The Romantic Soldier King



On the way back, Ye Cheng passed by An Tai's house and found a parking spot to park and get out.    


He had already been to An Tai's house a few times, easily making his way to Yin Fangyi's house. He did not come here to have fun in the middle of the night, but wanted to secretly take away the box of money that was placed in Yin Fangyi's house.    


The second floor was dark. Through the curtain, one could vaguely see the dim light that came from Yin Fangyi's bedroom, it looked like it came from a TV screen. Could it be that Sister Yin is still awake? "    


Opening the electronic door to the staircase, Ye Cheng entered and slowly walked up the stairs to Yin Fangyi's house. He pressed his ear against the anti-theft door and focused on listening to what was going on inside the house.    


After a minute or two, he still hadn't heard a sound. After confirming that no one was in the living room, he took out his master key, easily opened the anti-theft door, and quietly entered the room.    


The living room was covered in darkness. Ye Cheng could only vaguely see the contours of some of the decorations. Even if he couldn't see clearly, he could feel the sofa with his eyes closed. He glanced at the bedroom door, and discovered that there was a small gap between the doors. An extremely weak light came out, which meant that Yin Fangyi was probably still watching TV.    


Ye Cheng raised his leg and walked to the front of the sofa. His feet did not make any sound. He was about to lean over and pull out the box of cash and gold bars that had been hidden under the sofa when he heard a thumping noise from the bedroom.    


"Ah, ah, ah ?" Two completely different women's voices could be heard.    


Ye Cheng's ears were really good, he immediately recognized that one of them was a voice from the television, and the other one was a real woman's voice. No way, is Sister Yin watching the adult film?    


That high-pitched and tender voice was simply too enticing, causing Ye Cheng to uncontrollably walk towards the bedroom's door to take a look. Through the gap in the door, he could clearly see the charming scene inside the bedroom. It was just as he had guessed. Initially, he only wanted to take away the box, but he didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains. His spirit immediately soared.    


Yin Fangyi was half-lying on the bed, completely naked. Her two slender and beautiful legs were spread apart as one of her jade hands groped around the mysterious space as her beautiful eyes earnestly stared at the thirty-inch liquid crystal display on the computer table in front of her.    


The LCD screen on the computer was displaying an anime version of a man and woman's hand-to-hand combat. Along with the passionate scenes of a man and a woman, tempting sounds of ups and downs could be heard from the speakers.    


"Sister Yin was lucky to have this, but you still want to watch anime versions?" Ye Cheng casually glanced at the liquid crystal screen for a few moments, then his eyes landed on Yin Fangyi's snow-white body, which could make people spurt blood.    


Her mature and beautiful face was already flushed with emotions. It was a bit like being drunk. Xiao Yan lightly bit his lips with his silver teeth. From time to time, his throat would emit a soul-stirring sound. He was completely immersed in the pleasure of entertaining himself.    


Any normal man would couldn't resist the temptation to watch such a scene. Ye Cheng felt that his mouth was parched and his tongue parched.    


When he reached the most enjoyable part, Yin Fangyi let out a long and resounding cry. Her delicate body swayed, and the big white rabbit in front of her chest also started to shake. Her two plump and fair legs could not help but close, tightly clamping her hand.    


Her marriage was a failure, and for the past ten years, she had been secretly satisfying herself whenever she wanted to. It had been a long time since she'd enjoyed that feeling, so today's reaction was especially intense.    


"Ye Cheng... Come on... Come and have him... I want... Push... "Howl!"    


Yin Fangyi shouted out emotionally, her fingers moving in and out familiar with each other, accompanied by the soft moans coming out of her throat. She was a little lost. She didn't know what she was shouting about.    


Ye Cheng who was standing outside and peeping heard her shout, his whole body shivered and he almost rushed in. F * ck off, she cares about Silver Wing. This hobby is too special, wouldn't I be at a disadvantage then? During the day, he repeatedly rejected me. At night, he fantasized about me. If you tell me what you want, why should I not give it to you?    


Yin Fangyi had never seen a man in ten years. At this time, he was an extremely hungry and thirsty young woman, desperately trying to satisfy him.    


"Mm ?" She faced upwards, her mouth wide open. Suddenly, she let out a high-pitched cry, and her fragrant body couldn't help but tremble.    


After her voice faded, her entire body collapsed onto the bed as if she had no bones. Every inch of her delicate body exuded an allure that would be fatal to any man. There was an expression of satisfaction and pleasure on his face. Her face was rosy and alluring like a red apple, making people want to take a few bites out of it.    


Ye Cheng was extremely excited, as if he had been injected with a powerful stimulant. At this time, should he go in to moisten this young woman who was enjoying a long drought?    


After being satisfied with himself, Yin Fangyi, who had drank a lot by himself, felt very tired. Sleepy came and his eyes blurred, as if he could see Ye Cheng's face. She smiled slightly, thinking that she was hallucinating, why would Ye Cheng be in her room right now? Her eyelids were heavy as lead, and she slowly closed them.    


Yin Fangyi had a dream. While he was sleeping, a man suddenly went into his bed. She opened her eyes, she did not expect that the man was Ye Cheng, and felt something hot entering her body.    


When they met in her dreams, she took the initiative to cater to Ye Cheng, trying to learn all sorts of moves, and desperately fighting for them. After tossing and turning for some time, she finally reached the climax. Only when a wave of boiling hot essence entered her body did she finally fall into a deep sleep, exhausted.    


"Ding ling ling ?" Yin Fangyi was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone. She opened her sleepy eyes and immediately looked to her side. Realizing that Ye Cheng was not around, she sighed. It turned out that last night had really been a dream, and he felt an indescribable sense of loss in his heart.    


She rolled over and suddenly felt a slight pain in her lower body. She was an experienced woman, and she immediately realized that this was an aftereffect of excessive indulgence.    


Yin Fangyi leisurely lifted up the blanket to take a look. The first thing that entered her eyes were the spots on the bed sheet where the mark of the Love Queen had appeared. She sniffed a few times, and could still smell the scent of erosion in the air, as if it belonged to a man.    


She patted her head as she recalled her dream from last night. It was actually so real. A voice also rang beside his ears: Sister Yin, I like you. You will be my woman from now on, and I will be responsible for you.    


Suddenly, she realized that what had happened yesterday was not a dream at all, but real.    


"How could this be? How did Ye Cheng appear in my bedroom?" Yin Fangyi panicked, he could not understand no matter how he thought about it.    


When she got up, she saw a note pasted on the computer screen, with a few words written on it: Ye Cheng has messed up! After reading the words on the piece of paper, Yin Fangyi's face immediately flushed red, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. "Damn it, this is too arrogant!"    


At this time, Ye Cheng was eating breakfast at a roadside stall. He was still thinking about what Yin Fangyi would do when he saw the note he left behind.    


After eating breakfast, he drove across several streets and arrived before Jin Sen's law firm. He dialed a number and said, "Qin's lawyer, president Qiao sent me to pick you up.    


A very pleasant voice came over the phone, "Okay, I'll go downstairs immediately."    


Before he even saw her, he heard her voice. Ye Cheng realized that this Qin's lawyer must be a great beauty, if not he would be too ashamed to hear her melodious voice.    


Ever since he accepted Qiao Rubing's request to investigate the mastermind behind Qiao Xingye's death, Ye Cheng did not stay idle and continued to investigate secretly. Through the account number provided by Phantom Fox, he found out that the employer used the Swiss Bank's account.    


The Swiss Bank had always kept customer information confidential, but it was not difficult for Ye Cheng. He immediately contacted the famous international hacker Mei Ying he met when he was a member of the special forces, and got her to help him steal information. Soon enough, he found out that the payer was actually someone unexpected, Qiao Rulong.    


Ye Cheng had suspected Qiao Rulong before, but that suspicion was quickly dispelled. After all, Qiao Rulong was Qiao Xingye's son. Who would have thought that the most impossible person would become the biggest suspect?    


After finding out that the mastermind was most likely Qiao Rulong, he followed this clue and continued his investigation. He made another shocking discovery, Qiao Rulong was not Qiao Xingye's biological son, but rather his foster son.    


After investigating such an important clue, Ye Cheng immediately told Qiao Rubing. When Qiao Rubing found out that Qiao Rulong was not his own brother, he was extremely shocked. In all these years, her father had never mentioned Qiao Rulong's ancestry.    


Ye Cheng also found out from Qiao Rubing that Qiao Xingye didn't like Qiao Rulong when he was alive, so he raised him up to be his successor, not the older Qiao Rulong.    


From the few points above, Ye Cheng surmised that Qiao Rulong was definitely dissatisfied with his father's methods, and had accumulated resentment for him. That was the reason why he thought of using the time while he was abroad to hire mercenaries to kill Qiao Xingye, and take the chance to take Qiao Xingye's property.    


Qiao Rulong thought that he had done it flawlessly and flawlessly. Qiao Xingye's sudden death would definitely not be guessed at by anyone, and he did not know that it was thoroughly investigated by Ye Cheng.    


Qiao Rubing repeatedly told Ye Cheng that this matter could not be mentioned to anyone for the time being, and she herself pretended to know nothing.    


Today, Winning Group was holding a general meeting of the shareholders and would elect the new chairman. Qiao Rubing specially invited Ye Cheng to come and pick up the Qin's lawyer, and also to protect the safety of the Qin's lawyer, because the Qin's lawyer had a very important will of Qiao Xingye's that he left behind before he died.    


Not long after, Qin's lawyer appeared downstairs, dressed in a black uniform set dress. She was about twenty-five or twenty-six years old. Her skin was not very white, but her face was very beautiful. She was a rare beauty.    


She wore a professional suit that tightly wrapped around her slim figure, giving her a curvy figure. She wore black high heels, which made her originally graceful figure seem even taller and her temperament was outstanding.    


Ye Cheng got off the car, and greeted: "You are Qin's lawyer?"    


Qin's lawyer directly arrived in front of Ye Cheng, extended her pure white hands and smiled: "Hello, Mr. Ye!"    


There was a charming smile at the corner of her mouth, giving off a very easy-going vibe. In Ye Cheng's impression, lawyers were all exceptionally serious and meticulous, and the Qin's lawyer in front of him had completely overturned his view of lawyers.    


"Hello! Qin's lawyer, please get in the carriage! " Shaking hands, Ye Cheng opened the passenger door in an extremely gentlemanly manner and invited Qin's lawyer in.    


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