The Romantic Soldier King



There were no longer any gunshots outside the car, so Qiao Rubing curled up under the car seat, unable to see the situation outside. She was very afraid, afraid that Ye Cheng would be killed if he was unable to deal with the kidnappers alone. If Ye Cheng met with misfortune, then he would definitely be the next.    


Just as Qiao Rubing was thinking about everything, the car door opened, and a gentle big hand patted her back. It's all over. "    


"Ye Cheng!" When Qiao Rubing saw Ye Cheng appear before his eyes unharmed and unharmed, he immediately felt an extremely intimate feeling. He could not help but throw himself into's embrace and tightly hugged him. "You're okay, that's great."    


Feeling the soft and jade-like body in his embrace that still trembled a little due to fear, Ye Cheng also hugged her tightly and comforted her: "Big Sister Ruo Bing, the kidnappers have all received the punishments they deserved, you can also go home to see the chairman."    


After his mood had calmed down, Qiao Rubing realized that he was in Ye Cheng's embrace, and that they were tightly hugging. He hurriedly released his arms and said embarrassedly: "About that, I need to go back and see my father right now."    


When Qiao Rubing, who was being supported by Ye Cheng, got off the carriage, saw the corpses lying everywhere, he immediately covered his mouth, with a face full of shock. This night was destined to be the night she would never forget.    


The police, national security agents, and Guo Weimin's bodyguards all arrived one after another. Under the escort of the bodyguards, Qiao Rubing left first.    


The phone of one of the kidnappers rang. Ye Cheng bent down to take the phone out of the kidnappers' body, and he heard a hoarse voice that he couldn't be more familiar with from inside. Have you not succeeded after so long? "    


Ye Cheng laughed brilliantly: "Phantom Fox, I have good news to tell you, do you want to hear it?"    


"You are the Mr. Ye?" Hearing that it was Ye Cheng's voice from the phone, Phantom Fox was shocked.    


"Mr. Ghost's hearing isn't bad. Your accomplices have all gone to hell, so when are you going to accompany them?" Ye Cheng's words were full of sarcasm.    


"A bunch of trash!" Phantom Fox never thought that his subordinate would actually fail to collect the ransom. He gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Ye, don't be too proud. Not only do I want you to die, I also want you to watch your family leave you one by one. "    


"Alright then. If you have the guts, come to the East Sea right now. I'll be waiting for your bastard grandson." Ye Cheng cursed.    


He had a better understanding of the fox-hunting's mercenaries, these people would do anything to get revenge, he was not worried about himself, but worried about the people around him being implicated. If he did not get rid of the Phantom Fox, who knows what kind of trouble he would cause.    


The Phantom Fox roared hatefully: "Then just you wait. In less than a month, I'll destroy your family."    


"I don't need a month. How about we get to know each other tonight?" Ye Cheng said in a teasing tone: "Maybe, we'll meet again soon."    


"Haha, if you have the ability then talk to me." Phantom Fox laughed wildly in a reckless manner, "I'm not even in Eastsea City right now. Even if you have the power to reach the heavens, you still wouldn't be able to find me.    


"Is that so?" Ye Cheng had already seen Liang Chaohui getting out of the car, he hung up the phone and walked over.    


Liang Chaohui looked at the corpses of the kidnappers around him. All of them had been killed, and he inwardly praised the people that the Bureau Chief had taken a fancy to.    


Ye Cheng greeted Liang Chaohui and said: "girder, the codename behind the fox-hunting mercenaries is' Phantom Fox ', which means that they are the kidnappers who have been in contact with me. Have the national security technical staff locked onto his location?"    


Liang Chaohui said: "We have already locked onto him. He is currently hiding in Xia Men City. I've already spoken with the people from Xiamen. I'm searching for him with all my might. "    


Ye Cheng said indifferently: "Alright, I want to leave immediately, and personally go to Xia Men City to capture this cowardly tortoise."    


"Sure!" Liang Chaohui suddenly reacted, and said in shock: "You're going now? It was midnight, so the flight was suspended. Even if you take the fastest train and get there, you'll probably have to wait until daybreak. That guy might have already left long ago. "    


"Without a flight, girder wouldn't be able to get a military helicopter. If girder has no other choice, I can just go to Bureau Chief Zhao. " Ye Cheng spoke very easily, as if getting a helicopter was as easy as getting a bicycle.    


Liang Chaohui sweated. Thinking of Zhao Hongwu's order, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll try."    


Ye Cheng made up his mind that he would uncover the Phantom Fox tonight no matter what, otherwise there would be endless trouble in the future.    


Liang Chaohui called a few times before finally contacting a military helicopter.    


Ye Cheng came in front of a police car, opened the door and jumped onto the driver's seat.    


An Ningxuan who was helping to deal with the kidnappers by the side, upon seeing this, quickly walked to the front of the carriage and shouted: "Ye Cheng, what are you doing? "Come down."    


"I have an emergency task. I need the police car." Ye Cheng put the car in park and started to reverse the car.    


The rest of the police, seeing that someone was blatantly robbing a police car, gathered around. Liang Chaohui anxiously shouted: "All of you get out of the way, let him drive the car away, I will personally explain to Chief Huang."    


Seeing that Ye Cheng was about to turn the car around, An Ningxuan pulled open the passenger door and jumped into the car.    


Smoke and dust flew all around as the police car roared its way down the mountain.    


An Ningxuan sat in the front passenger seat, swaying left and right from the collision, as he complained, "Drive slower, drive so quickly to get reincarnated!"    


Ye Cheng glared at her, and said snappily: "I didn't let you get in the car, if you're unhappy you can get off."    


An Ningxuan said angrily: "Why, this is a police car given to me, if you want to get off, you have to." She wasn't angry at Ye Cheng for driving the car away, but was angry at him for finally catching the kidnapper. In the end, she was arranged by Ye Cheng to stay in the room for an entire day and night.    


"Don't complain until you get out of the car!"    


Ye Cheng sprinted all the way, his heart thinking of reaching Xiamen City soon, don't let that fellow from Phantom Fox escape. Arriving at the foot of the mountain, he got on the highway and the car sped up, reaching its limit.    


An Ningxuan was initially calm, after the car entered the city, he saw that Ye Cheng did not have any intention to slow down, and shouted: "Slow down, driving so fast is easy to cause a car accident, I do not want to die with you."    


The more she shouted, the more Ye Cheng's speed stopped, his four limbs continuously moved, a police car suddenly flew through the traffic, like a gale force wind.    


An Ningxuan thought that she was capable, but when she sat on the car that Ye Cheng was driving, she realized how wrong she was. Her heart beat faster every time she passed a car, or if she swerved around a corner with a thrilling flick of the tail.    


In less than twenty minutes, Ye Cheng had arrived at a military airport.    


There was already a green military helicopter waiting there. After verifying Ye Cheng's identity, the soldier let Ye Cheng board the helicopter, but stopped him.    


An Ningxuan shouted: "Hey, Ye Cheng, you have to capture the leader of the kidnappers. Bring me along, maybe I can help you!"    


Ye Cheng said to the soldier: "Let her come up!" Only then did the soldier in charge let An Ningxuan get on the helicopter.    


Ye Cheng didn't touch the plane for a long time, his hands were itchy as he forced the driver onto the front passenger seat. He then sat on the driver's seat and quickly activated the helicopter on his phone.    


The sound of explosions could be heard, the propellers became faster and faster, the plane jumped up into the sky and flew into the vast night sky with a whistle, Ye Cheng pushed his pole at full speed.    


Looking at Ye Cheng's skillful and steady handling of the helicopter, An Ningxuan, who was sitting behind, was stunned. This fellow was extremely fast, to think that he could even drive a helicopter.    


More than an hour later, after passing through the vast night sky, a military helicopter arrived in the sky above Xiamen City. Ye Cheng took out his phone and contacted Liang Chaohui, to determine the location of the Phantom Fox.    


At the highway intersection outside of Xiamen City, cars slowly passed by. Within an Audi A4, a thirty year old man with a moustache was listening to the loud music leisurely, waiting to pass the toll station.    


This man was Phantom Fox, he wasn't worried at all about being found out. Because he came to China this time, he had prepared a set of fake documents. With this fake identity, he was confident that he could sleep peacefully.    


"Clang!" Phantom Fox who was listening to the music suddenly heard a loud noise from the roof of the car, as if something had landed on top of it. He slowly rolled down the window and stuck his head out to look at the roof.    


Before he could take a good look at what had landed on the roof, a black fist smashed into his face. The punch nearly broke the bridge of his nose, causing him to bleed profusely.    


This was an extraordinary time. Phantom Fox did not want any accidents to happen, so he could only suppress his rage and take out a handkerchief from his pocket, covering his nose.    


"Mr. Ghost, I didn't think that we'd meet so soon, right?" Ye Cheng raised his hand and grabbed Phantom Fox by the neck, pulling him out from the car window.    


Phantom Fox was shocked. On the surface, he looked calm and collected, sizing up the person in front of him and asked: "Who are you? Did you recognize the wrong person? "    


"Didn't you recognize my voice?" Ye Cheng sneered as he stared at Phantom Fox.    


The panic in Phantom Fox's eyes disappeared, only now did he recognize Ye Cheng's voice, and his heart was filled with raging waves. Why would this fellow appear here so quickly? With the help of a god, he descended from the sky. However, on the surface, he still pretended that he did not know Ye Cheng, and coldly said: "I don't even know you, quickly let go of me, or else I will not be courteous to you anymore."    


As he spoke, Phantom Fox's right hand quickly reached for his waist.    


Ye Cheng had already paid attention to his every move, his hand caressing his waist a step faster than Phantom Fox.    


Phantom Fox's hand also touched his waist and he immediately turned pale with fright. He realized that the other gun in his waist had actually disappeared without a trace.    


"Mr. Ghost, are you looking for this?" A small silver pistol appeared in Ye Cheng's hand and flashed in front of Phantom Fox's eyes. In the next second, the gun was stuck between Phantom Fox's eyebrows.    


Phantom Fox was shocked to the point that he broke out in a cold sweat. He did not realise that Ye Cheng had taken his spear. He tried to calm himself, his mind racing as he tried to think of a way to escape.    


"Why aren't you saying anything? Could it be that old friends don't even greet you when they meet?" Ye Cheng laughed as he said this, with a kind expression, as if he had met an old friend.    


"Phantom Fox knew that the matter had been exposed, and his entire body tensed up. Mr. Ye, you really are amazing, looks like I have really underestimated you. "    


"I've said it before, we'll meet soon. It's a pity that you don't believe me."    


Just as Ye Cheng finished speaking, he pulled the trigger, and the bullet whistled past Phantom Fox's face and struck his ear.    


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