The Romantic Soldier King



The Adjutant Wang remained silent. He silently endured Baiqi Haobo's anger, closing his eyes, waiting for the other party's fist at any time. However, his fist did not fall, as he was being pushed away forcefully.    


"From now on, don't show up in front of me again."    


"Hurry up and come up!"    


Adjutant Wang saluted and followed Baiqi Yushu into the study.    


Damn it!    


Baiqi Haobo clenched his fists tightly, he left his home without looking back, and drove back to his apartment in the city. Seeing Baiqi Mingchao sitting in his living room, accompanying his wife, he calmed his emotions down, then smiled and joined in.    


The servant brought tea and tea, and after chatting with the two of them for a while, called the Ming dynasty into the study.    


Everyone would be clear about what was happening at the residence area. Even though the Ming Dynasty was showing their side, they had their own views on the Adjutant Wang's betrayal.    


Who was Baiqi Yushu? Even if he was old, he still couldn't get rid of his craftiness. The Adjutant Wang had always been following Baiqi Haobo since he joined the army, and there were only a few reasons why he wanted to betray her. Baiqi Haobo was not worth him following, and secondly, it was impossible for him to gain benefits from it.    


Baiqi Haobo laughed out loud, a woman's words, were even more impossible than money. If he was unable to determine the Adjutant Wang's betrayal in these three points, then there was another answer.    


"Ming dynasty!" You are the only person in the Baiqi family that has been able to compare to this old man in recent years. I am proud of having a son like you, but I also do not wish for you to interfere in the affairs of the Copper Gate. " With the knot in his heart released, Baiqi Haobo's mood became more cheerful as well. "He is such a caring son, of course I don't want anything to happen to him." The matter regarding Zhang Wei earlier, I have already helped you get rid of it.    


"Is there really an elixir of immortality behind the bronze door?" Baiqi Mingchao changed the topic. He had always been interested in the secrets behind the copper door, especially when Ye Cheng returned from that place. He even had the thought of going in to investigate what it was all about. "Grandfather is so stubborn about that place. Dad, if there really is such a thing, we ?"    


"Hehe, how ridiculous! If there really was an immortal medicine in this world, then wouldn't the capital be Qin Shi Huang's home? Your grandfather has gone mad, don't go crazy with him. " Baiqi Haobo's face sank. Fuck, this is all a lie. Let's not talk about this first, I have a mission for you. "    


After the father and son whispered to each other for a long time, Baiqi Mingchao frowned. At a young age, he would sometimes shake his head at Baiqi Haobo's words while holding both of his hands. After a long while, he exhaled and said, "The old Buddha might not be that scary, but I feel that Ouyang Xiaoxiao is rather unfathomable."    


"What can a little child do? At the moment, the Old Buddha has decided. When he returns to the west, we can consider that kid. " Baiqi Haobo's words were full of contempt for Ouyang Xiaoxiao, he was like all the talented people looking down on small fries whose names were unknown, there was even disdain in his words. You have to remember, the people of the Gate of Heaven are not that scary. You are my son, and you will be the one standing at the top in the future.    


Baiqi Mingchao lifted the corner of his mouth and revealed a smile. He completely agreed with this point, but he was not as complacent as Baiqi Haobo. I understand father's good intentions, but I want to take the opportunity of the bronze door to prove my strength. "    


"You still want to go?"    


"Grandfather is already prejudiced against Father. If I am unable to return successfully this time, I'm afraid that even I will lose to Second Uncle and the others. That's why I took the liberty to come here. I am willing to travel in Father's stead."    




"Dad!" Baiqi family cannot live without you. If even you fall, what hope does Earth Gate have, so let me go. "    


Baiqi Haobo's pupils violently contracted, and after weighing the pros and cons, he finally nodded his head and agreed. I will send you the best soldiers. You must be careful not to act rashly. I think that this old man will let the Adjutant Wang pass. If he is really like you said, and you are going, I can be at ease. "    


Baiqi Mingchao's eyes flashed, the flames hidden in his lower abdomen started to throb, suppressing the excitement in his blood vessels. He got up and bid his farewells, went back to prepare, and left two days later.    


In the capital city after the winter, the haze was quite heavy. Sometimes, when one woke up early in the morning, the entire sky was misty. Even in the afternoon, the sun could still not be seen behind the haze.    


Early in the morning, before the sky was completely dark, a group of carriages majestically left the city center. As they passed the toll station, the carriages entered a special route that quickly reached the highway.    


When the carriage disappeared, a Buick that had stopped on the other side of the isolation line slowly drove off, returning all the way back to the East Side. Butler Fu hurriedly got off the carriage, and quickly walked into the study room. Small Fifth Lord, we have already set out. This time, we are bringing along the Adjutant Wang, through a special channel. "    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao put down the ancient book in his hand, he charmingly glanced at the butler, and revealed his white teeth while chuckling. Good! Old dog Bai Qi is finally unable to hold himself back! "    


"Young Master Sun ?" "Yes!" Steward Fu saw Ouyang's expression change and immediately changed his words. Small Fifth Lord is Baiqi Haobo's man, why would he do anything for Baiqi Yushu? "    


"Old Fu, as the butler of the mansion, why are you asking this question?"    


Butler Fu laughed. I am a servant, about the matters regarding the masters, we were the ones to comment on, just that Ye Cheng already came back from somewhere, even if there is a secret behind the bronze door, it would have already been emptied out, Baiqi Yushu did not send people over to look for trouble! "    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao put down the ancient book, took out a Haemonchus nigricans from a ceramic pot and placed it into the large glass jar. After cutting open the blood under the finger, the lid was closed, and after staring at the worms that had drank enough blood, their stomachs would expand and become transparent. Butler, let me ask you, ever since Ye Cheng returned, have you left the North Side? "    


"No, I'm only staying in the Aromatic cloud. Otherwise, I would be staying in a villa and rarely leave the North Side. What's wrong with that?"    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao chuckled twice. That Fourth Aunt of mine has never done any kind of earth-shattering things in his life. This time around, she is really putting in a lot of effort and giving it her all. Even though she was a bit reckless, she gave me a chance! That pair of old geezers from the An clan could fight with my family's old man at any time, so if you are Ye Cheng, what will happen to you? "    


"I will help the An clan get rid of the East Side, and then after that, I will take care of the An clan and deal with the South Side."    


"Smart! But he wouldn't do that! "    


"Anyways, Ye Cheng right now is a little strange, send someone to monitor over there! Even when he's on the main account, he's got to report it. "    


"Small Fifth Lord, this is a bit of a heavy taste, ah!" Butler Fu was hit by a sudden fan, causing him to cry out while rubbing his forehead. Don't you think that everything can be monitored? "    


"I only want 24 hours of precision, let the people there to prepare, I'm going to go see my cute Fourth Aunt."    


The fog began to dissipate and a rare blue sky appeared in the sky. However, this good weather did not last long and only lasted for a short two to three hours. The sun had hidden itself into the clouds, and although the sky was not covered by the thick clouds, there was no sunlight.    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao appeared in the office of Municipal Bureau's bureau chief, bringing with him the Buddha's orders.    


The Son of Heaven offends the common punishment!    


Kong Xiang did not hesitate and immediately sent people to the East Side to bring Ouyang Linghan back.    


"Small Fifth Lord, will the Buddha really do it?"    


"Bureau Chief Kong, do you mean to say that the Buddha is doing favoritism for personal gain?" Ouyang Xiaoxiao crossed his long legs, his two hands supporting himself on the armrest of the sofa. His ten fingers supported his chest with great strength. In Bureau Chief Kong's heart, is doing something like this for our East Side? "    


How would Kong Xiang dare to admit it? He hurriedly changed his words: "There was always a special investigation team in charge of the West Side's bombing, that's why I asked you this question. I'm just worried that if the case is not solved, it will involve the Fourth Miss. No matter what you say, I won't listen. How can someone as gentle and virtuous as Fourth Miss kill someone! "    


"Hehe." Ou Shi and Xiao Xiao raised the corner of their mouths and smiled. I also do not believe that Fourth Aunt would do such a thing, so I ask Bureau Chief Kong to put in a lot of effort to catch the real culprit as soon as possible and restore my Fourth Aunt's innocence. "    


Before Ouyang Xiaoxiao left the Municipal Bureau, Kong Xiang's men were already in his residence. They had brought along their orders and came to discuss the matter, but they did not expect the other party to be so cooperative. They only said that they were going to make preparations, and nothing difficult had happened.    


After Ouyang Linghan took a bath, he changed into clean clothes and blew dry his hair before leaving the residence with the people from Municipal Bureau.    


It was unknown who leaked the news, but the moment Ouyang Linghan stepped out of the door, a bright light shone in front of her eyes. With no one coming out to stop her, the camera recorded her shock.    


Under the influence of several consecutive days of public opinion, Municipal Bureau finally took action. With the Chief of the Municipal Bureau personally giving the order to arrest Ouyang Linghan, in the next few days, the investigation of the explosion in the West Side would be reopened.    


In the Aromatic cloud, Sang Huihui, Chen Luoxue and An Ningxuan sat together as they watched the news. On the second day of coming back from the mountains, everyone's nerves had tensed to the breaking point, if not for their strong restraining power, perhaps everyone present would have rushed into the mountains to look for someone.    


An Ningxuan lifted her curly hair and looked at Sang Huihui: "This is good news, to An Taining, East Side has given him a good explanation this time."    


"I just want to know what you're thinking. Since Ye Cheng isn't here, we should be very pressured on that side."    


An Ningxuan shook his head. After returning from Ye Cheng's place, their movements were a little strange. For the time being, they could not see their motive, but An Gaohan was already secretly investigating.    


"You siblings are really ?" Sang Huihui wanted to say something but hesitated. There were indeed very few siblings who were as cold-blooded as him, and deep down in his heart, he couldn't wait for something to happen at home. Now that the South Side and the East Side have started to act in succession, we can only make second-hand preparations. If by any chance, Ye Cheng will not return, the North Side will have to hold on as well. "    


Everyone fell silent. No one was willing to believe this truth, but the truth was often more cruel than their expectations.    


"He'll definitely come back!" Ye Chen suddenly stood up and walked towards the window. Facing the sky outside the window, he looked down at the ground from a high vantage point. I am sure he will come back. "    


The starry sky spun, and night fell.    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao did not bother to drive a van in front. After a while, he threw a snake skin bag out of the van and the van left immediately.    


After the bodyguard ran out to unlock it, he was immediately intimidated by what was inside.    


Butler Fu came to the door after he received the news. He looked at the snakeskin bag with a gloomy face. He ordered the bag to be sent to the basement before he went to his study to report.    




"The men that were sent were all sent back in pieces. I've already ordered some people to send them to the basement."    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao stood up, pushed Butler Fu aside and rushed into the basement.    


The dark room was filled with the smell of blood. The corpses that had been sent in were arranged according to the structure of the human body on two long tables. Under the light of the operation, the parts could clearly be seen ?    


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