry people on his back was to find tree vines so that he could keep his life.    


At first, Ye Cheng did not believe it, but he still went ahead and made a vine, and putting it inside the cave was useless. He did not have anything else to do, so he used the vine to calculate the height of the mountain and the distance between the sound waves.    


If he could attract those two guards, then it would be best for him to get rid of them and test out their time. However, he didn't expect that he would be able to kill his way out.    


"So grandma knows that bugs will appear here, that's why you're looking for vines to protect yourself? Why would she do that?"    


"Who knows!" Anyway, she didn't mean to hurt us, so the answer doesn't matter. However, the key issue right now wasn't where his mother-in-law was, but where were all his organs? Don't you think the entire bottom of the cave is too clean? "    


"That's right! No blood. "    


Ye Cheng scratched his head and added, "Not only is there no blood, there are no signs of a fight. The grass and trees here have not been moved at all, nor have they been broken. I want to know how the internal organs of these people were dug up. From the looks of the way they fell, this should be the crime scene. "    


Su Wan thought for a while and said: "You just said that they are not from the same group as the people above, could it be that they are scum of bandits?"    


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