The Romantic Soldier King



Xiao Lin was very worried about his mother's safety. He paced back and forth in front of the emergency room anxiously.    


Wu Jingyi saw that Xiao Lin was frowning, and was also worried in his heart. He comforted, "Xiao Lin, don't worry, Auntie Liu will definitely be fine."    


"Thank you!" Xiao Lin's mind was in a mess, he prayed silently that his mother would be safe and sound.    


Ye Cheng could tell that his brother Wu Zi seemed to really like Xiao Lin and especially gave him the conditions to do so. He quietly pulled Lu Mengzhu out of the emergency hall and went outside. He took a cigarette out of his pocket and held it in his mouth.    


"Big brother, let me order for you." Lu Mengzhu snatched the lighter from Ye Cheng's hands and obediently lit the cigarette for him.    


Ye Cheng took a deep breath, and light smoke lingered around his mouth and nose. He carefully recalled the development of the riots at the roadside stalls. He felt that things had happened too quickly, as if someone was pushing them from behind the scenes. Was the mastermind really targeting me, or was he planning a riot?    


Just before the end of a cigarette, sirens and ambulances sounded in the street outside the hospital, and there was more than one car. This hospital was the closest one to the scene of the accident. The injured Town Security and the Town Security would very likely be sent to this place as well.    


Ye Cheng told Lu Mengzhu to find Xiao Lin, as an excuse as he had something to do, and as he hid, he secretly observed the situation. He hoped to discover some suspicious people and prove his guess.    


As the sirens grew closer, two police cars and several ambulances arrived at the hospital. A group of doctors and nurses in white coats pushed carts to and fro, treating the wounded nervously and in an orderly manner.    


Hiding in the shadows, Ye Cheng saw the crying accomplices being pushed into the hospital one by one. Some of the policemen maintained order and he also saw An Ningxuan among them, but he did not see anyone suspicious.    


Captain Hao, who had been beaten into the shape of a pig's head, was also pushed down from the ambulance. The doctor in charge of the medical care shouted, "Give way, this patient's condition is serious.    


Ye Cheng saw that the Captain Hao's breathing was extremely weak, like a candle in the wind that could die at any time. He felt that it was very strange. His punches could not even take the life of this city manager. At most, he would recover after a few months.    


He quietly retreated out of the dark shadows to a flower bed where there was no one around and took out his phone to call An Ningxuan. "You should pay close attention to the condition of that big-bellied Town Security."    


"It's you." An Ningxuan glanced at the policemen beside him from the corner of his eyes. Seeing that no one had noticed him, he quietly walked to the quiet corner. Where are you? The Town Security wants to sue you for obstructing the law, violently defying the law, inflicting heavy injuries on people, and planning and instigating a popular riot. What exactly is going on? "    


"I'm in the hospital." Ye Cheng believed that with his identity as An Ningxuan's secret agent, he would not sell out his whereabouts to the police, so he boldly revealed his location in exchange for her trust in him. "I will only act when I can't stand watching the Town Security enforce the law so violent. As for the incitement of the people, it has nothing to do with me."    


Although An Ningxuan had only interacted with him a few times and hated him a lot, she felt that Ye Cheng had no motive or reason to plan a riot. If this was all planned on purpose, then there must be someone else. She said, "The scene of the riot near the Donghai University has been initially controlled by the police. The police will investigate any suspicious people. You are too good at causing trouble, and the matter of you hitting the Deputy Director has not been resolved. Furthermore, you beat up the Town Security, so I think that the National Security Agency may not be able to protect you. "    


"Thank you for worrying about me!"    


"Pah! Who's worrying about you? Stop thinking too much."    


After Ye Cheng teased him, he seriously said: "I suspect that there is someone else secretly stirring up trouble here. Help me investigate the identities of the injured and hospitalized Town Security members and make sure to pay attention to the situation of the Town Security."    


"The captain of the Town Security was called Hao Tengshun, the younger brother of Deputy Director Hao Tengda. According to the doctor, he may well be in mortal danger. " An Ningxuan knew that this was not the time to be mad at Ye Cheng and used the shortest amount of time to tell him the most useful information. I will immediately go and find out the identities of those people. "    


Just as Ye Cheng hung up, Lu Mengzhu called. Big brother Ye Cheng, Auntie Liu has already come out from the emergency room. "    


"How is she?" Ye Cheng asked.    


Lu Mengzhu replied, "It's not life threatening, but it needs to be treated through observation."    


Ye Cheng said: "Oh, Meng Zhu, if you don't have anything to do, take a cab back to school. Be careful on the way back."    


"Big brother, aren't you going to send me off?" Lu Mengzhu was a little dissatisfied.    


"I have something urgent to take care of right now, so I can't give it to you. You have to be careful on the road." Ye Cheng had already been targeted by the police, so now was not the time to reveal himself.    


"Alright, brother, you be careful too." Lu Mengzhu reluctantly hung up the phone, and after greeting Xiao Lin, he left the hospital alone.    


Ye Cheng hid in a dark corner as he watched Lu Mengzhu get into the taxi.    


Not long after Lu Mengzhu left, the phone in Ye Cheng's pocket vibrated, and he quickly picked it up.    


An Ningxuan's urgent voice came out of the phone, "Not good, Hao Teng died along with the others."    


Ye Cheng was shocked: "How did he die?"    


An Ningxuan replied softly, "The doctor reported that his heart was broken due to a heavy punch. The police notified the doctor to do a concrete death appraisal. "The riot has alerted the higher ups of the city committee and police station, ordering them to investigate this matter. As the most suspicious one is you, the police have officially begun to hunt you down."    


Ye Cheng predicted that he would definitely be the main suspect, so he teased: "Don't tell me you already betrayed me?"    


An Ningxuan gritted his teeth: "I can't wait to report your location to the police right now."    


"Then why aren't you going?" Ye Cheng was confident, even if the police really wanted to capture him, it would not be easy.    


"If it wasn't for Chief Zhao's order, I wouldn't even care about your life." With the orders from the higher ups, An Ningxuan was helpless to do anything to Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng asked: "What order did Chief Zhao give?"    


An Ningxuan did not conceal anything and directly said: "All of Six Departments of State Security's special agents in Eastsea City will guarantee your safety, you cannot fall into the hands of the police."    


Ye Cheng laughed: "Seems like Chief Zhao has treated me pretty well!"    


Chief Zhao was not worried about Ye Cheng's safety, but was worried that Ye Cheng would be unfairly treated by the police. With Ye Cheng's personality, if he got angry, would definitely fight back with all his might, and the person who would be in trouble would naturally be the police. In the event that the matter went awry, it would not end well.    


An Ningxuan said: "I advise you to leave the hospital as soon as possible. When someone saw you entering the hospital, the police had already started investigating everywhere, you should take care of yourself!"    


"Alright, I'll leave immediately." With An Ningxuan as his spy, Ye Cheng could be said to be extremely familiar with the actions of the police, making it even easier for him to escape.    


Ye Cheng looked at the entrance of the hospital, there were already a few policemen guarding it. The back door had probably been targeted, so it seemed like they could only leave from somewhere else.    


The sounds of sirens and quarrels in the hospital streets were getting louder and louder. The hospital that had just quieted down was once again in an uproar. Pickups and vans followed one after the other, driving into the hospital compound and blocking the entrance to the hospital so quickly that not even a drop of water could leak out.    


The doors of the car opened, and all the uniformed Town Security jumped out, chanting the slogan: To seek justice for Comrade Martyr Hao Tengshun, demanding that the police severely punish the culprit.    


"These Town Security members are really unreasonable. They actually dared to demonstrate and attack the hospital in order to deal with me." Ye Cheng quietly left along with the darkness at the corner of the wall.    


Since there was a commotion in China, there was never a lack of onlookers. More and more people gathered outside the hospital's gate, bustling with noise and excitement.    


Previously, most of the police officers had gone to resolve the riots near the Donghai University. Some of the militants had been arrested and brought to the police station, so the police force in the hospital was not strong enough to handle a large number of police officers.    


After putting in a group of city guards, the automatic iron fence door of the hospital had already closed. More than ten security guards and police formed a human wall behind the iron fence, trying their best to prevent people from entering.    


A large number of Town Security and Town Security officers outside tried to push their way through the gates, but soon after, they clashed with the security guards and police who formed the human wall. The two sides pushed each other, confronted each other, and cursed each other, but for the time being there was not much confusion.    


Suddenly, twenty or so co-managers rushed out of the crowd, holding iron rods and wooden sticks. They rushed towards the iron fences and smashed them into the ground. The iron gate was destroyed, and the police and security guards who were maintaining order were beaten as well. In an instant, chaos broke out at the entrance of the hospital, and the chaos quickly escalated.    


The steel fence door was opened and the wall of people inside the door was immediately broken and scattered. The Town Security and the Town Security outside rushed in like a tidal wave. Before the fallen police and security officers could get up, they were stepped on again.    


"Everyone, calm down ?" An Ningxuan stood on top of the police car, holding a megaphone in his hand, he shouted towards his surroundings, but it did not have much effect.    


"Bang, bang!" A police car outside the hospital suddenly fired twice at the crowded Town Security. Immediately, people were shot and wailed as they fell to the ground.    


"The police have killed someone!"    


"The police killed the Town Security!"    


These two shots had completely ignited the conflict between the Town Security and the police. The policeman who had fired the shot was dragged by the hair into the crowd. His fists and legs had no eyes, plus there were a lot of people, the police officer was severely injured on the spot, and he was on the verge of death.    


The bloody conflict quickly spread to other places, and the Town Security and the Town Security began to overturn the police cars. Several police cars were set on fire, smoke and flames were billowing, and more and more people rushed into the hospital like a surging tide.    


This conflict was even larger than the one between the roadside stalls near the Donghai University. The situation had completely gone out of control and a huge riot was taking place!    


A few minutes later, more than ten military trucks appeared at the intersection of the streets outside the hospital. Many trained riot police with steel helmets, shields, batons and bulletproof vests jumped out of the trucks. Under these circumstances, it would be impossible to suppress the riots without sending out troops.    


The riot police quickly gathered in formation. At the order of their superior, all the shields were placed in a row in front of them. They moved in a uniform manner and with a grand momentum, they started to move towards the hospital.    


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