The Romantic Soldier King



Qiao Rubing's words had raised Ye Cheng's identity to the peak, and with the privileges he had now, his position had already surpassed everyone else. Not only could he not recruit anyone from the Security Department through the Human Resources Department, even if he made a mistake, all the executives of the Winning Group had no right to question him, much less fire him.    


To put it bluntly, if Ye Cheng ran amok in the company, no one could control him other than the chairman.    


The group of executives were all guessing the background of this young man. He might be the son-in-law of the chairman before he died, or else he wouldn't be able to enjoy such extraordinary rights in the company. These people couldn't help but look at the young Ye Cheng in a different light.    


At this time, Qiao Rulong said: "Ice indeed represents my father's decision when he was alive. Congratulations Mr. Ye Cheng for becoming the general manager of the security department. In the future, the entire security of the company's property and the safety of the new chairman will be up to you. "    


Naturally, it was already a foregone conclusion that Ye Cheng would become the General Manager of the Security Department. As he spoke, he took the lead in applauding. This time, the others applauded enthusiastically.    


Chen Luoxue was overjoyed, and threw a congratulatory and appreciative look towards Ye Cheng. The man that she had fallen for could become the general manager of the security department, so she was naturally overjoyed.    


Ye Cheng was not interested in the position of the General Manager of the Security Department. He knew that he might have to leave Winning Group someday and didn't say anything about taking up the job.    


Waiting for the applause from the crowd to stop, Qiao Rubing saw that Ye Cheng did not have the intention to speak, and looked at Yin Fangyi: "Yin Director, I'll have to trouble you to accompany president Ye to the security department later, and announce him to take over on behalf of the company." Her eyes were already there, and without saying anymore, she politely invited Ye Cheng to sit.    


"Alright!" Yin Fangyi said.    


The meeting continued, and Qiao Rubing announced, "After my father's death, the chairman's seat was vacant. As the saying goes, a country cannot be without a ruler. A victorious group cannot be without a chairman for a day. Tomorrow, I will call a shareholders' meeting and elect the new chairman. When the results are out, I will immediately announce it to everyone.     


Although they were going to vote for the chairman, the chairman would only be chosen between Qiao Rubing and his sister, Qiao Rulong. The group of executives all started to guess who among the two would become the new chairman. Some were leaning towards Qiao Rubing, while others were inclined towards Qiao Rulong. As for who the new chairman would be, it would affect their future, so they were especially concerned about it.    


Qiao Rulong secretly clenched his fists. He was older than Qiao Rubing by a few years, and could only be considered as the vice president in the group. He had long been dissatisfied. He had long coveted the post of chairman and had finally found the opportunity. This time, he was determined to win.    


Ye Cheng naturally favored Qiao Rubing to become the new Chairman, because he was not at all familiar with Qiao Rulong and felt that he was not as simple as he looked on the surface.    


The meeting lasted for over an hour and ended with a flurry of discussions. Qiao Rubing brought Chen Luoxue and left first, while Qiao Rulong and the rest of the executives also left the meeting room, leaving only Yin Fangyi and Ye Cheng behind them.    


Yin Fangyi tried his best to maintain a calm mind, and forced himself not to think of the random things he had done with Ye Cheng, and laughed: "Congratulations on becoming the general manager of the security department. It seems that I was right about you being recruited into the Winning Group."    


Ye Cheng looked at Yin Fangyi with a beaming smile, and teased: "Of course Sister Yin wouldn't see the wrong person, if not, your birthday wouldn't have ?"    


Yin Fangyi was afraid that Ye Cheng would mention what had happened that night. She glanced at the door to the conference room and said quickly, "I was drunk that night. I forgot what happened."    


"You really have to forget? I still haven't forgotten any details, so I will always remember Sister Yin's words. " Ye Cheng looked at her with an overbearing gaze, and slowly leaned forward.    


Yin Fangyi stood up in panic, "That night, I was drunk all over, have you forgotten? I am older than you by more than ten years, there will be no results between you and me, and I do not wish to delay you. "    


Ye Cheng knew in his heart that Yin Fangyi was interested in him, otherwise, he wouldn't have been so emotional that night. He felt something from Yin Fangyi, Lu Mengzhu, and the other young girls that he had never felt before. It was the aura of a mature woman that a middle-aged man would naturally exude, and it moved his heart quite a bit. "What age difference are we talking about these days? As long as you are willing, no one can stop us."    


Yin Fangyi let out a faint sigh, and said: "Ye Cheng, I admit that because you had saved me before, I am very grateful to you, and I really admire you, but that is all I feel for you."    


Ye Cheng said with a smile that was not a smile, "You are the one who feels the most in your heart. Do you dare to say that you don't like me?"    


"I ?" Yin Fangyi gritted his teeth: "I've only known you for half a month, it's impossible for me to fall for you."    


"Is that so? Could it be that there isn't even a little bit of it? " Ye Cheng stared into Yin Fangyi's eyes and asked forcefully.    


"Can we not talk about this now?" Yin Fangyi did not dare to meet Ye Cheng's gaze, and changed the topic: "president Qiao has instructed me to bring you to the security department. We need to go immediately, our work is more important."    


"Alright, we'll talk about it later." Yin Fangyi's attempt to escape had already shown her attitude, and Ye Cheng did not want to push her too far.    


The two of them walked out of the meeting room and took the elevator to the first floor. They walked along the corridor and arrived at the office of the Chief Security Officer at the end of the corridor.    


Pushing the door open, Ye Cheng could not help but frown. The room was filled with the smell of smoke. The strong smell of smoke was extremely pungent. Several security guards were huddled together, smoking and chatting happily. Yin Fangyi choked and coughed twice, but quickly covered his nose.    


Seeing someone enter, a security guard asked, "Who are you looking for?"    


Yin Fangyi said coldly: "I'm looking for Captain Jiao!"    


One of them, who had combed his hair, looked at Ye Cheng and Yin Fangyi and casually asked: "Who are you? What business do you have with me? "    


Yin Fangyi was extremely dissatisfied with Chief Security Officer's attitude. With a cold face, he said, "I'm Personnel Department of Personnel Department, so of course I have something to talk to you about. Why don't you quickly extinguish it?"    


"So he's from Personnel Department." Jiao Jianmin did not seem to think much of Yin Fangyi, and arrogantly asked: "We don't smoke in violation of the company's rules, what do you have to say for yourself!"    


What kind of attitude was this? Why would there be such a person in the company!? Yin Fangyi endured his anger and said, "The company has decided to expand the security team into a security department. This is the newly appointed general manager of the security department, Ye Cheng. And he enjoys the privileges conferred on him by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and may arbitrarily appoint or remove all members of the Ministry of Security. "    


She really did not want to stay here any longer. After she finished speaking, she covered her nose and retreated. Since the chairman had already decided to let Ye Cheng be the general manager of the security department when he was still alive, it meant that the chairman trusted Ye Cheng's capabilities. She was not worried about whether Ye Cheng could manage these people properly.    


Jiao Jianmin took a puff on his cigarette and instructed: "Ma San, go and move a chair for the new president Ye."    


Okay, Brother Jiao!" "One of the sharp-nosed security guards pulled up a chair and placed it in front of everyone before saying," "Director Ye, take a seat!    


These guards had always been following Jiao Jianmin's lead. Seeing that Jiao Jianmin was not interested in the new general manager, none of them took Ye Cheng seriously.    


Ye Cheng took a good look at the attitudes of these people, his face expressionless, and sat down on the chair, ordering: "Extinguish all of your cigarettes, I have something to say." Since the company had decided to make him the general manager of the security department, he had to do his job. He didn't dare to say how good it was to manage the security department. At the very least, he had to make it through.    


"Did you hear that? president Ye asked us to extinguish all our cigarettes. " Jiao Jianmin's words carried ridicule within them. Not only did they not extinguish the smoke, they instead took a deep breath and exhaled a dense amount of smoke towards Ye Cheng.    


The other security guards also followed suit, each of them puking out all the smoke in front of Ye Cheng.    


It was said that the new governor would let three fires go, but before Ye Cheng could ignite the flames, Jiao Jianmin took the lead and showed him some might. There wasn't the slightest bit of anger on his face. He waved his hand to wipe away the smoke and said slowly, "All of you, listen carefully. From now on, I will officially take over this place. I will be in charge."    


Seeing that Ye Cheng was not angry at all, Jiao Jianmin even thought that the new general manager was a pushover that he could take as he pleased, as he clapped his hands and said: "Brothers, welcome president Ye."    


"Welcome, president Ye!" The security guards did not show the slightest hint of respect on their faces as they started clapping loudly.    


Jiao Jianmin pulled up a chair, patted Ye Cheng's shoulders and said, "president Ye, we are all Elders of the Security Department. Since the late Chairman gave you the privilege, you can't treat us unfairly. How about you promote all of our positions? "    


Hearing that they were going to be promoted, the security guards' eyes immediately lit up. Ma San smiled obsequiously: "Brother Jiao is our team leader. He has the most credit, so he should be the vice president."    


Jiao Jianmin pinched Ye Cheng's shoulder, "As long as I become the Deputy Chief of the Security Department and take charge of the selection and removal of the personnel from the Security Department, you can rest easy in president Ye. It won't be a problem even if I don't come to the Security Department." His voice suddenly became cold, and he sneered sinisterly, "If you don't agree, then don't say I don't agree, my brothers won't agree either. They only listen to me."    


Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes, and a slight smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "Are you done? No other requests? "    


Jiao Jianmin laughed: "I'm done, I have no other requirements, as long as you allow me to exercise your privileges in the future."    


One by one, the security guards extended their necks, waiting for Ye Cheng to announce his promotion. As long as Brother Jiao could become the vice president, their positions would naturally rise.    


"Then I shall announce my first decision since taking office ?" Ye Cheng paused, and looked at Jiao Jianmin with a smile. Jiao Jianmin thought that Ye Cheng had compromised and wanted to announce him as the Vice President, and she was immediately overjoyed. I announce that you are to be removed from your duties. Please leave the Winning Group with all the security personnel.    


He really didn't like these arrogant fellows, so he naturally wouldn't leave any face for them. He also wanted to test whether his own privileges were good or not.    


Jiao Jianmin was immediately stunned on the spot. After reacting, his eyes immediately became fierce, fiercely glaring at Ye Cheng, he said coldly: "Are you f * cking looking for trouble? Say that again? "    


"You don't understand human speech?" Ye Cheng's expression darkened, and he said sternly: "I told you and your brothers to scram, and never step foot into the company ever again. You want to be a watchdog, I don't need it. "    


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