The Romantic Soldier King



Ge Jun said in a righteous tone, "Chairman Joe, you heard it with your own ears. Vice President Feng doesn't even treat us as human beings, which is enough to prove that her words that insulted our security are true. Even though I'm just a security guard, I want to protect our dignity and the interests of the company. "If everyone still doesn't believe me, you can go check the monitor in the lobby."    


Since Ye Cheng had the intention to promote him, Ge Jun would naturally put in effort to show that he was still on Ye Cheng's side. As the saying went, a chance is left for those who are prepared. Ge Jun saw a chance that belonged to him, and had grasped it very well.    


Ye Cheng secretly sighed with emotion: These words were said beautifully, I was indeed not wrong about him, he is worthy of being promoted greatly.    


Ge Jun's words also gained Qiao Rubing's goodwill, he was not afraid of any power, his mind was meticulous, and was a good employee. She coldly said, "As for what the truth of the matter is, I will naturally investigate it thoroughly. But first, I want to find out whether Vice President Feng spoke words to insult president Ye and the security guards. Between Ye Cheng and Feng Panrong, her heart naturally inclined towards Ye Cheng by a little.    


Hearing the monitoring, Feng Panrong's expression changed, and his heart became cold by half. However, how could she easily admit it, and quibbled: "It was Ye Cheng who insulted me first."    


Ye Cheng questioned: "I've insulted you? How did I insult you? "    


Feng Panrong no longer had any restraints on him and directly said: "At that time, your attitude was extremely bad, I was asking you if you wanted to continue working in the company, it was all because of you deliberately taking the opportunity to be a hooligan and insulting me."    


Ye Cheng laughed: "If I remember correctly, my answer back then was yes, not to work under you, but to work for the company. It's your own dirty thoughts, and you bite me back. "    


"You ? Sly! " Feng Panrong had also realized that what Ye Cheng had said at that time was very ambiguous and could be explained in any way.    


"Alright, stop arguing. Let's go to the surveillance room to check on the monitor first!" Uncle Liu, can I trouble you to find the two front desk attendants and ask them about what happened? " Qiao Rubing threw down his words, turned and left, the group following closely behind.    


Arriving at the control room, one of the security guards called up the surveillance footage and quickly found what had happened.    


The content on the screen was basically the same as what Ye Cheng said, especially when Feng Panrong was the first to attack, and that Ye Cheng was only defending himself, he pulled out the electric baton and electrocuted her, allowing everyone to see everything clearly. After that, a few security guards appeared on the screen, carefully inspecting every nook and cranny of the reception desk.    


Seeing that, everyone understood, and stared at Feng Panrong in disgust. This woman's character could be said to be extremely bad, to be lying with her eyes open.    


At this time, Director Liu brought the front desk into the monitoring room. His investigation was no different from what Ye Cheng had said.    


Ye Cheng was not afraid that they would investigate, he was going in the name of inspection. Moreover, the two front desk beauties also saw Feng Panrong's performance and opinions at that time. All the evidence was beneficial to them.    


Qiao Rubing's face darkened as he stared at Feng Panrong and said: "Vice President Feng, what else do you have to say for yourself? You better give president Ye and the company a reasonable explanation! "    


At this time, Feng Panrong wished he could find a hole to hide in. Her heart was unwilling to accept this outcome, and retorted: "Chairman Joe, this video simply doesn't explain anything. It was Ye Cheng who insulted me before, and only then would I do such a thing."    


"Even now, you still refuse to admit your mistakes, turning right and wrong into black and white, trying your best to justify your mistakes." Qiao Rubing no longer bothered to look at Feng Panrong. Instead, he said coldly, "Vice President Feng, your performance today has disappointed me greatly. You are no longer fit to be the Vice President of the Personnel Department.    


Qiao Rubing had just become the chairman, so she had to take over the entire Winning Group. Now was the time to establish her might, but unfortunately, Feng Panrong had slammed his gun into hers, and did not take her as an example. What's more, Feng Panrong's character was really not good, and he directly fired her.    


Feng Panrong was so angry that his entire body was trembling, he pointed at Qiao Rubing and hatefully said, "You Qiao, even you are joining them to bully me, just you wait and see. And there's that Lin guy, I won't let you off. " After saying that, she angrily rushed out.    


No one would feel pity for a person who had fired Feng Panrong. Instead, everyone applauded and cheered.    


Qiao Rubing shook Ye Cheng's hand and said sincerely: "president Ye, I have let you suffer."    


Ye Cheng used some methods to get rid of Feng Panrong and kicked her out of the company. He felt satisfied and had to pretend that he was wronged. As long as the company does not suffer any losses, it's not a big deal for me to suffer a little bit. "    


"Always remember the interests of the company and not care about personal gains and losses. This kind of good employee is what the company needs, and the company will never treat any good employee unfairly." Qiao Rubing generously praised him a few times. She was also supporting Ye Cheng in her disguise.    


Ge Jun secretly gave a thumbs up: president Ye's technique is really powerful. Not only did he play with this smelly weasel, he also made the chairman look at him in a new light. It seems that I need to learn more in the future.    


In the first meeting of the higher ups after Qiao Rubing became the chairman, he specially mentioned what happened in the afternoon and informed the entire company that Feng Panrong had been expelled. He also praised the security guards who were working hard, and especially praised Ye Cheng.    


With someone trying to add fuel to the fire, this matter was quickly spread around the company. The management of each department were glad that they did not get hit by a gun as well, but they also recognized Ye Cheng at the same time. The security department was not easy to mess with, they would not provoke them in the future.    


During the meeting, Qiao Rubing even announced a series of personnel changes. For example, Chen Luoxue had been promoted to the position of Assistant Chairman, Director Liu had been promoted to the position of Vice President, and there were also people who took over the position of Vice President of Personnel Department.    


After a change of personnel, some were happy while others were sad. The higher-ups who were unfriendly to Qiao Rulong and were close to him in the past had all been moved away from their important positions, or had their rights weakened. Those who gained Qiao Rubing's trust all rose to their positions.    


If Qiao Rubing wanted to build a business empire with himself as the absolute leader, personnel change was only the first step.    


In the hospital, beside Hao Tengda's sickbed, Feng Panrong recounted her unfair encounters with tears and mucus. During this time, she was taking leave to take care of her husband, Hao Tengda.    


She had gone to the company today to see Ye Cheng, who had injured her husband. She had wanted to use her power in the company to get Ye Cheng to scram from the company. In the end, not only was she not able to steal a chicken but she also ate a meter. Ye Cheng was not harmed at all, not to mention that she had been electrocuted, she was even kicked out of Winning Group.    


Hao Tengda frowned, his expression extremely ugly. Ye Cheng was the nemesis of their family, and their entire family was fiercely taught a lesson by him. His wife fainted, and he still had no job. His son, who had destroyed Ye Cheng's phone, was taken away secretly by the National Security Agency, and his wife was fined fifty thousand yuan and had not been released even now. On the other hand, because he had neglected his duty, the Deputy Director's job was suspended and he still had to be investigated.    


At this time, Hao Tengda hated Ye Cheng so much that he did not eat his flesh, and drinking his blood, he found it difficult to quell the hatred in his heart. He also realised that Ye Cheng's identity was not simple, if not his precious son would not have been taken away secretly by the National Security Agency just because he broke Ye Cheng's phone, and he would also have been suspended for investigation.    


After pondering for a long time, he called Qiao Rubing and tried to use a gentle tone to speak: "Chairman Joe, I'm sorry! My wife is very impulsive sometimes, and she must have caused you trouble. "    


Hearing him say that, Feng Panrong immediately grabbed onto his waist and flew into a rage: "I've suffered, if you don't help me vent my anger, and go and fawn over Qiao, are you still my husband? "Trash!"    


Hao Tengda immediately covered his phone, his eyes stared, revealing an overbearing, fierce look, Feng Panrong was startled, and immediately retracted his hand. Husband and wife had been together for so many years, she knew Hao Tengda too well.    


Receiving Hao Tengda's call, Qiao Rubing thought about it three times but still accepted. He tried to be polite: "Mister Hao is too courteous, the way I handle this is also for the big picture. I hope you don't mind."    


"A tiger father doesn't need a dog son. Chairman Joe is a strong lady of our Eastsea City, how could I mind!" Hao Tengda cursed in his heart: If I wasn't temporarily suspended, how could I have been so low. My wife knew she was wrong. She had lost her head, and now she's regretting it. Chairman Joe, look, can you make her go back to work? I guarantee that she will never do anything out of line again! "    


"Words are spilled water, and the news of Vice President Feng has already spread throughout the entire company, so it is really inappropriate for her to come back now. "How about this, we can discuss this after things have settled down." Qiao Rubing tactfully refused.    


Qiao Rubing's intentions were not obvious, but if Feng Panrong wanted to go to the company, there was nothing he could do. Hao Tengda's face immediately darkened, and her voice carried a bit of anger. Since that's the case, I won't disturb you any longer. "    


Hanging up the phone, flames almost shot out of his eyes as he cursed, "Stupid bitch, I pulled down my face to beg you, you really don't know what's good for you ?"    


"Why, is Qiao Rubing not willing?" Feng Panrong shouted again, "Those Qiao family members are going too far, I cannot swallow my anger. Tengda, your wife has been bullied so badly, you have to avenge me. "    


If Hao Tengda was still in power, he would definitely cause trouble for the Winning Group. However, he was currently being suspended for investigation, and it was still uncertain if he could save the position of Deputy Director. How could he have the ability to challenge Qiao Rubing?    


Although Qiao Rubing did not hold any official position, she was still the most beautiful woman in the entire Eastsea City. She was a strong woman in the business world, and now, she had control over a large corporation with a market value of several billion. If she was truly willing to let go of her face, who knows how many people would be willing to stand up for her and fight a suspended Deputy Director. At that time, Hao Tengda would not even know how he would die.    


"Both Qiao Rubing and Ye Cheng are not to be trifled with, and this is an extraordinary period, so I can only endure this attitude for the time being." Hao Tengda was unwilling.    


"Trash, I don't care if you capture my son, or if I'm bullied, you don't dare to help me vent my anger." "Son, your mother's life is so bitter, I don't want to live anymore ?" It was Feng Panrong's forte.    


"Alright!" Hao Tengda roared, "I'll try my best to help you vent your anger, but it's not good for us to directly come out and speak of this matter, let me think about it!"    


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