The Romantic Soldier King



"Ye Cheng patted Lu Mengzhu's back softly with a doting look on her face. "Didn't I miss you? That's why I came to see you."    


The girl who drew was Lu Mengyang's little sister, Lu Mengzhu. Ye Cheng also didn't think that he would meet her here. Ye Cheng had gone to Lu Mengyang's old home twice before, and adding that he had to attend Lu Mengyang's funeral, they had met Lu Mengzhu three times in total, so they were very familiar with each other.    


Lu Mengzhu asked happily: Aren't you a soldier? How can you have the time to come specially to see me? In the past, Lu Mengyang's family only knew that Lu Mengyang was serving as a soldier.    


Bitterness rose in Ye Cheng's heart, and on the surface he said easily: "I'm out of the army, I'm now working at a business in Eastsea City."    


"You came to work at Eastsea City's company. That's great, I'll see you more often in the future." After the surprise, Lu Mengzhu reacted and could not help but ask: "Big brother Ye Cheng, why did you retire?"    


"If you don't want to, then leave the army." Ye Cheng did not want to tell the truth, in case Lu Mengzhu would think of his brother Lu Mengyang and be sad.    


Lei Zijin looked at Lu Mengzhu's spoiled look in Ye Cheng's arms and felt envy and jealousy in his heart. He calmed his heart and said, "Meng Zhu, is this your friend? "Also not introducing me."    


Lu Mengzhu loosened his arms that were wrapped around Ye Cheng's neck, and turned around to embrace elder brother Ye's arms in a intimate manner. Lei Zijin, let me solemnly introduce him to you. He is my fianc?, Ye Cheng. "    


Ye Cheng laughed bitterly. Indeed, when Lu Mengyang was alive, he had mentioned this in front of the two of them, that he wanted to introduce his little sister, Lu Mengzhu, to Ye Cheng as a partner. At that time, Lu Mengzhu mischievously agreed, but Ye Cheng treated it as a joke and laughed it off. He thought to himself: Could this little girl be serious?    


Lei Zijin's expression became extremely ugly as he reluctantly extended his hand and said, "Hello, I'm Meng Zhu's friend, Lei Zijin."    


"Hello, nice to meet you." Ye Cheng also extended his hand out.    


The instant the two hands clasped each other, Lei Zijin suddenly exerted force with his hands. He had never heard that Lu Mengzhu had a fiance before, and hearing this news was extremely uncomfortable. When he used all of his strength, he discovered that his hand was still the same as holding onto a metal hand. No matter how hard he tried, Ye Cheng's hand still remained the same.    


Ye Cheng immediately understood: This brat is Meng Zhu's pursuer, he has treated me as his rival in love. Ye Cheng maintained a bright smile on his face as he ridiculed openly and secretly, "For Meng Zhu to have a friend like you, it is really her honor."    


Lu Mengzhu pouted her lips, and said in a tender voice: "He and I are not even considered normal friends, Big Brother Ye Cheng, you better not be jealous!"    


Lei Zijin blushed and embarrassedly let go of her hand. "Then I won't bother you guys anymore. Goodbye!" He shot an uncertain glance at Ye Cheng, and turned to leave.    


Ye Cheng reached out and scratched Lu Mengyang's cute little nose, "What the hell are you doing now, when did I become your fiance again?"    


Lu Mengyang stuck out her pink tongue and playfully said: "That Lei Zijin is so annoying, coming to bother me everyday. Since you came at the right time, you can be my shield. "    


Ye Cheng said helplessly: "You, ah, are still that naughty."    


Lu Mengyang blinked his clear eyes and looked at Jiang Chuyao, asking: "Big Brother Ye Cheng, is this beauty your friend?"    


Ye Cheng said: "It's all because of you, I forgot to introduce you. She is my friend Jiang Chuyao, a first year university student. You, as a senior, must take care of her as much as possible. "    


Jiang Chuyao took the initiative to greet her, "Greetings senior sister!"    


Lu Mengzhu laughed: "I am a graphic design major, if junior has any problems in the future, you can look for me. It's almost noon, I'll treat you guys to a meal! "    


Jiang Chuyao said peacefully: "I've already made an appointment with my classmates to go eat dinner, so I can't accompany you guys this time, I'll treat you guys to next time."    


After Jiang Chuyao left, Ye Cheng helped to pack up, picked up his drawing board, and followed Lu Mengzhu out of the Dawn Garden.    


Lu Mengzhu laughed slyly: "Big Brother Ye Cheng, what is your relationship with that beautiful junior sister? How do you know each other? "    


Ye Cheng replied briefly: "I'm just an ordinary friend, I got to know you through friends."    


"Humph!" Lu Mengzhu was a little dissatisfied: "You and her are just normal friends, you didn't even come to see me first, and actually went to find her."    


Ye Cheng knew the temper of this little girl. She was a great lady when she was young and when she was angry she was an unreasonable young miss. He hastily explained, "I specifically came to see you, but I don't know the location of your department, so I asked her to lead the way."    


Lu Mengzhu said angrily: "Liar, you won't call me!"    


Ye Cheng raved: "I didn't call you because I wanted to surprise you."    


Lu Mengzhu immediately beamed with joy, and said happily: "He has indeed given me a great surprise, but you didn't know, that when you suddenly appeared in front of me, I thought you were dreaming!"    


Finally, he managed to fool her. Ye Cheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief.    


Lu Mengzhu asked: "Big brother Ye Cheng, where is your company working? I have time to play with you. "    


Ye Cheng said: "In the Trade and Industry Center, Winning Group, I am now the deputy director of the Personnel Department."    


"You're still in charge of personnel? That's great." Lu Mengzhu said joyfully: "In the future, I want to go to your company to work, remember to leave me a spot in advance."    


"If you like, I'll bring you in even if I have to sell everything." As the younger sister of a life and death brother, Ye Cheng would think of ways to get anything for her.    


Lu Mengzhu reached out and grabbed Ye Cheng's arm, then said with glee: "Big Brother Ye Cheng is still the best!"    


The two of them walked out of the campus and went straight to a seemingly high-class restaurant opposite the school. The interior of the restaurant was decorated with an ancient style. Many students from wealthy families would often come here to eat.    


There were still more than half an hour before the official lunch time. There weren't many guests in the restaurant. Lu Mengzhu found a quiet corner and after ordering some food, he started to casually chat with Ye Cheng. As if they had made an agreement, neither of them took the initiative to bring up the dead Lu Mengyang.    


As time passed, the number of customers in the shop gradually increased, and most of them were students from nearby. Business in the restaurant was booming, and soon the restaurant was overcrowded.    


Ye Cheng looked around and casually said: "This restaurant's business is quite good."    


Lu Mengzhu nodded his head, "It's almost summer vacation time and the seniors are about to leave school. Many people will come here to gather, it's not good if they don't get angry."    


Just then, three beautiful girls walked into the restaurant. The one leading them was Tang Sisi, who followed behind her.    


"Tang Sisi saw that there were so many people in the restaurant and could not help but frown. Oops, there's no space if we're late! " Her large watery eyes scanned the dining table, and as if she had discovered a new continent, she pointed excitedly at a corner, "There's a couple over there, let's go over there and talk about getting a table with them."    


Passing through the tables, Tang Sisi finally saw clearly that the person eating at the table was actually Ye Cheng. When he saw the great beauty sitting beside Ye Cheng, he immediately became angry. She strode to the dining table, crossed her hands on her small waist and angrily said: "Ye Cheng you stinking brat, you dare to carry Xiao Yao to invite another girl to dinner, you're dead for sure."    


Ye Cheng raised his head and saw that it was Tang Sisi. Jiang Chuyao and Xu Shuilan also walked over, and hurriedly greeted, "What a coincidence, we can even meet after eating." As for Tang Sisi's anger, he completely ignored it.    


Jiang Chuyao said: "I knew that the elder brother Ye and senior would also come here to eat, so I called you all here."    


Tang Sisi saw that he was being ignored by Ye Cheng, so he slapped the table and snorted: "Being hit by us, let's see how you explain this to Xiao Yao!"    


Ye Cheng once again ignored Tang Sisi's words, called for the three of them to sit, and asked the waiter to add a few more dishes.    


Tang Sisi ruthlessly kicked Ye Cheng under the table. Seeing that you dare to ignore me, he glared at Lu Mengzhu and asked: "Hey, who is she?"    


This little girl looked pretty cute. She really didn't know how to be polite. Without waiting for Ye Cheng's reply, Lu Mengzhu hurriedly replied, "I'm Big Brother Ye Cheng's fiancee, Lu Mengzhu."    


"You playboy, you still want to find Xiao Yao to be your girlfriend when you have a fiancee?" Tang Sisi ruthlessly kicked Ye Cheng again.    


Jiang Chuyao held onto Tang Sisi's clothes and said, "Sisi, don't speak nonsense."    


Ye Cheng was confused, no one knew what he was thinking, but when Lu Mengzhu had a temper, he seemed to be unreasonable and unreasonable, making the two of them really fight each other. He rubbed his thigh and looked towards Xu Shuilan for help.    


Xu Shuilan thought that Lu Mengzhu was really Ye Cheng's fiancee and said seriously, "Sisi, stop messing around. Back then, in order to teach Cao Jinsheng a lesson, Ye Cheng and Xiao Yao pretended to be lovers.    


Tang Sisi looked at Xu Shuilan with wide eyes: "Really? Then why didn't you tell me before? "    


Xu Shuilan explained: "I didn't tell you at the beginning because I was afraid that you would speak nonsense. After settling Cao Jinsheng's problem, I forgot about this matter. " Her few words were all purposely said for Lu Mengzhu to hear, in case there was a misunderstanding.    


Tang Sisi glared at Ye Cheng again, "Truthfully, it seems like Xiao Yao has really fallen for you, you bad guy, you must take responsibility for Xiao Yao."    


Jiang Chuyao's pure and pure face suddenly flushed red, as she said bashfully: "Sisi, I beg you, please don't speak nonsense, I did not ? I like the elder brother Ye. "    


A sly look flashed across Lu Mengzhu's eyes as he said generously, "Junior sister, it's fine even if you fall for Big Brother Ye Cheng. We're not married yet, you can all compete fairly."    


Ye Cheng sweated profusely, "It's all something that comes from nothing. Let's stop here and eat, everyone."    


Lu Mengzhu laid on the ground beside Ye Cheng's ear, breathing heavily as he muttered: "Big Brother Ye Cheng, I was helping you, it seems that beautiful junior had really fallen for you."    


Ye Cheng glared at her, and said in a low voice: "Quickly eat, don't mess around with me."    


Lu Mengzhu bit her lips: "Don't tell me you don't want me to be your girlfriend?"    


Ye Cheng's heart skipped a beat. The joke he had made back then, could this girl be serious? He vaguely replied, "It's not up to me to decide whether to eat or not."    


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