The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng's hypothesis was very bold. Hearing this, Jiang Datong was stunned. After all, he had been in this industry for more than ten years, and his current status was considered to have climbed up step by step by relying on his real ability. Everyone said that a lawyer had a talkative mouth, but in reality, that was not the case; he had to act like a half a criminal investigator in every case, otherwise, even if he had a good mouth, he would not be able to identify a good case. "Of course, there were also cases of backstage buying and selling of 'black boxes'. Most lawyers were still afraid of the board and didn't dare to refuse.    


"Brother Ye, if it's really like you said, then doesn't that mean that this hotel is participating as well?"    


I only suspect that there is a problem with the surveillance the hotel has given to the police. How could a five-star hotel only have two or three points of view, whether it was a flaw in the hotel's planning or a problem with its personnel. No matter which one it is, this hotel itself has a big problem, so with your big mouth, you should be able to threaten it!    


Jiang Dazhuang laughed, but could not be considered to be true. I will definitely try my best to discredit you. "    


Whether it was the architecture or the decorations, the Haitian Hotel reflected the concept of quality. The 5-star hotel was not an ordinary hotel; its facilities were within the standard range, so there was no need to look at things from a perspective.    


Ye Cheng sat down at the scene, the operation of the hotel was not affected, but coincidentally, less than ten minutes after he sat down, another tour group entered, the tour guide stayed at the reception desk for a while, his face revealing surprise and anger. Perhaps it was due to the lack of success of the negotiation that the tour guide had said something to the park visitors. A few male park visitors were infuriated on the spot, and their throats had also become much bigger.    


There were no rooms, and the two parties had not coordinated their rooms, which resulted in the visitor not having a room. For the same reason, the hotel's occupancy rate was definitely not fifty percent, especially during the off-season.    


Ye Cheng waved his hand towards Jiang Dazhuang. He still needed more time to observe.    


The tour guide was also very angry, so it was impossible to negotiate with the reception once again. The hotel team did not come up with a better plan, they only offered to exchange hotels, and from 5-star to 3-star, the difference in fees between the two parties was not small, and the passengers would definitely not agree.    


The tour guide did his best, but he couldn't convince the tourists, who were supposed to stay there and spend the money for the hotel.    


The young lady at the service desk had hired a security guard, and the scene seemed to overlap with the previous dispute. This time, the hotel manager did not come out, but changed to a security guard instead.    


Seeing this, Ye Cheng noticed that the monitoring system all had different degrees of turns. After getting Jiang Dazhuang to come forward, he walked towards the service desk.    


Jiang Dazhuang took this opportunity to persuade his guests. Although he was a local, he did not manage to get a good look at the situation. On the contrary, the security guard arrogantly told him not to meddle in other people's business.    


At this time, the manager of the hotel, a woman in her forties or early forties, stopped the guard's rudeness with a few words of apology, like a tourist apologizing. However, the hotel did not receive any registration from a travel agent, and if the visitor had to live in the sky, she could make up for the difference. All the hotel can do is arrange for the hotel to be installed at the same price.    


The hotel's ferocity has stimulated the mood of tourists, and conflicts could arise between the two sides at any time. When Ye Cheng passed by the manager of the hotel, he called the police and called them.    


Hearing that, the manager immediately pulled Ye Cheng to the side, and two security guards followed along.    


Ye Cheng who was threatened obviously started to shout unwillingly, but because he was not a local, he was invited to the security room.    


Jiang Dazhuang saw that the time was right and came out once more. Lawyer Ye, when did you come to Hong Kong Island? Why didn't you come and drink tea with me? "    


When the security guard heard that the lawyer had released Ye Cheng, that Jiang Dazhuang's face would often appear in the news, and whoever didn't know of him, the person he respectfully addressed as must also be a big shot, he couldn't help but feel scared in his heart.    


Ye Cheng sighed. This hotel is no good, what kind of attitude do you have? If you're still here, then draft a document for me. I want to file a complaint. "    


When the hotel manager heard this, he immediately smiled apologetically. There were all sorts of apologies, and he even offered to waive the room fee in hopes that he would not blow up the matter and affect the hotel's reputation.    


Ye Cheng was naturally unwilling, he pointed at the worried tourists outside and indicated that he had waited for a long time, a tour group had delayed him too much, as the lawyer and adviser to the multinational corporations, he was here to investigate the operation of the hotel, but Hai Tian was not willing to do so.    


Jiang Dazhuang was at a loss, he did not know if this so-called investigation was real or fake. Just as he was thinking about how to resolve this issue, the hotel manager's expression lit up.    


She did not want to solve the travel problems she had settled, and even gave Ye Cheng a breakfast voucher. When she wanted to invite Ye Cheng to the caf?, she was heartlessly rejected.    


Walking out of the Haitian Hotel, Ye Cheng drew a few points of the monitoring system on paper. When he collided with the security guards, the monitoring system for the safe passage was turned off, and the other two sides' surveillance systems weren't aimed at them either. The evidence of the security room colluding with the main hall was conclusive. It was just that Ye Cheng's guess could not become evidence, so he had to find other ways to prove the surveillance loophole.    


Ye Cheng asked Meier to monitor the Hai Tian Group's monitoring system backstage. The data was also a part of the evidence.    


Furthermore, Jiang Dazhuang had gone through the news for three months and gathered information on how many disputes over hotel housing the Haitian Group had. This HIA did not include those tour groups that did not want to cause trouble.    


Jiang Dazhuang found two three star hotels that were related to Hai Tian. Some of them were mere three-star hotels, but their standards couldn't meet the hotel's requirements.    


The two of them found the two hotels and inquired about it. The other party had admitted to not mentioning their travel group, but it was possible that they were related to Hai Tian. They asked a few more questions before being chased out by their boss.    


There wasn't much time left, but he didn't have a clue, making Jiang Dazhuang very anxious. A problem with the hotel cannot be proven to be an internal fault.    


Ye Cheng sent Jiang Dazhuang back to the law firm. He still had two lawsuits left in the afternoon and he would be the one to take care of the evidence.    


After lunch, a tall man with a black face walked into the hotel and expressionlessly took out his ID.    


The person at the counter didn't understand the meaning behind the documents. He just thought that it was a big deal and went to look for the boss. Not long later, he invited the black-faced man upstairs.    


Ye Cheng had a black face and looked very evil. Without even speaking a word, he had already scared people out of their wits. The poor boss had never thought that he would be able to get on Guanan's good side. After he answered all the questions with a tremble, he thought he would be let off just like that. He didn't know what to say before he started.    


"Are there still any questions?" Ye Cheng flipped through the report, and suddenly said.    


The boss trembled all over. He couldn't stand the fear anymore and felt like he was about to pee in his pants. He plopped to his knees. He wasn't afraid of ordinary police officers, but when he met someone from the National Security Agency, he had a completely different personality.    


There was a gang of drug dealers three days ago? How did you know they were drug dealers? You must be a regular customer now! " Ye Cheng closed the folder with a clap. His black face was as cold as an iceberg. Drug trafficking and drug possession is a serious crime. I don't think you want to live well.     


"My lord, I really didn't. I also accidentally discovered it." The boss cried for his mother and father, saying that he wished. Then, he remembered something and whispered, "These people are still living here now, but they haven't come back for a few days and the room hasn't been emptied."    


Ye Cheng stood up and let the boss bring him over for a look.    


When the waiter opened the door, the smell of blood rushed into the room. From the corridor to the room, there was blood, there were traces of dragging, and the colorful sheets were stained with blood. The dead man was lying face down on the bed, and the blood was coming from under his body.    


"Call the police!"    


The boss was so frightened that his legs went weak and he sat on the ground. He was lifted up by Ye Cheng and dragged out of the place.    


The police arrived quickly and carried the body away. After inspecting the scene, they asked a few questions and then took the boss to the police station.    


Ye Cheng walked out of the guest room and went to the counter, asking about the Haitian Hotel's matters. The staff members all came out without a care for anything else, they were indeed related to Hai Tian and he would send a tour group over every month, with the maximum number being seven. The boss would settle the room fees with them at the beginning of the second month.    


On the surface, Hai Tian used the lack of a room to push the tour group to a third-rate hotel to earn room gap. Some middle-class and high-end tourists who do not want to live, can choose another four-star hotel or supplement the house prices, from which to earn more money.    


There were also many cases of security guards harming others, but they were all settled by losing money in private.    


After the hotel manager had withdrawn 20% of the money, the remaining 30% was accounted for. There was a reception desk, security guards and a tour guide.    


After Ye Cheng secretly recorded the little miss' words, when he prepared to leave, he discovered that Xing Tian's words were written on the list.    


The little girl timidly told Ye Cheng, and discovered that the dead person had opened the room for him. It was opened three days ago, and after leaving the next morning, she had not returned.    


Ye Cheng climbed up the stairs from the back of the hotel and entered the crime scene. He used his phone to take a picture of the entire crime scene, then wrapped a towel around his right hand and unlocked his door. He discovered that there were cut marks on the door, but the killer must have come in from the window.    


The drag marks from the passage to the room were very strange. The dead body showed no signs of moving, so where did the drag marks come from?    


Ye Cheng walked into the bathroom. Compared to the outside, it was much cleaner, but Ye Cheng still found a few drops of blood under the sink. After extracting two bloodstains, Ye Cheng left the window.    


After passing the recording to Jiang Dazhuang, he directly went to North Street and used the equipment to check the blood in the room. It came from three people, which meant, there were more than one corpse.    


Wei Meimei quietly listened to Ye Cheng's description before suddenly speaking, "The time of the deceased's death is more than three days. Could you have seen the three brothers in Hai Tian?"    


Ye Cheng was startled, four years ago, he died in the police station, and when he saw the Xing Tian in the hotel, it was very possible that his thoughts changed. If the three people staying at the inn were the real Xing brothers, then who was the one talking to Jiang Dazhuang right now?    


"My father is in danger, isn't he?"    


"Don't worry, someone will protect him."    


Ye Cheng lit up a cigarette and walked out of the clinic. He sat in front of the artificial lake, his mind a little messy.    


Ye Cheng's phone vibrated. After reading the text message, he drove to Soul House.    


Ah San had arrived at the Hong Kong Island at the first possible moment and was currently in the Soul House. He had the most say on whether Xing Tian was dead or not.    


When Ye Cheng arrived at Soul House, he found out that the Black Turtle had been shot and injured, but it was not really injured, the opponent's spear skills were very accurate, and was able to counter attack, so he was careless and got hit. Luckily, Leng Yue had arrived in time, so it did not cause a great disaster.    


Looking at the black tortoise whose abdomen was wrapped in bandages and whose face was as white as a geisha's, Ye Cheng did not forget to take this opportunity to tease him.    


Ah San was very sure that Xing Tian died in prison. He had killed Xing Tian, but whether or not it was the real Xing Tian, he could not guarantee.    


When Leng Yue mentioned that the person who entrusted the mission at that time was Song Qihua, everyone understood it a little. Those people who were related to Xing Tian four years ago were basically all dead now, so the Xing Tian that Ah San killed in the prison might be an imposter.    


Maybe the reason Xing Tian came back this time was because of the goods in Black Turtle's hands.    


"You mean to say that you want me to confirm if the Xing Lin in prison is the real deal?"    


Ye Cheng waved his hand. There are five dead people, not three. "    


"Only one body was found in the guest room, but three people were found in the blood sample, so two bodies may have been moved. "In addition, the identities of the two people killed at the trading center have not been revealed yet, so there are a total of five people. The Xing brothers are ruthless, but I believe that an elder brother who loves his younger brother dearly will not kill at this time."    


After Ye Cheng finished speaking, he raised four of his fingers, and everyone was at a loss.    


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