The Romantic Soldier King



Early morning of the second day, after Ye Cheng, Qiao Rubing and Chen Luoxue finished their breakfast, they gathered in the living room to discuss the travel arrangements for drawing money from the bank.    


Of course, Ye Cheng did not forget to ask the security personnel on the second floor to track the kidnapper's position using modern technology. Ye Cheng had already secretly sent him his breakfast.    


The kidnapper called Qiao Wansan's cellphone number and the number that he called in the morning. Ye Cheng had also asked the national security personnel to look up the number and discovered that they were all unknown mobile phone cards. The kidnappers were also very cunning, using their cell phones to communicate for a short period of time. After the call was over, it would be difficult for them to trace the kidnappers' exact location through these numbers.    


Last night, An Gaohan rushed to the phone booth where the kidnapper was calling, but he did not discover anything. Ye Cheng realized that the kidnapper had a strong anti-reconnaissance ability, he was definitely not a newbie.    


Just as Ye Cheng and the other two were discussing, a bodyguard walked into the living room of the villa and spoke to Qiao Rubing.    


"They're here. I'll go greet them!" Ye Cheng got up and walked out of the villa.    


It wasn't long before he brought in a tanned, one-armed man of about thirty-two years old. He wore a suit, but his left sleeve was empty.    


Ye Cheng introduced him with a smile: "This is Guo Weimin, CEO Guo, the boss of Soaring Dragon's bodyguard company. This is our group's president Qiao, we are all on the same side."    


Guo Weimin was the old class monitor when Ye Cheng was at the Wolf Fang Special Forces. Originally, Ye Cheng came to Eastsea City with the intention of going to look for him, but encountering Chen Luoxue on the train and messing up his plans. As for his relationship with Guo Weimin, he did not inform Qiao Rubing about it.    


Ye Cheng had already informed Qiao Rubing that he needed to hire a bodyguard company to guarantee his safety in the process of taking out the money. And Qiao Rubing also gave Ye Cheng sufficient trust, allowing him to be in charge of all the arrangements.    


Qiao Rubing said in a friendly manner: "Boss Guo, good!"    


"Good day, president Qiao!" Guo Weimin shook hands with Qiao Rubing and greeted him.    


Qiao Rubing said: "Matters related to security is entirely under Ye Cheng's responsibility, the specific arrangements will allow Boss Guo to communicate with him."    


Because Qiao Rubing still had matters to discuss with Chen Luoxue about on how to withdraw money from the bank, Ye Cheng brought Guo Weimin to the window and sat down next to the rosewood table.    


"Brat, why don't you go over to my place? So it turns out that you're working under a beautiful lady. You're truly a perverted and unrighteous fellow." Guo Weimin scolded.    


Ye Cheng defended himself: "Old Squad Leader, what you said isn't right. president Qiao is my cousin, I am only helping her, not her subordinates."    


"Is that so?" A playful smile appeared on Guo Weimin's face, "The top special forces in Wolf Fang are willing to work for the president Qiao, looks like she has quite the charm."    


"Think what you want!" Ye Cheng suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Old Squad Leader, are the chosen ones ready?"    


Guo Weimin also said in a low voice, "Be on standby at any time, and the people you've arranged for have arrived as well."    


"Alright, I will give you the address of the bank where president Qiao needs to get the money. When president Qiao finishes collecting the money, let them protect us all. " Qiao Rubing wanted to withdraw 300 million in cash, but Ye Cheng did not want any accidents to happen during the process of withdrawing the money.    


"Kid, you are so mysterious. Don't tell me you have some kind of shameful objective?" Guo Weimin had already seen the people that Ye Cheng had arranged for, with his eyes, he could tell that they were professional soldiers. There was no need to alert the military for money, right?    


Actually, these people were arranged by Liang Chaohui after Ye Cheng had communicated with him. They all participated in the process in the name of a bodyguard company's private bodyguard, in order to not alert the kidnappers.    


"As for the destination, I'll explain it to you after this is over." It was not that Ye Cheng didn't trust the old Squad Leader, but he didn't want the news of Qiao Xingye's kidnapping to be spread.    


"Alright, I trust that you will not do anything evil." After being the class monitor for three years, Guo Weimin had great confidence in Ye Cheng's character. If he didn't lose his left arm in a mission, he wouldn't have left the Special Forces.    


"What's the reward for using your company's bodyguards this time?" Ye Cheng laughed: "Don't reject it, president Qiao will pay for the money anyway, so it's useless if you don't take it."    


Guo Weimin laughed: "Don't think so highly of me. It seems that if I don't have money, I won't help, so just give me a few hundred thousand."    


"Damn, you're really too evil ?"    


Ye Cheng provided Guo Weimin with the route to take out the money. Without asking him to say anything, Guo Weimin would naturally arrange everything in advance. This kind of protection work was nothing to Guo Weimin who was born into a professional special forces background.    


About half past nine, Ye Cheng drove his Mercedes-Benz 500 and left the villa with Qiao Rubing and Chen Luoxue. His car had excellent bulletproof and explosion-proof facilities, it was much safer than the cars of Qiao Rubing's family.    


Because it was arranged in advance, the withdrawal process was very smooth. On the surface and in the dark, they were protected by Guo Weimin's bodyguards and the soldiers disguised as his bodyguards. The bank had also specially opened up a special VIP channel for Qiao Rubing. Bundles of red bills were counted and crated and escorted to the van.    


When Qiao Rubing withdrew the cash, Ye Cheng did not stay idle either. He stood guard outside the VIP box, his sharp eyes swept across the people who were entering and exiting the bank to handle various businesses, filtering out a few suspicious people, and informed the girder to send people to follow them secretly.    


Three hundred million in cash, a total of three carts, counting them one by one. That was truly a cramp in counting money.    


It was already 3 in the afternoon after he had taken the money. Under the strict protection of the bodyguards, the three wagons entered the villa's garage and parked properly.    


This garage was naturally the most important one. The soldiers in disguise were responsible for protecting it. Guo Weimin's company's bodyguards were spread out around the villa, no one was allowed to get close to the villa.    


Ye Cheng was busy arranging security when the phone in his pocket rang. He realized it was his own phone. He went into the living room and picked up the phone.    


Liang Chaohui's voice came from the other end of the phone, "There are already undercover agents secretly tracking the suspicious people you found at the bank. Their identities were also found out, they are all some unpopular lackeys in Eastsea City. "    


"I feel that these hooligans are definitely not the real culprits behind the scenes. I have to trouble girder to secretly monitor these people. Perhaps we can use them to find the real culprit. " Ye Cheng said.    


"Alright, I'll be your assistant for this operation. I'll listen to your arrangements." With regards to the 300 million ransom, it was already a big case. Liang Chaohui had already reported it to the Chief, the instructions Zhao Hongwu gave was very clear.    


Ye Cheng joked: "Letting the girder Elder be my assistant, I feel a lot of pressure!"    


"Do as you please, I will fully cooperate with you."    


Ye Cheng withdrew his smile and said: "I feel that this time, the kidnappers are vicious, fearless, and have a certain level of counter detection abilities, unlike normal kidnappers. To trace the location of the kidnappers, we would need the help of the girder Elder's help. "    


"The number of Six Departments of State Security in Eastsea City is limited. I can only try my best."    


After hanging up, Ye Cheng went to the second floor and went straight to the guest room at the head of the stairs.    


In the room, Qiao Wansan was tied up as he sat at the table and looked at his laptop. When they left the villa in the morning, Ye Cheng made her specially responsible for keeping an eye on Qiao Wansan.    


Seeing that it was Ye Cheng who walked in, An Ningxuan loosened his grip on the gun bag on his waist and asked indifferently: Is everything done?    


Ye Cheng nodded, "Have the kidnappers contacted Qiao Wansan yet?"    


An Ningxuan shook his head, and took out a phone to give to Ye Cheng, as the phone was his. When they left the villa, Ye Cheng gave it to An Ningxuan.    


Ye Cheng took the phone, played around with it in his hands and said to Qiao Wansan: "You should contact the kidnappers and tell them that president Qiao has already taken back the ransom. Know what to say? "    


"Understood, understood!" Qiao Wansan was anxious. Not only was he worried that he would be sentenced to prison, he was more worried about the safety of his wife and children. He understood in his heart that now that he was in Ye Cheng's hands, he could only cooperate fully.    


Ye Cheng dialed the kidnapper's number, and pressed the phone close to Qiao Wansan's ear. A prompt came over the phone: Sorry, the cell phone you dialed has been turned off. Ye Cheng stared at Qiao Wansan and asked, "Do you have any other ways to contact the kidnappers?"    


"No, it was the kidnappers who contacted me before." Qiao Wansan said seriously.    


Ye Cheng edited a short message and sent it to the kidnapper's cell phone number. Then, he passed the phone back to An Ningxuan and urged her to continue looking at Qiao Wansan.    


"I'm here to capture the kidnapper, not to keep an eye on a bodyguard." An Ningxuan was a little angry, and expressed the dissatisfaction in his heart.    


Now was not the time to fight with An Ningxuan, so Ye Cheng patiently consoled him, "The kidnappers should not know that they have exposed their true identity, it is very easy for you to find them if you keep an eye on them. The work you are doing now is glorious and arduous, and you must be patient. "    


"Then can't you find someone else to take over this glorious task?"    


"I can't trust others, so I can only trust you." Seeing that An Ningxuan wanted to continue, Ye Cheng quickly ran off and left the room.    


An Ningxuan stared at the door angrily, and cursed in his heart: "Bastard, you ran quite fast."    


Ye Cheng circled the villa, and then found Qiao Rubing who was sitting alone on the roof. The company still had many things to take care of, so Qiao Rubing could only let Chen Luoxue go back to the company to take care of them.    


On the balcony was a huge parasol with a white table and two bamboo chairs. The afterglow of the setting sun shined down, and the blue boundless sea could be seen in the distance. It was indeed a comfortable pleasure to blow the sea breeze and enjoy the sunset.    


"Ru Bing, you sure know how to enjoy!" Ye Cheng laid on the reclining chair in front of Qiao Rubing, stretched his body, and started to squint his eyes, enjoying the leisure he had today.    


The afterglow of the setting sun enveloped the two of them, reddening their faces. They looked very casual and comfortable, cozy and serene.    


After half an hour, Qiao Rubing's phone suddenly rang. Immediately, Qiao Rubing quivered and sat up, and looked at Ye Cheng uneasily.    


Ye Cheng was not anxious at all, he slowly took out his phone, looked at the caller ID, and pressed the answer button.    


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