The Romantic Soldier King



With Jiang Chuyao by her side, who was not suitable to use violence to force a confession, Ye Cheng brought her to the carriage.    


Jiang Chuyao's mood had obviously improved, the sorrowful look on her face had also disappeared, and she asked: "Then why don't you just leave that lunatic?" She believed Ye Cheng's words and really thought that the man who appeared out of nowhere was a lunatic.    


Ye Cheng laughed: "Don't bother with him, let's just sit in the car and wait for the police to come."    


"Oh!" Jiang Chuyao really wanted to understand Ye Cheng's past. He pointed to the scars on his body and asked: "Brother, how did you get these scars on your body? Tell me about it! " Her father had sold her for money, and at that moment he longed for a family member. Right now, she had already omitted her surname towards Ye Cheng, and faintly treated Ye Cheng as her real brother.    


"It's better not to tell you so that you won't be frightened." Ye Cheng really didn't know how to lecture them, and some of their scars even made him forget about himself.    


Jiang Chuyao blinked her eyes, and said in a tender voice: "Tell me more, I really want to hear it."    


"Alright, then I'll tell you about it." Although Ye Cheng had already retired from the special forces, some missions were still in a state of secrecy, and could not be talked about carelessly. "In fact, these scars were left on a mission to fight terrorism. That time, I was accidentally caught by the terrorists and forced to join the ranks of the terrorists. "As a soldier loyal to his country and loyal to his people, of course, I cannot lower my head. In the end, I was imprisoned and tortured ?"    


Jiang Chuyao was very serious when she heard this. Although she had never been tortured before, looking at the crisscrossing scars on Ye Cheng's body, the scene of him being cruelly tortured surfaced in her mind. She couldn't help but admire Ye Cheng. How strong must one be to be able to endure such cruel, hell-like torture?    


When Ye Cheng finished speaking, she took off the shirt on her back and personally draped it over Ye Cheng's body. "Brother, it's better for you to put on your clothes. Looking at the wounds on your body, my heart feels uncomfortable."    


Ye Cheng buttoned his shirt and laughed: "Actually, these scars of mine are just like the hardships of life. They hurt a lot when I go through them, but once I'm able to hold on, I'll feel that it's nothing."    


Jiang Chuyao was extremely intelligent. Knowing that Ye Cheng was trying to console her in a disguised manner, his face revealed a faint smile that seemed like the embodiment of his heart. Brother, don't worry. No matter how difficult it will be in the future, I will be as strong as you are. "    


"That's right." Ye Cheng looked at Jiang Chuyao's smile and said: "Look, how pretty your smile is, I still like to see your smile."    


Hearing Ye Cheng's praise in front of her, Jiang Chuyao blushed slightly and shyly lowered her head.    


Right at this moment, the sound of a whistle sounded, and An Ningxuan saw Ye Cheng's car from far away.    


"Xiao Yao, you sit in the carriage, I'll go explain the situation to the police."    


Ye Cheng got off the car, bringing An Ningxuan who had just gotten off from the police car with him, and walked over to the killer. The assassin's lower body was completely paralyzed. Even if he wanted to run, he couldn't.    


Looking at the unmoving killer lying on the beach, An Ningxuan asked: "So this is the person who attacked you? I'm going back to the station. "    


"Wait, I still have something to ask him." Ye Cheng kicked the killer and said coldly: "Have you decided? Do you want to answer my question? "    


The assassin sneered, "Stop dreaming, I won't say anything."    


"Then be prepared to bear the pain!" "Ye Cheng bent down and pointed at the assassin's mute acupoint, in case his scream startled Jiang Chuyao who was in the carriage. "If you want to tell me which hitman organization you are from, then when you are hired to kill me, then move your mouth."    


The assassin opened his mouth and realized that he could not make a sound. He did not panic and revealed an expression of indifference.    


Ye Cheng suddenly grabbed the killer's left hand, and with a 'kacha' sound, he snapped all five of his fingers. As the saying went, ten fingers linked with a heart. The assassin's mouth was instantly opened wide from the excruciating pain. The disdain on his face was instantly replaced by an expression of pain.    


Ye Cheng did not stop there, but crisp cracking sounds continued to ring out, breaking every finger of the killer's left hand into three sections.    


The assassin's gaping mouth could not close, letting out a soundless scream. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his expression changed drastically.    


An Ningxuan could not help but say: "Ye Cheng, your methods are too cruel right? Although this person attacked you, you can't torture him like this. "    


"Cruel? I don't think so. This guy is not attacking me, he's trying to kill me. " Ye Cheng then grabbed the assassin's right hand, and following the same method, he broke all the fingers on his right hand, with a cracking sound that sounded like popping beans.    


An Ningxuan anxiously pulled Ye Cheng back, "Even if he wants to kill you, you can't do such a cruel thing to him."    


"A woman's benevolence!" Ye Cheng did not bother with An Ningxuan's obstruction, and continued to break both of the assassin's wrists. "He is no ordinary criminal. He is a killer who would kill without blinking an eye. Not only that, he is also the real killer of Hao TengShun."    


"What?" An Ningxuan was surprised, and did not stop Ye Cheng.    


The assassin was drenched in sweat from the torture. He was in extreme pain and his face was twisted. He had reached the limit where he could bear the pain.    


"Crack" Another crisp sound was heard as Ye Cheng stepped on the assassin's back and forcefully broke his shoulder blades. At this moment, every joint on the killer's arms had been broken, and the pain was excruciating.    


The killer could no longer bear the torture. He opened his mouth and said, I'll tell you, I'll tell you what you want to know.    


Ye Cheng chuckled as he sat in front of the assassin. He lit up a cigarette and leisurely smoked a mouthful. Don't worry, the body has 12 big joints and hundreds of small joints. Isn't your mouth pretty tough? "    


Stop being sarcastic and ask any questions. Although the killer could not make a sound, Ye Cheng knew how to speak. With a twitch of his mouth, Ye Cheng knew what he was saying.    


"Since I'm in a rush and can't leave, I might as well retreat and beg for trouble. I don't want to ask anymore." Ye Cheng then grabbed the assassin's palm, and fiercely broke all the joints on his arm again.    


The assassin came back from being tortured, his mouth kept moving. I am an assassin from hematite, code name Bloody Ten. I only take on the tasks assigned to me by the organization. As for who the employer is, I don't know.    


"Someone from the hematite dares to come and kill me. You are truly courting death." Ye Cheng had heard of the hematite, which was a newly rose assassination organization in China. His strength was average, and he couldn't be compared with the world's top assassination organisations. However, they assassinate for one purpose: as long as the target is not dead, they keep on assassinating him unless the employer cancels the commission or the target is killed.    


Furthermore, Ye Cheng also knew that the killers in hematite were divided into two ranks, with the word 'iron' and 'blood' added to the number as code names. The killer's code name was Blood X, so it was clear that he was of a higher level. Ye Cheng had fought with the world's top assassin's guild before, so he naturally did not place hematite in his eyes.    


"Who else came to kill me other than you?" Ye Cheng asked leisurely. Although he wasn't afraid of these assassins, he still needed to get the information he wanted from Xue Shi in order to be prepared.    


Assassin Blood Ten answered without hesitation, "The organization didn't send out any assassins except me."    


"Then who is your hematite's boss? "Where's headquarters?" Ye Cheng asked.    


"I don't know, I've seen Sect Leader 'Iron-Blood' a few times, but he always wore an Iron-Blood Mask, and I've never seen his true face." And since I became a killer, I've never been to the headquarters, so I don't know where the headquarters is.    


Ye Cheng stared at the killer Blood Ten and asked: "Do you think I would believe you?"    


Blood Ten quickly replied: "If I fail the quest, I'll die anyway. What's there to lie about?" Although I am a blood-written killer, I do not know many of the secrets of hematite.    


Ye Cheng believed Xie Chi's words, and asked again: "If you die, how will hematite continue to assassinate me?"    


Bloody ten mouths moved: They must have sent assassins stronger than me. The purpose of our hematite is: once we carry out some assassination mission, we will not rest until we die. A new killer might appear in three or five days, or he might have to wait a little longer.    


Ye Cheng asked a few more questions. Blood Ten Couples also admitted to killing Hao TengShun, but their goal was to frame Ye Cheng. If he succeeded, then he would be able to avoid trouble if he killed him personally. Feeling that there was nothing more to ask, he knocked Blood out ten times with one punch and wondered: who in the world would hire assassins to assassinate me?    


"What kind of assassination organization is the hematite? How did you get into trouble with an assassin? " An Ningxuan felt that Ye Cheng was a troublesome person to begin with.    


"It's just an unpopular assassination organization." Ye Cheng glanced at An Ningxuan, "There is one thing I have to say, I did not want to provoke the killer, but the killer took the initiative to provoke me."    


An Ningxuan didn't want to argue with Ye Cheng, so he said angrily: "An organization like this which kills randomly, should have been banned a long time ago."    


"I think so too, why don't you help me find out where the old lair of the hematite is, I'll go and take them all out." Ye Cheng did not want to wait for waves of assassins to kill him.    


An Ningxuan rejected him bluntly: "I will be of help on this matter. I have yet to complete my mission and do not wish to cause trouble."    


Ye Cheng disdainfully said: "You don't have any sense of social responsibility, do you have the heart to stand idly by and watch you die for the mission?"    


"Aren't you still alive!? Furthermore, if you get assassinated by someone from the hematite, it would help me vent my anger. " An Ningxuan knew that he was no match for Ye Cheng and was able to give him a verbal setback, so he felt good about it in his heart.    


"No wonder people are always the most venomous." Ye Cheng did not get angry, but instead perverted and stared at her chest, laughing: "Didn't I just take advantage of you a few times, do you think you can curse me to death?"    


"You ? "Scoundrel!" An Ningxuan was driven mad, turned around and left with a cold face.    


Ye Cheng got up, patted on his butt and said: "Hey, policewoman, take the criminal away! As for taking him back to the police station, you can dig a hole and bury him, whatever you want. "    


"If you want to dig, I'll bury you." An Ningxuan walked back in anger, tugging at the assassin Bloody Butcher like a dead dog, he angrily walked towards the police car.    


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