The Romantic Soldier King



The black clothed man followed closely behind Zhang Meme and chased after him. One of them shot, and the sound of gunfire resounded above the mausoleum garden.    


Su Anna, who was protected by the lawyer, lowered her head and hid to the side. The surrounding bodyguards blocked her path in front of her, and went in the direction of the gunshots.    


Set up in the mountainside mausoleum garden against the forest, green Changchun. The two of them ran through the pleasant forest. The swaying saplings were quite conspicuous.    


After Su Anna confirmed that the gunshots were not directed at her, he asked his bodyguard to go over and take a look. Today was the day of Lin Changxin's funeral. It would be suspicious even if the one who stirred up trouble here wasn't here for her.    


The lawyer disapproved of Su Anna's actions and spent all of his bodyguards.    


Su Anna laughed, as if that wasn't what she intended to do, and she looked at the lawyer with a little bit of flirtatiousness. If you help others, you won't be at a disadvantage. "    


The lawyer shrugged as he stood aside and lit up his cigarette. Realizing that Su Anna was looking at him with disdain, he stamped on his cigarette and extinguished it.    


"I heard that the officer in charge of the Lin Changxin case was shot. You are his personal lawyer, is there anything that you didn't tell me?"    


"Madam is overthinking it!" The lawyer coughed dryly and suddenly pointed forward. It seems like the two people being hunted are children, and they look very young. "    


"Even if we hadn't known each other for a year or two, without Wen Xiaojuan, Lin Changxin would still be dead without a doubt. Once he falls, some people wouldn't let him go so easily. I have been with him and his wife for dozens of years, should I also get rid of them? When Long Letter was still alive, he had said that you were his best friend and the person who dared not speak the truth the most. They had known each other for decades. He never said a word about you when he died. "    


"Madam!" He couldn't help but feel sorry for himself. Wasn't it because of all the good things he had done in the past few years that made Longxin forget about him? You know that a shoe can only fit into the right foot. A long letter is dead from self-inflating. If a shoe can't fit in, it has to find the right foot. "    


The shoes need the right feet, why not the right feet?" I think you found a suitable pair of shoes! I am about to emigrate to Australia, and I hope that you can also soar into the skies. Before I leave, I will also give you a word of advice. If you still regard him as a brother, then turn a blind eye! "It doesn't matter if he can't do it. He's lonely down there.    




Su Anna did not wait for the lawyer to speak, she rushed forward and the two bodyguards immediately followed, rushing down from the mountain with a man and a woman, two people following behind, just as they were about to be caught, a few bodyguards rushed out from the side and blocked the killer's attack.    


Gunfire rang out again. One of the bodyguards fell to the ground after being shot by a gun. The two killers hurriedly left because of the sudden appearance of someone.    


"It's all of you!" When Su Anna saw the two of them who were in danger, he exclaimed in shock, then turned to his bodyguard and said: "Drive my car to the hospital, I must rescue them."    


The bodyguard looked at Su Anna gratefully. Leaving three people behind, he brought the injured down the mountain.    


"Did you drive here?"    


"Madame, it's safer to take my car."    


Su Anna waved his hand. This is an extraordinary time, so you should keep your distance. They are police officers, so I won't be in any danger. "Let's go, don't disturb the Underlanders."    


He turned around to take another look at Lin Changxin's tombstone, and Su Anna left with his chest puffed up.    


In Zhang Meme's eyes, what she didn't understand was that the person who personally sent her husband to prison, was still the best person to slowly love him!    


Love deep in the end is hatred, because there is no excuse for betrayal, so I did not hesitate to kill the other side?    


Yang Yang drove the car, the bodyguards did not follow them into the car, but looked for another way to return to South Side. It was not that the car could not fit them in, it was what Su Anna intentionally arranged.    


"Is Chief Ma better now? I heard that the dangerous period has already passed. "    


Zhang Meme stared at Su Anna vigilantly. On the other hand, Yang Yang looked very calm, he responded to her inquiry, only to realize that Ma Liangcun was in his recovery period. Due to his misfortune, many of the cases were handed over to other people, including the anonymous letter.    


Su Anna then asked her about Ma Liangcun's condition, saying that she wanted to find a chance to go and have a look. She wanted to leave the capital, as there were not many people who could leave such an impression on her, and in the current atmosphere, there were rarely any good police like the Chief Ma. She hoped to do something for him.    


Yang Yang wrote the address of the hospital to Su Anna, and before she got off the car, she asked who was in charge of handling the case of the anonymous letter, and then added on to explain the reason she wanted to know. Regarding Wen Xiaojuan, Su Anna couldn't help but have a slight change in her attitude towards him, the three who were stealing the food immediately started beating him up.    


Zhang Meme looked like she was looking at Yang Yang. After she told Su Anna that the investigation on this anonymous letter would be conducted by the Chief himself, she heaved a sigh of relief.    


After driving back to the North Side Sub-bureau, Zhang Meme pulled Yang Yang and sat him down in a nearby store. She felt it was strange that she had asked him about the killer today.    


Yang Yang also felt the same. If the killer really wanted to kill them, why would he only do so when he was right in front of them? While escaping, the two killers did not use a gun anymore, but had instead shot when Su Anna's bodyguards appeared, and quickly escaped after injuring one person. From all the indications, the killer's killing technique was not scientific.    


"Yang Yang, do you think that Su Anna is strange? I understand why she cares so much about Wen Xiaojuan's death, but why do I think that she wants Yan Maokuan to investigate? I saw her laughing when she heard the bureau chief's name, don't you think that this woman is weird?!"    


Yang Yang took a sip of his drink and nodded. Furthermore, when she was asking Lao Ma, I saw that her eyes were a little moist! "    


Zhang Meme asked the shop owner for pen and paper, and wrote down a few names. Let's go and find Ye Cheng. He's investigating the case of Wen Xiaojuan, maybe he can see through something. "    


I heard he came here on a special mission, specifically investigating Song Kai's death. That Chen Yifeng refused to let this matter go, so we better not create trouble for him. Didn't young master Ye already say that he would come look for us if there was anything wrong, what does it matter if we go? What's more, with our identity as small police officers, how would we have the chance to meet someone from the National Security Agency.    


"Seems to make sense!" Zhang Meme nodded, she stared at the office building opposite her, and suddenly thought of something and asked: "Could it be that Su Anna is the one who bought the murder! If Lao Ma dies, then his case can be left to someone else to handle. If Yan Maokuan didn't accept the case of the anonymous letter, then there won't be another victim. "    


If Su Anna was the killer, she could also be the person who wrote the anonymous letter. She doesn't want the Lao Ma to investigate, so why would she write the letter to him?    


Zhang Meme flung Yang Yang's hand away. It was a sound attack! If Su Anna knew that the person who killed Wen Xiaojuan suffered a grievance, if her husband died, would she take revenge for her husband? "    


"Young miss, the one who framed Lin Changxin was Su Anna, have you forgotten the words of the Lao Ma? Don't think too much about it, the Lao Ma is currently in the hospital, if we can get Ye Cheng out from the prison, we will have to think of a way ourselves, and find the killer of the General's Building."    


"Yang Yang, is there something wrong with your brain? That's not real, why am I in such a hurry to get him out! In any case, as long as you are able to live freely outside, I don't care whether you live or die inside. "    


Right after he finished speaking, Zhang Meme suddenly jumped off the chair. She had seen two identical Ye Cheng before, but she had never seen the one in the prison before. Yang Yang, you were looking at the cells in the past, you should have a way to get in. "    


When he heard her, he knew that Zhang Meme did not have any good intentions, and immediately refused, because no matter what the other party said, he would say it out loud, no!    


Seeing how persistent Yang Yang was, Zhang Meme angrily stomped on his foot, rushed out of the shop, and watched the back of the figure rushing towards the office building, Yang Yang could only smile helplessly.    


After the security patrolled the floor, a black shadow quietly came out from the Office of the Criminal Division. When Zhang Meme went to the cell after hiding, if he wanted to enter, he would have to go through three doors. It was a delusion to go in without a key or someone to support him.    


After Zhang Meme straightened his clothes, he called out for the guards inside.    


Who knew that the person who came out was so familiar? Zhang Meme was stunned in place for a moment before opening his eyes with a smile. I knew you wouldn't be so heartless! "    


"You're lucky to have replaced your friends for a few hours, but you have to promise me that you won't cause any trouble. After you've seen it, you can leave."    


Zhang Meme made an 'OK' gesture as she followed Yang Yang into the prison, and went straight towards the direction where Ye Cheng was locked up. Yang Yang returned to the monitoring room and took a deep breath. He quickly typed on the keyboard and entered a set of code.    


After a few seconds, Yang Yang confirmed that the system was correct, and then left the monitoring system with the notebook.    


Zhang Meme stared at the people in the cell for a while, she really couldn't see any sense of despise at all. If she didn't know that this was an imposter, she would have taken it seriously.    


The person who was sitting inside the prison seemed to be annoyed from seeing all this. He walked towards Zhang Meme, scaring the little girl into taking a step back. Don't come over, I know your boss very well! "    


The other party seemed to have heard such laughable words. He grabbed the iron railing and shook it a few times, asking in a deep voice, "How close are we?"    




Isn't this voice too similar to his own? One can imitate the outside as another, but this tone of voice cannot be imitated in the same way!    


Zhang Meme opened her eyes wide. Under the light of the lamp, her eyes were watery and alluring.    


"Come up and come down, why are you so scared!"    


You are not Ye Cheng, why should I come closer!    


"The people from the prison laughed." Little girl, how are you so sure that I am not? "    


"Let me touch it." Zhang Meme suddenly went forward and touched Ye Cheng's face through the railings with his hands, causing the other party's face to turn red. How could this be? Who the hell are you? Ye Chen? |    


"Oh? You still remember him? Do you want him here? I'll trade with him later! "    


Zhang Meme's heart skipped a beat, he grabbed Ye Cheng's wrist and flipped up his sleeves, there were red lines and also golden marks. You are the real one! "    


"Hur hur, I am a fake!"    


Zhang Meme wanted to scream, she could no longer differentiate right from wrong! "Rubbing his eyes, then looking at the lines on his wrist, they are still as clear as ever." "You're messing with me!"    


Aren't you Zhang Family?    


Zhang Meme clenched her fists, she turned and ran out of the prison, and walked past Yang Yang without stopping.    


Feeling that something was wrong, Yang Yang walked towards Ye Cheng's cell. Seeing him standing there, Yang Yang's eyes were shrouded in black Qi.    


"It's you!"    


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