The Romantic Soldier King



After the echo, the empty hall was completely silent. Ye Cheng looked around the entire hall, retracted his gaze and said: "Sorry, I heard wrong. It was a little bird."    


white-robed man looked deeply at Ye Cheng, then placed a hand on the Go board.    


As the name implies, the one who obtains the five chess pieces first wins. Of course, one can also take a piece from the opponent before continuing.    


Ye Cheng's tactics were simple and crude, his rhythm was fast, and did not allow the other party any chance to think. Every time it was his turn to act, he would act quickly and ruthlessly before shooting a grin at the other party.    


At first, the white-robed man did not care, he would always be careful and easily see through Ye Cheng's intentions, but every time he set Bai Zi down, Ye Cheng would immediately follow. It was as if Ye Cheng had already guessed what kind of move he would take, and this action of his caused the white male to reveal a competitive expression.    


It was good for a person to have a competitive spirit, but once it was affected by the opponent, it would disrupt his own standards. Even though white-robed man knew this well, it still fit Ye Cheng's footsteps, and when the chess pieces were about to fill up the board, he lost by one with Ye Cheng.    


"Thank you for letting me win!"    


white-robed man pressed his hand on the back of Ye Cheng's hand and his black eyes flashed with curiosity.    


"Aiyo, don't look at me like that. I'll be embarrassed, my orientation is very normal."    


Hahaha, hahaha!    


Clear and cheerful laughter echoed throughout the great hall. It had a demonic sound to it, causing the birds to cry out in unison. It was a spectacular scene.    


"I see that you're a very easy-going person, even animals like you. Is this the gatekeeper uncle?"    


"I look like a gatekeeper!"    


"Don't you look like me? You look a lot more handsome than the doorkeeper, but the doorkeepers are usually dogs and cats. You look very familiar. I think you're pretty good at recruiting birds, that's about it!" Ye Cheng boasted shamelessly, and did not notice the contempt the other party had slightly raised at the corners of his mouth. There are two more rounds, you must be careful. "    


"No need! It's time for you to leave. "    


"Nani?" "7. Ye Cheng was unhappy. He slammed his palm on the Go board. The victor has not been decided yet, and I have not done what I have to do, so I will not leave. "    


"You are already very lucky that you didn't leave behind your life." Ye Cheng suddenly covered white-robed man's mouth as he suddenly opened his eyes. A murderous light flashed as a thin blade appeared under his embroidered robe.    


"I remember that voice. You are the person who sent the message just now."    


"Hmph, I only realized now that the overlord of the East Sea is only so-so." "white-robed man flipped his right arm, and mercilessly struck Ye Cheng in the chest with his right palm, sending him flying three meters away." master has already promised to release your people, if you want to discuss business with us, wait till you have established your footing in the capital! "    


"Oi, who exactly are you?"    


After the white-robed man disappeared from the Central Palace, Ye Cheng rushed to the entrance of the Palace. Behind him, the doors of the Palace opened and a woman walked in.    


"Snowfall?" It's really you! "    


Chen Luoxue slowly walked in front of Ye Cheng and did not say a word. Instead, he tightly embraced him as tears fell from his eyes instantly, falling onto Ye Cheng's shoulders.    


"Why are you crying?"    


"In the future, you are not allowed to go out alone."    


Ye Cheng chuckled upon hearing this. "Oh, oh, so you're missing your husband!"    


"Can you be more serious?" Chen Luoxue held Ye Cheng's hand. She looked deeply at the door of the Central Palace, then pulled Ye Cheng out of the Main Palace.    


Under the starry sky, the entire Tujia stronghold seemed like the brightest nebula in the sky.    


"If it wasn't for its name being Tujia stronghold, I think this place would be the most beautiful place in North Side." "Ye Cheng suddenly said with emotion. He rubbed Chen Luoxue's shoulder, and looked at the bright Tujia stronghold, his mouth hanging up in a pleased smile. Gone. If you don't leave now, I'll kick you out. "    


Using all his strength to massage Chen Luoxue's waist, Ye Cheng rushed forward two steps, leapt into the air, and with a few stomps, the two of them flew down to the second platform.    


The two halves of the tiger's head were still there, the broken chopper had sunk into the ground and only a small part of it was exposed.    


"Let me go, I can leave by myself!"    


"We're just walking. We're too tired. Let's fly down."    


As he circulated his Qi, Ye Cheng realised that all the Qi channels that had been blocked had been opened. The True Qi in his body was flowing unceasingly, and if he did not release a bit of it, it would self-ignite, which meant that he was definitely the unluckiest cultivator in all of history.    


Ye Cheng was so excited that he had thought that he had lost all hope, but he did not expect that after breaking through the array, the Qi channels in his body would suddenly close, and his cultivation seemed to have risen another level.    


Chen Luoxue lifted her little face, she also deeply felt the difference in Ye Cheng. Although she was secretly happy for him, would this breakthrough leave any side effects?    


"After the door opens, you can go by yourself."    


"No, follow me. If they can't see you, they won't leave. Just bear to see them locked up again." Chen Luoxue grabbed Ye Cheng's hand and looked at him earnestly. I know you have a lot of questions, how about I tell you when we leave? "    


Ye Cheng was moved by the pair of watery eyes, he nodded his head. Just this once, Tujia stronghold would come again.    


When Ah San and Lin Xi saw the door open, Ye Cheng and Chen Luoxue walked out, the two of them immediately went to welcome them.    


"How did you get injured? They hit you! " Seeing that there was some color on Ah San's beautiful face, Ye Cheng asked coldly.    




Chen Luoxue pushed Ye Cheng from the back and said, "You almost beat him to death, I don't remember."    




Ah San scratched his head and kicked Lin Xi. The two went around the car and quickly started the car and left.    


Two giant birds flew overhead. They followed the car for a distance, circled a few times near the mountain road, and then headed back.    


Looking at the two large birds flying further and further away through the mirror, Ye Cheng suddenly thought of the Birdman.    


The street lamp quickly moved backwards, it was extremely quiet and the four of them did not mention anything about the Tujia stronghold at all. After entering the North Side, Ye Cheng casually wiped his face, and told Lin Xi to stop by the side. You're back. Do you know what you want to drive away? "    


Returning to the North Side from Tujia stronghold was like passing through an era. Only when he stood on the brightly lit street did Ye Cheng feel that it was real and remembered his mission.    


An ice-cold hand extended into the center of Ye Cheng's palm. Chen Luoxue's eyes flickered as she softly said: "Since you're back, you should face it properly!"    


Ye Cheng nodded and brought her to the building in front.    


An Gaohan stood in front of An Ningxuan with his hands folded across his chest. From the bottom of his heart, he really approved of Ye Cheng's actions, but he still felt that there was no one who was reliable despite him not being able to find them for the entire afternoon. We did not discuss it, so let's return to the East Sea. "    


"You want to help me send him away?"    


"Stay here and wait for death? The An clansmen will not let you get that much freedom, especially now. "    


"I don't need to enter the country. This isn't what I want either."    


"What kind of place do you think the State Security is? Do you think it's something that you can leave behind whenever you want to? If you don't have the determination to die, you shouldn't agree to Old Company Commander. Are you still the An Ningxuan that I know? "    


Chen Luoxue pulled Ye Cheng, and the two of them started arguing right into their ears. She shook her head at him and pointed to her safe companion who was at the side, then took the lead and walked in.    


"Ye Cheng sighed and followed her into the pavilion. "Don't worry about her words. You know she's always been very guilty. An An's character is not as good as yours, so don't worry about anything."    


"I know, you don't have to speak up for her. I've never blamed her! It's just that she can't figure it out. " Chen Luoxue leaned against the wall, she looked at Ye Cheng seriously, and spoke after some hesitation: "Right now, Tujia stronghold is the altar of the Ghost sect, and the master there is a member of the Ghost sect. Although I am not clear about his identity in the Ghost sect, his status is definitely not low."    


Ye Cheng lit up his cigarette, leaning on Chen Luoxue's side and exhaling smoke. The way to open the bronze door is very simple, my blood. "    


Chen Luoxue was not surprised. She suddenly stood in front of Ye Cheng and forcefully tore his clothes.    


"Wow!" "Darling, you have to stay here ?"    


"Ghost Tear!"    




Ye Cheng screamed as he lowered his head to take a look. Unknowingly, a glittering evil spirit had appeared on his chest, looking exactly the same as the statue on the bronze door. "Could it be?"    


"Forgive me, will you?"    


Ye Cheng held Chen Luoxue's face, which was close to crying, and was fully aware of the importance of this matter. Wait for me here for five minutes, I'll be out soon, I'm not going anywhere. "    


Quickly walking into the passage, Ye Cheng turned to look at Chen Luoxue and entered the house.    


An Ningxuan stood up nervously. "I won't leave!"    


"An Gaohan, give me 24 hours!"    


An Gaohan revealed a puzzled expression, then nodded his head.    


Ye Cheng stepped forward and kissed An Ningxuan, then whispered a few words softly into her ear before he walked out of the office.    


An Ningxuan covered his mouth, forcefully suppressing his sorrow, he began to cry softly.    


An Gaohan sighed as he walked forward and rubbed An Ningxuan in his arms. "Go to where I am!"    


Ye Cheng returned to the tunnel, he grabbed Chen Luoxue's hand and left the corridor.    


After stopping a taxi, the two of them left North Side and headed east. After entering the East Side's territory, they rented a room in a young hotel.    


After settling down, Ye Cheng pulled down the curtains, lifted a corner, and looked outside.    


There was only one street, but it was a completely different standard of living. On the other side of the street was the famous Zhiheng Group of the capital, and all those that went in and out of the underground parking lot were famous cars.    


"Why are we here?"    


"Capture him!"    


Chen Luoxue looked at Ye Cheng in confusion, she wanted to continue with the topic that she did not finish previously, but Ye Cheng kissed her passionately.    


After separating for a long time, Ye Cheng wanted to take a step forward as if he was unsatisfied.    


Chen Luoxue pressed a hand against Ye Cheng's chest. Even though she also strongly desired, she could not. I can't! "    


"Because of her?"    


Chen Luoxue nodded. "I can't do it today, I can't do it!"    


Ye Cheng released his hands and pulled Chen Luoxue into his embrace so that he could lie down on the bed. "Oh you, what a torturous demoness."    


"I'm sorry!"    


"Idiot, what are you apologizing for? You're not wrong, I was thinking too simply. After all, you are all girls."    


Chen Luoxue closed her eyes and her tears fell.    


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