The Romantic Soldier King



Under the dim light, he could vaguely see the humanoid figure wrapped in the black mist. He twisted his body like a baby who had just struggled out of a thin film, stood up little by little, twisted his neck and limbs, stepped out of the black mist with one foot, then two hooks tore the black mist apart, and walked out.    


Leng Bing stared at this person with a little familiarity, as if she had seen him before. After thinking for a long while, she suddenly shouted. You are Ye Cheng's senior brother! "    


The man glanced at Leng Bing, as if he didn't expect that there would be someone else here. He pointed at Leng Bing without hesitation, and with a slight movement of his finger, he lifted her up.    


"Let me go!" Leng Bing shouted loudly. She waved her arms in an attempt to shoot him with her bow and arrow, but the opponent did not give her the opportunity to do so.    


With a flip of his wrist, his finger pointed to the right. As if being controlled by magic, the cold ice rushed towards the place where Qing Feng's finger pointed to, crashed into the wall and slid down.    


What kind of divine force was this? How could it be like this?    


"The young miss of Leng family is also here, it saves me a lot of trouble, so let's settle this together!"    


Qing Feng stared at Leng Bing with a devilish expression, the blood at the corner of her mouth made him extremely excited. You just wait here obediently. After I finish dealing with this person, I'll come and find you. "    


"Are you sick!? What are you looking for me for? " "Cold Ice felt his entire body go numb." Just find her. I have nothing to do with it, so I won't disturb you. "    


"It won't be that easy to leave."    


Qing Feng stopped in his tracks and looked carefully. The black robes he was wearing was made from the combination of living souls, giving off an indescribable scent, causing one to feel a lingering fear.    


A vague image of a face could be seen among these people. Leng Bing curiously moved closer and immediately screamed out. Yan Maokuan! "    


"Aiya, if you see it, I can't let you go."    


With that said, Qing Feng flipped both his palms, and under a light and gentle shake of his wrist, two streams of black mist emerged from under his embroidered robe, forming a long worm that swept towards the cold ice.    


"Be careful!"    


A cry came out of nowhere, only to see a shadow darting out from behind Qing Feng and pouncing towards Leng Bing, the white-browed man who had been stunned suddenly rushed out, using his body to press on Leng Bing's body, and as he blocked the black mist, he quickly attacked.    


"Hurry up!"    


Leng Bing looked helplessly at the bones behind the two black bugs that covered white-browed man. She screamed as she hugged white-browed man tightly and rolled on the ground before turning around to face the door. Master? "    


"I can't take it anymore. Hurry up and leave, don't think about finding me anymore. Return to Hong Kong Island, Leng family is in trouble."    


At this moment, white-browed man's eyes were still clear and bright. He immediately took out a box from his pocket and stuffed it into Leng Bing's bosom. If he gave this to Ye Cheng, he would know what to do. "Hurry up and leave!"    


"white-browed man pushed away the cold ice with all his might and pushed her out of the door. She turned around and rushed in front of Qing Feng, hugging his body tightly. Take Leng Bing and leave while I'm still alive, please. "    


The last sentence was directed towards VAM, but white-browed man had overestimated his strength. In front of Qing Feng, he was only able to hold on for a few minutes, before he was devoured by the black mist until only a pile of bones remained.    


Everything happened too quickly, and before anyone could react, white-browed man was already dead.    


Seeing him die in front of her, Leng Bing received an unprecedented blow. She tightly held onto the last remnants of the white-browed man, and while wailing in pain, she angrily pulled her bow back, shooting the white feather arrow.    


The arrow came at just the right time, and the white feather arrow quickly passed through the rising black mist and shot towards Qing Feng.    


The sudden attack made Qing Feng's movements obstruct, he had no choice but to turn his head back and defend. The missed attack allowed Vam to escape and find an opportunity.    


She stomped her feet and turned around, leaving. She grabbed the cold ice that rushed in and said in a deep voice, "Don't let your master die in vain.    




Leng Bing swore to take away the white-browed man's bones no matter what Vam did to stop her.    


Kala's voice came from the black mist, followed by scattered bones that fell in front of the ice, some of which had already been crushed into powder.    


As Qing Feng stepped on the bones, he crushed them into powder. Carrying a pile of white bones, he walked out of the black mist. Your master is overestimating himself and willingly sent himself to his death. You can't blame me for this, but now it's your turn. "    


Leng Bing bit her lips. Even though she knew she wasn't a match, her appearance still made her feel at a loss. You killed my master, so I must avenge him. If you have the ability, you can kill me too, and the Leng family will chase you to the ends of the earth. "    


"Leng family? Hehehe, what is that? Hong Alliance, you can't even protect yourself, what is there to be afraid of! " Qing Feng curled his lips in disdain. He only wanted to freeze, and a strong suction force wrapped around Leng Bing's body. With a flick of his finger, he was already in front of him.    


Gripping Leng Bing's neck, Qing Feng turned towards Vam. A crafty look flashed in her eyes as she said, "I'll give you a chance.    


"I'll stay here in her place."    


"You? You are not qualified yet. What better hostage could be than the future Patriarch of the Leng family. " Qing Feng exerted force with his five fingers and both of Leng Bing's hands grabbed onto his hands as she kicked with all her might. You still have four minutes! "    


"" Vam clenched her fists tightly. Her motive was quickly discovered by Qing Feng and he used his actions to tell her that time was precious. There was only one way to save her. Don't hurt her! "    


If there was no choice, then Vam would run for his life.    


Just as Qing Feng withdrew his gaze, he heard a series of noises coming from outside. He squinted, and did not loosen his grip on Leng Bing's neck.    


"Why is it so troublesome to want to see me? Just make a phone call, just look at you. You even made the entire room filled with blood." With a smile on his face, Ye Cheng pushed Vam's shoulder as he walked in. "He looked around and saw the bones on the ground. They were frowning." Qing Feng, why is it that every meeting is always so bloody, there are so many people in this world, can you kill them all? "    


"Ye Cheng, he, he killed him, cough cough, ah!"    


"Lass, I already said that if you are let go, you will bring me trouble. Look, this time you are even risking your own life. I did say that if you leave my villa, your life or death will have nothing to do with me, so settle it yourself!"    


"You bastard!"    


Ye Cheng stood by Leng Bing's side, standing in a straight line with her, and staring at Qing Feng with his black eyes. At such a close distance, the other party's cold Qi could be smelled, and before their clash, Qing Feng's strength seemed to have increased by a lot.    


Ye Cheng pretended to sniff and said in an extremely satisfied tone, "Looks like you have been consuming a lot of hungry spirits. Aren't you afraid of getting constipated from eating too much?"    


"I don't think there's too much food! But I'm not here to look for you today, get out of my way! "    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Didn't you say just now that you were going to send the little girl to find me? What, you want to kick me out again after I appeared? Are you alright here?"    


"You are provoking me!"    


"Oh, angry! Then please do it, it's fine if I die, I can just take over Hong Alliance. " "Hehehe." Ye Cheng smirked at Qing Feng, and with his left hand, he caught Leng Bing off guard by the nape of her neck. Attack! If you don't want to freeze your hands, then I will attack! "    


Being controlled by two forces at the same time was extremely painful. She found it hard to breathe, and the pain of having her neck stretched out made her want to die immediately.    


"Ye Cheng, it's boring to play some tricks in front of us. Don't forget, I watched you grow up."    


"Of course, we were once as close as brothers! Now take what you need, the man you want is behind me, the man I want is in your hands, how about it? "Let's exchange!"    


Hearing Ye Cheng's words, the two women both exclaimed at the same time.    


Qing Feng was not sure what Ye Cheng was thinking, but when he saw that the vam behind him wanted to take the opportunity to escape, he suddenly let go of his hand.    


Ye Cheng caught Leng Bing's body, and threw out a fireball behind him without looking back. When the black mist hit the fireball, it immediately split apart to make way for Leng Bing.    


Vam stared at her with his eyes wide open. They were stung by the dazzling light and the darkness before his eyes only made his surroundings feel warm. When his eyes got used to the light, he realized that he was wrapped in a fireball and that the black fog could never hurt her.    


"Sure enough!"    


Qing Feng seemed to have already expected this outcome. He did not reveal much surprise as he turned around and chuckled at Ye Cheng. You can save her today, but what about in the future? "    


"It's better to save than not!"    


Qing Feng raised his eyebrows, lifted his black robe to cover his face, turned around, and gradually disappeared into the receding black mist.    


The air in the cell became much cleaner. Ye Cheng supported Leng Bing and said to Vam, "Bring the white bones back to the villa. There will be someone outside to pick you up."    


"Wait!" Why are you here? You knew that Qing Feng would appear, didn't you? "    


"Let's talk after we get out!"    


"Vam ignored him, and went around to stand in front of Ye Cheng. If you don't say it clearly, don't even think about leaving. "    


Ye Cheng rolled his eyes and exhaled. Young miss, it's not suitable to chat here, okay? Now that you're dead, do you want to stay here for the rest of your life? "    


Leng Bing muttered in Ye Cheng's embrace, he looked at her, then signaled Leng Bing to bring the white-browed man's bones over to follow him.    


There were no guards outside of the cell. After he left North Side Sub-bureau unhindered, Vam turned around to look.    


In the night sky, there was something enveloping the entire sub-bureau. She asked hesitantly, "Is it him?"    


"Shouldn't you know better than I do?" Ye Cheng adjusted his hand movements, he did not expect that there were so many small fries, holding them with both hands, felt that it was difficult. There's a jeep at the intersection. It's up to you whether you take it or not. "    


"Where are you going?"    


"Send her where she's supposed to go."    


Ye Cheng threw himself into the darkness with ice and snow. He had firmly believed that she would be in that carriage, and of course, she did go, but she only left behind her bones.    


In a house far away from South Side, a sly talisman mark appeared on the ground in the darkness. Under the light of the lamp, the sly talisman was enlarged.    


The figure seemed to be dancing and drawing. After a few rolls, it suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a piece of paper.    


The paper doll suddenly jumped and rushed into the darkness. With a series of pinging sounds, someone screamed miserably, causing the room to suddenly light up, as a cute girl landed on the charm from midair. Take him away! "    


At the command, a black shadow sprang out from the two sides, picked up the people on the ground and quickly left.    


"Elder Brother Ye, I'm back. Waiting for me to bring you a surprise."    


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