The Romantic Soldier King



Abnormal people were just a thin line away from crazy people. With his remaining rationality, Zhang Meme immediately used his head to move towards the other party when they pounced on him again.    


Zhang Meme suffered a lot from his unyielding personality, but the other party did not take advantage of him.    


Thinking about how to stall for time, so that Han Li could find him, Zhang Meme could be said to have come to a close with all of his methods. But as time passed, even if he used all of his strength, he had never seen a miracle come knocking.    


Are we really going to leave it here?    


He couldn't accept it! How could she just die like this? She still had many things she hadn't done, hadn't even been in love with anyone yet, and couldn't just die like this. Yes or no.    


Looking at the white ceiling, his eyes lost focus, his pupils changed, his brown eyeballs were completely whitened.    


When the two men holding Zhang Meme's hands saw her rolling her eyes, they immediately cried out in alarm. They looked at their boss; Boss! "She!"    


At first, when Captain saw this pair of eyes, he thought that it was just Zhang Meme who had fainted, but if he looked carefully, he could see that it was completely different. It was as if his eyes were covered by a thick white film, and he could not see what was inside. "Hold on tight, if there's anything I can take responsibility for, I'll take care of it."    


With these words, no one else dared to say anything.    


As soon as he thought about it, before the people who suppressed Zhang Meme could even sense the danger, one of them had already been flipped over by a strange force and crashed into the wall behind him. The big man on the right stood rooted to his spot with both his hands still on Zhang Meme's shoulders, and when he realized that he should have let go of them and run away, the strange force was already in front of him.    


When their comrade was attacked, the two of them had already escaped to the side. Watching Zhang Meme who was half lying on the table get up, they then used one hand to hold Captain's neck, and picked him up from the ground.    


Many cracks appeared on his albino eyeballs, as if something was about to drill out of them. It was terrifying.    


"There's a ghost!"    


Someone finally let out a miserable scream. No one knew who was the first to rush to the door, but he was unable to unlock it. At this moment, a white light flashed and hit that person's back, burning a hole.    


Another person who had arrived at the door collapsed on the ground, scared out of his wits.    


Captain was busy at the moment, how could he care about his subordinates. It was the first time in a long time that he had met such a monster, so his degree of shock definitely wouldn't lose to others. He tried his best to twist his body in the air in an attempt to free himself from his opponent's control, but his throat was locked. The more he struggled, the deeper his fingers dug into his throat, any moment now he could break due to his own weight.    


Hearing the cracking sounds coming from his bones, the Captain could no longer be described as afraid. He screamed at the top of his lungs as his hands casually danced in the air. He grabbed onto something in his hands and smashed it onto Zhang Meme's head.    


Let's go all out!    


It could only be said that the Captain was incredibly lucky, he had struck Zhang Meme, and it was even a direct hit, but he felt the power that was stuck in his throat had lessened. He looked down, only to see a hole appearing in his head, and blood was continuously flowing out.    


The eyes that were reflected in his eyes would never be forgotten in this lifetime. It was as if it was carved into his mind, impossible to erase or modify.    


Captain screamed and fell to the ground. As if he had seen a ghost, he struggled to turn around under the table.    


Zhang Meme rubbed her head with a blank look on her face. Hearing the scream, she crouched down and looked in.    


Captain curled up his body like a madman. When he saw Zhang Meme, he roared out and forcefully pulled down his eyes.    




Zhang Meme rolled on the ground, in her eyes, everything was the same color, there were no living beings, only many shadows, she could hear their cries, she could not see them, her face was pale and panting heavily, in the moment she fell to the ground, she seemed to see something approaching from the side, someone was talking, someone was moving, and then she felt herself being lifted up by something, soft as though she was lying on the clouds, opened her eyes with effort, and it was still just a blurry shadow, and then it was gone.    


The entire office could only be described as miserable. He never would have thought that this little girl would be so destructive. This was less than 10% of the awakening power.    


Crouching on the ground, Ye Cheng rolled over the corpse. The wound had entered from his back and directly penetrated through his chest, as if it had been penetrated by a rocket. The diameter of the wound was 10 cm. This wound can't be hidden anymore! "    


"Satisfied now?"    


"You saw it already, do you still want to continue?"    


Ye Cheng did not have any apology for this, he only believed that he had done the right thing.    


"I never thought that you would use such a method. Do you know that just now, she almost ?"    


Yes!" Actually, you want to know how great the possibility is like me, so you have no right to speak out against me.     


"Han Li smirked, he really didn't have the right to say it." I just want to know how much she can carry you as a container. "    


Ye Cheng went silent, this was an unknown, he could not give Han any answer.    


"To be honest, you said you didn't want this container. Is that true?"    


Before he had seen the awakened power, this was true. But due to his reliance on strength, Ye Cheng hesitated for a moment. When he saw Zhang Meme in Han Li's embrace, he nodded his head strongly. Protect him well! I'm not the only one who needs a container like this. "    


As Han carried Zhang Meme out of the office, Ye Cheng raised his hand, wanting to burn all of the evidence.    


Chen Luoxue covered the hand that was igniting the fireball, gave Ye Cheng a comforting smile, and then pulled him out of the office.    


After cleaning up, it seemed like there really was no need for him to do anything.    


"Hui Hui said you're back!"    


"Since when did the old man intervene?"    


"From the moment you left the capital! Ye Chen can fake the truth, but someone familiar with you can immediately tell that he isn't. "    


"So, he also knows that Zhang Meme is a Zhang Family?"    


"If you have any questions, ask the old man yourself. The car is waiting outside."    


After walking out of the Town Security army, Ye Cheng saw that there was a unmarked car on the street. It was a commercial car, and he walked towards it. You won't come? "    


"I haven't finished the work on the ending. See you at the villa."    


Ye Cheng moved his mouth, he sat in the car, and with a "ka ka", the door was locked. Lordmaster, what do you mean, are you afraid I'll run away or something? "    


"You won't be able to run away, hehe!"    


The old man signaled the driver to drive and kept quiet all the way. When they were near the military region, he opened his mouth and asked: "Did Hong Kong Island go there? "How do you feel?"    


"It's much more lively than when I was around!"    


"So, you added some ingredients to make the place even more lively?"    


Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows. I didn't do anything! The police are on their own, it has nothing to do with me. "    


"How much can you earn by destroying a Hong Alliance? Putting Soul House on the stage, how much can you earn? Just one Da Chetian was able to make you do it, you know how much I have placed on you, and in the end you showed your hands at Hong Kong Island, everyone knew that there was an imposter in the capital. "    


"Ye Chen is not your chess piece, I don't mind revealing his identity at this time."    


"Bastard!" What do you think I've been doing all these years? If you brat, you are acting so recklessly, then don't blame me for stopping you. "    


Ye Cheng chuckled. The old gramps only has these. If he's not happy, he's going to cut off our path, how are we letting him live! "    


"Then don't do anything infuriating."    


"As the saying goes, a dog jumping over a wall when anxious. Does the old man still have the confidence to control me today? What does family conflict have to do with me? I am happy to the point of being empty-handed, leading my wives free and unfettered, and you can just find someone to listen to you, I don't need a single cent, and I don't need any interest, so please be magnanimous. "    


The old man glanced at Ye Cheng before he got off the carriage.    


The driver spoke to Ye Cheng: "The old man just had an operation, young master Ye, you have to take responsibility, the matter is much more serious than what you imagined."    


Driver, you're not dumb! "    


From the moment Ye Cheng met the old man, this driver had always been bringing him to the car. He had never said a word, nor did he even make a sound like fart.    


"young master Ye!"    


"For your sake, let's do it this once."    


The driver's worried face broke into a smile. He parked the car on the side, got out, and leaned against the door as he looked around.    


"Old man, you have a good driver and a good bodyguard."    


"Boy, I know what you are thinking. You think that I lied to you and made fun of you, so you started to rebel and you don't want to cooperate anymore. But, I can tell you who the person in charge is and other than me, no one else really cares about you."    


"You received the video, why does the Buddha have these things, and it is said that he has a lot of it. From the moment I arrived in the capital, he was the only person who was willing to be on good terms with me, regardless of whether or not he had Mars or not, I knew one thing, that this man held onto my past. I had even thought of taking Ouyang Linghan as my disciple, but I did not do so, because I still believed that you were right.    


"Did I disappoint you?"    


Ye Cheng did not answer the question. Instead, he was disappointed because he did not hold any expectations for the other party's strength to begin with. It doesn't matter who I am, who my parents are. They never appeared in my life, so to me they were just the people who made me. I only have one goal right now, and that is freedom! "    


The old man clasped his hands behind his back as he looked into the distance. After a long while, he finally said, "Freedom!"    


"I'll get the driver to take you back!"    


"The times are different. Whether it is you or the Buddha of the Gate of Heaven, all of you belong to your generation. The survival of the fittest compared to caring about me, otherwise, think about who would be your greatest enemy."    


"I understand what you mean!"    


The driver drove to the old man's side. Ye Cheng took the initiative to open the door to invite him in, then said to the driver, "Don't let him go out for nearly a month, his health is more important."    


The car entered the military area, and after walking three kilometers, Ye Cheng got into a car that was parked there and left.    


The next day, Ye Cheng flipped through all the newspapers, but didn't find any news related to the Town Security army.    


Sang Huihui held onto Chen Luoxue and An Ningxuan, opened his arms and said: "One thousand apiece, no less."    


"Chen Luoxue obediently took out money from his wallet and stuffed it back into his pocket. There's no basis for words, the truth is shown above. "    


Sang Huihui snorted, he took out his mobile phone and handed it over to the two of them. If there's a picture, then there's a truth.    


"No way, is that guy really that generous?"    


"I don't know who's behind the door, but the photos are here. They won't escape!"    


"Can I swipe my card?"    


"Cash transactions."    


"Then I don't have it now, I'll come back to give it to you tonight."    


Sang Huihui turned his waist and blocked the way to the kitchen door. "If you don't have money, that's fine too. But if you really want to take the risk and pick one, then you can take the risk."    


"Sang Huihui, you must be addicted!"    


"Who let you guys have such good luck? How many times have you won against me? Now that my husband is back, my timing has changed. Let's see if you guys still dare to bully me!" How about it? Either pay the gambling stake now, or cancel it by playing the game! "    


An Ningxuan pouted and thought for a long time before saying, "A huge risk!"    


Sang Huihui smiled and squinted his eyes. He knew that An An's return was an adventure, that's why he said those words on purpose. "Alright, then don't regret it!"    


"Whoever regrets this will be the pig."    


"For the first person we saw outside, do a striptease, you have to be naked!"    


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