The Romantic Soldier King



The released Chen Yifeng did not return home, he was always wandering on the streets of the capital, he was penniless like a stray dog who was sleeping in a cave and eating leftovers, living a life worse than wandering sweat, trying to taste out the dog and cat that bullied him, the sloppiness had long since lost its human form, if one did not look carefully, almost no one would be able to recognize that this pitiful bug was the once the inexhaustible police chief of the city.    


He would watch the News Simulcast for half an hour every day at 7 o'clock on the screen. Sometimes, he would be chased away by the cleaners in less than half an hour, but he would insist on watching the rest of the domestic news. After a while, the cleaning staff left with him and stood on the spot staring at him.    


Every time he finished watching the news, Chen Yifeng would always feel very lonely. Even the cleaner would feel sad about his back, but there was no comparison, and he would be unharmed. He would be pitied by someone who was not even his equal, so no one knew how Chen Yifeng would feel right now.    


Back at the bridge, God made a big joke on the poor man! One second ago, the sky was still clear and the next moment, it was raining heavily! After a few seconds, Chen Yifeng was no longer left with anything. It was as if the rain had poured down from the clouds, directly turning him into a drenched chicken. He could do nothing as he watched the cardboard boxes outside the bridge become soft threads.    




Chen Yifeng stood in the rain, and the only bridge that he could live through had been washed away by the rain into a small river, he roared out!    


At this time, a black figure appeared behind Chen Yifeng. With her petite stature, she carried a black umbrella and walked in front of him. The umbrella blocked the wind and rain, and also blocked the vision of outsiders.    


Chen Yifeng was about to leave awkwardly, but she pulled him into her embrace. No one knew what she said to him, but the two of them slowly walked onto the street, entered the business car that was parked on the side, and drove off.    


Just as the MPV left, a Volkswagen caught up with it. A head peeked out from the shadows. He took down the license plate and made a call. After a brief report, he headed in the opposite direction.    


Chen Yifeng was brought home by his wife. It was not to be found in the capital, but in the residence of his parents. Far from being harassed by reporters, Chen Yifeng was finally able to eat a hot meal and sleep on the bed. However, he just couldn't sleep, and was unable to fall asleep no matter how hard he tried. Big Eyes only lit up a cigarette after daybreak and quietly walked out of his room, squatting at the door and puffing out smoke.    


Chen Yifeng's parents were honest rural people, they had painstakingly nurtured such a university student for more than ten years, and had achieved great things in their lives, but they had not expected that they would end up like this. Even though strangers had come to interview them a few days ago, when the case fell, the reporters did not appear, and the village had a peaceful life.    


The rising sun dyed the horizon red, the glaring light forced Chen Yifeng to squint his eyes. After he familiarized himself with the light, a few human figures appeared in front of him. They were standing on the horizon, at least five to six meters away from him.    


Chen Yifeng's heart trembled. He stood up, threw away his cigarette and walked towards the black shadow.    


When Lady Chen realized that her husband was not around, she donned her clothes and ran out, only to see Chen Yifeng's disappearing figure. She covered her face and squatted on the ground as she cried loudly.    


The black figure under the morning sun was wearing a large cape and his face could not be seen clearly. The only thing was that the three of them were very tall, and the person in the middle stared at Chen Yifeng who was staggering towards them and laughed. Take him away! "    


With his order, the people on both sides grabbed Chen Yifeng and disappeared under the rising sun. The police station then faded out of the capital, out of everyone's sight.    


Habits are formed by constant repetition, and once the repetition ceases, it is discovered that some things are imperceptibly ingrained.    


On the third day, North Side Sub-bureau received a report which she believed to be from a woman with surname Chen. The process of accepting it was rather complicated, this woman surnamed Chen first did not use her sect's surname, but used her husband's surname. Secondly, she had already reported the case in all three cities, and all of them were accepted.    


The reasons for the inadmissibility of the branches were the identity of the missing persons, but that was not enough to justify their rejection.    


Chen Yifeng had gone missing. This was the second missing official after Yan Maokuan.    


Ma Liangcun smoked his cigarette and anxiously wrote on his face. He really didn't care about anything!    


He knocked on the door of the toilet. It had been almost an hour since someone entered. Even if he was constipated, this squatting method was useless.    


The people who passed by Ma Liangcun all revealed strange expressions, it was true that they were trembling in fear, but he was giving his all to protect this Stinky kid.    


After waiting for another ten minutes, Ma Liangcun could not hold it in anymore. Firstly, the public test didn't smell too good, and various sounds could be heard. Secondly, his stomach was not obedient. He had held it in for several minutes. He was afraid that the person in the toilet would slip away as soon as he left. After some thought, he decided to break down the door.    


Just as Ma Liangcun decided to cause trouble, a person walked in hastily from outside. After the two looked each other in the eye, the former took off his shoes angrily and threw it at the person who walked in.    


"Old Ma Ge, take it easy."    


Ye Cheng dodged the attack from the shoes, and with his sharp eyes, noticed that there were some marks on the ground. While he issued the warning, Ma Liangcun's other foot had already stepped on it, and he shouted loudly as he fell backwards.    


"Stinky kid, let go!" Being saved by Ye Cheng, Ma Liangcun shouted loudly in his heart with unwillingness.    


Ye Cheng let out an "oh", and then he really let go. There were just two cries, and Ma Liangcun sat blankly on the ground and did not get up for a long time. He pointed at Ye Cheng for a long time before he quickly crawled back up and rushed into the toilet.    


"You're the one who asked me to let go. Don't blame me if something goes wrong with the pelvis." With that, Ye Cheng walked out with his nose between his fingers, and did not forget to mutter: "The taste is so strong, why are you eating it like this?"    


When Ma Liangcun came out of the toilet, the first thing he saw was Ye Cheng holding the recently bought medicine, waving his wrist around, saying with a face full of disdain: "Uncle, don't be greedy, eat your stomach, the remaining sea water is not enough to buy medicine!"    


"Stinky kid, you have some conscience." Ma Liangcun took the medicine and placed it in his pocket, then walked towards his own office. Chen Yifeng is missing, and her wife is still downstairs. What do you think? "    


Ye Cheng rubbed his dark face in the mirror, why did he have to act like that, he raised his eyebrows and said: If someone reports the case, then we will accept it, since it's an unsolved case, give the person reporting it a chance.    




Ye Cheng pushed open the door. The woman sitting in the room was really petite, and the eyes she looked at Ye Cheng with were filled with fear and shyness.    


"Mrs. Chen, right? I am Ma Liangcun's assistant, can you repeat the situation back then? "    


Mrs. Chen nodded. She had told the same story, without any specific clues, and a lot of the details were based on her conjecture that this inference could not be substantiated. However, Ma Liangcun still agreed to take a look around the scene, hoping to find some clues from where Chen Yifeng last appeared.    


In the afternoon, the three of them went to Chen Yifeng's parents' home in a police car. The two old men still did not know about their son's matter.    


The horizon from which the sun rises is such a general summary of the afternoon period that it is just a field.    


Ma Liangcun looked at Ye Cheng helplessly. To find clues in a field was extremely difficult, he had no hope of doing so and now, he wanted to retreat, and he had to think of another way. But Ye Cheng had already entered the fields, heading towards the so-called horizon.    


After spending some time, he always had a bit of harvest. Ye Cheng pushed aside the crops and still found footprints on the moist soil, then continued to look around. Even more footprints appeared, making it look like there were about four to five people there.    


"Kidnapping?" Ma Liangcun walked to Ye Cheng's side and whispered. This is a farmland, if you want to kidnap someone and leave, you can easily be found without transportation! "    


"Who said it was kidnapping?" Ye Cheng exhaled the smoke, he pointed to the footprints and said: "Chen Yifeng walked away with the people, they were the ones who took Yan Maokuan away."    


Ma Liangcun screamed out and immediately covered her mouth with her hand. "Are you sure?"    


"It's pretty close. As long as I find something else, I'll be able to confirm it. Finding someone to block my way, I need some time."    


Although he had never personally seen that thing before, he had heard Yang Yang say it a few times, and subconsciously started to look around.    


"I know him, so you can rest assured that he won't stay in this place."    


Ma Liangcun awkwardly explained that he wasn't afraid, but was just curious. When he was about to leave, Ye Cheng had already cleared the sorghum field and was walking towards a deeper place.    


"Qing Feng kept creating panic and was not only trying to swallow him. No matter what, he had to find out who the mastermind behind him was. Old Ma Ge, has Ouyang Linghan been looking for you recently? "    


"No!" He had called a few times and asked about the case. I was busy, so the matter of the Zhiheng Group fell. "    


"Zhiheng Group? Didn't you already find the smuggler? What else can I do for you? "    


"We've found the spy, but there's still a problem with the channel. It's said that there's more than one. You also said that he was probing us last time, so I think this may be the real deal!"    


Ye Cheng stopped in his tracks, the underground tunnels were often controlled by the Ten Evils, and these Ten Evils had a master backing them, who would be so bold as to touch the Gate of Heaven's brain? " "When you get back, show me their case."    


"You have to care!" Aren't you afraid that woman will pester you again? "    


"Can you recognize my appearance?"    


Ma Liangcun nodded after thinking for a while. Appearance can be changed, nature can not be changed, people who are not very familiar with you may be deceived, but people who have to be together often can be seen from the way they talk and behave. "    


Ye Cheng said, he should be paying attention to the details. I found it! "    


The topic jumped a little too suddenly. Ma Liangcun had no choice but to stop and follow Ye Cheng to a strange looking sorghum. That's it? "    


"Enough!" Ye Cheng took out his phone to take a picture of the sorghum field. Adding to the contrast with the surroundings, he was sure that the person who brought Chen Yifeng away was Qing Feng.    


While Ma Liangcun was comforting Lady Chen, Ye Cheng was standing in the fields that had been blackened by unknown substances. He tested the soil under his feet and found that it was much harder than other places, the roots of all the sorghum that were covered in black had started to seriously rot, he broke off any part of it and stored them, he even dug out more soil to bring back to the station.    


Mrs. Chen refused to go back with the car. She was a very good daughter-in-law, she couldn't bear to see the old man sad and stay with him.    


Since he could not be persuaded by the family, Ma Liangcun could only return back to the North Side Headquarters with Ye Cheng. He handed the things they brought back to the Technology Department to deal with them, and when he turned around, Ye Cheng had already disappeared. After asking a lot of questions, he found out that he went to Su Anna's cell.    


Seeing the dark-faced burly man again, Su Anna's attitude did not change. It was only when Ye Cheng wiped away the black oil on his face and changed back to his original look that she revealed a surprised expression.    


I'll cut this matter short, Chen Yifeng has disappeared. This is a photo taken at the scene, if Madam Lin continues to maintain your silence, it will be difficult for me to seek justice for your child. You should know clearly about the accident in your heart, that if you were not brought back to the police station by the Chief Ma, how can you sit here and be angry?    


Beneath the HD photo, the dark circles on the soil and sorghum were reflected right in front of Su Anna. Her lips were trembling, and it was hard to tell if she was angry or excited, but she was quickly suppressed. After a long while, she opened her mouth and asked: "What can you do for me?"    




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