The Romantic Soldier King



Mei Zi's appearance was just like her departure without any warning. The person who was talking to you a few minutes ago left as soon as he said he wanted to, Chen Luoxue was extremely shocked.    


He fished out an oily paper package from the water tower. It was a bit big, so it looked like a person. After opening it to take a look, he felt that it was unfamiliar. After hesitating for a moment, he brought the person back to North Side.    


did not even return during the night, and it was hard to avoid worrying about him. He read the information in his study until daybreak, made breakfast for the beauties, and then shouted gently one by one. It was so rare for it to be destroyed by the unkind Zhang Meme.    


Sitting on the dining table with a huff and a huff, she had an awkward feeling of being inferior yet unreconciled, especially when she was surrounded by a group of beautiful love rivals.    


Ye Cheng toyed with Zhang Meme, and under the table, Sang Huihui kicked him, warning him not to act casual. Girls, regardless of age or whether they understood each other, could all be seen that Zhang Meme genuinely liked Ye Cheng.    


"I'll send you to the station later."    


"There's no need for you to take a bus, I can take the subway myself."    


"The North Side subway hasn't connected in yet, so if you want to take the bus out, it's troublesome, I'll send you out."    


I'll send you off. I'm going to the East Side in a bit, so I'll send her off. Sang Huihui interrupted from the side: "She hasn't changed clothes yet. Don't tell me you want her to wear what she wore yesterday to work? People will gossip about it. "    


What did it matter if he wore a set of clothes for two days? It wasn't winter, so why be so particular! "Ye Cheng muttered in his heart, and did not argue further with Sang Huihui.    


"Snowfall alone is too dangerous!"    


Ye Cheng raised his head, looked into Sang Huihui's alluring eyes and coughed a few times. It should be about time for me to come back! "    


"Zhang Meme noticed the surging wave between the two and he put down his chopsticks. Give me a set of clothes! "    


Sang Huihui secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and brought Zhang Meme upstairs. He took out a few sets of extremely cute clothes from a box. This is Mei-zi's, she has a similar figure to you, but I just don't know if it's your style. "    


"Who is Mei-zi? Yet another woman! " Zhang Meme was quite a girl in private, so she picked a set of clothes that she could wear to work and entered the bathroom. He's so flowery, how can you guys bear it? "    


Sang Huihui sat on the sofa with his legs crossed. He has never been close to Hua Xin, if you call him that, then you can only say that you don't know him well enough. "    


Zhang Meme stood in front of the mirror, and looked at what he had suddenly reached and what he had forgotten. I don't want to understand him, especially after my confession has failed, and even more so, I don't want to understand him. " Zhang Meme said as he came out of the bathroom.    


Sang Huihui covered his mouth and laughed. I might not fall in love with him if I were to hint at myself like you. "    


Sometimes, women's topics were always very sentimental. Zhang Meme suddenly felt very uncomfortable. She wasn't big, but her thoughts were very meticulous. You are so beautiful and so capable that he praised you in front of me. "Actually, I am really envious of you all. For someone as powerful as him to be able to help him, while I am only capable of causing trouble, that is why he looks down on me."    


Sang Huihui moved her lips, almost blurting out the truth, but she managed to hold it in. It might not be a bad thing for Zhang Meme to misunderstand him just like this. "Ye Zichen rubbed her beautiful short hair and thought of someone." The Lawyer Han of Shanshan Law Firm is not a bad person. One is handsome, and the other is rich. This diamond king, Ol 'Five, if you don't keep an eye on him, he'll become someone else's bowl! "    


When it came to Han, Zhang Meme got angry, the moment the chatterbox was opened, it became an endless stream of disgusting things, but they were all trivial matters. Listening to Sang Huihui's unspoken laughter, a pair of alluring eyes flashed with a strange light. Am I saying too much? "    


"You reminded me of my first love. Actually, you're not completely unconcerned about him, right?"    


Zhang Meme stood there in a daze. How could she be moved by someone who was so foolish? " "Alright, stop talking about me. If you don't leave now, I'll be late."    


When the two of them went downstairs, Ye Cheng was no longer in the dining hall, but instead, had water stains on the floor. After looking for a while, Sang Huihui brought Zhang Meme and left the villa.    


In a room in the basement, there was a man with his life on his back. The oilpaper beneath him was still dripping.    


Ye Cheng stood at the man's heels. If he remembered correctly, this person had once appeared around Qing Feng, although it was only one side, but he had met him when he was saving Leng Bing that day, so he didn't pay too much attention to his character. He should only be a certain kind of soul within the black fog.    


Chen Luoxue took a bath, changed her clothes and headed to the basement, and hesitated before she entered. Have you found anything? "    


"I'm curious, where did you find this? Although there must be a chance where there is water, two-thirds of the city's channels are inseparable from water. Without a definite medium, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find something related to water. Wife, you're hiding something from me again. "    


Chen Luoxue's mouth was immediately cut off by Ye Cheng. Ah, wait, don't refuse me so quickly! Let me guess. "    


"There's no point in saying it out loud. Why are you looking for trouble?" Chen Luoxue took out a box from the cabinet. If you have time to talk rubbish, why don't you start fighting? "    


"Wearing a plastic medical glove, Chen Luoxue skillfully cut a beautiful straight line wound on the chest area of the corpse. "Chest opener!"    


"The basement became a simple yet perfect place, taking out and placing all the organs at the side. Ye Cheng then used the magnifying glass to check the edges of the corpses, then looked at Chen Luoxue and shook his head. He's been dead for at least almost a year, and from the looks of it, his body must have suddenly weakened and died from sudden renal failure. But from the perspective of his other organs, the main cause of his death is from severe blood loss, and his body was unable to bear the load which caused his various functions to fail, so the main reason lies in his blood. "    


Chen Luoxue replied as she peeled open her ribs and pointed to the two extremely small holes: "Look here, I have already checked the surface of the wound, but the opening here just happened to form a drainage hole, and is located in the location of the liver, so I suspect that he was a blood collecting tool when he was alive."    


Ye Cheng took off his gloves and took a few pictures of the corpse from different angles on the side of the corpse. The death lasted for a year, so there should be a missing person record. Let the Meier investigate this and why did she hand over such a corpse to me? "    


"Don't even think about it. Since we're in the capital, there will always be a chance to meet again! It's just that I'm a bit worried. "    


Ye Cheng sat on the sofa to rest, lit his eyes, and stared at the corpse on the table, dazed.    


It is said that she has a new contact with the Hong Kong Island, so I think that her return this time is definitely not a simple escape. There might be an unspeakable reason for her not to see you, and she has also revealed that she will not be staying for long. "    


Ye Cheng's pupils contracted. He had always been observing the movements of the trimouth group, ever since the East Sea's experimental base was destroyed and their road to riches was cut off, he had never done much. Now that he was pointing at the Hong Kong Island again, could it be ?    


"I'll be making a trip to the Hong Kong Island in a few days. I'll leave the matters here to you."    


"It's that urgent?"    


"I'll be back in two days at most. It would be great if someone could deal with it."    


That day at noon, Ye Cheng disguised himself as the Taiwanese and left the capital. After arriving at Hong Kong Island, he took a taxi to the North Street.    


When he returned to the familiar place, the familiar smell was still there, but the flow of customers had increased by quite a bit. From a small rescue station to a large private clinic, the construction of the house had gone from a metal house to a brick house, from the first floor to a small three-story building. It seemed that the black doctor had indeed spent his money on knives and knives, and there were also a lot of doctors and nurses.    


Standing on the North Street, Ye Cheng found the most primitive clinic in the building. The roller shutter door was half-closed, and a woman had her back facing him. Her buttocks would occasionally move a few times. "Ah! It's been a long time since I last saw a beauty like you.    


Ye Cheng walked forward with his sunglasses and knocked on the door.    


"The doctor is going to the medical building on the other side. He's not accepted here." A cold voice rang out, as unrelenting as ever.    


Ye Cheng did not reply, he knocked on the glass again.    


When she realized that it was a stranger, she stared at him in alarm. After a long while, she finally asked hesitantly, "Ye Cheng?"    


"Ah, after not seeing you for so long, beauty can still remember me. I'm so happy, so excited! What did that kid do to you? If I bully you, my arms are always open to you. "    


"What are you doing back here?"    


There was not even a bit of warmth, and there was even a bit of disgust. Ye Cheng had fallen from the peak of happiness to the bottom of the valley in an instant. Far away is also a guest, do you want me to stand outside the door? I haven't eaten yet, but my stomach is protesting against me nonstop. If I don't fill it up now, it's going to perforate my stomach. "    


"Alright." The beauty Wei moved out of the way, picked up the lunchbox on the counter and left. You're not allowed to smoke here. "    


Not long later, Grand Beauty Wei came in with her work meal. "Leave as soon as you're done. I don't want the black doctor to see you."    


"He's still as heartless as ever!"    


"It's definitely not a good thing for you to show up. We're having a good time right now."    


"Ye Cheng nodded, and after he explained his purpose for coming, he laughed at himself." "Thank you for lunch!"    


"Ye Cheng, you have already left the Hong Kong Island!"    


"I understand what you mean, greet him for me like a black doctor."    


Under the night sky, the entire city was still shining like a diamond urging firewood.    


The wind at the top of the mountain was still cold, a car slowly sped up and stopped in front of Ye Cheng.    


A well-dressed man got down from the carriage. He greeted Ye Cheng and then, he jumped onto the railing and sat beside him. You didn't even bother to greet me when you came so I can send someone to pick you up. "    


"You are now the Director of Independent Commission Against Corruption, how can I accept you?"    


"We won't be able to survive in the capital anymore?"    


"It's not easy to mess around, but it's not that bad either. I have some private matters to take care of, so I might as well ask you about it while I'm at it."    


"I owe you a favor. Ask away."    


"Do you think that the Celestial Dynasty is holding on to his back?"    


"There are indeed a lot of people from the mainland investing in the near future. The Celestial Dynasty was bought by a large corporation, I can help you look into it."    


"Thank you!" However, it's better for you not to interfere. "    


"It's very serious! When are you leaving? "    


"The plane tomorrow night."    


"Alright!" I'll give you a message by tomorrow night, why are you still staying at the same place? "    


Ye Cheng nodded, and the two split up.    


When he returned to the apartment, the room was filled with the smell of dust. Yu Mingxi still seemed to be in front of him, but not long after, everything had changed.    


Ye Cheng still reserved a room in a nearby hotel, and after dialing a few numbers and sending a few messages, he turned on the computer to connect to the Meier.    


After that, the main culprit behind the consecutive explosions in the capital had already been caught. There were still a few suspects in the process of escaping, but according to the information provided by the informants, the target was also in their control. The news revealed that there was a huge killing organization behind the consecutive murders, and in order to destroy the organization called Silver grade, Heaven and Earth would join hands to fight against the enemy.    


understood that Gate of Heaven wanted to take the lead with this murder case, but was the Earth Gate making the decision to abandon their son and protect their car?    


His fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, and in a few moments, Meier replied him.    


The photos sent over had been compared in the database. This person was not among the missing. However, a similar person had been found among the wanted criminals and was still being verified.    


Finding out the identity was just a matter of time. It was imperative to figure out the purpose of the trimouth group coming to the Hong Kong Island.    


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