The Romantic Soldier King



"The Xiao Zhang pushed Ma Liangcun away in frustration. She enlarged the image and the result was just a slap on the blurry mosaic. The surveillance pixels were too poor and it reflected light, so the figure in the magnifying glass could not clearly be seen. Even if it is like what the Lao Ma said, this video was edited by someone inside. It might even overlap and not necessarily be a reflection from a mirror. "    


Ma Liangcun acknowledged Xiao Zhang's words, and nodded his head. "Miss Chen, does the shadow in this file have anything to do with the intruder from yesterday night? He took away the fake file and will definitely return once he finds out."    


"Chief Ma, please call me Snowfall. There will be many opportunities for us to work together in the future, so there's no need to be so polite." Chen Luoxue took out the USB and placed it into an exquisite box, letting them be sent to the control room. If you want to find out what the black shadow in the mirror is, you will need a bit of time to decipher it, and the result will come out after you find the mother band. You all don't have to guess randomly, Ye Cheng has already arranged everything, and now I want to ask, do you all believe in me? "    


"Ma Liangcun nodded his head without hesitation. Is it any use for me to say that I don't believe it now? "    


The Xiao Zhang sniffed and asked the question that Ma Liangcun also wanted to know but did not dare to ask. With a single word, when will Ye Cheng be able to come out!? "    


Chen Luoxue lifted her long hair, inadvertently revealing the fish scale marks on her neck, deeply attracting the Xiao Zhang. Twenty-four hours! "    


"Good!" It's now ten o'clock in the morning, this time tomorrow, so he can come out, right? "    


"The prerequisite is that we have to have absolute coordination."    


Xiao Zhang snorted unhappily. "Don't count on me!"    


"Chief Ma should have gotten Su Anna's trust! You only need to be in charge of inciting conflict between her and Lin Changxin, and the others will be helping us deal with it. "    


"She has completely believed it, but out of respect for her family, she said that she would not reveal it to the public! These few days, I've contacted a few of the cooperating media, preparing to make a big announcement. However, it seems like they also have some misgivings, which is why we were delayed. " The truth was, Ma Liangcun's imagination was never as realistic as it was now.    


Even if Lin Changxin does not do it, Su Anna will still intercept him. Once the scandal is announced, it will not benefit Su Anna at all, and the traditional way is to endure it.    


"Then according to what you said, our Lin Changxin has no other choice!" The Xiao Zhang asked bluntly.    


"Chief Ma, take this video to the Zhiheng Group. Ouyang Linghan will definitely help you when he sees it. Also, Ye Cheng was hospitalized while he was still in South City Division due to food poisoning, so our people have already gathered all the information. I shall trouble you to submit the confirmation of the official certificate to the West Side Shanshan Law Firm, then submit it to the court in the region to file a complaint against the South City Division. "    


Xiao Zhang blinked her eyes. She had thought of this method before, but why would she go to West Side? Shanshan firm is famous for fighting civil lawsuits. There is such a strong legal team here, why would they look for an outsider, and even want to bring up lawsuits in your West Side. Just go to East Side, it's not like the Buddha's territory is more beneficial to Ye Cheng. "    


"Haven't you discovered that only West Side has not been dragged in so far? "Finding a middleman is the only way to win this case."    


"You mean we are going to fight against the South Side? Are you kidding me? Ye Cheng is currently shouldering a murder case, you asked me to look for a civil lawsuit. It's you who has a problem with it, but it's my ears. "    


It was clear that Chen Luoxue's plan had angered the Xiao Zhang, and she arrogantly slammed the table while pointing at the other party and bellowed: "Let me warn you, if you don't have the ability to save that idiot, just say it, don't make me angry."    


Ma Liangcun grabbed Xiao Zhang's shoulder from behind. He was really afraid that this girl would jump onto his desk and bite him out of impulse. Miss Luo Xue must have her brain to do this, can you keep the focus? "    


"Let me go!" "Xiao Zhang tried her best to struggle free from Ma Liangcun's hold. How could she possibly stay calm when asking her to?" The way that woman said it isn't true at all. What twenty-four hours? That's just nonsense. We'll just listen to her and waste our time. "    


"Chief Ma, let her go. She can't hurt me." Chen Luoxue stood behind the desk and stared at the arrogant Xiao Zhang with a gentle smile.    


At first, Ma Liangcun did not dare to let go, but when he saw the pair of watery eyes twinkling with a strange light, he released his hand.    


Xiao Zhang jumped onto the table and pounced towards Chen Luoxue. Before she could make a move, the two of them saw a dragon claw appear out of nowhere and then disappear.    


"How could this be?" Xiao Zhang could not believe her eyes. She squatted on the table and was only half an arm away from Chen Luoxue, but her dragon claw could not reach him. Not only that, she had lost control of her dragon claw.    


Chen Luoxue slightly raised her head, her spirited eyes were rippling, she was so beautiful that it could not be described with words.    


"You still don't recognize yourself as Zhang Family? Since ancient times, only one member of the clan has ever used this secret technique. I will force you to make a move as long as you make a bet with me. "    


Ma Liangcun took this opportunity to step forward and wrap Xiao Zhang up by her waist. During this period of time, he had long since treated her as his own daughter. Miss Luo Xue, don't hide from us and choke on us. We are all on the Brother Ye's side, we aren't selfish people. "    


"Chief Ma, I do not suspect that you two are sincere. I believe in you, just like how Ye Cheng believes in you. Is Zhang Meme willing? "    


Xiao Zhang bit her lips. This matter was too important, she could not make such a decision.    


Seeing the Xiao Zhang hesitating, she glared at him and said: "Hurry up and make the decision, do you want to bet or not?"    




With a splashing sound, a splash of water sprayed onto Xiao Zhang's face. "You are a superpower!"    


Chen Luoxue raised the corner of his mouth into a ridiculing smile. Zhang Family says yes and no. I hope you can fulfill your promise tomorrow at this time.    


Ma Liangcun had not woken up from his shock even after leaving the Aromatic cloud. In the short span of a few hours, the shock that he received was not very real, and seeing that there was a telephone pole in front of him, he quickly walked forward, and felt an extremely dizzy headache. Only then did he know that everything was real.    


"Ma Liangcun, your sister is sick!"    


"Wait, wait. Let me slow down. This is too hurtful!"    


Zhang Meme walked towards the pharmacy on the opposite side with pursed lips, bought some medicine and then dragged Ma Liangcun into the coffee shop to help him carefully apply the medicine. You can't be as snobbish as Yan Maokuan, right? "    


Ma Liangcun looked at Xiao Zhang in a daze and shook his head. Knowing is better than not knowing. You are the Zhang Family, so I can't scold you and beat you up. "    


"Ma Liangcun, have you gone stupid? I'm not OK? My parents are primary school teachers, and this is a fact. Furthermore, what you saw just now was just an illusion. Zhang Meme stretched out his five fingers and turned it around Ma Liangcun, using all his strength, as if all his memories would disappear under this gesture.    


Ma Liangcun patted away Xiao Zhang's hands without thinking. Staring at the bitter coffee, he asked: "You are Zhang Family, and who are that old couple to you. Why would you ?"    


"Since the day I was born, I have been sent to that couple for adoption. Although I wasn't raised in the family, I have received a lot of benefits from them, don't ask me why, I don't know either, anyway I didn't think of myself as the Zhang Family, I just happen to have the surname Zhang, there are a lot of people with the surname Zhang in this world, could it be that they are all Zhang Family!"    


Ma Liangcun laughed out loud. There are a lot of people with surname Zhang, but not many with dragon claws. "    




"Alright!" Now that I have to rush to Zhiheng Group, do you have a problem going to West Side by yourself? "    


Zhang Meme shook his head. I've worked hard for an entire day, but I ended up doing useless work. "    


"When Ye Cheng comes out, I'll give you five days leave."    


At this time, Zhang Meme finally smiled and clasped his hands together with Ma Liangcun as an oath. Then, he carried his small bag and left the coffee shop, walking towards the closest bus stop. There were many buses from Aromatic cloud to West Side, all of which were direct cars. The two yuan was cheap and empty, with seats everywhere.    


Wearing the headphones, listening to the songs and blowing the wind, it was Zhang Meme's favorite thing to do.    


The driver was very polite. Anyone who got on the bus with an old man or a child in their arms would be broadcast to make room for the driver.    


Seeing that the old man had come up to her, Zhang Meme took the initiative to give her a seat. She accidentally knocked off her earplugs and the old man kept apologizing.    


Just as he put on the earphones, Zhang Meme fiercely grabbed onto the railing and looked around in fear. Then, he removed the earplugs with uncertainty and put them on again, letting out a sigh of relief.    


When he got off at the stop, he saw that the Shanshan Law Firm was just in front of him.    


Zhang Meme did not delay any further and rushed to her destination. When she reached the lawyer building, she caught a glimpse of the fountain in the middle of the street. She hesitated for a moment, then walked forward and stared at the fountain statue for a long time. Then she took off her shoes and stepped into the pool.    


After the security guards noticed Zhang Meme's abnormality, they immediately rushed over and dragged her back to the ground. Those who passed by all pointed at Zhang Meme, and felt that this little girl must have suffered from some sort of provocation, and gone crazy.    


Zhang Meme clenched his fists tightly, he did not care about the criticism of the security guards at all. After he put on his shoes and apologized, he quickly turned into an alley and spread out his hands. A bloody finger was held in the palm of his hand. She swallowed, put on her earphones again, and the smooth music began. Just as he was about to heave a sigh of relief, a hubbub of audio started up, followed by various radio channels overlapping each other.    


With great effort to calm himself down, Zhang Meme tightly held onto that bloody finger, as if she felt that the blood was still warm. She sat on a pile of trash, waiting for the radio to search for her location automatically. Her voice was like the sound of wind after being sawed apart, dry and stuttering. Each word had a broken point behind it, making those who heard it feel extremely uncomfortable.    


Listening to the woman speak, Zhang Meme was recalling every single detail of the carriage. The woman's voice had appeared after her earplugs had been smashed off by the old man, so the medium between her and this woman should be the old man.    


Thinking about that, Zhang Meme raised his head and looked at the blue sky, his brown eyes gradually closed, and converged into a single point. In this special pupil, only the person in question knows what he or she has seen.    


Withdrawing his gaze, Zhang Meme took off his earphones, stepped on the earplugs and threw them into the trash can. Along with the earplugs was his bloody finger.    


Zhang Meme walked out of the alley and into the lawyer building. The fingers she threw away started to turn into blood and finally disappeared into a pile of rotten stolen goods. The earphones issued a creaking sound and then broke apart on their own, disappearing along with the blood.    


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