The Romantic Soldier King



After Zhang Meme realized what was happening, he shouted curses, jumped into the trees, crossed over the flower beds and rushed into the crowd. She thought she could escape the mysterious weirdo just like that, but she was wrong.    


There were no pursuers behind him, but a strange person wearing a cape suddenly appeared beside Zhang Meme. He turned his head, revealing the mouth under the cape.    


The mysterious weirdo didn't have any intention to capture them, he had always been following by Zhang Meme's side. With her speed, they would occasionally get closer and further away from each other, as if luring her into a street area ahead.    


Zhang Meme sensed the other party's intentions, so she extended her middle finger towards him. When she entered the Crossroads Ahead, she suddenly stopped, and waited for the other party to near, then fiercely crashed into the people in front.    


The mysterious man hesitated for a moment before he disappeared.    


Zhang Meme was unable to describe his current feelings with words. How was it possible for a living person to die in front of him?    


A foreign power pushed towards her shoulder, Zhang Meme regained his senses, the man whom she pushed before was currently glaring at her. Sigh, he really deserved to die!    


Apologizing was still useful, especially for the cute little girl. The man could only stop and quickly cross the intersection, not forgetting to turn his head and glare at Zhang Meme.    


Zhang Meme exhaled, she looked around, and unknowingly, she had already reached the South Side's territory. In front of her was the subway entrance.    


Leaning against the door, a figure was reflected from the glass. Zhang Meme turned his head with widened eyes. On the other side, there was only a young man, but when he sensed her gaze, he started laughing at her. He had fainted. He was so ugly, and because he was Peng Yuyan, he imitated those with a crooked smile, scaring people to death.    


When Zhang Meme looked at the door of the car again, the mysterious weirdo appeared again. This time, she wasn't looking to the right, afraid that people would think that she was interested in him.    


When he arrived at the station, Zhang Meme walked past the ugly man, but he was actually grabbing onto her arm. Good brat, you dare to eat my tofu? With a shoulder throw, you directly threw me into the other end of the carriage. The poor ugly man struggled on the ground for a moment before getting up. The door was closed, and he walked away from the station with his anger.    


"Serves you right. Next time don't let me meet you. Fail every time I see you."    


There was a small path from the subway to his house. Both sides were flower beds, there were lamp lights, but it was still very dark. Usually, Zhang Meme would not feel too afraid walking down this path, but today, it felt so strange walking here.    


There were a total of three mysterious people. One of them was here to kill her, while the other two didn't know her intentions. In short, they were safe when they returned home.    


Zhang Meme quickened her pace, but after entering the small sector, she slowed down her pace. In front of her was the apartment building, the surroundings were extremely bright, but she felt that someone was following her, which was a very strong feeling, so she deliberately made a turn in the corridor earlier and stood in front of a building. As he pretended to touch the keys, three mysterious people in cloaks appeared behind him.    


It appeared!    


Zhang Meme lowered her head, she was waiting for the others to take the initiative, but even after waiting for a long time, she still did not see anyone behind her, but she could not open the steel door with her key.    


Clever people!    


"Hey, what's the meaning of the three of you following me?"    


"Mistress wants to see you. Miss Zhang, please go back!"    


It turned out that the three of them knew where she lived and were just standing behind her to watch a good show.    


"Who is your master? Why should I want to see him? "    


"If master wants to see someone, you have to see them. You have too many questions."    


Zhang Meme recognized the person who was speaking to him as the one who wanted to make a move on him at the flowerbed. She threw the key at him. I remember you! "    


The mysterious man was dressed exactly the same. From the outside, the three of them couldn't tell who was who, and since they had all spoken before, they were all stunned when Chang rushed over to the speaker.    


The mysterious man who was hit by the key let out a whooshing sound. He did not retreat but advanced instead, he only turned his body around slightly, and punched towards Zhang Meme's abdomen with his right fist.    


He couldn't dodge this punch, but because of his agile body, he was able to dodge it.    


Zhang Meme landed behind the man, clapped his hands, turned around and gave him a provocative gesture, then ran forward.    


"The mysterious man clenched his fists." You guys go back, I'll get her. "    


"Master said not to hurt her!"    


"If you don't suffer a bit and learn, I will naturally explain it to my master."    


In one breath, Zhang Meme ran to the artificial lake in the middle of the district. Seeing that the three people didn't chase after him, he leaned on his chair and sat down. He took out his phone and wanted to call Ye Cheng to ask about what happened at the police station that afternoon, but the lake surface suddenly changed.    


Zhang Meme curiously walked to the lakeside as she stared at the figure that appeared from the lake with her mouth agape.    


A scream came out from the other side of the phone, Ye Cheng frowned, what the hell is this girl doing now?    


"I heard the sound of water!"    


Ye Cheng looked at Chen Luoxue, picked up the car keys on the table and ran out.    


Sang Huihui came out of the kitchen, curled his lips, and began to complain in front of the empty dining room. Was there a need to be so concerned about a little girl? You're the one who took care of the Lao Ma, right? You're the one who took care of everything that Ye Cheng can't do, if you say that there's nothing between the two of you, who would believe it! "    


"Even though you know you can't say it, you still want to test it? You don't even know how tired you are!"    


Every time he changed the topic between truth and falsehood like this, Sang Huihui took out the hidden wine. Anyway, I am relieved to have you by his side! Have a drink, you're not allowed to refuse me! "    


"You're risking your life to accompany your son!"    


Sang Huihui arrogantly snorted. In terms of alcohol consumption, the two of them were around the same, but in terms of speed, Snowfall was definitely not a third of her size.    


When Ye Cheng arrived at the small district where Zhang Meme lived, the apartment was completely dark. He walked around the central lake but did not find anyone. His phone rang a few times. He found his phone under the chair.    


Something really happened?    


Ye Cheng found the watermark around the observation chair. He followed the imprint to the lake and found Zhang Meme's footprints.    


Chen Luoxue shook his phone that was continuously hooting and charmingly laughed at Sang Huihui. Let's call it a day. No matter how much you drink, you won't be able to get anything from me. However, since you are so stubborn, I'll just tell you a secret! Vam in Tujia stronghold. "    


"Tujia stronghold? of the northern end of the North Side, why are you all ?    


"Alright, my dear Lord Assembly Master, if you don't leave now, it will be too late."    


Chen Luoxue smilingly planted a kiss on Sang Huihui's forehead, then shakily left the villa.    


The night wind blew away the dizziness caused by the drunkenness, causing Chen Luoxue to pout his mouth as he looked up at the sky. Half a minute later, he woke up from the drinking! In the corridor in front of the fountain, his right hand reached into the water. The water rippled and surged like boiling water.    


Sang Huihui stood on the balcony as she personally watched Snowfall enter the churning pond and disappear into the water. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the fountain. It was a long stream of water, without any changes.    


Chen Luoxue came out of the water and stood in front of Ye Cheng. She took the phone from his hand and said: "She didn't go anywhere, she's in the apartment."    


Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows. His speed was a little astonishing. How much skill do you still have that I do not know about! "    


"There are a lot of them. Should I tell you one by one?"    


Zhang Meme glared at the loli in front of her unwillingly. If she knew she was a child, she wouldn't have acted so recklessly. If you break into a house, you will have to go to jail! "    


"Are you the container?"    


"Nutjob, am I a human? Don't you understand? "    


"You speak so rudely and have such a bad personality. No wonder Elder Brother Ye doesn't like you." Mei Zi stared at Zhang Meme for a long while before saying, "Indeed you have not formed it yet, but as a container, you are a little terrible, but you can still be used."    


Zhang Meme rolled his eyes. "Where did this crazy woman come from?" I don't know who your Elder Brother Ye is, but in short, you can either let me go, or kill me.    


"You have a sharp tongue. I let you suffer a little for your own good, but that's enough for today. We'll meet again next time!"    


"Hey, who the hell are you? Let go of me!"    


The moment the door was smashed open, Zhang Meme lost consciousness for some reason. In just a few short minutes, she was woken up by someone.    


Chen Luoxue loosened the rope for Zhang Meme, seeing that she was holding onto Ye Cheng tightly, he went to the kitchen to prepare some milk, then went to check on the door. The lock was broken.    


After making up his mind, Zhang Meme had no impression of the person who had captured him, so no matter how hard she tried to recall, she couldn't think of what that person looked like. She only remembered that someone had followed him and called Ye Cheng from the side of the artificial lake.    


"Looks like someone erased part of her memory."    


Ye Cheng crossed her legs. The lock on the door was broken, she couldn't just let it go like that. "Come back to the villa with me, it's not safe here."    


"You guys go back first, I'll look for clues nearby."    


Ye Cheng responded as he carried Zhang Meme and left the residential area.    


Chen Luoxue returned to the artificial lake, where the aura was very heavy. She raised her breath and landed on the surface of the water, after sensing the aura floating above the lake, she scuttled in the direction of ten o'clock. After chasing after a street area, she arrived in front of a tall building.    


The smell was fading away, and the remaining smell was quickly disappearing.    


Looking around, Chen Luoxue spotted an old business building, and dodged the guards and went to the top floor.    


She looked down the street and saw, in the light of the night, that the ground was a little watery and that the hope had been rekindled.    


Wherever there was water, Chen Luoxue could eventually finish. The smell could dissipate along with the air, but the reflection that had fallen into the water did not. It was like a mirror that could record images that had happened before.    


Looking through the water, he could vaguely see several cloaked figures. They would circle around a woman, and their backs were very familiar.    




Suddenly, the surface of the water rippled and the rapidly warming air almost burned Chen Luoxue's eyes. She could not push away even a few steps and used her hands to cover her eyes.    


"Girl, why are you still not showing yourself. May I know how long Ye Cheng has been looking for you?"    


"Aiyee!" "No matter how well he hid, his sister still found him." A burst of laughter came from above her head. Mei Zi playfully jumped down from the water tank and slowly walked in front of Chen Luoxue. Long time no see, big sister's God Power is becoming more and more outstanding. "    


"When did you come to the capital?"    


"It's been a while, but now is not the time to meet with Elder Brother Ye, I hope elder sister can keep it a secret for me."    


Chen Luoxue lovingly pinched the tip of Mei Zi's nose, then held her hand and sat on the water pipe. What did you lure me here for? "    


"Humph!" Elder sister already knew that it was me, why did you still pretend to be shocked and lead me out? "    


"Don't be unsatisfied, little girl!" Why did you sneak away from the Hong Kong Island? Right now, everyone is looking for you. "    


"I can't just sneak in. I have a note for you." "Mei-zi shook her legs. Under the night sky, her skin was so delicate that it could be broken by the wind." I'm not willing to let those old geezers get the upper hand over me. Furthermore, Elder Brother Ye has been in trouble recently, so I secretly ran away. "    


Knowing that Mei Zi was not telling the truth, Chen Luoxue did not expose her. I know, do you think your Elder Brother Ye doesn't know? "    


"Ahh, since I won't be able to stay here for long, they will quickly chase after me. I'm only trying my best to do something for them." "Meizi pointed to the water tank behind her." I've got someone, and I'll leave it for you, and it might be helpful to you. Other than that, the best way to get that container is to send it back to Zhang Family. "    


"Ye Cheng does not need any containers!"    


"This is impossible, the container was born for its own mission, unless Ye Cheng gives up on searching for the strange creature inside the ghost realm."    


"Is there no other way?"    


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