The Romantic Soldier King



Chen Luoxue was going to accompany Qiao Rubing, who had just experienced the pain of losing his father, to her house for the time being. That was why Ye Cheng drove alone to Winning Group to work. He had been on duty for more than a week, but he had only been on duty for two days. Today was the third day, and he was about to become the most absent-minded person in the company.    


Ye Cheng parked his car downstairs, and before he even had the chance to get off, Lei Zihan appeared outside his door. He looked at Lei Zihan's newly dyed light green hair and laughed: "Little follower, why are you wearing a hat? Your appearance is quite unique today."    


"Die!" Lei Zihan was so angry that he could not take it anymore, and fiercely kicked the door.    


"You want to rebel by not beating the house for three days!?" Today, Ye Cheng was in a good mood. He did not plan to lower himself to the same level as Lei Zihan. When she opened the door and got out of the car, Lou pulled up his sleeves as if he was going to teach her a lesson.    


Lei Zihan anxiously retreated a few steps, and said angrily: "You only know how to bully women, what is your ability?"    


Ye Cheng sized Lei Zihan up from head to toe, his peculiar gaze stopped at her chest, and laughed: "Although you have matured a little, but in my eyes, you are not a woman, so it is only right to bully you."    


Lei Zihan stuck out his chest, and his twin peaks stood out even more. Today, she wore a short black heart that had just wrapped around her majestic chest, revealing an alluring cleavage. With her small waist in, she arrogantly asked: "Are you blind? "Do I look like a woman in any way?"    


Ye Cheng retracted his gaze, and laughed: "Stop standing up straight, if you keep standing up straight, your breasts will still be so small.    


Having his chest known to be prided upon, Lei Zihan screamed as if his tail had been stepped on. "You're truly blind. You dare to say that I have a small chest, I'll fight you to the death." As she spoke, she pounced towards Ye Cheng like an angry kitten baring its fangs and brandishing its claws.    


"Bullsh * t again! You're asking for a beating!" Ye Cheng dodged Lei Zihan's attack and slapped her bottom with a 'pa' sound. If you dare to speak such vulgar words in front of me again, I'll spank you. "    


Lei Zihan was extremely humiliated and furious. He went completely mad, throwing himself at Ye Cheng with all his might." Bastard, you dare to spank me ? "Ahh!    


Ye Cheng nimbly dodged to the left and right while slapping both of Lei Zihan's buttocks. If I say anything rude, I'm going to use a lot of strength. "To be honest, slapping your ass feels pretty good."    


"You pervert, pervert!" Lei Zihan raised his hand and took out a blade, and fiercely thrusted forward.    


Ye Cheng swiftly made his move, accurately pinching her wrist before forcefully pinching it with force. In pain, Lei Zihan couldn't help but let go of his hand, and in the next second the blade was in Ye Cheng's hands. "What's not good to learn? If you don't want to learn how to play with swords, I will confiscate it."    


At this time, it was time to go to work. Some of the employees who did not know what was going on cast curious glances at the two.    


If he continued to fight with Lei Zihan, Ye Cheng was afraid that he would be affected, and he would lose his reputation of abusing underage girls. He leisurely extended two fingers and pointed at Lei Zihan's body.    


Lei Zihan suddenly realised that he was no longer able to move. He knew that Ye Cheng had poked her with his acupuncture points, so he quickly shut his mouth, afraid that Ye Cheng would poke her mute acupoints.    


"If you want to become a woman, I'll teach you." Ye Cheng stepped forward to support Lei Zihan's waist, immediately scaring her out of her wits.    


Lei Zihan couldn't move at the moment. He was extremely worried that Ye Cheng would use force on her and use a rough method to turn her into a woman. You ? "Let me go, if you dare touch me, I'll bite my tongue and commit suicide."    


Ye Cheng supported Lei Zihan and stuffed her inside the carriage. With my head full of unhealthy thoughts, I'm not interested in girls. If you want to become a woman, you first have to learn to be gentle.    


He closed the door of the car, tidied up his clothes and said, "I'll punish you by reflecting on it in the car. After work, I will naturally unlock your acupoints."    


Seeing Ye Cheng turn around and leave, Lei Zihan finally heaved a sigh of relief. He had thought that Ye Cheng was going to deal with her! Bastard, you pervert! I'll never forgive you! I'm so angry! "    


When Ye Cheng walked into the Ministry of Recruitment, a group of beautiful colleagues were all surprised to see him at work, and they all greeted him enthusiastically.    


"Good day, Manager Ye!"    


"Manager Ye, you finally came to work." "Since you didn't come to work for five days, we all thought that you had resigned!"    


"Of course not, I'm reluctant to leave." Ye Cheng smiled and greeted all his beautiful colleagues one by one.    


Before he could even sit properly, the door to the inner room's office was pushed open. Zhang Yuchen walked out and all the beautiful colleagues started to pretend to be busy. She came to Ye Cheng's desk and said: "Chen Assistant has informed you to go to the meeting room on the 15th floor."    


"Meeting?" This was the first time Ye Cheng participated in a company meeting. He stood up and said, "Let's go, Director Zhang."    


Zhang Yuchen said in a low voice: "I'm not going, Chen Assistant will only notify you."    


"If the supervisor isn't going, why would he ask a vice supervisor like me to go for a meeting?" Ye Cheng was puzzled, and left the office.    


He took the elevator up to the 15th floor, which was the special place for the group's upper echelons to meet. When he arrived at the meeting room, there were already quite a few men in suits and women in professional suits sitting around. These people were all senior management staff in various departments.    


The conference room was extremely spacious and luxuriously decorated. In the middle of the room was a large oval conference table, neatly surrounded by a ring of leather chairs. The executives were all whispering and laughing amongst themselves, no one noticed the inconspicuous Ye Cheng coming in.    


The meeting had not started yet. Ye Cheng found an empty seat near a window that was far from the main platform and sat down, maintaining a distance from the higher ups. He was even more puzzled. These people were all the general manager or deputy general manager of every department in the company. Why would I, a small deputy director, need to come?    


He scanned his surroundings, but didn't see Qiao Rubing and Chen Luoxue's figures, but instead, saw a Yin Fangyi dressed in formal attire. Beside her sat a middle-aged man who seemed to be in his forties. He was talking casually, and his eyes kept glancing at Yin Fangyi's face from time to time.    


Yin Fangyi looked up, and just as he saw Ye Cheng looking at her, his face immediately revealed a hint of bashfulness, and he hurriedly turned his head around.    


Seeing that the middle aged man was being so attentive to Yin Fangyi, Ye Cheng guessed that he had thoughts about Yin Fangyi. Even though Yin Fangyi was middle-aged, she still retained her charm. She was charming without losing any sexiness, and was absolutely attractive to all men.    


Time passed minute after minute, Ye Cheng leisurely leaned on his chair, and admired the scenery outside the window.    


Just then, Qiao Rubing, Chen Luoxue and the two bodyguards walked into the meeting room. Everyone in the room stopped their discussions and sat down. Soon, the entire meeting room was quiet, so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.    


The two bodyguards closed the meeting room door and left.    


Qiao Rubing's face was calm, and from the surface, it could no longer be seen that he was sad. Snowfall sat beside her. She even placed her notebook on the table, as if she was ready to take notes at any time. As the vice president of the corporation, Qiao Rulong sat at the center of the conference table, facing Qiao Rubing from a distance.    


After sitting, Qiao Rubing looked around and saw that everyone's gaze was focused on her, he supported the microphone in front of them and said: "Good morning, everyone! First of all, I would like to thank all of you here for holding your positions during the period of my father's accident, so that the company will not have any problems in the near future, and thank you very much. "    


Saying this, she stood up and gave a deep bow to the company's senior executives. Her sincere thanks won the warm applause of the crowd.    


Qiao Xingye's sudden death had caused a huge stir in the company. All the management knew that the more time was, the more cautious and serious they had to be.    


Qiao Rubing waved his hand, and the applause gradually stopped. She added: "Now that the meeting has officially begun and the chairman is dead, I realize that there are still a lot of loopholes and deficiencies in the company's management, especially in the area of security. The security team with less than 10 people is far from being able to meet the company's development needs, so my proposal to establish a security department is also the proposal that the chairman approved before he died. "    


Previously, Winning Group also had a so-called security department, but it was always neglected. Under it was a team leader and eight security guards. After the kidnapping of Qiao Xingye, Qiao Rubing and his father discussed the establishment of the security department, expanded the number of security guards and improved the quality of security.    


The security department did not have any conflicts of interest towards the various executives sitting around the table, and most of them were the proposals that Qiao Xingye had passed before he died.    


"Since everyone agrees, then I declare ?" Qiao Rubing's eyes looked at Ye Cheng, "The position of the security general manager will be filled by Mr. Ye Cheng, from today onwards, he will take over all matters of the security department."    


Who is Ye Cheng? Most executives had no idea there was such a person in the company.    


Hearing that, Ye Cheng was startled. General Manager of the Security Department? No way, why didn't you tell me beforehand?    


"Please let us all get to know each other!" Qiao Rubing clapped first.    


The other people's applause was not enthusiastic, they all looked around, wanting to see which one was Ye Cheng.    


Under the gazes of everyone present, Ye Cheng stood up. In his heart, he felt slightly uncomfortable, but he still carried a calm expression, one that was not one where they would panic. Hello everyone! "    


Qiao Rubing introduced him seriously: "Let me introduce to everyone, this is Winning Group, a newly recruited person. He was previously the vice supervisor of the HR overseas recruitment department."    


Everyone was flabbergasted, their eyes filled with doubt. How did this young man who had appeared out of nowhere become the General Manager of the Security Department? A newbie suddenly got promoted to be the head of a department like a rocket. Isn't this promotion a bit too fast?    


Qiao Rubing saw the doubt in the eyes of the executives present and said loudly: "The recommendation to appoint Mr. Ye as the general manager of the security department was also the decision of the chairman when he was alive. In addition, the chairman of the board of directors also decided that since he took office, he had the right to appoint and remove security personnel, as well as the right to recruit security personnel, bodyguards and all management personnel of the security department, without having to pass through the HR department. All the work needs to be reported to the chairman, none of the senior executives of Winning Group have the right to ask about it. "    


The entire meeting room was in complete silence, all the executives looked at Ye Cheng with extremely complicated gazes, some were shock, some were envy, some were jealousy.    


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