The Romantic Soldier King



Soul House was not as calm as he appeared to be. Because of the excellent protection, those who tried to enter were unable to return alive.    


Black Turtle chopped off the head in a standard fashion and passed it to Leng Er as a gift.    


Wanting that reward wouldn't be easy, it was as complicated as wanting to take the goods from Soul House.    


The rumors in the martial arts world were true and false. There weren't many who could believe it, and it wasn't difficult to figure it out.    


The Hong Kong Island society was different from other places, here the word 'talk' was important, if it could be talked about, then it would be negotiable, but if it could not be talked about, then it would be clear to see. Some were timid and would go to the police immediately. At this time, the Black Group became very powerful, and once they set out, they would sweep the streets on a large scale. Even if they picked up some hoodlums, they would only use them to discuss the number of cars they would use, and these kinds of people would either be despised by the local society or disappear without a trace.    


In the martial world, there were many talents who dared to kill their boss, and those who wanted to become a big boss could do so. Normally, those who wanted to become a big boss, could become a big boss, and those who dared to do so could become a big boss. This unwritten law of the world was very popular in large clans. The law of the jungle, not only the body, but also the brain.    


Master Leng Er was a living example. Ah Dou, who had always been at the lowest level, who had been laughed to the point where he couldn't even stand up, was a trash, and in the end, killed his own brothers and chased away the old man.    


In the mouth of the Hong Alliance, there were offerings on the table, to remind those who died in Soul House of their lives. Some of them came from the Hong Alliance, some from other places, but they were all here for a single goal, and they were called bounty hunters.    


When the mission for the bounty was first announced, Master Leng Er released an unwritten content. He promised that no matter if the mission was successful or not, the families of the dead would receive compensation of three hundred thousand, and with the help of his relationship with the deceased, he would be able to go to the Ancestral Hall in the Hong Alliance to get the money. The premise was that he was a direct relative, could be a parent, could also be a wife and child, as long as there was a legal relationship between them.    


Putting everything else aside, just this item alone was enough to convince many people to work hard for it. Anyone who walked this path would be forced out. Even if they couldn't win, they would be able to get a pension for their family, which could be considered filial piety.    


He didn't know what was going on, but only those who were involved would know how embarrassing the situation was.    


If they wanted money, then they couldn't choose. Most people wouldn't be able to get money, and since ancient times, there has been a saying about leaving behind an intact corpse. Who wouldn't want their loved ones to be buried in peace. However, to an ordinary family, three hundred thousand dollars was already a lower amount of money. If one was really poor enough to eat every rice, they could only accept money but not people. To those who did not care, money was more important than one's head.    


Human nature continued to play out in the Ancestral Hall in Hong Alliance, while the founder of the Ancestral Temple had a face full of arrogance, which made people feel disgusted.    


Those who are not ischemic among the bereaved need nothing but justice. Master Leng Er's justice is very simple, you can choose one of the two, but you can choose the third option: Annihilate your entire family, it's fine if you don't accept it, but I won't give you the chance to take revenge, kill!    


This was a secret that was not made public, so people who did not know the truth would only see the new leader of Hong Alliance anywhere, but in fact, he was even more ruthless than the executioner.    


The number of heads they received was decreasing, and the number of people who came to claim their heads was also becoming fewer and fewer. Master Leng Er left the Ancestral Hall before the sun set. For the past few days, he had been respected and scolded by the people at the Ancestral Hall, which had become his daily homework.    


But today, not only was there no head, there was not even a person who came to claim it. There were also five or six people who did not have a head, and even though they had been treated with chemicals, they still emitted a difficult and unpleasant smell after being exposed to the wind and rain, making people have nightmares.    


Before leaving, Master Leng Er ordered his subordinates to investigate the situation of the bounty hunters who had come to take over the quests. There were people who left a foundation, and also people who came to take on missions, there were people who paid a deposit of 100 yuan, and although this 100 yuan was nothing, they would only hire people after confirming the information that had been left behind regarding the bounty hunters that had truly restricted them. Therefore, these people, the bounty hunters, would each receive 50,000 yuan in advance, so Master Leng Er was not afraid that they would work hard, he had many hostages in his hands.    


When they returned to the villa, the people they sent out to scout had already gotten their rewards. It wasn't that the bounty hunters were not working, but the Soul House had taken their heads off, and with the goodwill of the Hong Alliance, as long as they received proof, they would be taken away with 500,000 yuan. That was why the families took the money and left despite their hatred.    


"F * ck, they're trying to steal my business!" After hearing his subordinate's report, Master Leng Er threw his cup on the spot.    


The people watching the show paid close attention to the development of the situation. The Xuanwu had some tricks up her sleeve, turning the pretense of accepting money from their leader into a farce. She was making fun of a dead person, regardless of her status, it was extremely disrespectful.    


All of a sudden, the entire society in the capital was in an uproar, denouncements and objections swarmed in all directions, the huge commotion made Ye Cheng, who was preparing to return, stay for a few more days out of curiosity.    


Curiosity was the main reason, and also because they had received the news, the transaction time kept on changing. Until now, the people of trimouth group had not revealed their faces, and the transaction time became complicated and confusing.    


"Boss, Soul House is making a fool out of himself, aren't you going to advise him?"    


"Why don't the families of the dead go to Hong Alliance? Do you really think that they spent an extra two hundred thousand just for us? None of you who took the money to leave came back to cause trouble. There must be a hidden secret behind all of this. Black Turtle is a pretty good opponent. "    


Based on the current situation, Ye Cheng could not see through the Xuan Wu any longer, so he was very much looking forward to it. "Is there still no news from Meier?"    


"I think they noticed one of the sanguinis s that wasn't back yet, so they called all of them back. The Xing brothers are currently here, but according to the rules, they only have three days left."    


"Ah, yes. Fifteen days of visa time is almost up, and the people from trimouth group have not appeared yet?"    


"I entered the country a week ago."    


"That shouldn't be the case! "Don't tell me ?"    


Something flashed past Ye Cheng's mind, and the two of them immediately left the hotel and headed towards Jiang Dazhuang's office.    


He never came to the Three Treasures Palace for no reason, Jiang Dazhuang truly regretted not eating outside.    


"Boss Ye, it's fine if you leave the investigation of the murder to the police. Just add to the trouble yourself, alright?"    


"Why? Are you afraid that the police will provoke you in the morning?"    


"I'm not the one who killed them, what am I afraid of? I'm just worried about your identity! Recently, the Soul House has clashed with the Hong Alliance, and the police are all armed to the teeth.    


"I don't have anyone from the police here. You can check on two things for me. First, the identity of the three dead people is the best. Second, the identity of the murderer. Of course we can get an interrogation statement. I won't treat you unfairly!"    


"You're making things difficult for me."    


"So it's like that. Then it's better to have another one. Since you've decided to make things difficult for me, I won't add more. It's not a big loss."    


"No, no, I'll think of a way!"    


Jiang Dazhuang was really afraid that Ye Cheng would make some weird request, so he contacted the police station where the murder case belonged. After exchanging greetings, they made the request, but the other party seemed to be in a difficult position.    


Ye Cheng checked the identity of the deceased first. The person who died in the inn was a tourist, someone who lived in the same inn as the Xing brothers. The identity of the deceased in front of Jiang Dazhuang was rather interesting. Looking at the killer once again, Ye Cheng handed the photo over to Ah San. This person is no stranger! "    


"This person has already retired many years ago."    


"Hmm, go investigate this person's activities in recent years and find the breakthrough point." After giving out his instructions, Ye Cheng squinted his eyes and started chuckling towards Jiang Dazhuang.    


Jiang Dazhuang instinctively retreated. young master Ye, Boss Ye, little brother, speak frankly if you have anything to say. "    


"Do you want your reputation to rise again?"    


Jiang Dazhuang shook his head with all his might. I feel that I have ascended to the top, and that God will be jealous if I continue to ascend.    


Ye Cheng acknowledged, he took out his letter opener and separated the pages one by one, the sounds of paper being torn apart was just like a saw rubbing against Jiang Dazhuang's head.    


"young master Ye, don't play like that!"    


"But I feel that this is an extremely rare opportunity, but do you not want to try out this chance to push yourself to the peak of your life?"    


"The murderer has confessed."    


"Oh, I also admitted to killing someone in Beijing, but didn't I sit in front of you?" Ye Cheng put away the letter opener and leaned back in his chair. But, I won't force anyone to do anything, so it's okay if you don't want to do it. At the same time, Hui Hui just signed a contract with a law firm and became a subsidiary of Hei Yao. The lawyer who fought for me is very good.    


had heard of this case before, so he knew that Shanshan Law Firm belonged to Black Light. There was no way that a person who was chosen by Ye Cheng would be bad!    


"Thinking about that, Jiang Dazhuang gave Ye Cheng a thumbs up. You are ruthless! Not even sparing his own people. "    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk. If I say it like that, I'm going to sell even my own!"    


What else did Jiang Dazhuang have to refute? Shaking his head helplessly, he dialed the bureau chief's number again, indicating that he wanted to talk to the murderer after reading the case file. He would wait until he arrived at the police station to discuss the details.    


That night, the media revealed that a famous criminal was willing to defend my murder case for free. As for who this criminal was, no news was leaked on the news, leaving behind a lot of speculations.    


Early the next morning, Ye Cheng received a mail from Meier. After confirming the identity of the deceased, he frowned.    


The two dead men who were shot were from trimouth group. They were the first group of people to arrive in Hong Kong Island to search for the goods.    


He took out the box from the cupboard, and used his fingers to stroke the sand patterns on it, and called Ah San in. Send the box over. "    




"Have sanguinis send the message."    


Since he could not move Ye Cheng, Ah San could only follow his orders.    


In just a few short hours, the entire Hong Kong Island knew who had the goods in their hands. In response, not only did they heavily slap Master Leng Er's face, they even pulled in the grievances of the people.    


The bounty hunters who went to the Soul House to search for goods had died for no reason in the underworld. All of them had died because of an unreal rumor, and the unluckiest master of the Soul House had finally shown himself.    


Pulling the senior out for a chat, Master Leng Er had no choice but to give him face. When the elders showed up, he was thrown a rotten egg by the patriarchs who resentfully collapsed, it could be said that he lost all his face.    


Black Turtle was very polite. At that time, when Master Leng Er's subordinates attacked the people that were not there, he was rude, and in front of Master Leng Er, he should have beaten them up, taught them a lesson, not only did he teach them a lesson, he did not put Leng Er in his eyes at all.    


"Xuanwu, don't go too far!"    


"I don't understand what Second Master said."    


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