The Romantic Soldier King



The interior of the private room was extremely spacious, and the decorations were extravagant. The floor was covered with a blanket of pure wool, the Italian leather sofa surrounded on three sides by crystal chandeliers, and the walls were hung with elegant oil paintings. A marble coffee table, a large LCD screen that took up half of the wall, and a brand-new jukebox ?    


Dressed in a qipao, a tall and good-looking waiter brought wine, fruit plates, nuts and other food in succession, filling the table to the brim.    


With Song Liangjun here, no one would have the cheek to take the initiative to order some songs. Due to the effects of the alcohol, the few beauties were all released. They sat on both sides of Ye Cheng and chatted merrily, playing dice and drinking wine.    


Song Liangjun did not want to miss the chance to sing with Qiao Rubing, so he took the initiative and sat beside her. He completely ignored the others and smiled, "Bing Bing, what song do you like to sing? How about we sing a love song to each other? "    


With Song Liangjun by his side, Qiao Rubing felt uncomfortable and said coldly: "I only like to hear other people singing, I never sing it myself."    


Song Liangjun persevered and pleaded, "This is a rare opportunity for us to sing together, no matter what, you have to give me a few songs that I can't sing with."    


When Qiao Xingye was still alive, he spared no effort to arrange the marriage between the two of them. Now that Qiao Xingye had unfortunately passed away, Qiao Rubing's marriage was entirely up to him. Furthermore, tonight's performance of Song Liangjun had allowed her to clearly see Song Liangjun's hypocritical face, and she did not want to get involved with him at all. " I drank some wine at night, but my throat was so sore that I couldn't sing. "    


From the start of the meal, Song Liangjun had been in a bad mood. Not only was he ruthlessly ridiculed by Ye Cheng, even Qiao Rubing's attitude towards him became cold and indifferent, and his heart was filled with melancholy.    


After repeatedly being rejected by Qiao Rubing, Song Liangjun could not help but insist with his thick skin and volunteered: "Then I won't force it. Since you like to listen to other people's songs, I will make a special song for you out of embarrassment."    


He picked up the wireless microphone and cleared his throat to get attention. In the end, the few great beauties did not care about this and continued to excitedly chat and drink, making Song Liangjun extremely unbalanced in his heart. He coughed again. "No one orders the song, so let me do the first song. I offer it to the goddess of my heart, Bing Bing."    


Qiao Rubing felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard Song Liangjun calling her 'Bing Bing'. He felt so disgusted that he wanted to puke.    


The private box suddenly fell into absolute silence. Song Liangjun was still waiting for everyone to clap, but in the end, no one moved, making him extremely embarrassed. He quickly looked for a way to step up, and said to the beauty who was standing close to him, "Beautiful lady, may I trouble you to order 'Moonlight represents my Heart', thank you!"    


The beautiful girl sitting next to him unwillingly took a seat and looked for 'Moonlight represents My Heart'. Then, she clicked on 'Play'.    


The music started to play. Song Liangjun calmed his mind, looked at Qiao Rubing with a deep feeling and smile, and started to sing along with the music. This song was something that he was very good at, and he didn't know how many times he had sung it. A mature voice with some magnetism, an expression of deep love and concentration, using a tone that was extremely accurate, vividly depicted this popular love song from all over the world.    


Even the beauties who were unsatisfied with Song Liangjun could not help but exclaim in admiration. His singing skills were indeed not bad, it was close to the level of a professional. If she didn't understand his character, she might really be moved.    


When the song ended, all the beauties applauded, and Ye Cheng also clapped along with the crowd.    


Seeing Qiao Rubing clapping for her, Song Liangjun finally felt better. He continued to look at her with deep emotion and asked proudly, "Bing Bing, what do you think of my singing? This song represents my feelings for you. " He was absolutely confident that he could sing this song. In the past, every time a party ended, there would always be thunderous applause. Furthermore, there was even a beauty who would take the initiative to kiss him.    


"Qiao Rubing couldn't stand Song Liangjun's gaze and nodded indifferently. "That's right!"    


"Thank you!" These two words were the best assessments Song Liangjun had heard tonight. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, and thought to himself: As long as you work harder, taking down Qiao Rubing tonight won't be a problem.    


He glanced at Ye Cheng with extreme arrogance and provocation in his eyes, "president Ye, do you want to play a song as well?" He had to suppress Ye Cheng no matter what. Even if you have sharp tongue, do you believe that a person who has never seen the world can sing better than me?    


Ye Cheng laughed: "I don't know how to sing, forget it!" He rarely came to KTV before, and apart from a few military songs, he did not have many songs he could sing.    


Hearing Ye Cheng's words, Song Liangjun became even more pleased, and realized that the chance to trample Ye Cheng under his feet had finally come. president Ye, you are too modest, how can you not know how to sing? At the very least, the national anthem and < Only Mother Is Good > will be sung. " As he said that, he personally held out the microphone to Ye Cheng. If it's any one of them, it doesn't matter if they're badly sung. They're just there to liven things up for everyone! "    


Song Liangjun forcefully pushed the microphone into Ye Cheng's hands, then sat back beside Qiao Rubing, happily waiting to see him make a fool of himself.    


"What kind of person is this? The president Ye said that he can't sing, yet he still forced him to sing. Isn't this deliberately making him look bad?!"    


"That's right, that's right! This kind of person is too despicable!"    


A few beauties muttered in anger at Ye Cheng.    


Chen Luoxue had never heard Ye Cheng sing before, even though he wanted to hear it, but when he saw that Song Liangjun was purposely mocking and ridiculing Ye Cheng, he could not help but say: "Ye Cheng, how about I sing one for you?"    


Song Liangjun anxiously stopped him: "That won't do, how can I let someone sing it for me? Isn't this equivalent to having another man enter the bridal chamber on your behalf?! "    


Chen Luoxue frowned, and said in a displeased tone: "Boss Song, your words are kind of purposely hurtful!"    


Song Liangjun laughed: "Absolutely not, I am just making an inappropriate comparison."    


Forcing me to sing a song, I'm really asking for a beating. Ye Cheng squinted his eyes and laughed: "Since Mr. Song is so interested, I can sing a song to satisfy your request. If you find someone to replace you in your bridal room, remember to look for me! "    


Song Liangjun's face almost turned green from anger. No matter how much he mocked and ridiculed president Ye, he would always be laughed at and rejected by her.    


"I'll help you order whatever the president Ye wants to sing." The beautiful lady who had chosen the song just now asked actively with a smile.    


Ye Cheng said with a smile, "Then let's play Little Qi's' Canghai Laughter '!"    


The group of beauties applauded warmly, cheering and cheering for Ye Cheng one after another. The applause was definitely many times more passionate than after Song Liangjun had finished singing a song. To be fair, Song Liangjun had sung it very well, filled with deep emotions. They all felt that it would be difficult for Ye Cheng to sing a song that surpassed Song Liangjun's, but they had to compare the passion of support with this hypocritical gentleman.    


Song Liangjun saw that Ye Cheng had not even started singing and had already received such treatment, he could not help but sneer, how are you going to make a fool of yourself later on. He crossed his legs, picked up a glass of beer, and started drinking with satisfaction, thinking about how he would mock Ye Cheng in the future.    


The familiar melody came out. Ye Cheng put the microphone to his mouth, stared at the title and sang along.    


Canghai laughter, torrential cross-strait tide    


Only remember the present day with the wave    


The heavens were laughing and the tides in the world were surging ?    


Who wins, who wins, who wins, who loses, who loses, who loses, who knows    


Jiang Shan Laughter, Yan Yu Yao    


How much more than a little bit of coquettishness in the world of mortals    


Qing Feng smiled as though he was alone ?    


There is still a picture of the night    


Lala ?    


His voice was rough and bold, filled with an unfathomable sense of pride. Sometimes it was majestic, sometimes it was cool and comfortable, sometimes it was clear from the vicissitudes of life. Each small paragraph showed a different kind of emotion, carefree and full of joy. It was as if a group of people were clad in white, like a crown, like a boat in the middle of a river. Under the evening sky, the sound of a zither could be heard, and a laugh could be heard in the blue sea.    


The unrestrained expression, the clear eyes, and the hint of cynical ridicule on the corner of his mouth combined with the unique charm of his voice made the song almost perfect. This caused one to feel a sense of heroism, and at the same time, a sense of desolation.    


Song Liangjun couldn't help but stare at Ye Cheng, the words he had just thought of to strike at Ye Cheng were completely useless. You still say that you don't know how to sing? Your mother, you sang even more brilliantly than a celebrity. You're just pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger!    


All of the beauties were dumbstruck. They looked at Ye Cheng blankly, completely captivated by his manly demeanor.    


After he finished singing, Ye Cheng spoke out with emotion: "Think about it for a lifetime, be it a life of wealth or glory, or a life of poverty and desolation. In the end, if you lose everything, you might as well enjoy life's happiness. Ask the heavens with your wine, and Canghai will laugh! "    


After the song ended, the private room once again fell into absolute silence. Everyone was carefully considering Ye Cheng's words, and experiencing his breadth and grandeur.    


Ye Cheng swept his gaze across the private box, and laughed: "My singing is not so good, did I scare you guys? Not even encouraging applause, not even flowers? "    


The beauties finally regained their senses as they clapped passionately and loudly. They didn't even know that their hands were red from clapping.    


"president Ye, you sang so well!"    


"That's right, it's much better than those singers!"    


"president Ye, you are too much. You are simply a god in our hearts!"    


A few beautiful girls praised her loudly, and even took the opportunity to express their admiration and admiration to Ye Cheng. They weren't trying to flatter Ye Zichen, but they were praising him from the bottom of their hearts. They were all attracted to the sort of man that women didn't have.    


The unique temperament that Ye Cheng displayed was clear-headed, experienced, and magnanimous, causing all the beauties to be captivated.    


"The vicissitudes of life, the boldness and elegance of life. This is the most unique song I've ever heard." Qiao Rubing praised her generously.    


Seeing the crowd of beauties praising Ye Cheng one after another, becoming the main characters of the private box and snatching away the halo that should have belonged to him, Song Liangjun withered like an eggplant that had been beaten up by frost.    


Chen Luoxue looked at Ye Cheng strangely. She thought that she had completely understood Ye Cheng, but it turned out that she didn't even see his fur clearly. She stood up without hesitation and threw herself into Ye Cheng's embrace, hugging him tightly and even sending him a passionate kiss.    


Seeing that all the beauties were glaring at the man he had chosen, Chen Luoxue had to show some gratitude and tell them that Ye Cheng belonged to him. A corner of the wall was not so easily dug.    


Witnessing Ye Cheng and Chen Luoxue's kiss, the other beauties felt envy and jealousy in their hearts. Right now, men like Ye Cheng who were open-minded and open-minded were pitifully few. It was so easy to meet one, and they already had a reputation.    


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