The Romantic Soldier King



Ouyang Linghan was like a trapped beast that had fallen into a hunter's trap. Her struggling and crying cry was useless, the needle pierced into the vein, and in a few seconds, she lost consciousness and became at the mercy of others.    


The appraisal time was a bit long, Ouyang Qichen was fidgety outside, he had a feeling that something was going to happen. He paced back and forth in the corridor, but Li Dazhuang walked over to comfort him, looking a little absent-minded.    


The sound of clattering footsteps came from afar as Han Qian hurriedly ran in with his briefcase. He had just finished his case regarding the illegal building in Area C of the North Side when he received the news and rushed over.    


When Li Dazhuang saw Han, he could not help but stand up and find an excuse to leave.    


Han Qian was the first to block his path, he asked Ouyang Qichen: "Li Dazhuang, as the defense lawyer, why didn't I receive the relevant documents?"    


"Don't you feel bad for Lawyer Han? Li Dazhuang, didn't you say that there was a lawsuit in the Lawyer Han defending and that's why we did not rush over? When Ouyang Qichen saw the two words "idle person stop," his scalp went numb. Ouyang Xiaoxiao, what do you want to do with Ling Han? "Let me in."    


"second grandpa, don't worry, we are only bringing the Fourth Miss for an appraisal and won't do anything to her! And if it turns out that she has some kind of mental illness, she'll be saved. " Li Dazhuang pulled Ouyang Qichen to the side, and after she whispered a few sentences into his ear, she finally turned to Han Qian. Lawyer Han, even though the Fourth Miss has entrusted the task to you, I am still your imperial lawyer. "    


Han became confused, then moved his hands to the side. OK! Since Li Dazhuang said so, then I will just stay on the side. I don't care about the matters of your Ouyang family, but Miss Ouyang is my client, I can at least say a few words about that! "    


"Our Ouyang family has never recognized you as Fourth Miss's lawyer!" Li Dazhuang said in a low voice, with a good deal of detail. Lawyer Han, you better not ruin your reputation that you've built up with great difficulty just because of a small loss. "    


"Is Li Dazhuang threatening me?"    


"Lawyer Han is getting serious, I am just stating my position."    


As the two fought, the door was pushed open and a man in a white coat walked out. Who is Ouyang Linghan's family, the result is out. "    


Ouyang Qichen was the first to take action, the result was an appraisal report, and after seeing the stamp, he heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Li Dazhuang, does this appraisal have an authoritative effect?" Ouyang Qichen immediately pushed Han Qian to the side, his eyes shining with hope. According to the results, Ouyang Linghan did indeed have a mental illness.    


Li Dazhuang nodded his head and kept the documents. With this, I will succeed by half, and next, as long as Fourth Miss cooperates with me, there will be no problem. second grandpa, I will go back to prepare first, you just have to wait for the good news! "    


After Li Dazhuang left, Ouyang Qichen walked toward Han Qinghu in embarrassment. Just as he was about to speak, Ouyang Xiaoxiao came out with Ouyang Linghan. Second Uncle! "    


"It's all thanks to you this time."    


"I've already said that we're one family. Now, you can rest assured!"    


Ouyang Qichen nodded, he wanted to go up and give Ouyang Linghan a hug, but he was stopped by the policewoman at the side.    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao walked past Han Qian and revealed a mocking smile, then walked down the stairs.    


"Lawyer Han, help me thank Ye Cheng!"    


"second grandpa, pray for yourself!"    


Ouyang Qichen thought that Han was angry, and he felt that he could no longer hold back. He wanted to say some words that would almost be pleasant to listen to, if he was prepared to be on good terms with Han in the future. However, Han Bei abruptly turned and left in front of him.    


Ouyang Qichen, who was not pleasing to both sides, took a deep breath. The most important thing for him to do now was to urge Ouyang Xiaoxiao to bring out the Spirit Cold. As the saying goes, strike the iron while it's hot, do not delay it at all in order to prevent unnecessary complications.    


Thinking about it, Ouyang Qichen walked out of the appraisal office quickly. He found out that Ouyang Xiaoxiao's car was parked by the side of the road, and Yu Feng, who had been missing for a long time, leaned on the door of the car, waiting for him to come out.    


"second grandpa, please get on the carriage. Small Fifth Lord has something to say."    


Just in time, Ouyang Qichen got into the car, but before he could even sit properly, the car had already started, causing him to almost hit his head.    


"Yu Feng, how do you drive? Did you not see that Second Uncle is not sitting steadily? " Ouyang Xiaoxiao shouted to Yu Feng in front.    


Ouyang Qichen did not speak. He buckled up his seat belt and did not speak any more grateful words.    


"Second Uncle! "There's something I need to say to you first, so that you won't have any objections towards me in the future."    


"As long as you can get Ling Han out of there, I will fully support your position as the head of the sect."    


"Then I'll thank Second Uncle first!" Ouyang Xiaoxiao smirked. The reason why this assessment could produce an unexpected result was all thanks to the preparations made by the Second Uncle in advance. You also know that there are many rumors going on about the explosion in West Side outside, which caused many negative factors. In order to stop them from talking, in order to save Ouyang family's reputation, I have to suffer for a long time. "    


"What do you mean?"    


Ouyang Xiaoxiao laughed twice. As for the patients, they always needed treatment! Don't you think so? Second Uncle! "    


"Your Fourth Aunt is not sick!"    


"I have already found a sanatorium at the east mountain. Second Uncle will visit the Fourth Aunt at any time. The air there is good and clean, if you wish to stay with Fourth Aunt, you can also find a place to stay. "    


Ouyang Qichen raised his eyebrows. In other words, there was no room for negotiation? Small Fifth Lord wants to take this opportunity to win over this old man? "    


"Second Uncle is overthinking. In fact, looking at the current situation, the presence or absence of you does not really affect me. The Buddha has gone out to recuperate. Do you want to stay behind in the capital like Uncle? "    


Ouyang Qichen laughed out loud. If you go out and recuperate for a period of time, then when will your Fourth Aunt be able to come out? "    


"Any time!"    


Ouyang Qichen became silent, the Buddha's tacit agreement had already explained everything. The Gate of Heaven was Ouyang Xiaoxiao's future, and if he were to take any move now, he might end up playing a dead game.    


Once the report was out, Li Dazhuang spent a lot of time walking around the Municipal Bureau. He busied himself for two days before he finished what he needed to do. On the third day, Ouyang Linghan released Ouyang Linghan and took him away.    


The police had not ruled out Ouyang Linghan's suspicion. Under twenty-four hours of surveillance, those who were released had no privacy at all.    


The boulder in Ouyang Qichen's heart finally dropped. Now that he had caught the murderer who wrote the confession, the explosion in West Side would be the true end.    


After asking Ouyang Xiaoxiao a few times but to no avail, Ouyang Qichen slowly forgot about this matter. It was only one day when the Municipal Bureau's investigation team came knocking again, did he realize that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.    


From the drawing, Ouyang Qichen recognized one of the perpetrators, but he could not admit it. After sending the policemen out, he had Lonely Bear go to Zhiheng Group to find Ouyang Xiaoxiao, but to no avail. He had even been chased out by the security guards.    


Lonely Bear was one of Ouyang Qichen's men. Not only did he lose face by being chased out of Zhiheng Group by a few security guards in front of a crowd, he also reminded of his master's position in the Ouyang family.    


Ouyang Qichen pulled the curtains. Ever since Ouyang Linghan had been sent to the sanatorium, there had been a lot of spies outside the door. They were all Ouyang Xiaoxiao's subordinates, and had wanted to visit the sanatorium several times, but had been rejected by various reasons.    


If not for Ouyang Qichen's orders to not easily offend Ouyang Xiaoxiao, how could those bodyguards be his match? " Master, if this goes on, Miss will probably be in danger. "    


What was Ouyang Xiaoxiao planning?    


Without the Old Buddha at the helm of the Zhiheng Group, many family enterprises would complain about the Zhiheng Group that was being led by Ouyang Xiaoxiao. The projects that were drawn up under Ouyang Linghan's control had their profits reduced by 10% or even their waists, no matter if you accept them or not, if you want to cooperate, you have to follow the new rules. Most of the businesses could only accept them, some of the stronger groups would rather break the rules and look for others to cooperate with them than to continue cooperating.    


Facing such a threat, Ouyang Xiaoxiao did not have any expression at all, he did not care about the opinions of the outside world, he still acted according to his own wishes, and as a result, after Ouyang Xiongyan's many attempts to persuade him, he was kicked out of the office. As an executive director, he no longer had any rights in the Zhiheng Group, and any problems that the executives of the board of directors had were reported to him through the CEO's secretary, they crossed over to Ouyang Xiongyan and completely emptied him out.    


In comparison, Ouyang Xiaoxiao's attitude towards Ouyang Qichen was much better, this might have something to do with him not having actual power. The only Ouyang Linghan who could fight against it was already under house arrest. East Side without the Old Buddha had completely become Ouyang Xiaoxiao's world.    


The chaos in one city was watched by the three cities.    


After Ouyang Linghan was released, An Taining who should have made the most move, seemed like an unlucky person who had suffered a loss from a mute. He did not say a single word.    


Compared to the peace of the West Side, the South Side had a lot of small movements, but they were all in his own territory and could not be controlled by outsiders.    


There seemed to be no direct connection between the two criminal cases, but there was a sense of targeting.    


Furthermore, they had committed multiple crimes in the past few days. The officers of the South City Division had already paid close attention to these people, and were prepared to join forces with their colleagues in the Municipal Bureau to eliminate them in one fell swoop.    


According to the wanted posters that were posted on the South Side, one of them was similar to the person in the portrait sent by the Municipal Bureau. He was around seventeen or eighteen years old, and some recognized him as one of the four flags of the East Side.    


The one who escaped from the ground was Ouyang Linghan's man, the person under him appeared at the scene of the crime, it was suspected that he was the murderer, so was there someone behind him? Ouyang Linghan who had just been released became an important suspect once again.    


The focus of attention was quickly denied by the people of the South City Division. In order to catch the culprit, all the information related to the crime was suppressed, and the control system unknowingly unfolded. Until the end, no one would know who the real culprit was.    


The two cars, one in front and one behind, drove on the winding road. They arrived at the temple on the mountainside.    


An old man alighted from the carriage, walking into the temple with a cane supported by a servant.    


In the Buddhist Mansion at the back of the Great Hall, the Old Buddha and the host were playing chess in the courtyard. After Baiqi Yushu walked in, the master got up and bade farewell, and ordered the young monk to bring tea.    


"Brother Yushu, why did you come here to drink tea with me!"    


"The Buddha has such an elegant mind. It must have been hard on an old man like me, and he still has to ride a few hours' drive to visit."    


The Old Buddha laughed out loud and waved towards Ah Long, who then closed the door.    


There was a faint fragrance of sandalwood in the meditation room.    


"You never visit the Three Treasures Palace for no reason. Did something happen in the capital?"    


"It's not that big of a deal, there's a lot of complaints! However, I am not here to gossip, but for this. " Baiqi Yushu said as he placed a file in front of the old Buddha. Recently, our South Side was not peaceful either. There were a few major criminal cases, and among them, there was one criminal who looked similar to one of the underground elementalists.    


"There is no need to read the contents. The old Buddha lit up her pipe and took a puff." You just want to ask, why would people from our East Side run over to the South Side to commit crimes? "    


"We have been brothers for decades. I understand your character! Why would such a criticism appear in your hands? I was just worried that someone would use the explosion in West Side to annex all four cities! "    


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