The Romantic Soldier King



The murderer was undoubtedly provoking the dignity of the police, which was intolerable. The death of the police gave the North Side Sub-bureau police officers a heavy blow, the deputy chief immediately called an emergency meeting, regardless of what was said up there, the North Side Sub-bureau was determined to interfere, these thieves were too lawless, they were really not afraid of death.    


After Kong Xiang received the news, he immediately headed over to the hospital with the heads of the various departments to visit Ma Liangcun. After understanding the situation in detail, he entered into deep thought. He himself was one of the lucky survivors of the incident, he understood his colleague from North Side very well.    


After waiting for half an hour, Kong Xiang led his people and left. Before he left, he even specifically told the main doctor to treat him with all his might, there was no need to think about anything else. He then called North Side Sub-bureau to the side and said sincerely: "Yan Maokuan's whereabouts are still unknown, we must not leave without a chief for a day. Old Li, the organization has always thought highly of you, this case is extremely important. We must take him down."    


Old Li nodded and did not say much more. After sending Kong Xiang and the others out of the building, he returned to the ward.    


In the carriage, Kong Xiang squinted his eyes, the higher ups had already made their decision, but in his heart, he was a little contradictory. If not for this accident, within three days, the letter would have come out, and Ma Liangcun would have become the director of North Side Sub-bureau with a high number of votes. It couldn't be said that there were no hidden operations. Based on his work performance and age, it was understandable that he was able to become the director. It was just that he was a little unworthy of the deputy director, and after waiting for so many years, his position was still snatched away. "Drive the car!"    


The driver did not move for a long time. Kong Xiang opened his eyes and asked. He saw a locomotive parked in front of his car, and a man in a helmet sitting on it." "Let's go take a look!    


The driver got off the car, was pushed aside by the man wearing the helmet. He walked straight towards Kong Xiang, jumped onto the driver's seat with his fastest speed, started the car, and kidnapped the person.    


"Although Kong Xiang was afraid in his heart, on the surface he looked rather calm. Do you know what the result of kidnapping a policeman is? "    


"You have three minutes to notify your subordinates, or the invitation will really turn into a kidnapping."    


Kong Xiang looked at the helmet man suspiciously and said: "I recognize your voice, you are from National Security."    


The man in the helmet shouted as he drove the car up onto the carriage. He reminded Kong Xiang again.    


The matter of the Chief being kidnapped was no small matter, the driver had already reported the case. The capital had sent many police officers to look for Kong Xiang, but all of them retreated just because of a computer.    


On the outskirts of the city, there was an SUV parked in an open area.    


Ye Cheng leaned on the carriage door and swallowed the clouds, hearing the sounds of the wheels behind him, he waved to the driver.    


Kong Xiang walked out of the car. He should have guessed who it was, but he was still surprised to see who it was.    


After putting Kong Xiang down, the helmet man drove away.    


"You're breaking the law!"    


"I am a thief and you are a soldier. Do you want me to just walk into the hall of the Municipal Bureau?" Ye Cheng laughed as he extinguished his cigarette, and looked towards the fields in the distance, in a daze.    


Kong Xiang sighed. What business do you have with me? "    


"It's not a big deal, did you forget? You still owe me an answer."    


Facing Ye Cheng's smiling yet not smiling face, Kong Xiang felt like he was being watched by a demon. There were several times that he woke up from his dream. He felt that what he prepared was unreal, as if he had already died in that explosion. He was the Lone Soul. I don't have any answers to give you. Just like you said, I am a soldier and you are a thief. Do you think I would be like Ma Liangcun and be manipulated by you? "    


Ye Cheng acknowledged as he stepped on the tip of his feet and crushed the cigarette. "Get in the car, I'll take you back, it's not easy to take a taxi here."    


"That's it?"    


"Wait? Do I have to kill you? You are the Chief of Municipal Bureau, I can't do it. "    


Kong Xiang unknowingly followed the car. Along the way, he was extremely focused on driving the car, and he barely even gave a response, which added to the burden on Kong Xiang's heart. Although thieves were afraid of officials, this was definitely not the case at the moment.    


"Ye Cheng!"    


Bureau Chief Kong is right in front of Municipal Bureau, it is not convenient for me to send you over, so get off here! "    


Kong Xiang hesitated for a moment, but still got out of the carriage. young master Ye, you are a smart person, sometimes ?    


Without waiting for Kong Xiang to finish speaking, Ye Cheng had already started up the car and shot out like an arrow.    


Returning to the hospital, Ma Liangcun was very depressed. His injuries were not serious, but he felt sad and guilty for having his colleagues killed. The scene at that time was too chaotic, and the killer came in disguised as a doctor. If his colleague hadn't come out of the bathroom and seen the murderer pull out a gun, he was probably the one lying in the coffin.    


"Is your hand okay?"    


"My hand is fine, but this heart injury is hard to treat!" When Ma Liangcun thought of that scene, he let out a long sigh. He had lived for half his life and had thought that a good man would die because of him.    


Ye Cheng patted Ma Liangcun's shoulders, and started peeling the oranges. You're quite popular. After you leave, you'll be the bureau chief. "    


"What nonsense!"    


"Kong Xiang said so himself, but he did not tell the truth to the Vice Bureau. This old fellow wants to do it alone, so, Lao Ma, you do not have time to continue staying here, if there are no problems, you can leave."    


"Kong Xiang fell?"    


"It doesn't matter what he thinks. What's important is what's on top."    


Ma Liangcun left the hospital two days later. The news of his appointment wasn't as fast as he had expected, it was just that he had already announced it verbally, so he went back to the police station and congratulated them.    


In the afternoon, Old Li came looking for him. Ma Liangcun felt awkward from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't know what to say. So he used a compromise! Drink!    


Old Li had the title of drunkard and had no other hobbies. Many people felt that his ability to get into the position of deputy director was something they could drink! However, Ma Liangcun knew that Old Li was definitely a workaholic, and when chasing after criminals, he would risk his life.    


After a few cups of yellow soup was consumed, Old Li's chatterbox opened, and Lao Ma's eyes lit up. He wiped the corner of his eyes and raised his glass. With a brother's words, I will be tricked! "    


The new official was willing to take responsibility, but the first thing Ma Liangcun did was to investigate! Now that he had the real power, he could do a lot of things, things that he did not dare to do in the past!    


Get the most benefits for the dead cop, get justice for him! With Old Li's personal investigation and investigation, the case had a new breakthrough!    


According to the medical staff at that time, there were two murderers. One of them had a clear scar on his right palm and the palm of his right hand!    


This person had been hiding in the storage room and had escaped after being discovered by the cleaners. The murderer had killed a police officer and this person had secretly helped him leave. According to the surveillance footage, it was possible to determine the appearance of one of them and issue a wanted poster!    


According to the informant's report, the arrest plan was gradually unfolding!    


East Side was immersed in the limelight. There were all sorts of people leaving the entertainment circle, and there was never a lack of customers for the different pubs.    


A man sneakily walked into a room and sat down in a corner. His cloudy eyes were like X-rays that were shooting around everywhere.    


The alcohol woman went up to promote the dish, but the sexy and sweet beauty was unable to move him at all. After saying a few more words, she was scolded and ran off!    


The man's arrogance was soon noticed by the bodyguards. The alcohol woman was the money grubber of the bar. Offending her meant that she had no way to earn money!    


After a long while, the man began to get impatient. He had already drank two cups of water, but the person waiting for him had not arrived yet. He stood up and was about to leave!    


"Why do you want to leave!?" "Bro." "The bodyguard who got the chance stepped forward to block the way!" There's no need to pay for it! "    


"Out of the way!"    


"Aiyo, you're still so unreasonable!" Brother, let's go to the back! Be more conscious, don't wait for the other brothers to make a move before you know where the door is! "    


The man glanced at the door and suddenly lowered his hat as he walked towards the back door! His cowering appearance drew the laughter of the bodyguards!    


The moment the group left, a few people barged in and shouted at the people inside! Everyone quieted down!    


The police were on the scene!    


Ma Liangcun scanned the entire bar, found the back exit and chased after it!    


The back alley was filled with the smell of blood. Several men were lying on the ground in disorder. Judging from their clothes, they were all from the bar!    


"Director!" Zhang Meme ran out excitedly, and when he saw the corpses all over the ground, he was shocked speechless!    


"Inform the police station and have them deal with this matter!"    


Ten minutes later, a few policemen arrived at the bar, checked the scene, called for the cameras and asked the people present. As they were extremely busy, Ma Liangcun and his men quietly left.    


Zhang Meme did not understand why he had to hand the case over to the East Side. It was obvious that the culprit was the person they were looking for. In front of his colleagues, he had something to say, so he endured until he got off work to stop them from interrogating him.    


"Ma Liangcun laughed but did not say anything, which made Zhang Meme very bored. Lao Ma, you are not right in acting like this, whoever you are trying to imitate must be that bastard, I am going to get angry! "    


"The case of the East Side is obviously handled by them. Now that there are six murders, do you think they will sit still and wait for death? "Based on past experience, if this case is not solved within 48 hours, it will cause chaos. With so many people watching, what are you worried about?" Ma Liangcun laughed sinisterly twice and pushed Zhang Meme into the carriage. It's late, I'll send you back to rest. Have a hot bath, you can come over a bit later tomorrow. "    




"There's nothing going on tomorrow morning, Yang Yang and I are going to the same place."    


"Since you're acting alone again, do you want to leave me behind again? "No matter, I still have to go tomorrow."    


"Little girl, that's where men go, you can't go there."    


"Is there any place a man can't go to that a woman can't go to?"    


Ma Liangcun looked around, pointed to the nearby bathhouse and said: "There!"    


Zhang Meme saw that there was nothing else he could say. He could go to the bathhouse for both men and women, but to speak of soup, there was none in the country right now. "Hmph, you go ahead, I'll write it down. I'll take the time to soak in the bath during work time. Bureau Chief Ma, you have to be careful."    


Of course, Zhang Meme would not complain, but it was also not as late as Ma Liangcun said. She still went to work early in the morning. After strolling around aimlessly in the office, the door to the bureau chief's office was left ajar. Thus, she opened it and walked in curiously. Chief, didn't you go to do some work? "    


There was no one in the office, but the windows were open and the curtains flapped in the wind.    


Zhang Meme became alert, she carefully checked the cabinets in the room and came to the resting room, she took out her gun and took a deep breath, then kicked the door open.    


Screaming is the sound of a person making in a state of panic, at a rate of up to the noise level.    


The police officers who came to the rescue were shocked when they saw the scene. Why was there someone in the director's lounge, and how did he get here? All sorts of conjectures began to form.    


After Zhang Meme regained her composure, she told everyone to not move the chest, she got someone to bring the chest over, and personally investigate the scene. It was impossible for a person to fall from the sky. There would definitely be traces left behind in the room. However, the reality was even more shocking. It was as if the bloody figure had appeared out of thin air, with no trace of it to be found.    


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