The Romantic Soldier King



If someone was unlucky, they would choke to death from drinking water!    


South City Division and North Side Sub-bureau had long left the society because of the rumors about the competition between the criminals. Although the rumors were true, and the reports were not exaggerated, under the oral discussion of the people who knew about it, all the despicable rumors about South City Division were exposed.    


In this incident, the North Side Sub-bureau upholds the principle of being impartial and obedient. It was reasonable and fair for each case, and for the South Side to submit the criminals to his jurisdiction and try them. However, the attitude displayed by the South Side, however, caused the entire police force to be shocked and unable to understand.    


A murder case quickly escalated into a police issue. Even Ye Cheng did not expect such an outcome.    


When he was at the hospital, being so bored that he teased the nurse. Thinking of the sisters, Ye Cheng also had a lot of flavors.    


Just after lunch, the young nurse came in to see him, and she also received a lot of news. There was the police watching outside, she was not afraid of Ye Cheng, the murderer, but she felt that he was a good-looking guy, and that there was nothing she could do about it.    


This twisted logic was only useful for someone like him with such a high reputation. If it was placed in front of those poor looking people, they would not even be able to see him for a day.    


"There are a lot of reporters here who want to interview you. They're very familiar with us, so if you have any grievances, just tell me. I'll spread it for you." The young nurse gave Ye Cheng some advice while injecting him with his medicine. Now is the era of online electronics, public opinion is also a type of weapon. "I think the bureau chief is a bad guy. Last time, he was an adult in the corridor."    


"He's a Director Lin of the South City Division. He's already lectured a few times, how can he still not remember?    


"Hmph, I don't care what kind of scheme he's up to, the one who wronged is a bad guy."    


Ye Cheng laughed and said, "Are you really going to help me?"    


"Of course! How could someone as good as you kill someone? "Even if he kills someone, he would be a bad person to kill. That 'Old Xu' or 'Old Xu', I know that my friend's target would be crippled by someone else's subordinate. This kind of evil person dies a good death, and you are bringing justice to the common people."    


"Oh my god, when he said that, Ye Cheng immediately made him do a very great thing, it was like he was a righteous hero. Bring me a message for those newspapers! "    


"Sure, go ahead."    


The young nurse went over to Ye Cheng's side and listened carefully while nodding her head. Do you want me to add oil to speed you up? "    


"There's no need for that. Just this bit of information is enough to make him suffer."    


"Do you have any video data? This way, the more realistic it is, the better the effect will be."    


Ye Cheng thought about it, but still shook his head in the end. I don't want to make a fool of myself, right?    


When the policemen outside heard the laughter coming from inside, they fiercely knocked on the door to let the young nurse quickly drive them out with jealousy.    


Ye Cheng's hands were at the back of his head, the sickroom was empty and there wasn't even a TV in sight, it was really boring.    


No matter how the situation outside the Luan Luan changed, Ye Cheng still remained calm and collected. The food poisoning this time was purely an accident, Xiao Zhang's blind energy actually provided an opportunity, causing the originally chaotic relationship to become even more subtle and tense.    


There was a grudge between South Side and him, and in a few big cases, South Side's ability to crack investigations was not as good as North Side's. This accident happened, and the people of North Side Sub-bureau would definitely not just sit still and wait for death, they would do everything they can to suppress South Side.    


Based on his estimations, Director Lin was a narrow-minded and vengeful person by nature. He would never let Ma Liangcun's provocations towards him go, and even more so would not leak the news of him being poisoned because of his own negligence. As a result, Director Lin's selfishness had become his fatal injury.    


After an hour or so, the nurse came in again. This time, she didn't stay for long. After changing the bottle, she gave an OK sign and left. The police officer must have warned her, so she kept her actions down.    


Being caged up in a sickbed, Ye Cheng's movements were severely restricted. Looking at the blue sky outside the window, he felt drowsy.    


Du! Du, du! Du!    


Even wood pecking birds wouldn't have such a rhythm when they pecked wood. Ye Cheng turned around impatiently. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a paper shadow.    


Ye Cheng sat down cross legged, he looked outside the door, and after seeing that there was no movement, he whistled at the paper figure, which was squeezed out from the analysis of the windows. After it landed on the ground, it turned into green smoke, and under the wind, it disappeared and revealed a cold look.    


"Wow, you can even do that?"    


"Cut the crap. I'm not real. It's just a shadow. If anyone dares to touch me, I'll vanish like smoke in thin air." Leng Bing glared fiercely at Ye Cheng, and dodged his salty pig's hand. " I am here to pass on my elder sisters' orders. Listen, don't interrupt, don't refute, don't ? "    


All of these things were added by Leng Bing herself. Ye Cheng was too lazy to listen to her, so he interrupted her chattering. "Alright, I'll agree to it. Speak!"    


"My sisters said they want me to come and see you. How is it?"    


Ye Cheng blinked his eyes. That's it? "    


"That's right!"    


"Leng Bing, are you a joke sent by Monkey?"    


"Hou Hou!" "Looks like you're in a good mood. Then we can relax. Bye bye, little old man."    


He said he would leave just like that, and completely didn't give Ye Cheng any chance to rest. Staring at the cloud of smoke, the door of the ward was forced open. The police officer rushed in with a fire extinguisher and sprayed the ward with foam and light.    


What was going on? Ye Cheng stared at the reporters who were rushing in at the same time, then looked at the policemen who had a confused face, and suddenly shouted.    


The prisoner was subjected to ineffectual mistreatment and the circumstances were extremely serious.    


The Chief of the South City Division was invited by the judiciary to tea. In front of the evidence, the Director Lin wanted to cry but no tears came out.    


In the face of public opinion, Director Lin had no choice but to send Ye Cheng back to North Side, and hand him over to Ma Liangcun.    


"I will remember your face. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Before he left, Director Lin unwillingly spoke harshly into Ma Liangcun's ears.    


Ma Liangcun took a deep breath and replied, "You don't have this chance anymore."    


Ye Cheng was locked in the temporary cell in North Side Sub-bureau. On the agenda of the case concerning the General's Building, Ma Liangcun personally supervised the hearing and in one day informed everyone involved with the case to attend the hearing, including the Old Buddha of the Gate of Heaven.    


As soon as the hearing list was announced, all sorts of speculations were raised in society. Is this crazy? If he dared to provoke the old Buddha, then he probably did not want to live anymore. Other than them, there were two other people who were also in the middle of the hearing, they were the Earth Gate's Baiqi Haobo and Baiqi Mingchao.    


Ma Liangcun's bold move naturally attracted the attention of the North Side Sub-bureau's bureau chief. The murder case of the General's Building was already under the spotlight of everyone, they had to investigate it even if they had to. However, if the two great families were not involved, that would be a little too much. Because of this, the bureau chief specially talked with Ma Liangcun, implicitly expressing the intentions of a superior, but he never expected that their subordinates would all be people who admitted their deaths.    


In front of Ma Liangcun, the higher authorities would definitely support him in his work. After he had left, they started to curse him, wishing they could fire him right away.    


Ma Liangcun knew his own situation, and it was difficult for him. Under the immense pressure, he still wanted to continue with the case.    


On the day of the hearing, all the witnesses, relevant people and perpetrators related to the case of the General's Building appeared one by one in the North Side Sub-bureau.    


Everyone was waiting for a good show with Ma Liangcun, especially the leaders of the upper echelons.    


The hearing went on as usual, and the whole thing went quite smoothly, except for the absence of the three controversial figures.    


When it was close to the end, a commotion came from outside the hall, the noise interrupted Ma Liangcun's inquiry several times, making him unhappy, and he asked the officer beside him to go out to take a look.    


The arrival of a great character in North Side Sub-bureau startled the entire office building. After dressing up, North Side Sub-bureau and the stewards of all the departments hurried downstairs to welcome the great character.    


The officer who returned to report whispered into Ma Liangcun's ear, only to see Lao Ma opening his mouth wide, repeatedly asking if he was really here, clearly showing how unexpected this person was.    


Ye Cheng sat on the other side of the metal railing. He was a criminal and his hands and feet were shackled, so it was very inconvenient for him to move around. However, when he saw that Ma Liangcun's mouth was wide enough to fit a fist in, he couldn't help but tease him. The big shot has arrived. Why aren't you going out to welcome him?    


"What does that have to do with me? You guys need to go out and watch the show, so don't affect my case again."    


The two policemen obediently sat back in their seats. The commotion outside was not as important as the interrogation.    


Yan Maokuan looked around and realised that everyone was here, the only one missing was Ma Liangcun. When he asked around, he found that he was actually still in the interrogation room. He instructed the people around him to call for him as the important person had already arrived at the entrance.    


"Buddha, why did you come to North Side yourself? If there's anything, let's make a phone call and we can go see you." Yan Maokuan stepped forward in an attempt to grasp the old Buddha's hand, but he was blocked by one of Ah Long's shoulder, which did not reveal a single trace of himself.    


"The old Buddha laughed, looking like he was in a good mood." The police are on the case, and as the leader of the three sects, I should take the lead. Director Yan, you have such a subordinate, it's truly a cause for celebration! "    


Yan Maokuan misunderstood the Old Buddha thought that he was saying this on purpose to piss him off, and in the bottom of his heart, he had a different opinion of Ma Liangcun.    


The group escorted the Old Buddha into the building, Yan Maokuan even gave her own office to rest in, while greeting her, he went to find someone to call Ma Liangcun, and sent two of them back with an answer.    


Ma Liangcun was in court, and didn't have time!    


This was too outrageous!    


Yan Maokuan slapped the table in front of the old Buddha and scolded her. He glanced at the monk picking up tea, then picked up the phone to directly call the interrogation room. Before he could say who it was, he heard a complaint from the other end of the phone, and quickly hung up.    


Ye Cheng pointed at Ma Liangcun, as if saying that this time you're in trouble, do you need my help? Lao Ma didn't appreciate his kindness. He pulled out the phone and made everyone's ears clear.    


When Ma Liangcun questioned the spectators, he felt that there was something fishy about the murder case in General's Building. With the Prime Minister's understanding of Ye Cheng, similar to killing people under the camera, these kind of low level mistakes would not be annoying. It did not match his purpose for coming to the capital. In the end, no matter how he looked at Ye Cheng, he felt that his wall of heart was very good, and did not seem like a death sentence at all.    


It was true that he knew that Ye Cheng admitting defeat this time was a scheme, but the worst of it was that he was pushed to the point where he was at death's doorstep. With such a plan of harming others and not himself, Ma Liangcun really did not know if he was playing with himself or with others.    


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