The Romantic Soldier King



His heart started to sink as he followed Wang Dazhi through the hallway and into the backyard. Even though he had been serving the Leng family for dozens of years, and had not entered and left the Palace very often, there were thirteen people who took care of things that were not necessary. He basically did not ask about anything here, as it was all handled directly by the Old Master Leng. "This is the first time I've had such a chance to directly enter deeper." Group Leader Wang, can you tell me what you found? "    


"It seems like this is the first time that the butler has come in!"    


"The rules of the Leng family are very strict. The matters of the Supreme Preservation Hall are handled personally by the Old Master Leng. We have no right to interfere."    


"Why don't the young masters of Leng family ask?"    


"When the Old Master Leng is here, only the little miss is allowed to enter and leave. After the branch families leave, the great protector will leave with the old man. "Because it's an old residence's forbidden area, no one will come in."    


"Not necessarily!"    


After Wang Dazhi understood the matters of the Leng family, he sneered and brought the butler to a house that seemed like a temple. This is probably the forbidden area that you mentioned! "    


The butler lowered his head. When he entered the backyard, he could smell the smell of blood. How could there be the smell of blood in this sacred and undisturbed forbidden grounds? This was an act of great disrespect, even if Master Leng Er was acting recklessly, he would not cause any trouble here. " That's right! Group Leader Wang did discover something. "    


"Wang Dazhi pushed open the wooden door, and the thick smell of blood came out. I've seen it before, this is just a temple side room, it serves as a tribute to the ancestors of the Leng family, let the butler go in and take a look! "    


He took a few steps into the room and found the source of the smell of blood underneath the altar. He did not know whether a person was alive or dead and collapsed inside. From the looks of it, he was very tall and did not look like a local. "What, what is going on?"    


"Then I'll have to ask you guys, no one else can enter the forbidden area, what is this?"    


"Group Leader Wang, this is truly unfair. I really don't know how this person came in. Perhaps he jumped over a wall or fled somewhere, it's hard to say!"    


"The butler really doesn't know him?"    


"The housekeeper walked up to take a closer look and shook his head, certain that he had never seen this person before." "I have been managing the house the entire time. There aren't many guests in the house, and second master usually takes it with him in other rooms. Therefore, I am really unable to explain this matter."    


Wang Dazhi saw that the butler's words were sincere, so he asked him to wait outside. He called for his men to bring the men out and sent them to the hospital as soon as they could still breathe.    


The butler was brought back to the police station. Master Leng Er heard that he found a blood man from the forbidden grounds, he stayed at the outer courtyard and did not leave. However, he was stopped by a few police officers. All he saw was a hand hanging from the stretcher, and he couldn't help but cry out.    


"Master Leng Er, you know him?"    


The sudden appearance of Wang Dazhi scared Master Leng Er half to death. He patted his chest and muttered to himself before saying: "Group Leader Wang didn't even make a sound when walking. You almost scared off half your life."    


Wang Dazhi laughed dryly. If a person did not do something shameful, how would they be afraid of knocking on the door!? Just look at Second Master, it seems like you know this person! "    


"How is this possible? I just find it inconceivable. Why would there be people in the forbidden area of the Supreme Preservation Hall with such a strong blood energy? What if they were to run into their ancestors? The steward is too muddle-headed. He just takes the money and doesn't do anything. "    


Wang Dazhi stood at the door with his hands behind his back like a small old man, signalling his underlings to do things more quickly. After everyone got on the carriage, he then said to Master Leng Er: "If Master Leng Er doesn't have something important to do, don't go out anymore, it will be here soon."    


Pulling on the door, Wang Dazhi watched through the window as Master Leng Er slowly walked further and further away. After passing through an intersection, he got his subordinates to get off the car and follow Master Leng Er.    


Master Leng Er stayed in the old house until 3 or 4 in the afternoon before leaving.    


There were a lot of people entering and exiting the stable. Wanting to find someone was like looking for a needle in a haystack.    


Wang Dazhi squinted his eyes, he dialed a number and not long after, the person called him back, and after saying a few words, he left the police station.    


At first, Master Leng Er did not notice anyone following him, but when he was almost there, he received a call and went to the stable.    


When he entered the main client room, there was already a person sitting there waiting.    


Just as Leng Er was about to barge in, he was stopped by the bodyguards at the door.    


"What do you mean? Is it not enough to harm me? Master is dead, and now there's another useless fellow coming over. I don't care what methods you use to bring your men back, I'm not going to do this anymore. "    


The man on the sofa stared at the number 7 horse with interest. Number 7 was his lucky number, he would win if he blocked it. I remember how third master gambled on horses in the past.    


"I'm not betting money, I'm different from Lao San, so he died early!"    


The man laughed, then turned to look at Master Leng Er and said: "third master left early, if not I would not have had the chance to meet second master!"    


"What does that mean?"    


"Can't you tell? If third master was here, I don't think you would even have the chance to know me. However, this is all in the past, and there is no meaning in talking about it. Right now, we are on the same boat, so if you want to get off and I don't want to land, you can jump into the sea by yourself! "    


"Da Chetian, you want to destroy the bridge after crossing the river!"    


"No, no, no. I've always been on Second Master's side. But now that you want to land, you can only swim back to shore by yourself."    


"In the face of Master Leng Er's wrath, Da Chetian raised the Gentleman Staff and knocked on his leg. "If you don't want to disembark, then sit on the side. The competition is about to begin."    


Master Leng Er's pupils contracted nonstop as he tried his best to calm himself down. Our Hong Alliance has always been the largest pier in your trimouth group, don't you think that Da Chetian is going overboard by doing this? "    


"One year ago, you were indeed the biggest pier, but now, hahaha!" Da Chetian laughed unbridledly. Second Master, people have to move forward. Times are changing, and people are changing as well. "    


Da Chetian put down the binoculars and got up. He tidied up his clothes, patted on Master Leng Er's shoulders and said: "Look carefully, No.7 must be a dark horse. Why don't you buy all of it?    


Master Leng Er did not dare do anything in front of the crowd, after Da Chetian left, he picked up the cup on the table and slammed it against the door, to vent the anger in his heart.    


"General!" The bodyguard heard the sound of glass behind the door and shouted.    


"No need to bother."    


Da Chetian sneered, then quickly walked to the other side of the main client room, and took the initiative to greet the person inside. Butler Fu, I have kept you waiting, is Small Fifth Lord well? "    


Leng Er stood next to the wall at the corner of the wall. Damn, no wonder he was so arrogant, he was someone that was on the list of the Gate of Heaven s in Beijing. Fine, I'll let you see how you will go through the channels in Hong Kong Island without me, Master Leng Er. "    


He got the driver to turn on the radio. In the battle that had just ended, Number Seven, who was participating in the competition for the first time, had fallen behind by half a circle and had advanced by leaps and bounds. He rushed to the finish line in the second half of the race.    


"Damn!" "If I buy all of them, I'll definitely make a killing."    


"What number did you buy?"    


Second Master, I did not buy it, just now, Da Chetian's bodyguard asked me to bet with him, I did not dare to buy it.    


Master Leng Er raised his eyebrows, and cursed in his heart, urging the driver to hurry up.    


Staring at Master Leng Er's private car as it drove away, Wang Dazhi went to the VIP area and revealed his police badge, then entered, only to be stopped by a waiter.    


Although the attitude of the waiter was very good, he was also very arrogant. They were both service workers, but their attitudes were different in different places. Those who did this also discriminated against their peers!    


Wang Dazhi took the newspaper and sat down on the side. He saw Da Chetian's car and was sure that he was still here.    


After waiting for two to three hours, Marseille had already finished. Most of the people at the horse farm had left, but Da Chetian did not come out from the big client room.    


"They all left?"    


"Marseilles is over and all the guests have left. Sir, please cooperate with our work. We still need to clean up."    


Wang Dazhi did not believe him, but he had no other choice, and could only leave. He came to the parking lot. The car didn't move, and the driver was there. How could he leave?    


Just as Wang Dazhi was suspecting something, a luxurious private car drove out from another passage. When it passed by him, the driver suddenly stepped on the throttle, and purposely drove past the dripping pool. After splashing water all over his body, he honked his horn symbolically a few times and left.    


"Dammit, it's amazing to be rich!"    


Wang Dazhi cursed in his heart as he raised his head to look at the surveillance camera in front of him. He then found the horse farm's monitoring room and used his authority to call out the car that he had just left.    


With the help of the technology department, the image was gradually magnified and Wang Dazhi shouted in joy. I've finally caught you! "    


"Group Leader Wang, this person looks like ?"    


"I know, I know, print it out, quickly!"    


Wang Dazhi took out the printed photo and went to Sun Yee On, but was told that Noi had been gone for a few days. He returned empty-handed, and had no choice but to rely on himself.    


From the records from the entire day of tracking, the Hong Alliance knew the suspect, and someone had seen him together with Da Chetian at the Martial Arts Competition from the horse farm. Afterwards, they left alone, and the video showed Da Chetian secretly meeting with Ouyang Xiaoxiao, and there was one possibility, one case after another of the Hong Alliance being killed, and Da Chetian was only able to see Ouyang Xiaoxiao alone when he was looking for another way out.    


Dammit, at the most critical moment, where did he run off to!?    


"Bang bang ?" Wang Dazhi smashed the table in frustration, he suddenly realized that a table had been pulled out from the scattered folders, and the smiling face of the tiger appeared in front of him. That's right, how could I forget about this person? He should know about Ye Cheng's whereabouts. "    


At this moment, someone knocked on the door. His subordinate came in and claimed that someone was looking for him. It was a woman!    


Wang Dazhi frowned, how could he see so many women! With curiosity, he hurried to the teahouse. There were many men and women, and after looking around, he found a woman alone in the corner. She had a sexy figure and was wearing a famous brand.    


Her thoughts were a little dirty, but Wang Dazhi still walked up to her and asked politely. When the woman came back, aiyah, as expected of a beauty, it was a pity that he was not her dish!    


"Officer Wang, Xiao Miao, we have met before."    


Wang Dazhi laughed, this kind of woman was something he could not deal with, only someone like the Boss Ye who was disrespectful, and had a high opinion of women could take her down.    


Xiao Miao stretched out his hand, and seeing that Wang Dazhi did not shake hands with him after a long time, he raised his eyebrows and put it down. I came here to thank you, and to ask if my uncle's case is progressing. "    


Oh, the case of Grand Master is still under investigation, but if Miss Xiao has the time, can you help out?    


No. 1    


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