The Romantic Soldier King



Hearing Ye Chen's shout, Ye Cheng stood still, and as the gap became smaller, he clenched his fists and shouted, "Three days! If I don't come out, you are Ye Cheng! "    




The bronze door was shut, and the last bit of light was gone.    


Ye Cheng didn't know if Ye Chen heard his words, but hope was as dark as the light that disappeared. He didn't turn around to shoot, instead, he walked straight into the dark.    


Two fireballs lit up in mid air, leading the way, Ye Cheng threw them into the tunnel without hesitation.    


The wind whooshing around them didn't have a firm conviction that they had arrived at the underworld.    


The world inside the copper door was huge, and Ye Cheng was unable to describe how big it was. Just the path they were walking on was already more than ten meters tall, and every three meters, there was a tall statue, standing symmetrically on both sides, exuding a solemn and solemn feeling.    


Ye Cheng had no time to care about who these statues were, he just wanted to quickly clear the matter up and leave this place. He quickly made his way through the tunnel, and the view before him suddenly became clear. The mine's lava illuminated half of the underground world. There were many holes of different sizes in the wall, and the sound of wind blowing through them was making weird noises.    


Ye Cheng tried to stretch his hand into the hole in the air. A gust of air brushed over his skin with a slight touch, and his pores instantly expanded. His intuition told him that the world behind the bronze door was not that scary. He was a little nervous and expectant, but to pass through these complicated caves was the biggest problem in front of his eyes.    


This was not the first time he had experienced the subterranean world, and the most difficult time was when he was at the cave beneath the Xishuangbanna. Ye Cheng still vividly remembered his fortuitous encounters there. From the surface, the height of the cave was more than ten meters. It was very likely that he was in the middle of a mountain, so his danger level was definitely lower than that of the underground cave.    


Ye Cheng separated out a few small clusters of flames from the fireball and entered a few of the caves.    


The investigation would take up most of the day's time, but there were still no results. The holes here were numerous, and even if they managed to find a path through the entire mountain, under the circumstances where the inner structure was unclear, Ye Cheng dared not rashly enter it. He was afraid that if he were to get stuck inside, he would be courting death.    


Thinking about it, Ye Cheng stopped wasting his time to find a way out. He took a few steps back and returned to the corridor that he had come out of. If the secrets of the ghost door were hidden behind the bronze door, then only the people from the ghost door would be able to enter. Therefore, the holes in front of them might not be the exit, but it could be a test.    


Ye Cheng who had his mind set up simply sat down cross-legged and carefully observed his surroundings. Other than the path behind him, the entire space was covered with holes of different sizes, densely packed to the point that people's scalps were itching, there was nothing else. Stones, rock walls, holes! If these were the legendary secrets, Ye Cheng could really curse his father and mother.    


Unable to think of anything else to do, Ye Cheng quickly calmed himself down and entered his own Emptiness Realm. He stored the space in his mind and simulated all sorts of possibilities. In the virtual world and the real world, one would usually use their eyes to differentiate between the real and the fake. However, when the real and the fake were fused together, their vision would go awry, and the effect of the enchantment was to divide the real world into the real world and only the person in it would know whether the space was real or fake.    


Ye Cheng suddenly opened his eyes. He got up and walked straight to the front, spread out his fingers, and placed his palm against a solid rock wall, carefully rubbing it.    


Ye Cheng raised the corner of his mouth, and carved a thirty centimeters long curve on the wall with the blade. The curve was like the S curve of a woman, with points of convexity showing up along with it.    


"It's here!" Ye Cheng squinted his eyes as his two fingers stabbed into the protruding spot. The seemingly hard rock wall immediately crumbled to the ground, revealing a much larger space behind him.    


Ye Cheng slowly entered and heard a sound coming from behind him. He turned his head to look, and the path that he had first entered through disappeared under a rock wall. Suddenly, he thought of a classic saying: God opens a window for you but also closes a door. At this moment, Ye Cheng had a feeling that if he didn't enter hell, then someone would enter hell.    


The small bridge flowed with water while the bamboo building was green with tiles. This place was like a paradise on earth, a paradise from the world.    


The towering pavilion was similar to the bamboo tower that he had seen in the pool earlier, but as he walked up the stairs and looked down the hall, Ye Cheng quickly realized that he had come to this place before. This place was a replica of the Tujia stronghold, no, it should be said that the structure of the Tujia stronghold was exactly the same.    


Pushing open the door of the great hall, a three-headed, six-armed monster appeared in front of them. There were six smaller divine beasts lined up to the left and right of each of them.    


Ye Cheng was brave, walking among the divine beasts, but not only did he feel fear and nervousness, he was also afraid of them. He was not afraid of them, he was afraid of the truth.    


In a great hall that no one had ever entered before, green smoke curled up into the air, and the incense burner on the altar released a faint fragrance. Ye Cheng swallowed his saliva. Although there were dangers everywhere, it was hard to explain. He turned his head to look at the door. In the darkness, the outside of the door was like a giant mouth. Instinctively, he threw out a fireball to illuminate the entire space.    


After the light and shadow dissipated, the hall turned dark. He couldn't feel the faces at all, so he couldn't feel the widened eyes of the faces.    


Curiosity killed the cat! Ye Cheng thought of this as he climbed up a statue and used his memories to touch the pillar. Climbing to the middle of the Main Hall, Ye Cheng hung himself from the ceiling and turned his arm to the right. When his fingers touched the soft object, he suddenly retracted his hand and waited in the silence for a moment.    


Ye Cheng held his breath, opened his golden eyes and looked at the soft object. A pair of black eyes met his eyes, and he saw himself within them.    




Ye Cheng's head could not turn at all. He had suspected that these faces that grew on the beams, might have something special about them, but when they really met face to face, that kind of fear was hard to explain.    


waved a hand in front of his eyes, the pupils did not move, nor did they blink, but this did not let Ye Cheng feel at ease. He quickly moved to another area, and after looking at more faces, he returned to his original spot. He gathered up his courage and reached his hands toward the face. As he grabbed the gap and pulled it up, his feet left the beam and fell down.    


In the beginning, both his hands and the human face had the ability to pull at each other, but with the momentum of his fall, the entire human face had been pulled off. Under the pressure of the fall, Ye Cheng fell heavily onto the ground, with the human face still in his hands.    


Several sounds came from above his head, it was as though something was rubbing against each other, making a rustling sound. Ye Cheng saw that the human faces were moving, and in the process, quite a few pieces of them fell. Ye Cheng picked up a piece of the skin, which was as soft as human skin. A sharp pain came from his left hand, the skin that was just torn off burst open, and cut open his finger to drip blood.    


There was a faint smell of blood in the air, Ye Cheng took a deep breath at his wounds, and when he looked again at the top of his head, the human faces had disappeared, as though they were right beside him. He could not see them, but he could feel them.    


"Come out!"    


Chi chi chi chi chi!    


The friction sound came and went, but it didn't exceed five meters. When it formed a ring, the sound suddenly went up and down. As the sound changed, the air in the hall became turbid. Ye Cheng didn't dare imagine what kind of strange creature the Golden Eyes couldn't see through, but with his knowledge, he was sure that this thing was something like a snake. It couldn't be a dragon, right?    


Ye Cheng suddenly laughed a few times. If this was really interesting, he didn't know if he could take a photo to remember. The self-decompression method was a little low, but it was effective, at least not as stressful.    


It was better to let things be as they were! Ye Cheng sunk down, with his sharp perception, he quickly found a gap.    


Unexpectedly, there were still living beings in this kind of place, Ye Cheng became excited immediately. He squatted down and propped himself up on the ground with both of his hands, and when the auras rushed over, he suddenly jumped up, his right leg kicked out as he raised his toes to sweep towards the enemy's head.    




Under the first strike, his right leg became numb, as if he had stuck himself to a rock. The other party had not received the slightest bit of damage, and instead, he was somewhat unable to match his strength. With a kick, Ye Cheng landed on the ground beside him.    


Isn't the image in front of me the Chi Lin? With its huge body and the strange cockatoo crown, it was basically a petrified Chi Lin!    


What kind of plane is this? Why is there a Gold Sun Divine Guardian Beast inside the Ghost Gate?    


Ye Cheng carefully moved closer to the shadow, he quietly went around to the front of the shadow, wanting to see the truth. The shadow very nimbly twisted its body, and swung its head towards where he was hiding.    


"F * ck, you even dare to attack your master. Do you want to get beaten up?" Ye Cheng snorted, he moved his feet up and down on the ground, understanding the character of the Chi Lin, thus he understood its weakness quite well, although it was a petrified version, it should be more or less the same!    


With that thought in mind, Ye Cheng had already arrived at the right wing of the Chi Lin, and fiercely swung out his fist towards a spot below his head.    


The mysterious man let out an arrogant voice as his huge head shook a few times. Then, he tilted to the left and his body slanted to the side. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Cheng jumped up once again, channeling all of his strength into his right fist and striking frequently at the point of impact. The shadow shook before falling to the ground with a thud.    


After a series of rumbling sounds, the hall was filled with many broken stones, what the Emptiness Realm looked like after falling, was exactly what the rocks looked like.    


Ye Cheng exhaled, the air in the hall became clear and turbid, the three heads and six arms of the Deep Pool in the middle split apart, and a new path appeared.    


A monolith inscription appeared in the path, blocking the way.    


The inscription was filled with strange words, it was impossible to tell when it was, but according to the words written on the stone tablet, Ye Cheng could not guess what it meant, but to move forward, he would have to pass through this inscription. Staring at the empty space around the monolith, it was sufficient for one person to walk sideways. But would it be that simple?    


Ye Cheng used the stone to probe around. Other than the sound of the stone colliding, there was nothing unusual happening in the tunnel. Normally, he would just pass by the stone tablet like this.    


After two trials, Ye Cheng stopped in front of the monument. The Ghost sect followed the six paths of reincarnation. If the first two stages were a test, then the starting point here would be the crossing point before the six paths. The choice would affect one's life and death.    


Life had to be kept secret, and death fell into the cycle of reincarnation?    


Ye Cheng was trapped in a dilemma. Looking at the pitch black path behind the monolith inscriptions, he decided to go around to the left and enter the darkness.    


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