The Romantic Soldier King



These bodyguards were all men with blood natures and did not have many tricks up their sleeves. After being conquered by Ye Cheng with absolute strength, they all showed enough respect and adoration for him.    


Ye Cheng wanted to help them familiarize themselves with the environment of the company so that they could better carry out their work. But the problem was that he had not been in the company for long, so he did not know much about the situation of the different floors. Thus, he called Qiao Rubing. president Qiao, let's discuss a matter. Can you send someone who's familiar with the company's situation to help the newly appointed security personnel familiarize themselves with the situation on the various floors? "    


Qiao Rubing stopped what he was doing and said, "Of course you can! According to the company's rules, the head of each department will have an assistant or secretary. You can choose one of the company's employees to be your assistant and have her take the new security guard. "    


"Let me choose?" Ye Cheng really wanted to choose Chen Luoxue to have her as his Little Mi. It would be perfect. But the reality did not seem to work, and he could only give up his reverie.    


"You are in charge of all the staff in the security department. Even I don't have the authority to question them. As long as you greet the Personnel Department after you choose a good person. " With that said, Qiao Rubing hung up the phone. There were still a lot of work that needed her to do.    


"Who should I choose?" Although there were a lot of people that Ye Cheng knew in the company, he still had to choose from the people that he knew.    


He let Wu Da and the rest rest rest freely. After leaving the gym, he took the elevator to Ministry of Recruitment.    


"Good day, president Ye!" The beautiful colleagues from Ministry of Recruitment became even more friendly towards Ye Cheng.    


They didn't expect that when Ye Cheng left in the morning, he was still the Vice Supervisor. When he returned in the afternoon, he turned into a president Ye.    


There used to be a good man in front of them, but they didn't cherish him. After he left, the few beauties felt regret. If he had known earlier, regardless of whether he had a girlfriend or not, he would have pursued her. Now that he had become a president Ye, he must have lost interest in the employees below him.    


"Congratulations president Ye Gao Sheng, you better not forget about us colleagues!" Ning Luoling blinked her eyes and said mischievously.    


Ye Cheng laughed: "Even if I forget about myself, I will definitely not forget about you two."    


"president Ye, you have levelled up, does that not mean you have levelled up?"    


"Yeah, let president Ye treat us dinner and then go sing. What do you think?"    


"Agreed!" "Agreed ?"    


"This request can completely satisfy you. Tonight, I will invite you to a five-star hotel for a meal!" After leaving Ministry of Recruitment, Ye Cheng was a little reluctant to part with them. Everyday, it would be better to face young and beautiful women than a group of security men.    


After chatting happily with these workplace beauties, Ye Cheng walked over to Ning Luoling's table and mysteriously asked: "Ning Luoling, what do you think of your current job?"    


Ning Luoling didn't know why Ye Cheng would ask that, but he replied with a smile, "It's not bad!"    


Ye Cheng looked around, and still felt that it was more appropriate to let Ning Luoling be his assistant. "This little girl is lively and adorable, cute and pretty at the same time. It must be fun to work with her." Do you want to change your position? "    


Ning Luoling said: "That depends on what position I can get, of course I'm willing to go up."    


Ye Cheng asked directly: "The security department is currently lacking a general manager assistant, I want you to do it, are you willing? If you don't want to, then I'll go find someone else. "    


The working atmosphere of the Recruitment Department was rather depressing. During the past few days, Ye Cheng had gained some cheers and laughter, and Ning Luo Ling had been wanting to change her job. Moreover, the position of assistant to the general manager was a level higher than that of an ordinary staff member, and the salary was also a lot higher than that of an ordinary staff member.     


"?" She thought for a while and nodded without hesitation. "Of course I'm willing, but I don't have the experience of being an assistant. If I'm transferred to the security department, isn't it a bit difficult to transfer people across departments?"    


"As long as you are willing, you can leave the rest to me." With president Qiao's guarantee, Ye Cheng could simply transfer her to the security department with one sentence.    


Ning Luoling immediately beamed with joy: "I didn't waste my time with my colleague from president Ye. It's a deal. "    


When their colleagues heard that Ye Cheng was going to be transferred to the Security Department as an assistant, they were all secretly envious.    


"president Ye, does your security department still need more people?"    


"president Ye, do you think the security department has a job that suits me? Get me over there too! "    


"president Ye ?"    


A few beauties called him president Ye which was very cordial. They immediately expressed that they wanted to work at Ye Cheng's Security Department one after another. It was not that Personnel Department's job was not good, it was just that Director Zhang's management was too strict, and her mood at work was even heavier than going to the grave. She wasn't too willing to work under her.    


"For the time being, I don't need it. When I have a suitable job, I will definitely transfer you over." Ye Cheng never thought that his Security Department would be so popular. The beauties were all fighting to go, but the Security Department only needed an assistant, there was no way to send them over.    


After comforting them for a while, he rushed back to Zhang Yuchen's office. To poach from Ministry of Recruitment, he had to politely greet her, so as to not arouse her displeasure.    


Hearing the knock on the door, Zhang Yuchen said: "Come in!"    


The office door opened, and she saw Ye Cheng, and immediately got up, politely inviting Ye Cheng to sit. After all, Ye Cheng's status had already become a general manager, a level higher than hers. Congratulations president Ye Gao Sheng! "    


The single sentence that Ye Cheng had heard the most today was to congratulate Gao Sheng, but he did not feel much joy in his heart. I only came here to discuss a matter with you. I wanted to transfer a person from Ministry of Recruitment to the Security Department to be my assistant. "    


Zhang Yuchen asked politely: "Who do you want to transfer to?"    


"Ning Luoling!"    


"If she has no objections, I can totally release her."    


"Then I'll thank Director Zhang first."    


"You're welcome."    


After leaving Zhang Yuchen's office, he brought Ning Luoling who had packed his stuff and left under the envious gazes of the many beautiful employees.    


The two of them went to the security office on the tenth floor first. Ye Cheng arranged an assistant office for Ning Luoling next door to the general manager's office.    


After arranging everything for Ning Luoling, the two of them returned to the gym on the first floor. With Ye Cheng leading the group, Ning Luoling was responsible for introducing them. The group went around each floor in a careful manner as they familiarized themselves with the work environment. During this time, Ye Cheng had finished arranging the security personnel's work. When he was a commando, he had participated in the central leadership's defense work many times, so such simple actions naturally wouldn't be difficult for him.    


Ye Cheng had originally planned to invite Wu Dai and the others who were temporarily acting as security guards to dinner, but he had already promised Qiao Rubing that it would be inconvenient to bring them along. He could only find an excuse to deal with some matters today and make up for it tomorrow.    


After work, Ye Cheng went to his own car and saw Lei Zihan sitting there like a puppet. Only then did he remember this female delinquent. He opened the car door and asked with a smile, "How does it feel to be locked in the car for the whole day?"    


Lei Zihan could not move at all, he was trapped in the carriage, not only was his entire body stiff and sore, he had even almost suffocated to death. Big Bastard was looking forward to the arrival of the moon and stars. He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Let me go, be careful that I may sue you for illegal detention."    


"Your temper is still so bad. Looks like Bai Guan will think about it for a day." Ye Cheng held his chin, and said with a mischievous smile: "I'm considering whether or not I should lock you up for the night?"    


After hearing all this, Lei Zihan suppressed his anger and immediately pretended to be a gentle and quiet lady, begging gently: "No, I've already thought it through, there's no need to lock me up anymore. "I beg you, hurry up and release my acupuncture points. I need to go to the toilet. I'm suffocating."    


Lei Zihan's attitude changed too quickly, there must be a trick in it, of course Ye Cheng would not believe her words. He lowered his head, and gradually neared Lei Zihan's face, and laughed playfully: "Do you really want to know?"    


Seeing this extremely disgusted face that was about to reach his own, Lei Zihan immediately turned his head and cursed the bad rogue in his heart. No matter how resentful she was in her heart, she didn't dare show it on her face. She hurriedly said, "I really want to understand. I want to be a lady in the future."    


She muttered the second half of her sentence in her heart: That is impossible. This lady will never lower her head to evil forces.    


Ye Cheng emphasized: "This is what you said yourself. If your words do not match, don't blame me for punishing you multiple times."    


Lei Zihan looked obedient and nodded her head. Acting like a lady is really annoying, but it's better if I do what I want to do.    


"I'll believe you for the time being." Ye Cheng raised his hand and tapped on Lei Zihan's body a few times, clearing her acupoints.    


Finally able to move her body, Lei Zihan heaved a sigh of relief. She did not want to stay in the carriage for a second longer, so she anxiously pushed Ye Cheng away and stumbled out of the car. After taking a few deep gulps of fresh air, he began to move his stiff limbs. His entire body was sore, and his buttocks were about to lose their intuition. This big sister vows to be irreconcilable with you, sooner or later I will get my revenge!    


After calming down, Lei Zihan immediately took out an invitation from his body, and handed it over to Ye Cheng, and coldly said: "This is for you!"    


Ye Cheng joked: "What is this, you want to invite me to drink your wedding wine?"    


Nothing good could come out of the dog's mouth, so Lei Zihan endured his anger, puffed up his face, and stuffed the 'invitation card' into Ye Cheng's hands. "You have accepted it yourself. Remember to go on time tomorrow night. If you don't go, you'll be like a turtle hiding in its shell." With that, she turned and left, afraid that Ye Cheng would stop her.    


"What?" Ye Cheng let Lei Zihan leave, and when he opened the invitation, he realized that it was a challenge letter. The gist of it was that at eight o'clock tomorrow night, Xiong Pengkun would ask Ye Cheng to go to Ming Shan Martial Arts School for a battle. Even if he killed the other party, he wouldn't bear any legal responsibility.    


"How boring, I can't afford to be full after eating so much!" Ye Cheng was not interested in this kind of martial arts style challenge. With a flick of his wrist, the challenge letter spiralled out and fell into the trash can on the side of the road.    


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